Glass and Butterflies - Sectumsempra_and_Chill - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter 1: The beginning of the end

Chapter Text

“Draco, come.”

He could hear his mother calling him but couldn’t even grasp from which direction her voice was coming from since the pounding of his heart was all he could hear.

Draco couldn’t breathe and couldn’t manage to get his brain to work enough for his feet to move. The courtyard around him was destroyed. Rubble and dust covered everything, and the smell of blood was even worse. Why wouldn’t someone around him say something, anything to keep him on this side of the courtyard. He knew that no one would look him in his eye right now, if anything the people currently around him would happily spit on him if they weren’t as fear stricken as Draco himself was right now. Draco Malfoy the Death Eater deserved to be with “his” kind. Years of his life wasted spent at this pathetic school all for it to come to what…. this?

Potter was dead. The chosen one was dead. He could hear that beast Hagrid sniffling and wailing from here. This is it. Potter didn’t survive and everything had just got a sh*t tonne worse. Draco heard his mother call him again. Finally, he managed to get his feet to move and began to walk over to his parents.

“Ahh Draco, please join us. The fun has only just begun.” Voldemort hissed, a creepy grin spreading on his snake like face.

The dark Lord then proceeded to wrap Draco in some weird embrace and Draco felt a shiver glide down his spine. The stench of death was lingering from the Dark Lord. Finally, after what felt like a lifetime Draco left the dark lord’s presence and walked over to stand by his mother’s side.

His mother held his left arm tightly. Draco could feel her shaking and quickly glanced at his mother. Narcissa Malfoy did not look like the elegant lady she normally presented as to society. Her eyes were bloodshot like she had been crying and dark purple bags hung under her eyes. At least Draco knew where he inherited his own dark shadows on his face from. Her hair hung around her face, fallen from her normally well put together up-do. Narcissa looked terrified, and a quick glance at his father proved to show his father wasn’t fairing any better. Looking back over at that half giant Hagrid Draco could see that Potter was still dead. Draco half expected the chosen one to spring from Hagrid’s arms screaming some useless spell like 'Expelliarmus' and attempting to save the day.

“You will all bow down to me” the Dark Lord’s slimy voice echoed through the courtyard “And anyone who does not wish to join my ranks will be captured or die.”

Draco almost smirked when Neville bloody Longbottom stood forward advancing through the crowd towards the Dark Lord’s disgusting snake Nagini. Then with a sudden swish through the air, Nagini was sliced in half with a sword of all things – how the hell did Neville get a sword?!?

Chaos erupted and everyone heard The Dark Lord hiss “NOOOO! NAGINI”

“You blood traitor!” Bellatrix Lestrange screamed and aimed her wand at Neville. “AVADA KEDAVRA”

Neville Longbottom fell to the floor. Longbottom was dead.

Draco could feel his stomach turn and a hot trickle of sweat fall down his neck. He could hear his crazy aunt Bellatrix cackling and then she ran in front of the crowd with her wand still high in the air.



Draco saw the blonde Lovegood girl step forward and it looked like she was ready to raise her wand towards Bellatrix, however Professor McGonagall grabbed the Loony Ravenclaw and pulled her back into the crowd.

Bellatrix’s piercing cackling laugh continued to echo throughout the courtyard.

Several flashes of green light were then lighting up the early morning sky and Draco could count 8 people dead. Draco could see Dean Thomas, Cho Chang, his charms Professor- Flitwick and a second year Hufflepuff were amongst the casualties. There were more screams and cries from the crowd.

Voldemort had just taken his anger out on the first unfortunate people he had seen in his pure rage.

“Kill them all” The Dark Lord declared, then with a puff of thick black smoke he disappeared.

All hell had broken loose again, and the courtyard was once again a war zone. Spells, screams, blood and cries were echoing everywhere. Lord Voldemort’s back up army had begun to fill the courtyard and spread into the castle. This included trolls, more spiders, vampires and Inferi (the undead)

They have no chance thought Draco. Now that the Dark Lord had deployed his second army the others had no chance. There was next to none of them left now anyway. Potter was no longer here to inspire the masses. He could feel the defeated spirit in the air and more and more deaths were occurring with every passing second. Why didn’t they all just pack up and run? The Dark Lord had won.

Draco slipped his silver death eater mask on and decided to get the hell out of there.

He grabbed his mother’s hand and decided to get them both back to their manor so they could grab what they needed and flee – go somewhere no one could find them and wait out this stupid war.

‘Where is your father Draco? I will not leave without him’. Narcissa cried.

Amongst all the chaos Draco didn’t even realise his father had disappeared somewhere. Probably rounding up a bunch of mud bloods somewhere – who even cared.

‘Mother please, Father will be fine, we need to leave – get the hell out of here!’ Draco urged.

Draco pulled his mother along just needing them both to get past the castles boundaries so they could apparate out of there, back to the Manor. Once home they could pack up and leave, go somewhere warm and be free from this nightmare. Life wasn't about to get better now that Voldemort was about to take over the country.

Draco felt his mother suddenly lift in the air, ropes constricting around her body. Narcissa screamed for Draco as she was lifted away and back towards the castle. Draco ran after her and realised she had been bound and levitated by Ron Weasley and Seamus Finnigan.


Draco was suddenly hit with a strong stunning spell and dropped to the floor. He felt his head hit the rubble beneath him and swear he could taste blood.

‘Good job Ginny!’ Draco heard Seamus shout.

Stupid bitch was Draco’s last thought before he blacked, his head throbbing from hitting the hard ground below him.

Chapter 2: Patentibus


Song recommendations for this chapter:
Monsters (Acoustic Version) - Ruelle

Chapter Text

The blood gushing out of Luna Lovegood’s arm was something out of a muggle horror movie. How Luna was still standing and hadn’t passed out already Hermione would never understand. Hermione could almost see bone and her hands were covered in Luna’s warm blood. She was trying to mend Lunas injury the best she could with the basic healing spells she knew and the last of the vial of dittany she had on her.

‘It’s ok Hermione’ Luna said in her dream-like voice ‘Not like I need that arm, not really.'

Luna gave Hermione a reassuring smile as Hermione ripped off the bottom of her T-Shirt and used it as a make-do bandage. She tightly wrapped it around Luna’s wound and was happy to see the blood had stopped gushing from Lunas arm and it looked like her basic healing spells had worked. Luna's calm demeaner suddenly changed and she pointed in front of her.

‘Behind you Hermione!’ Luna screamed as her bright blue eyes grew wide in shock.

Fenrir Greyback was standing there licking his disgusting lips after obviously sniffing them out. Hermione had thought they were relatively safe and hidden behind this half-destroyed pillar whilst she was trying to heal Luna. Keeping them hidden was their main priority as of current.

‘RUN’ Shouted Hermione and both girls sprinted down the corridor of the castle, avoiding the damaged debris that was once the castles walls laid out in front of their path. Hermione could see Luna right by her side as they ran from Greyback and swore she could hear not only her pounding heartbeat but Luna’s as well. Hermione realised they couldn’t outrun a werewolf, and Luna was starting to slow – Hermione could tell Luna was in great deal of pain and was starting to look even more pale than usual. Hermione thought quick and looked behind her as she continued running.

‘BOMBARDA’ Hermione pointed her wand at a large stone gargoyle statue which was hanging from the castle wall. The statue blew up into pieces and fell onto Greyback causing him to slow just enough for Hermione to turn and cast another spell stunning the werewolf.
Greyback fell on his back and Luna then gave the final blow with an intense Levicorpus spell sending Greyback flying into the air and smashing out the nearest window, falling onto the castle grounds below. Hermione looked over at her Ravenclaw friend with a huge smile on her face.

‘Bloody brilliant Luna!’ Hermione shouted.

Hermione could tell Luna was in pain and could see her wound bleeding again through her make-shift bandage. She decided she needed to continue alone and not continue to risk Luna's life.
‘I need to find Ron. Go find Professor McGonagall and the others Luna and I will catch up with you all soon’! Hermione instructed.

Luna gave Hermione a comforting squeeze on her shoulder. ‘Stay safe Hermione’. She whispered, 'I will see you soon.'

She then took off back in the direction of the great Hall holding her injured arm, her long blonde hair swishing as she ran.
Hermione continued making her way deeper into the castle calling out Ron’s name as he ran. She wished Ron had just listened to her when she told him they all needed to stick together. Their army had suffered a huge loss in numbers. They all needed to stay safe together, now is not the time to split when there is so many of Voldemort’s death eaters and monsters crawling throughout the castle. Hermione had to ensure she was paying attention as she almost tripped on rubble and oh my god – several bodies. One was a death eater; she could tell by the mask.

There was blood everywhere and the metallic stench was overpowering. Splashed all on the floors and up the walls. Hermione wanted to be sick.

'Oh, where are you Ron' Hermione worried to herself as she ran through the corridors.
To Hermione’s horror as she passed a classroom with its door ripped off its hinges, she saw what looked like a fifth year Ravenclaw being eaten by three werewolves’. Hermione gasped and held her hand to her mouth to stop any noise from coming out. She knew her fellow Hogwarts student was dead, there was nothing she could do. Hermione walked past the classroom as quietly as she could, so as not to draw attention to herself. The last thing she needed was to try and fight three of Voldemort’s werewolves on her own.

Hermione couldn’t help but tear up as she continued running through the castle. Suddenly she found her emotions spill out as she thought of Harry, oh my god Harry. Her best friend was dead.

Hermione’s mind then turned to Neville and Cho, Fred and Lupin, Tonks and Dean Thomas - she could no longer hold back the tears. This was all too much. Hermione wiped her tears with her sleeve and pushed the remainder of her emotions right down into the bottom of her stomach. There was no time for emotions right now she decided. She could mourn when they won – when Voldemort was dead. When this was all over.

The wind was suddenly taken out of her as Hermione felt strong hands grab her arms and push her against the stone wall. She went to scream but felt a hand cover her mouth. Hermione came face to face with a silver mask, the tall figure covered in a hooded black cloak. Hermione tried to thrash and kick away from this death eater who had a hold of her. Hell no, she was not going to die here, not now. Hermione continued to try and fight her way out and away from the person currently pushing her against the wall. It was to no avail and whoever had a hold of her was incredibly strong. She felt panic quickly rise in her stomach, Hermione decided to bite the hand that was still covering her mouth.

‘BITCH’ cried out the death eater and the masked figure pushed their hand over Hermione’s mouth once again with even stronger force now. Hermione continued to panic, thrashing her body as much as she could and trying to get the death eater to release her, but she was not escaping this strong grip.

Hermione wished she could spit on the stupid mask this death eater was wearing. That’s when she noticed the death eater was staring at her so intently. The grey midnight eyes staring back at her were so familiar.

‘Be quiet, stop fighting’ the death eater snapped at her.

The voice was familiar too. Hermione stomped on the death eaters’ foot and tried to scream again, although her screams were muffled, a large hand still covering her mouth.

‘Stop Granger. Just shut up for once in your god damn life’ The death eater whispered and was so close to her face now, still staring into her eyes with almost a pleading look.
Hermione then gasped as she realised this death eater holding her was Draco Malfoy.

What the hell did Draco Malfoy think he was doing? And why was he asking her to be quiet. What was this game?

That’s when Hermione noticed how strong Draco Malfoy was. His tight grip still not wanting to release her. Malfoy had also definitely got taller this past year. A lot taller.

He towered over her pressing his tall, but muscular and lean body against her. He continued to hold her against the wall. Hermione could feel Malfoys large, warm hands sliding slowly down her waist and could feel his breathe on her face. Mint – spearmint and sandalwood? Is that what she could smell? Hermione felt like she was drowning in Draco Malfoys scent.

Malfoy moved his hand slowly around Hermione’s waist and rubbed his finger almost in a reassuring way across her lips. Hermione felt shivers flash down her spine, and she realised that they had been staring at each other now for what felt like a lifetime. His grey eyes looked like deep pools of silver, like she could dive straight in.
Malfoy’s white, blond hair was poking out slightly from his black hood. His normal groomed and well-maintained hair now an obvious mess. Even with the mask on Hermione could see Malfoys severe look on his face due to the way his mouth was curling up slightly at the corner.

‘Find them,’ said an icy cold voice.

Hermione’s eyes grew wide with the realisation that Voldemort was just around the corner, behind this wall that Malfoy was holding her against. Hermione felt her whole body stiffen and her heart was now pounding even louder, if that was even possible. Maybe her heart would just burst out of her chest at this point. What if Voldemort walked around the corner, would he order Malfoy to kill her? Or was this what was about to happen.

‘My Lord we will have Weasley dead by the end of the night and the girl captured’ Lucius Malfoy replied. ‘We believe they are still in the castle attempting to help save what’s left of their pathetic little army’.

Malfoy still hadn’t looked away from Hermione. His eyes were screaming at her to stay still and so Hermione did. She didn’t move a single muscle.

‘Find them. They will be made an example of’ Voldemort stated, sounding irritated.

‘I want the girl; I want to finish what I started’ cackled Bellatrix.

‘She is mine Bellatrix’ Voldemort stated with an even more agitated tone to his voice. ‘However, you may play with my leftovers’.
Bellatrix’s high scratchy laugh echoed loudly throughout the corridor.

‘You have until sundown Lucius’. Voldemort demanded.

‘Yes, my Lord’ Lucius Malfoy replied.

The sounds of apparition filled the corridor behind Hermione, and Voldemort and his loyal assassins were gone.

Draco Malfoy continued to hold Hermione however had now dropped his hand from her mouth, he seemed to release the stiffness in his shoulders, his body now relaxing slightly.
Hermione let out a loud sigh and her body began to shake. Draco still had his hand on her waist but was now watching Hermione with an almost relieved look on his face.

‘GET THE HELL OFF HER YOU SLIMY DEATH EATER’ someone shouted to the left of Hermione.

Malfoy was punched in the face so hard his silver mask fell off and he looked livid, his eyes going cold and black.


Ron was almost as red as his hair and Hermione realised Seamus Finnigan was with Ron and had raised his wand at Malfoy now.
Malfoy spat blood on the ground and bared his bloody teeth with a bright white smile. He then let out an almost sarcastic laugh, continuing to grin like a maniac.
Ron had now grabbed Hermione and had pushed her behind him. Seamus stood beside Hermione wand still drawn at the death eater in front of them.

‘Surprised you are still alive Weasley’ Draco sneered ‘I did a good number on you back by the kitchens, how’s your head? Oh that’s’ right there’s already nothing in that hand me down brain of yours anyway’
Malfoy let out a loud but short laugh.
Ron went to punch Malfoy again, but Malfoy ducked this time, grinning again.

Hermione then felt Malfoy's eyes meet her's again, no longer black but a soft grey, like before.

‘Try not to die now Granger, I gave you a head start’ Draco sneered at Hermione.

‘Don’t you even look at her Malfoy’ Ron yelled, still visibly angry.

Seamus went to fire a spell in Malfoys direction however four death eaters were now making their way around the corner.

‘Ron, we have to go we can’t take them all’ Hermione said urgently, pulling on his arm.

Draco drew his wand and sent a slicing spell through Ron’s left arm; the arm Hermione was pulling on.
Hermione screamed as she saw Ron hold his arm in pain and watched blood gush down Ron’s arm.

‘That’s for my mother’ spat Draco ‘You ever touch her again and I will destroy you and your hand me down family. That is a promise Weasley.'

Ron gave one final death stare to Malfoy and the three of them ran in the opposite direction. Hermione didn’t think the other death eaters had seen who exactly they were, or she was sure they would have been on their tails. Hermione, Ron and Seamus continued to run until they reached Professor McGonagall’s transfiguration classroom.

‘Patentibus’ Hermione spoke to the large painting of a Lynx cat behind McGonagall’s desk. The painting swung open at Hermione’s words and Ron, Seamus and Hermione jumped through the painting to the hidden room behind.

‘Oh my! Thank Merlin you three are safe’ Professor McGonagall cried out as the three of them stepped through the painting into the small room behind.
Hermione could see Luna had thankfully found the others and was safe, however her arm was bleeding badly again. Hermione looked around the small, dark room and realised not all were there.

‘Where is everyone else?’ asked Hermione.

‘We have been waiting now for hours Hermione, since all chaos erupted after Neville killed the snake’ Professor McGonagall said glumly.

‘And I am worried my safe room may be compromised soon, we will need to leave within the next hour, regardless of if the others show up or not – or there will be none of us left!’

Professor McGonagall ran her hands through her hair and looked down at the floor obviously exhausted emotionally and physically.

‘One hour please professor, give them a chance, everyone knows the password and knows to meet here. We can’t leave the rest.’ Hermione pleaded.

One hour Miss Granger’. Professor McGonagall said sternly.

Chapter 3: Death Sentence


Song recommendations for this chapter:
Chord Left Deezer Session - Agnes Obel
Lights are On - Tom Rosenthal

Chapter Text

Draco awoke to the sounds of screams echoing from downstairs. He must have forgot to place a silencing charm on his bedroom even though he swore he did. What bloody time is it and why is someone screaming thought an irritated Malfoy.

His mother refused to pack up and go hide. Narcissa would never leave her husband and did not want the stress of becoming a ‘traitor’ or leaving her husband to suffer the consequences. Draco couldn’t care less and would have loved to have been hiding somewhere perhaps tropical, not a part of this war or in Voldemort’s ‘army’ and he couldn’t care less about Lucius Malfoy. His father had always been an asshole, he just wished he had seen it sooner.

Draco wanted to be away from all of this. Especially the being a death eater part.

But he couldn’t leave his mother. She was all he had left now.

Draco Malfoy was tired, and he looked like sh*t. Looking at himself in his bathroom mirror he realised he looked gaunt in the face and the bags under his eyes had become even darker. He realised he had lost more weight too; he could feel it in his clothes.

He was still tall and had lean muscle but not the more defined muscle he was gaining when he played quidditch and went to the gym - before all this bullsh*t.

Draco threw on his death eater robes including his mask, unlocked his bedroom door and made his way downstairs.

Oh, yay thought Draco bitterly to himself, Bellatrix was here with her disgusting husband. This explains the random person screaming on his mother’s very expensive living room rug.

‘Draco just in time’ delighted Bellatrix ‘This mud blood may know where the remainder of Harry Potter’s little friends are!’

Draco looked at the person cowering in fear on the floor in front of him, but he didn't recognise him, he most definitely wasn't a Hogwarts student.

‘CRUCIO’ Bellatrix screamed over and over at her plaything screaming and bleeding out on the rug.

‘Pl pl pleaseee I don’t know anything’ cried out the plaything.

‘LIARRR’ screamed Bellatrix and she continue to shout crucio until the plaything looked dead.

Draco used this moment while Bellatrix prodded her wand into the captured mud bloods cheek to slip out of the room and head outside to find his mother.

He knew he would find his mother out here, tending to her two horses that she had left. The snake had eaten her other three.

‘Draco, nice to see you up out of bed’ Narcissa said sarcastically.

‘Why is Bellatrix here making a mess in our house?’ demanded Draco.

‘Draco you know I have no say with who or what happens in our home anymore’ his mother looked solemn. ‘We just have to be adequate hosts to our guests.’

‘I thought our time hosting death eater parties was done mother?’ snapped Draco.

‘If anything, Draco’ Narcissa almost whispered ‘The parties have only just begun’.

Hermione sat up in her bed with her knees tucked up against her chest. She watched the clouds outside of the window and could spot the moon hiding behind two fluffy clouds. It had just started to rain slightly, and the sky outside was extra grey. Hermione guessed it was probably around 2 or 3am. She lost track of the time lately, and honestly couldn’t even tell you what day of the week It was. Hermione hadn’t slept now in three days. Not since Harry Died.

Hermione looked over at the other beds in the room to see Luna and Ginny sleeping peacefully. Well, she was hoping it was peacefully. Hermione had opted not to take calming draughts at night in order to ensure there was enough to go around. Hermione made her peace with having no sleep if it meant her friends got some sleep instead.

Hermione had plans to eventually brew some more calming draught soon anyway once they got some more supplies. She would even brew more healing potions when she could too.

Hermione looked back out the window to see what looked like endless rolling green hills. They really were in the middle of nowhere. The safe house they were in was an old run-down cottage with a large porch around the front, and one of the last remaining safe houses the order had left.

Ginny, Luna and Hermione were in one room. Ron, Seamus, George and Percy were in the room next door to the girls. Fleur and Bill slept downstairs on the fold out lounge. Molly and Arthur were in the basem*nt and Professor McGonagall had the remaining bedroom down the hall. Everyone insisted Professor McGonagall had her own room and wouldn’t allow her to sleep on the fold out as she had originally insisted.

Hermione’s mind slipped once again to Harry and everyone they had lost.

Her heart ached. She felt deep down that Harry had died for nothing, however she would never dare voice this out loud. Voldemort’s army had taken over England since the battle at Hogwarts three days ago and if you weren’t in hiding you were either dead or being captured and tortured. There were death eaters crawling all over the country and she knew that herself and Ron were desirables number 1 and 2. Even the muggle world was chaos right now. Several hundreds of muggles were being captured and killed daily. Hermione read somewhere that the muggle government was covering it all up with rumours of terrorism. She was so glad her parents were now in Australia.

The mood in the safe house was tense to say the least. Barely anyone spoke to one another or locked themselves away in a room. Hermione noticed Ron would just go sit outside in the cold for hours on end, staring into nothing. They hadn’t spoke about what happened in the chamber of secrets three days ago. Hermione was beginning to wonder how she really felt about Ron and if their kiss was just pure adrenaline and being caught up in the moment.

Molly kept herself busy by just cooking for everyone or cleaning, even though the safe house was already clean. Fred sat on the staircase most days just staring out the window. Since she couldn’t sleep Hermione decided to grab the book under her pillow and her thick winter coat and silently crept out of her shared bedroom and went down the stairs, slipped through the tiny living room where Bill and Fleur were fast asleep and made her way outside.

To her surprise Ron was outside too sitting on the small old sofa on the porch that wrapped around the front of the cottage. Hermione sat down next to him, and Ron offered her half of his blanket.

‘Ronald it is freezing’ said Hermione as she cast a warming charm over the pair of them.

She could feel her charm work instantly as her nose and face no longer felt so numb. Ron didn’t say anything, he just continued to stare out into the grassy hills that spread out over the vacant land in front of them. Hermione stayed silent too and opened her book and began to read, her wand lit so she could see the words on the page. She couldn't process any of the words however with Ron next to her so gave up on the book quickly.

Ron reached out and grabbed Hermione’s hand and gave it a squeeze. They stayed holding hands in silence for the next hour until they both fell asleep on the shared old sofa, Ron holding Hermione in his arms.

‘My lord, I swear we will have them captured soon.’

Lucius Malfoy coward in front of The Dark Lord, trembling on his knees, his long platinum hair, now grey, a mess as it tangled in front of his face.

‘You said you would have them captured 3 days ago Lucius’ spat The Dark Lord.

‘Please allow me more time my Lord, they cannot be far, we are very close to finding them’ Lucius was now trembling, and Draco could see sweat falling down his father’s neck.

Narcissa was shaking and Draco had to physically hold his mother up and rubbed her back when no one was looking. Draco gave his mother a stern but also sympathetic look. They must be strong right now or The Dark Lord would then turn his anger towards the remainder of the Malfoy family and Draco did not feel like being in the firing line right now.

Draco didn’t feel sorry for his father, if anything he hated his father for putting him and his mother in this situation right now. His father chose this life, Draco and his mother didn’t.

‘My Lord, Draco went to school with Weasley and Granger, if anything I can have my son help track them down as he knows their habits better than anyone else in this room’ Lucius was begging the dark lord ‘Draco can help find the remainder of the Order.’

Now all the death eaters and the Dark Lord himself had their eyes on Draco Malfoy.

‘Sissy Draco is the one who can help bring in that traitor and the mud blood, for once your husband may have one good idea in that brain of his.’ Bellatrix snarled.

A few of the death eaters laughed along with Bellatrix.

‘Silence!” shouted the Dark Lord ‘You have already let me down severely Lucius, I should dispose of you now’.

Lucius Malfoy had gone stone still, his head still bowing at the floor and kneeling even further into the wooden floor below.

‘CRUCIO” screamed Voldemort. Draco watched his father wriggle like a pathetic worm on the ground, grunting in pain – his limbs flailing everywhere.

Draco heard his mother gasp and whisper ‘Lucius’ under her breath. Draco held his mother firmly as they both watched his father squirm around on the floor in pain, Voldemort was not releasing his grip. Blood started to ooze out his father's ears and mouth.

‘I should finish you off’ Voldemort boomed at Lucius ‘However I will allow for your son to help you pick up the pieces. Do NOT fail me.’

Voldemort along with Bellatrix and the other death eaters apparated out of the Malfoy’s dining room. Narcissa immediately went to her husband’s side and called for an elf to gather some healing potions and a pitcher of water.

Draco watched as his mother and the elves fussed over a heavily bleeding Lucius, still sprawled out on the floor.

‘Draco I wouldn’t ask of this normally; you are just a boy’ Narcissa was speaking fast and urgent, tears threatening to fall down her face.

‘But please help your father find them. I can’t lose the both of you’ Narcissa was now crying and cradling Lucius in her arms.

Draco glared at his pathetic excuse of a father, feeling anger flow through his veins.

‘Father has just sentenced both of us to our deaths mother.’ Draco coldly replied.

Hermione could hear the radio from upstairs. Ron and Arthur insisted on the radio being on almost 24/7 so they could keep up to date with what was going on in the world. Hermione understood their reasoning for this however sometimes she just wished they could shut it off for more than an hour as the news was almost always depressing. Hermione was reminded of Harry’s frustrations towards the radio last year.

Ginny walked into their shared room with some jam on toast and a hot cup of tea and place it down next to Hermione on the bed.

‘Please eat Hermione. Don’t think I haven’t noticed that you haven’t eaten properly in days’ Ginny sounded awfully like Molly right now.

Hermione gave Ginny a small smile and took a bite out of the toast.

‘Thank you, Ginny,’ said Hermione ‘How are you?’

Ginny gave a half smile ‘I want to just escape you know. Go somewhere far, far away from here and just lie in the sun, away from the war.’ Ginny picked up the other piece of jam toast and began to eat it. ‘But then I feel so f*cking angry all the time and want to take that sword Neville had and slice Voldemort from head to toe.’

‘I miss everyone so much Hermione’ Ginny’s eyes began to water but Hermione noticed Ginny swallow and push the tears back.

‘I do too Ginny so much’ Hermione gave Ginny a sincere look ‘This is why we have to avenge everyone and kill that bastard’.

Luna knocked gently on the open door. ‘There's been news on the radio just now’ Luna stated, looking very sad indeed.

All three ladies walked downstairs and into the living room where everyone else was sitting and looking very tense.

‘What is it Professor’ Hermione asked. Professor McGonagall looked at both Ginny and Hermione with an incredibly upset look on her face. Her eyebrows were so close together it looked like they began to join as one.

‘News just came in over the radio. Several hundred Muggle's and half-blood witches and wizards have been captured across the country. The Ministry of Magic is no longer, instead has been turned into Voldemort’s personal prison. It is heavily guarded by his death eaters and followers and filled with awful beasts to help enslave and torture the captured’.

McGonagall poured herself a drink of water and shakily took a sip.

Bill spoke up at this point aware that the professor was struggling to get her words out.

‘The entire Ministry no longer exists. More than half of them are dead or now in hiding. Kingsley Shacklebolt is dead. So is Hagrid’. Bill said glumly.

Hermione felt her whole body shake and she thought she was going to be sick. She had to grip onto the side of the hall table to steady herself. Ginny hugged her, so did Luna. They stood in an embrace for a moment and Ron then approached Hermione and this made Hermione break. Ron held Hermione in his arms as Hermione sobbed. Yes, she liked Kingsley but oh merlin…Hagrid. Not Hagrid, just no. He was one of their best friends growing up at Hogwarts. Someone they could always turn to no matter what. Hagrid had protected her, Ron and Harry no matter what.

The room was sombre, and no one spoke for a few minutes. More tears were shed by Molly and McGonagall. Luna was now hugging Ginny.

‘Hagrid was the first person to tell me I was more than a Mud blood in our second year at Hogwarts’ Hermione spoke out loud. ‘I wish I’d told him just what that meant to me’ Ron continued to hug Hermione as they stood now by the lounge.

‘I believe we should have a funeral for our fallen’ Luna suddenly said.

‘I agree with Luna’ Molly replied sadly ‘If everyone is in agreeance let’s do this today.’

Before Sundown all had gathered outside just a few meters from the cottage. Fleur, Hermione, Ginny and Luna had cast spells that created the most beautiful flower arrangements. There was a memorial wreath for each person who had died before, during or after the battle of Hogwarts. George charmed Fred’s flowers to randomly fart, causing a lot of sad giggles from Ginny.

‘He would have loved this’ George laughed.

Harry’s wreath had Lillies, Fleur had charmed Hagrid’s wreath to have mini birds flittering around it and Seamus placed the last of his Bertie Botts every flavoured Beans around Dean Thomas’s wreath.

Ron and Hermione ensured Neville's had bright yellow sunflowers as he had once picked these for Luna when they attended the Yule ball together a few years ago. Luna enchanted the flowers to sparkle in the sunlight. All memorial wreaths were charmed especially for each person and charmed not to wilt. Each wreath was placed on a large stone table that Bill and Arthur had transfigured out of some large boulders. Hermione then engraved the departed names on the outside of the stone table with her wand.

Once done everyone stood together and had a minute silence. Everyone then decided to speak of a favourite memory they had. George spoke of when he a Fred were 7 years old and would round up the gnomes in the garden with sparkler bombs. Molly was sobbing at this point, Ginny consoling her mum by holding her hand. Arthur held onto Molly’s other hand, tears also in his eyes.

‘To Lupin and Tonks – may your love be eternal together’ declared Arthur.

‘To Neville for killing that disgusting snake, what a hero!’ yelled Seamus.

‘To Hagrid! The best gamekeeper Hogwarts ever saw!’ said Ron.

‘To Harry. Your will to change the world for the better will live on in all of us’ Hermione choked out.

The group continued to laugh, cry and discuss their favourite memories until the sun had well and truly set and the cold was beginning to be too much for everyone. Fleur ensured all fireplaces in the cottage were lit and Molly and Ginny placed out some cakes and scones and tea for everyone.

Once everyone had finished George addressed the group.

‘So, everyone – what’s our gameplan on killing Voldemort and every last death eater known to man’.

Chapter 4: Chocolate.


Song Recommendations for this chapter:
The French Library Franz Gordon
Turning Page -Sleeping at Last.

Adult content in this chapter.

Chapter Text

Draco was cold and annoyed and couldn’t care less about capturing these mud bloods. He had round up several people in an abandoned pub hiding in the cellar.
Draco looked down at the people tied up in front of him. They looked dirty, scared and pathetic and Draco grew more annoyed as he realised these people looked useless and most likely had no information to give him.

‘Malfoy, I reckon we torture this lot to tell us where Weasley and Granger are’ Theo smirked as he played with his wand in his hand.

‘Shut up Nott, as if this lot would know where they are – they’re all in their like 40’s they wouldn’t know the golden trio’ Draco spat back impatiently.

The captured group had been screaming and begging for their lives when Theo and Draco burst into their hiding spot and round them up with a few hexes. Now they were all chained up and will be taken to the Ministry Prison for further torture.

Theodore Nott had been even more up himself since he took the dark mark only 4 weeks ago. The Dark Lord had assigned Theo with Draco since Theo had also gone to school with the golden trio.
‘I can’t wait to find them; I want to torture the freckles off Weasleys face!” exclaimed Theo.

“They are too be left for the Dark Lord Nott’ Draco commanded. 'You know this.'

“Pffft you’re no fun anymore Malfoy, the old you would have enjoyed a bit of torture, especially on the Weasley prick.” Theo sighed.

Draco did in fact think it would be a delight to torture Ron Weasley, but Draco also knew that The Dark Lord would want Weasley and Granger delivered to him in one piece. Draco wanted to find them, hand Weasley over and be done with it. He didn’t care anymore; the world had gone to sh*t anyway. Draco just wanted to close himself off from the world and get so drunk, so everything was numb. Draco closed his eyes for a moment and pushed his feelings down deep into the bottom of his stomach.

‘After we drop this lot off let’s get a drink Nott,’ said Draco.

‘Hell, yes there’s the Malfoy I know’ replied Theo as he slapped Draco on the back playfully.

Hermione was on her bed reading a book on Dark Arts hoping to find something in it about the effects of Horcruxes on the soul when Ron knocked on the door.
“Can I come in Hermione?” Ron asked as he stood outside.

‘Of course, Ron, how can I help’ asked Hermione. She realised that they hadn’t really spoke properly at all lately and blushed a little when she thought of her falling asleep in his arms 2 nights ago outside. Ron had comforted her for as long as she needed when they heard the news of Kingsley and Hagrid, she missed him.
Ron sat down on her bed and Hermione sat up, placing the book she was reading to the left of her.

‘I miss you Hermione’ Ron said.

Hermione watched Ron go red which made Hermione feel a blush creep across her cheeks. Ginny and Luna were downstairs in the kitchen, so it was just Ron and Hermione in the room right now.

‘Ron, I miss you too, and I miss Harry. So much’ whispered Hermione.

‘I miss Harry so much too’ Ron whispered back. ‘I am sorry I have been so distant Hermione. I just don’t know how to feel right now.’

Hermione grabbed Ron’s hand without thinking and gave Ron a sincere smile. Hermione couldn’t even imagine losing a brother as well. She was sure Ron felt lost, just as she did these days.
Ron and Hermione held each other’s gaze for a few seconds before Ron leaned in and gently kissed Hermione on the lips. Hermione felt a rush of adrenaline flicker through her stomach. She had missed Ron and this kiss brought back memories of how she felt when they had kissed in the chamber of secrets.
Ron run his finger over her cheek and pulled her face back towards him again.

Hermione kissed Ron back more passionately this time. She needed this; she needed Ron right now. They were both missing everyone they loved dearly, and Hermione felt lost and confused especially without Harry. Hermione used wordless magic to close the door. Ron’s kisses got more urgent now and he was holding Hermione’s face with one hand and grabbing her waist with his other hand.

Hermione leaned into him and allowed their bodies to connect. Their kisses got quicker and more passionate and Hermione let Ron take off her coat. Ron kissed the side of her neck and Hermione let out a silent moan. She felt goosebumps light up her arms.
Ron continued to kiss Hermione, then latched his lips onto her neck and continued kissing her down her torso over her T-Shirt.

Ron took his jumper and shirt off and was now just in his jeans. Hermione had known Ron had grown but didn’t realise just how muscly his arms had become. She felt her blush rise further in her cheeks as she realised, she was staring. Ron smiled and grabbed Hermione's face again kissing her furiously. Ron reached down to pull Hermione’s shirt over her head but first looked at Hermione to make sure this was ok. Hermione bit her lip and nodded, lifting her arms. Ron lifted Hermione’s shirt over her head and threw it on the floor. He continued to kiss her all over her stomach and then began kissing her breasts through her bra. Ron then gently laid Hermione down on the bed and slowly slipped her jeans off. Hermione felt very exposed now in just her lacey bra and knickers but also felt safe with Ron.
This was not expected, and she was now definitely crossing the line with her best friend, but this felt right, and Hermione needed this right now.

Ron slipped his hands up through her bra feeling her naked breasts underneath the fabric.
Hermione let out another little moan and then quickly grabbed her wand from beside her on the bed and cast a silencing charm on the room. Ron dove his mouth back on her lips and kissed Hermione passionately.
As they continued kissing Ron slipped his jeans off and pulled the blankets over them in the bed. They continued to kiss, and Ron slipped his finger through the seam of her knickers. She felt Ron’s fingers slip between her folds and find her centre, rubbing gently. Hermione let out a louder moan and threw her head back. No one had ever touched her like this before. Krum definitely tried after the Yule ball and Cormac McLaggen only got a few kisses from her, but this was Ron – touching her so intimately.

Ron continued to rub and please Hermione whilst kissing her neck and rubbing her breasts with his other hand. Ron then pulled her knickers down past her knees and pulled his underwear off too. Hermione was too shy to glance down. She was so very naked now in bed with her best friend. Ron looked at her once again and continued kissing her. He then pulled her close to him so their stomachs were touching and spread Hermione’s legs.

‘Is this okay Hermione – do you, can we do this? Ron panted.
Yes, I’m sure Ron. I want this’ Hermione whispered back.

Ron gently kissed Hermione and then Hermione felt his length slide into her. Hermione let out a loud gasp and Ron slowly entered her, very gently. Hermione appreciated Ron being slow as she could feel her body stretching and it hurt just a little.
However, once her body got used to the movements of Ron being inside of her it started to feel good, and Ron was now on top of her sliding in and out and picking up the pace. Ron kissed her all over and sucked on her left nipple a little. Ron was groaning and Hermione was thankful she placed a silencing charm on the room before.
Ron continued to kiss Hermione and they both were touching each other all over.

“Hermione oh my god you feel perfect, I won’t last long’ Ron breathed out.
Hermione started to thrust in the same pace as Ron. Ron grabbed the side of Hermione’s face and kissed her with urgency, quickening up the pace.
Hermione then felt Ron find her centre again and rub her bundle of nerves which made Hermione feel like she was on fire. She could feel pressure building in her lower stomach and could feel her high approaching.

‘Ron, please don’t stop” she panted into Ron’s mouth as they continued to kiss.

Hermione felt absolute bliss as she rode out her org*sm on Ron’s fingers. Ron began to speed up his pace inside of her.
‘Merlin’ Ron breathed into her mouth. Hermione felt him jerk in her and he collapsed on top of her, continuing to moan into her ear.

After a few seconds Ron pulled out of her and laid beside her, grabbing her so Hermione could rest her head on his chest.
They were both breathing heavily and were sweaty and very, very naked.
Hermione cuddled up on Ron’s chest as he grabbed her waist and cuddled her back.

‘Hermione…. wow” Ron said. “I’m sorry if you didn’t….”
“Ron that felt amazing,” Hermione replied as she snuggled up into his warm chest.

Hermione kissed Ron on the cheek. Ron smiled widely and looked down at Hermione.
‘Hermione, I bloody care for you, let me look after you.” He asked.
Hermione couldn’t help but smile back at Ron. Yes, they had well and truly crossed the line of best friends, but Hermione had never felt safer and more content than she had right then and there with Ron by her side in her bed. She allowed her eyes to close, savouring this special moment, allowing some happiness to creep into her heart again.

‘Draco. Draco come here’ snapped Lucius.
Draco rolled his eyes, handed Theo his drink and walked over to his father.
‘What Father” Draco drawled, ensuring he looked bored.

‘Do you not care that our lives are at stake Draco?” Lucius spat ‘I’ve been looking for you everywhere and to find you two here is insulting.’

Draco looked around at the bar he was currently in very happy with the fact he and Nott were 6 drinks deep.
‘Piss off old man” Draco spat back.

Draco went to walk away but Lucius grabbed the back of his dark robes and pulled him back towards him.
‘This is why you are a waste of a son’ snapped Lucius. ‘An absolute Brat, we need to find the mud blood and the traitor and you two and wasting time.’

‘Just kill us now then Father’ Draco smirked ‘I’m done with this bullsh*t anyway.’
Draco stomped away from his father and re-joined Nott at their booth where they were sitting enjoying their drinks, before they were rudely interrupted.

‘We must go soon Nott. Finish your drink, let’s go entertain ourselves another way’ Draco commanded. Theo looked annoyed that they had to leave so soon.

Draco and Theo finished their drinks and headed outside. This small town was a mess now that the death eaters had ransacked it. All the traitors were captured, and half the town was burnt down, and rubble was everywhere. This pub remained standing for the death eaters and the owner was only allowed to live as long as he served the death eaters day and night with whatever drinks/food they wanted.
Lucius joined Draco and Theo outside the pub. Draco had had enough of his father slowing them down and just looking at his old man's face pissed him off.

‘Father, leave.' Draco said sternly, 'Nott and I will find them.’
‘Oh yes son I will leave my life in your hands’ snapped a sarcastic Lucius.
‘I said Nott and I will find them, I have a lead, go look after mother.’ Snarled Draco.
‘What lead Draco?” Lucius asked with obvious annoyance.
‘Mundungus Fletcher’ stated Draco.

Mundungus Fletcher wasn’t a very bright little man. And he was a coward too.
Draco knew this lead would be the only chance he had of finding the remainder of the golden trio. Draco had paid a very shady person handsomely for an address where Mundungus Fletcher was apparently hiding out in. Draco and Theo apparated to a small group of townhouses in very south London. Sure, enough one of the run-down townhouses had light coming from one of the windows.

What an absolute moron thought Draco. Theo and Draco silently jumped the fence and made their way around to the back of the flat. It was an abandoned muggle flat, and Theo loudly knocked into a large garden pot making it topple and smash. Draco shot Theo a deadly look.

‘Nott what the f*ck?’ Draco whispered.
‘f*ck sorry, f*ck’ Theo whispered back.

Draco decided to lead instead and guided the two of them through the dark garden and closer to the brick house.
They had made it to the back door now. It was a sliding glass door and was locked. Draco made easy work of unlocking it with alohom*ora.
Dumb muggles thought Draco to himself. He slowly and very quietly slid the sliding door open. They entered the house and made their way through the kitchen to the front room where the light was coming from.
Draco couldn’t believe his luck that his lead had been right and there sitting on a deep blue sofa was Mundungus Fletcher.
“Expelliarmus” shouted Theo and he quickly had Fletchers wand in his hand.

Fletchers’ eyes grew wide with fear when he saw the two masked death eaters in front of him.
‘What do you want?’ yelled Mundungus, fear laced through his voice ‘I have dark artifacts and fine cursed jewellery if that is what you are after, take it!’
Mundungus Fletcher started to go through his pockets pulling out all sorts of dark artefacts and placing them on the floor in front of him.

‘We don’t want that sh*t Fletcher’ Draco snarled. ‘We want what's left of The Order, and you are going to tell us how to find them.’ He had his wand still pointing at the little man's shiny head.
“Or we kill you, plain and simple’ Theo smiled as he twirled his wand in his hand.

Hermione awoke the next day feeling very well rested. She rolled over in her bed and pulled the covers up further under the neck for extra warmth.
Then she realised the sun was shining through the window. What time was it? She had never slept in this late!
Hermione checked the watch on the side of her bed and saw it was 9:30am. sh*t! She promised Luna she would help with finding more firewood this morning. Hermione yawned and sat up in her bed just as Ginny walked in
“Wakey wakey Hermione’ Ginny almost sang. ‘Luna and I wanted to let you sleep but we don’t want you to miss out on breakfast since the boys have almost devoured all the food.’

Hermione smiled at Ginny ‘I’ll be down in like 5 minutes, tell Luna we can do the firewood once I’ve eaten, I’m so sorry’.
‘Luna and I sorted that already Hermione’ replied Ginny ‘You deserved a sleep in, god knows you need it.’

Hermione blushed. Oh my god she didn’t know about her and Ron did she.
No there’s no way she would know she put a silencing spell on the room. No Hermione was just overthinking things.
Hermione pulled some fresh clothes on and tried to tie back her wild hair. A few curls still escaped down her face. She quickly brushed her teeth (the muggle way, will always be the muggle way) and walked out of the bathroom straight into Ron.

‘Good morning, Beautiful” Ron said, and he planted a gentle kiss on her lips.
Hermione looked around wondering if anyone had seen but they were alone. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to disclose her and Ron’s relationship progress to everyone. Not when everyone was still in mourning, and so was she. All these emotions were so confusing. She did deserve to be happy, so did Ron.

‘I missed you in my bed last night’ Ron whispered, and Hermione felt her face go red. Ron’s face was red too, but he just smiled at her and walked to his room. Hermione felt lightness and actual happiness for the first time in forever. So why did she feel so guilty about it?

“Safehouses! Of course, there are more safehouses, yes!” delighted Theo.
“We just have to find out which one.” Draco declared back.

Draco and Theo had left the muggle flat they found Mundungus Fletcher in and oh boy did that little weasel give them the answers the wanted. They barely had to torture the bloke before he was spilling all The Order's secrets. A few crucio’s, hexes and the threat to cut his hands off had done the trick and Mundungus Fletcher had told Draco and Theo that the Order has several safehouses, with only 2 remaining that The Dark Lord didn’t know about.
Now Draco just had to find these houses.
Mundungus knew where one of the safehouses were – Draco would try this one first. However, the second safehouse Mundungus did not know the location of. (Theo had used veritaserum on the weasel so Draco knew he was telling the truth.)
Draco had a feeling that this second safehouse would be where Weasley, Granger and the rest of the Order would be.
“Let’s go check out the first safehouse Nott, mask back on” declared Draco.
The two death eaters placed their silver masks back over their face and apparated to the first safehouse location, Draco feeling excited they finally had a solid lead.

“Leave these dishes Molly, go have a lay down’ Hermione said, ‘Please I can finish this.’
Molly gave Hermione a genuine smile and headed upstairs, Arthur following behind her.
'Thanks Hermione, you are a star. Molly does need to rest.' A grateful Arthur said to Hermione, and he also gave her a warm smile.

Hermione was alone in the kitchen now, or so she thought. She felt warm large arms wrap around her from behind. Ron then nuzzled his face into her neck, making Hermione giggle.
Hermione couldn’t help but smile and turned to face Ron, embracing him. Ron smelt good, like a cozy fire and chocolate.
Comfort. Happiness. Safety.

Ron gently grabbed Hermione’s face and kissed her, Hermione kissed Ron back deeply.
‘Come with me’ Ron whispered in Hermione’s ear. She felt shivers of a good kind go down her spine.
Hermione waved her wand and made the dishes disappear as she followed Ron out of the kitchen. Ron grabbed her hand and guided her up the stairs to his bedroom.

‘The other guys are outside right now; we have the room to ourselves’ whispered Ron.
Ron pulled her into his room and shut the door behind them. He kissed her again and then pulled her over to his bed. She saw a bunch of white daisies on his bed which Ron picked up and gave to her as he grinned widely.
‘These are for you because you are as pretty as them.’ Ron smiled sheepishly as he handed them to Hermione.
Hermione breathed in the daisies, they smelt wonderful and were indeed beautiful.

‘Thank you, Ron, these are so thoughtful!’ Hermione exclaimed.
Ron pulled her into his arms and began kissing her neck all the way down her chest, then down her arms and to her hands.
Kissing every spot as gently as he could.

Hermione cast a quick silencing charm over the room.
This was the second time Hermione slept with her best friend.

Chapter 5: When the party's over.


Song Recommendation for this chapter:
Beth's Story -Carlos Rafael Rivera

Chapter Text

‘Where the f*ck are we?” muttered Theo as Draco looked out at the vast and very rough sea in front of them.
‘f*ck knows Nott’ replied Draco not in the mood for Theo’s whinging.

The strong wind was blowing Draco's robes and hair all over the place, he felt like he would be blown from this cliff at any point the wind was howling that hard. He could hear thunder in the distance and the clouds in the sky were getting greyer by the minute.

Draco saw the top of a dark tiled roof in the distance ‘Over there’ Draco pointed out to Theo.
Draco and Theo walked through the tall grass on the high cliffs overlooking the ocean. As they walked closer to the house the grass was thinning out and they were climbing now through sand dunes as high as Malfoy Manor’s front gates. Sand quickly filled Draco's leather hide boots.

‘f*cking sand everywhere’ muttered Theo. Draco ignored the whinging death eater once again.
As they got closer to the house Draco spotted what looked like a small tombstone poking out of the sand right on the cliffs edge.
Draco got close enough to read it, his eyes squinting as sand was being blown about, some going into his eyes.

‘Here lies Dobby -A Free Elf.’

So that elf did get what was coming to him thought Draco. Bloody dumb thing.
‘Wait wasn’t that the name of your elf Draco?” asked Theo staring inquisitively at the tombstone.

‘This means we are at the right place,’ said Draco. They continued to walk down the large sand dunes until they were standing outside the average looking house sitting right upon the beach.
‘Some safehouse’ scoffed Theo ‘Not even a single ward up to protect it.’
‘That’s because we are too late Theo’ snapped Draco ‘No one’s here.’

‘Well, we may as well look around anyway while we are here’ said Theo ‘What if we find something that helps us find the other safehouse.’
Draco thought Theo had finally had a smart idea, but he didn’t tell him this of course.

‘BOMBARDA” Draco yelled, and the front door blasted inwards, allowing Draco and Theo to enter.
The dark and dusty cottage greeted them, and it felt even colder in here than it did outside.
Draco noticed sand had blown in and was lining up in the small entranceway.

There was indeed no one inside but the two death eaters looked around anyway, Theo holding out his wand in front of him as he searched the kitchen.
Wind poured into the cottage and the chimes in the hallway began to sing. Draco blasted it to pieces not liking the jingly noise it made.
‘You just hate everything don’t you mate’ shouted Theo and he shot Draco a cheeky smile and laughed. Draco ignored him. Again.

The cottage was completely empty besides some old dishes/pans in the sink. Draco made his way up the stairs to the first bedroom on the left.
There were definitely people here at some point. Bet Potter and his mighty gang were here. But that seems like a little while ago now. They had obviously moved on since.

Draco spotted a light brown knitted pullover thrown on the back of an old chair. He recognised that item of clothing instantly because Granger had been wearing it when his crazy aunt had tortured her on his drawing room floor. Why he remembered it he wasn’t sure, but watching Granger being tortured on his drawing room floor was something he would now never forget.
That memory now felt like a deep invisible scar. He would also never forget her screams, sometimes he dreamt of her screaming. He hated it.
Draco cast incendio and burnt the item of clothing as he left the room.

Hermione had gathered in the lounge room with everyone else. Ron sat next to her holding her hand. Everyone knew now that Ron and Hermione were whatever they were.
Ginny had been teasing Hermione in a sisterly way and had told Hermione earlier that she had a glow about her and winked at her.
This had also cheered Molly up somewhat and Hermione had felt she was even closer to Molly and the Weasley family now that she was “with” Ron.

They had spent close to three hours debating over what plan they should action going forward to defeat Voldemort and his army.
George had suggested a surprise attack which Ron and Seamus also loved. Molly, Arthur and Professor McGonagall were appalled at that idea.
‘We would all be dead in seconds!’ Professor McGonagall cried, shaking her head in a serious manner.

Bill and Fleur wanted a plan of attack that ensured Voldemort was dead and remained dead.
‘How do we know if Voldemort hasn’t made more Horcruxes since?’ asked Bill.

Hermione thought Bill and Fleur had a point here. Voldemort could be planning to regain his strength again with more horcruxes.
Hermione shuddered to think he had already successfully done so.
‘What they have is an army, which is what we are not’ Hermione finally said. ‘We don’t stand a chance.’

Everyone looked around at each other with concern and obviously thinking deeply.
‘However, if we could build our army, gain support we would have more of a chance’ explained Hermione ‘We must find others who have survived, find everyone who has gone into hiding and wants to fight, but most importantly we must rescue everyone who is currently being held prisoner in the Ministry.’

‘Hermione is dead right’ Ginny said.
‘The more people we rescue the more of an army we build once again.’ Stated Luna.
Hermione looked around and could see everyone thinking deeply about what she had just said.

‘Does anyone know of Aberforth’s whereabouts?’ asked Arthur.
‘He has disappeared since fighting with us at Hogwarts.’ Stated Professor McGonagall ‘I Don’t believe he is dead, or the death eaters would have made it known, it would have been big news, and that Skeeter woman would have published it’

‘If we had Dumbledore’s brother helping us as the main voice of our new world army’ said Hermione ‘We could be in for a big chance.’
“Hermione’s right” said Ron ‘We need to find Aberforth’.

“Harry was our voice of reason, our shining light’ Hermione’s voice cracked ‘We need that new shining light, a powerful figure. The fact that he is Dumbledores brother is the way to cause fear in the death eater community.’
‘Voldemort definitely won't like us having a Dumbledore in our army.’ Ginny said matter of factly to the group.

Hermione looked around the room and could see everyone was now in agreeance. Before attacking Voldemort again, they needed to build up their numbers.
Finding Aberforth and creating hope again as Harry had done before was exactly what they needed to re-create.


Voldemort screamed as he leant over Draco, finally releasing the unforgivable curse he had inflicted upon his death eater now gasping for air.
Draco couldn't move and was lying on the floor in the middle of the massive room his mother used to throw extravagant parties in.
Now it was just being used for Voldemort to torture people in, people like Draco.

Draco pulled himself to stand, but vomited all over the floor when he felt the sharp pain shoot down his spine. Voldemort had crucio’d him so intensely this time and focused the unforgivable spell directly into Draco’s spine causing him to fall to the ground as Voldemort’s spell broke, healed, broke and then healed the bones in his spine over and over.
There was a window open somewhere and Draco was grateful for the cool breeze drifting in currently, helping to dull the heat pulsating through his body and the sweat pouring down his face.
He knew his torture was coming. He had just witnessed his father and then Theo suffer through the same torture, then it was his turn.

Draco felt he had received the worst punishment by the Dark Lord. At least he didn’t scream like a little bitch like Theo did.
He would rather snap all his teeth off than scream in pain in front of that disgusting shadow of a thing he called his ‘Lord’.
Of course, Voldemort had been furious that they hadn’t found the mud blood, and her orange headed friend yet.
Draco was so close. Closer than his father had ever got and yet this still wasn’t good enough.

He heard the floorboards creak, and he slowly opened his eyes to see his mother leaning down next to him. She placed a cool wet cloth on Draco’s face, wiping the sweat and probably blood from his face. He groaned as he felt a deep gash on his forehead sting when the wet cloth made contact with it.
Draco could see she had been crying. All his mother did these days was cry.
Her husband was as useless as always and Voldemort hadn’t given Draco much aid in his mission providing him with Theodore Nott.
Theo was good for a drink or two and a fun time, but that was about it.
It was all up to him. If he didn’t work out where this other safehouse was and find what was left of Potter’s friends, he would be dead before the month was out.

It was decided. Professor McGonagall would go with Molly, Arthur and Percy to find Aberforth and they would bring him back to the safehouse.
The rest of them decided to team up to help break out the prisoners currently in the Ministry Prison. Half would be a distraction whilst the other half would be breaking out the imprisoned witches and wizards. The group talked excitedly amongst one another, ready to spring this plan into action.

‘So how will we get into the Ministry initially?” asked Seamus.
“Polyjuice potion” stated Hermione.
“Ooooh I like this” exclaimed Luna.

‘Now the Polyjuice potion is going to be really dangerous.’ Explained Hermione ‘Some of us will need to become death eaters in order to get into the Ministry.’

‘Hermione and I have taken Polyjuice before so we will be the ones to become the death eaters.’ Said Ron.
George and Bill went to argue but Ron shut them down telling them it is better to have people who have taken Polyjuice before and understand the effects it causes when under the influence of the potion. No one could argue with him and Hermione was really impressed.

‘Plus, Ron and I are the number one people wanted in the United Kingdom right now.’ Said Hermione ‘Even more reason for us to be disguised.’
Nobody could disagree with Hermione’s logic.

“Ron and I will need help stunning some death eaters before we enter the ministry.’ Said Hermione. ‘There is only one guarded entrance in and out of the Ministry since the Floo system’s inside have been deactivated.’ She looked around looking for her volunteers.

‘Oh we would loveee to help do this Hermione’ George said whilst looking at Bill.

“So first we stun some death eaters guarding the front entrance of the ministry, use their hair for the Polyjuice potion which Ron and I will drink.’ Hermione continued ‘Then Ron and I disguised as Death Eaters will enter the ministry, caused the distraction allowing you all to enter and release the prisoners.’

‘What’s going to be a big enough distraction?” asked Ginny.

“Umm Gin did you forget out brother is a dragon trainer?” smirked Bill.

Chapter 6: Firewhiskey, Cherries & Musk.


Song recommendations for this chapter:
Prelude - Ignaz Moscheles, Minoire
Me and the devil -Soap&Skin

Chapter Text

Draco’s hands were smashed to pieces and blood was dripping down his knuckles after taking out his rage on his bedroom furniture. Draco slumped to the floor angrier than he had ever been. He had just got back from what he thought was the second safehouse. Turns out it was an empty lot. A house would have once stood there but it had long ago been burnt to the ground. Only the fireplace was still standing.

Another dead end.

“f*ck, f*ck f*ckkkk” screamed Draco. How the hell was he going to find them?

Draco forced himself to stand, and went and washed his bloody, bruised and broken hands in the bathroom sink. Instead, due to seeing his exhausted looking face in his reflection he punched his mirror until glass had shattered all over the marble tiled floor.

Draco was quickly running out of time. He needed to find Weasley and his friends and bring them to the Dark Lord.

‘f*ck this’ thought Draco as he opened a bottle of dark looking fire whiskey.

Draco didn’t even pour the alcohol into a glass just started to gulp the burning but soothing liquid down his throat. Draco immediately felt a little better.

He continued to drink in large gulps until he felt lighter and much less angry. Merlin, he loved how fast Fire Whiskey made a person tipsy. Draco whipped open his cupboard doors looking for his favourite dragon hide boots. Ahh there they are – Draco grabbed his boots and his death eater robes closest to him. As he pulled the dark robes on, he got the strongest scent of Cherries and musk.

Draco breathed in deeply, inhaling as much of the scent as he could. That’s when his tipsy brain realised who this scent belonged to. Draco allowed himself to inhale the sweet scent for a short moment before finding it more intoxicating than the alcohol he had just consumed.

The fact his robes still smelt like her a week later.

A week after he saved the ungrateful bitch.

All he could smell was Granger.

Hermione Granger.

And next time he would do more than just put his hand on her mouth to get her to shut up.

The house was quieter since Molly, Arthur, Percy and Professor McGonagall had departed late last night to begin their mission.

‘Please stay safe all of you,’ cried Molly as she hugged each and every one of them.

‘We hopefully will be back to help at the Ministry before the Polyjuice potion is ready.’ Said Professor McGonagall.

The Polyjuice potion will take a month to brew, so Hermione was hopeful they would be back with Aberforth before the month was up.

Hermione had begun the potion earlier today however was missing ingredients to complete it.

“I can start the potion but by day 5 I will need additional ingredients Ron.’ Said Hermione “I have no choice but to apparate to London to gather them.”

Ron and Ginny hated this idea but knew they had no other choice. Hermione knew what ingredients to get so she was the obvious choice to go and decided to use Harry’s cloak to remain hidden.

‘There is no point in a bunch of us going’ exclaimed Hermione when Ron, Ginny, Seamus and Fred offered to come with her.

‘Honestly I will be quick and hidden under the cloak.’ Said Hermione. ‘The cloak isn’t big enough for all of us and it isn’t worth any of you being caught.’

‘I hate this’ said Ron with a concerned look on his face.

‘I will be fine Ron and will send my patronus if I need.’ This seemed to convince Ron, for now. As long as she left soon.

Hermione woke early the next morning at 4:30am and had apparated to the leaky cauldron in London by 5am. It was pitch black out on the street and Hermione could see her breathe in the air as her teeth chattered It was that cold. Hermione cast a warming charm over herself before she headed inside the Leaky Cauldron. Hermione could see a few patrons sitting at the bar and several were seated in the tables and chairs spaced around the pub. Hermione couldn’t understand why anyone would be here so early in the morning.

Hermione gasped as she saw silver masks and dark robes – death eaters sitting in the pub. Two of them, one was dead asleep leaning against the chair booth. The silver masks made her think of Draco Malfoy and their last encounter at Hogwarts. Did he save her and why?

Hermione remembered his intense eye contact and the way he had pushed her up against the wall and made sure his death eater family and Voldemort didn’t know she was there. She still wondered why she had got away that day.

Hermione made her way quietly through the pub under Harry’s cloak and pushed open the heavy door that led behind the pub. She tapped her wand on the bricks and briskly made her way down Diagon Alley towards Knock turn Alley.

Her heart broke seeing Diagon Alley so destroyed. Several shops all smashed in, burnt and boarded up. She hated that many stores that she had shopped in growing up, had been driven out of business. Hermione made her way towards Knock turn Alley.

You could trust Knock turn alley would still be around, war or not. It was a creepy part of Diagon alley where some of the worst wizards would purchase their dark artefacts and goods.

Hermione made her way into the only Potions shop left that she knew. This is not the shop for your average potion ingredients. This place sold some dark and awful items. Hermione gripped tighter to the fabric of the cloak not wanting it to dare slip away from her. She was surprised the shop was open this early in the morning but was happy as this meant she didn’t need to break in.

‘Whose there?’ asked the creepy salesman behind the desk. The bell had rung as Hermione had stepped through the door. Hermione pressed herself against the wall and held her breathe.

The salesman stepped away from his counter and walked towards the front door. Hermione could smell him from here. He stank of dried blood and dirt. He was tall and very slender. Dark black receding hair and several boils on his face. He opened the door and stuck his head out and looked left and right. He sneered and sniffed the air, showing his yellowed and pointy teeth.

Satisfied that no one was there the salesman walked back behind the counter. He then disappeared into his tiny office behind the counter. Hermione let out a big sigh and decided it would be now or never to find the ingredients she needed.

Hermione made her way around the shop, seeing all kinds of disgusting ingredients including werewolf teeth, Fillet of a fenny snake, blind worm stingers, toad warts and vampires' fingernails.

Some of the ingredients smelt so bad Hermione had to hold her nose. Hermione noticed a cabinet closer the front of the store that looked more like the ingredients she was searching for.

Yes! Thought Hermione – there behind the glass cabinet were vials of the lacewings flies, powdered horn of bicorn and boomslang she needed. Hermione used her wand to open the cabinet as carefully as she could. She grabbed several vials she required and pocketed them. Just as she was about to close the cabinet door it slammed shut and the salesman was running over to where she was standing.

‘WHOSE THERE?” shouted the salesman.

Hermione flew out the door not caring about the bell and bolted down the street. The salesman was now screaming out the front of his shop.


Hermione didn’t stop running and didn’t look back. She ran so fast around the corner that she bumped into someone tall, firm and with a silver mask on. Hermione had just bumped into a death eater.

‘What the f*ck’ said the death eater obviously confused as to why something invisible had just knocked into them.

Hermione almost screamed and backed up away from the death eater and pressed herself against a shop front window.

There was no one else around and the sun still had barely risen so it was still quite dark out.

Hermione remained deathly still hoping that this death eater would move out of her way.

To her absolute horror the death eater began to reach out towards Hermione. Hermione started to panic now as she realised was cornered between the shop window behind her and this death eater.

The death eater continued to reach out until they found what they were looking for. Suddenly the cloak was pulled away from her, the death eaten whipped it off her before she could even blink.

The death eater laughed, Hermione froze realising she was exposed and no longer invisible. She went to raise her wand when the death eater spoke:

‘I just knew you were there – hello Granger.’

Draco Malfoy had been stressing about inevitable death and cherries and musk, and by sheer luck she had bumped into him.

In Knockturn Alley. It was almost laughable.

And to think he wouldn’t be here if he hadn’t gone for a drink or four with Theo. Then Theo being Theo fell asleep giving Draco time to go pick up some items from Borgin and Burkes.

But this…. This was the surprise he wasn’t expecting this morning, and a very drunk Draco decided fire whiskey was now his new good luck charm.

Hermione had just stared at him when she realised who he was. He knew by calling her Granger he had given away who he was, but it was too funny not to play with her.

Torment her almost.

Draco leant in and whispered into Hermione’s ear ‘Don’t try anything dumb now Granger. This place is crawling with people who want you dead.’

Draco smirked and Hermione could smell the fire whiskey on his breathe. But she could also smell spearmint and sandalwood, just like she could smell last time he was this close to her.

‘Are you going to come quietly, or should we do the kicking and screaming thing?” asked Draco. He winked at her, watching as her chest rose and fell rapidly.

Hermione knew she was trapped. If she raised her wand or made any noise, Draco would have back up in a heartbeat. She was all alone.

‘You know I used to always wonder how you lot used to sneak around the school.” Draco said looking at the invisibility cloak still in his hands. “I figured it out of course, but I would like to add this to my collection.”

Hermione went to snatch it back, but Draco held it high above her head.

‘That is Harry’s.’ muttered Hermione ‘And will always be Harry’s.’

“Last time I checked Potter is dead Granger.”

Draco grabbed Hermione’s arm so quickly she didn’t even get a chance to react, he took her wand from her hand with lightning speed at the same time.

Then he threw the cloak back over Hermione but his tight grip on her arm wouldn’t release.

‘You will walk beside me Granger.’ Draco demanded. ‘And stay hidden, am I clear?”

Hermione attempted to free her arm from Draco's tight grip, but he was holding her so tightly she could feel a bruise forming on her skin. Draco walked Hermione back through Diagon Alley and into the Leaky Cauldron. As Draco was guiding Hermione to the front door of the pub another death eater popped up from seemingly nowhere.

‘Oi Malfoy you leavin already?” slurred the death eater.

‘Nott go home to bed mate” Draco spat at the death eater. 'Important business has just come up.'

Draco continued to grip Hermione’s arm so tightly she was in pain now and forced her out the door of the pub. Once they reached the street Draco guided her to a deserted alleyway, ripped off the cloak and apparated them away.

Chapter 7: The Brightest Witch


Song Recommendations for this chapter:
Story about her - Mirko Dukanovic
High for this - The Weeknd

Chapter Text

Hermione felt herself land with a thud on what felt like hardwood floor. She groaned as she rubbed her temple, suddenly she had an instant headache.

She felt Draco release his grip on her arm and walk off to a large mahogany desk in the middle of the room. Where was she? Where had Draco taken her.

Hermione took a moment to take in her surroundings. She noticed Draco had taken her to what looked like a large office. The room was huge, with bookcases floor to ceiling wrapping around the room. Behind the large desk was massive windows furnished with deep emerald, green curtains. The room was dark, and Draco flicked his wand and the extravagant and very beautiful chandelier lit the room instantly. Hermione could see a beautiful Rose Garden and hedge maze outside the window.

This must be Malfoy Manor.

Draco opened a cabinet and poured himself a drink. ‘Want one Granger?’ He asked.

Hermione shook her head. What will happen to her now that Draco had captured her. She should have listened to Ron and allowed him to come with her. She thought she would be safe under the cloak, which was now on the desk.

Well, she was safe under the cloak until she stupidly ran in Malfoy.

Hermione went to grab her wand but noticed her pockets were empty.

‘You won’t be needing this Granger, not right now’ Draco teased and held up her wand in his hand.

‘Give it back Malfoy, that is mine.’ Yelled Hermione.

‘Not anymore’ Draco sneered back at her. 'Finder's keepers.'

Hermione glowered at her former school peer in front of her, however the death eater ignored her, continuing to pour more drink into a very expensive looking crystal glass.

Draco sat down in the large leather chair behind the grand desk, took another sip of his drink and placed his feet up on the table. He leaned back in the chair and gave Hermione a large grin, showing off his perfect white teeth.

‘So, what will I do now that I have Potter’s girlfriend?’ Draco laughed.

Ron was pacing back and forth in the kitchen and constantly looking out the window seeing if Hermione would show.

It was now late in the afternoon, the sun starting to set, and Hermione had been gone since 5am.

‘She should be back by now’ grunted Ron.

Ginny and Luna gave each other worried looks but both didn't say anything, worry also plastered on both of their faces.

‘Mate Hermione is the brightest witch of her age.’ George said to Ron placing a comforting hand on his should ‘I’m sure she will be back soon, she probably got distracted and found a book shop on her way back.’

But even George was having trouble hiding his obvious worry too.

‘Surely she would have sent a sign or her patronus if she was in danger Ron’ Seamus added.

Ron sat down with his head in his hands. Ginny placed a warm cup of tea in front of Ron.

‘Drink please Ron’ Ginny slid the tea in Ron’s direction. ‘I’ve added some calming drought in the tea for you.’

‘Gin I don’t want to be calm I just want to know Hermione is okay, she’s been gone hours” Ron stated.

‘Ron we are worried too’, Ginny gently said ‘But we must trust Hermione. She will be okay; I just know it.’

‘Malfoy what do you want?’ Hermione demanded with her arms crossed across her chest.

Malfoy sneered, stood from his desk and walked over to her grabbing her chin and holding it up to face him.

‘I don’t want you; you think I want a mud blood in my study right now?’ Draco responded, ‘However the Dark Lord wants you and your little army, and I want the slimy git off my back.’

‘You think I would ever give up my friends Malfoy’ Hermione spat ‘I’d rather die, so you may as well kill me now.'

‘Calm down little lion’ Draco laughed at her. Hermione felt her face go red.

‘No one is dying yet, not until I get your little friends so you will comply with what I want Granger.’ Draco snapped.

Hermione frowned and gave Malfoy her most evil stare. She felt Draco stare back her eye, neither wanting to back down.

Finally, Draco spoke again, his voice deeper now and tone ice cold.

‘So, either you listen to what I ask, and do as I say Granger’ Draco declared ‘Or I will have to use other methods, more unpleasant methods to get answers out of you.’

‘Do your worse Malfoy’ Hermione snarled and raised her head defiantly at him.

‘See the problem is Granger I’m on a time restraint right now and I can promise you the Dark Lord will do much worse than me.’ Draco waved his wand and heavy chains wrapped around Hermione making her sink to the ground due to the weight of them. Draco then handcuffed her to a large marble pillar fixed to the wall besides his desk.

‘I don’t have time to babysit you, Granger.’ Snapped Draco ‘I’ll be back in 1 hour and you better have answers for me.’

Hermione sat on the dark wooden floor chained up and locked in Malfoys office. She could feel sweat in her hairline as her anxiety peaked realised just how stupid she had been to end up here. Why didn’t she jinx Malfoy back in Knock turn alley and run? Why didn’t she fight him more? Why didn’t she bring back up like Ron. Hermione wiped the sweat off her brow and looked around the study trying to figure out how she could escape. She was sure even if she somehow got unchained the room would have wards on it and the door would most likely be cursed to prevent her from leaving. She knew Malfoy wasn’t as dumb as he looked.

Hermione sighed and leant back against the cool wall. If only she knew stronger wordless magic, but without her wand any effort would be useless. She cursed out loud under her breath.

Her hour alone was up before she knew it and Malfoy entered through the study now changed out of his death eater attire. Hermione took Malfoy in and realised not only had Ron grown over the past year, but Malfoy was now so tall she was sure he had to duck when he entered through the door. Malfoy’s hair had grown a little longer, blonde hair falling in his face. She noticed his shoulder and arms were wide and he had a lean muscle about him. Not as stocky as Ron but still broad and large.

Hermione took notice of Malfoys hands, and the large silver and black ring Malfoy was currently spinning on his left finger. He had changed into an all-black suit, similar to the one he used to wear in school. This suit looked expensive and had been tailored to fit him perfectly, and Hermione was engulfed in his scent - sandalwood and peppermint.

Hermione suddenly felt self-conscious for some reason and pulled some of her wild hair behind her ears. She was still sitting on the floor and Malfoy walked up to her, his large frame towering over her.

Malfoy bent down and crouched next to Hermione, grabbing one of the curls Hermione had missed and placing it behind her ear. Hermione felt her face blush pink, but she confidently stared back into Malfoy's dark grey eyes.

‘So, Granger’ Malfoy spoke with a certain command about him ‘How about we get this over. Where are your little friends? Let's start with the Weasel first shall we?’

Hermione felt her heat lurch. ‘No, I will never give you Ron’ Hermione stuck her face right in Malfoys face, their noses now almost touching.

Draco started to chuckle and stood up once again towering over Hermione on the floor.

‘Oh Merlin Granger, so you are f*cking the weasel?’ Draco spat in disgust ‘I thought the brightest witch of her age would have standards.’ Draco began to laugh again, his sarcastic cackle echoing around the large study.

Hermione could feel her face flushing even harder. ‘It is none of your business Malfoy, Ron is my best friend. As if I would ever give him or any of my other friends up to you.’

Draco sighed and ran his hands through his white hair.

‘Granger, like I said I don’t have time for this.’ Draco snapped, irritation now lacing his voice.

‘Well, I have all the time in the world’ Hermione snapped back.

Draco stormed out of the room; obviously annoyed Hermione was defying him. Hermione grinned just slightly knowing she had won the first round. Hermione also knew thanks to her time at school with him, that Malfoy was not a patient man, and his patience would run out very soon leaving Hermione in a very dangerous situation.

Now that Draco had left the room, Hermione once again went back to her plans of escaping. Somehow.

Draco had had enough of Granger already and she had only been in his presence for half a day. He was the one holding her captive right now and she STILL had to be a know-it-all brat.

Draco had called Theo the minute he stormed out of his study, and they had gone back to the Leaky Cauldron for more fire whiskey. Draco had no idea how he was going to get Hermione to give up Weasley and her friends. Especially now that Hermione was f*cking the weasel. Draco had to take a long sip of his fire whiskey to get that imagine out of his mind. He shuddered.

‘Malfoy, I reckon the other safehouse is that Black house we found a few months ago’ Theo said from across the table.

‘As if they would go back there Nott when the place has been discovered’ snapped Draco ‘Not to mention my father turned that place apart again only 2 weeks ago.’

Draco took another sip. His father had indeed searched the country for the Order’s remaining safe houses to no avail. Draco smirked knowing he had found one his father hadn’t, even if that safehouse was empty too. Thinking of his father he realised he hasn’t seen him in quite a few days now, not like he cared anyway.

Good, thought Draco, he was weighing him down anyway. Hopefully his father had listened to Draco and was prioritising looking after his mother. Merlin knows someone had to.

‘Let’s take this party elsewhere Malfoy’ Nott announced with a mischievous smile on his face. 'This pub is a dive.'

If Granger didn’t give up Weasley soon he would be dead anyway, so Draco figured f*ck it, let’s go party. He could let Granger starve chained up in his study for all he cared. Maybe if she was hungrier, he would get answers out of her.

‘f*ck it’ declared Draco ‘Let’s go!’

Draco and Theo were at Nott’s Manor within 10 minutes. Nott had invited others to join the party including Crabbe, Marcus Flint and Blaise Zabini. Draco also noticed a group of girls he used to go to school with including Millicent Bulstrode and Pansy Parkinson, who also happened to be his ex-girlfriend.

‘Is that Draco f*cking Malfoy finally here to let his hair down?’ Flint yelled loudly. ‘Thought you were too good for us now mate?’

Draco ignored Flint as Blaise gave Draco a firm handshake.

‘Zabini’ Draco said. ‘I thought you hated these get togethers as much as I do’

Zabini just shrugged his shoulders and took his seat again, poised as always.

‘Theo I’m cold’ Pansy Parkinson snuggled up to Theo on the grey couch. Pansy threw Draco a cold look from across the room. Draco just laughed to himself. Why Pansy thought he would care if she was now shacking up with Nott he would never understand. They had been over for a long time now.

Theo wrapped his arms around Pansy, and they began to snog much to Draco’s and everyone else's disgust.

‘There are rooms upstairs’ Flint announced rolling his eyes. 'Please.'

Theo got up and grabbed Pansy’s hand ‘Actually yeah Pan’s and I have a prior engagement.' he announced to the group as Pansy giggled and they made their way upstairs.

‘How classy’ Blaise spat out.

‘Oh, just cos you aren’t getting any Zabini’ Crabbe laughed.

‘I am sure every witch in the country is just dying to be near you Crabbe’ Blaise snarkily replied.

Draco let out a deep laugh at this which caught Flint’s attention once again.

‘So, Malfoy’ Flint smirked ‘Any new whor*s on your roster?’

‘f*ck off Flint’ snapped Draco ‘I don’t need to pay for my roster like you do.’

Flint looked like he was going to crush the glass in his hand, but instead turned his back to Draco and continued to speak to Crabbe.

This left Draco and Blaise alone again. ‘Malfoy so tell me. What you been up to? Besides being a big scary death eater?’ Blaise smirked and he took another sip of his drink.

Draco leaned in and whispered into Zabini’s ear. This fire whiskey was making him brave.

‘I have Hermione Granger currently tied up in my study at my Manor’ Draco grinned widely at Blaise.

‘f*ck off Malfoy, no you don’t!’ Zabini said obviously not believing him.

‘Speaking of, I better go tend to her’ Draco said ‘Make sure she isn’t getting up to no good’

Draco had now stood, placed his empty glass on the table in front of him and winked at Blaise.

Blaise still looked like he didn’t believe him and shook his head as they both said their goodbyes.

‘Someone tell Nott I need him first thing tomorrow’ declared Draco as he left.

Chapter 8: Lavender


Song recommendations for this chapter:
Solas - Jamie Duffy
Overcome - Skott

Chapter Text

‘Someone help!’ Molly’s voice screamed loudly through the safehouse. Ron rushed downstairs at the sound of his mother’s voice. Why was she back? What was wrong?

Ron ran into the kitchen to see Lavender Brown collapsed in a chair blood pouring out of a nasty wound on the side of her head. He stood in disbelief for a few seconds, the shock of seeing someone who he thought was dead, but now alive in the kitchen. Ron couldn’t believe it; he watched her die.

Luna and Ginny were already rushing to help Lavender with potions and bandages. Ginny poured some Dittany on the wound on Lavender’s head and noticed an instant effect with the wound closing very slowly and the blood flow stopping.

‘What the hell happened?’ George asked, just as confused as everyone else.

‘We found her collapsed in an old church with no clothes on the poor dear and bleeding from her head’ Molly said. 'We don't know what happened.'

Ron noticed that Lavender was only wearing an oversize coat. He went to the lounge room and got a blanket and wrapped it around Lavender.

‘I can’t stay, I need to get back we have another lead as to where Aberforth may be’ Molly said, ‘But we didn’t want Lavender to be alone the poor darling, please everyone look after her and ensure she eats when she feels better.’

Molly then left the house, and everyone heard a sharp snap sound as she apparated away.

Luna leant down next to Lavender whilst Ginny was still ensuring the wound on Lavender’s head was healing.

‘Lavender’ Luna asked, ‘Lavender Brown -Can you hear me?’

Lavender had her eyes closed but seemed to be coming around now that her injury was healed.

‘Luna’ Lavender whispered so softly that everyone had to strain their ears to ensure they did in fact hear Lavender speak.

‘I think we get her up to bed’ Ginny said. 'Get her warm and allow her to rest.'

‘I’ll carry her’ Ron announced. It was the least he could do right now for his injured ex-girlfriend.

Ron carried Lavender upstairs and into the girl’s bedroom laying her on Ginny’s bed. Ginny and Luna fussed over Lavender for a few minutes ensuring Luna was warm enough with enough blankets and Luna transfigured a glass of water to appear on the bedside table.

‘Ron you, okay?’ Ginny asked.

‘Yeah Gin, just in shock I think’ Ron replied.

‘A shock indeed’ Ginny replied and both Ginny and Luna left the bedroom.

Ron sat just for a few extra moments trying to numb the current shock he felt seeing his ex-girlfriend again who he swore he saw murdered and killed only just last week.

Lavender opened her eyes slightly and gasped.

‘Ron!’ Lavender croaked.

‘Hi Lav, yeah it’s me’ Ron replied ‘You need to rest, but everything is ok. You are safe now.’

Hermione was starting to feel helpless. She has used every ounce of strength she could to try and get these chains off her. She had attempted wordless magic as well but could feel she just wasn’t strong enough – not without her wand.

Brightest witch of my age my ass Hermione scoffed to herself. The brightest witch wouldn’t allow herself to end up chained and locked in Draco Malfoy’s study. Hermione gave out a frustrated yell and wished Ron was here. She missed him and was wondering if he was worried about her.

The door to the study flung open and Draco Malfoy made his entrance looking bored, pushing his hair from his face as he entered.

Hermione sat up straight not wanting Draco to see how defeated she felt.

‘Im backkk’ Draco sang. Hermione could smell the fire whiskey from across the room.

‘Are you ever not drinking?’ Hermione spat.

‘Well, that’s not really any of your concern Granger’ Malfoy spat back.

‘So how are we going with the whole where is Weasley thing?’ asked Draco.

Hermione remained quiet. Draco decided to push his luck.

‘You know there are other boyfriends out there, probably better ones.’ Draco laughed.

‘Shut up Malfoy’ Hermione snapped.

‘Ooooh feisty little lion are you?’ Draco smirked.

Draco then plopped himself down right in front of Hermione on the floor and crossed his legs.

He leant back exposing his muscles in his chest and arms which Hermione could see through his white dress shirt. One side of the shirt had come untucked, and Hermione could see the bottom of his toned stomach.

‘Cmon Granger’ Draco asked ‘You don’t really want to die do you? And anyways the world would be better off having your brain stay alive over Weasley's.

Weasley would be the perfect sacrifice as the world wouldn’t miss him.’ Draco laughed deeply. 'And I'll find you another boyfriend if that is what you are so worried about.'

Hermione didn’t say anything, not wanting to give Draco a reply. She was pissed off now. At herself and at Draco f*cking Malfoy.

Draco was not as poised and put together as he normally presented himself. Hermione could tell that he was drunk hence the swaying Draco was doing even though he was seated.

Draco leant forward and caught Granger’s sweet scent of Cherries and musk. That same scent that was on his cloak. But having her here right in front of him -It was intoxicating. Her scent was so overpowering Draco couldn’t help but lean in closer to her. Draco leant as close as he could to Hermione and once again pulled some of her wild curls that had come loose behind her ear. As he did, he whispered in her ear.

‘Granger you will want to tell me all of your secrets soon, you won’t be able to help it little lion.’ his face was now so close to Hermione's, the smell of fire whisky and peppermint so strong she held her breath, however still remained silent.

Draco then forced himself to get up and away from Granger. Being drunk and around her was not a good idea. He was dangerously close, once again to her lips. Those same pink lips he had watched for years shoot smart ass comments his way or laugh as she walked down the school corridor with Potter and Weasley.

No, he was too drunk for this right now. Draco flew out of his study door, locking it behind him.

Hermione was then left alone once again, chained to the floor in Draco Malfoys dark study.

Ron could hear Lavender talking with Ginny in the kitchen the next morning.

Ron cleared his throat as he entered the room. ‘Morning Lavender, morning Gin’ Ron announced.

‘Morning Ron, I’ve got to go help Luna with something but Ill be right back, look after Lavender!’ Ginny said.

Ron was then left alone in the kitchen with Lavender which he didn’t really find ideal as he didn't know what to say or do.

‘Want the rest of my croissant?’ asked Lavender.

Ron shook his head and sat down at the table. Lavender disposed of her croissant and placed the dish in the sink and then took a seat at the table across from Ron.

‘You thought I was dead, didn’t you?’ Lavender asked.

Ron noticed that Lavender looked much livelier today. Her face had colour back, no longer super pale, and the blood that was in her hair and on her face now gone, the wound no longer bleeding and clean. Her golden curls brushed and shiny and she was wearing some of Ginny's clothes, the dirty oversized coat she arrived in had been disposed of.

Ron didn’t know what to say, he felt his throat close, and his face go red.

‘It’s okay, everyone thought I was dead,’ said Lavender. ‘I thought I was dead.’

Lavender looked down sadly into her coffee cup.

‘What happened to your head?’ asked Ron ‘Why were you alone?’

Lavender looked incredibly uncomfortable and cleared her throat.

‘I just told Ginny’ whispered Lavender ‘When Greyback bit me on that day…..I thought I was dead. But I awoke the next day in the forest with no memory of what had happened and with no clothes. And I had blood all over me.’

Lavender let silence fill the room for just a moment and then she cleared her throat again.

‘Ron, Greyback turned me into a werewolf.’

Ron gasped and Lavender turn her head down in shame.

Ron felt bad so reached out and grabbed Lavender’s hand. She looked up at Ron and Ron gave her a small smile.

‘None of us care what you are now Lavender.’ Said Ron sincerely ‘We are just so happy to see you again.’

‘But aren’t you scared of me?’ asked Lavender.

‘Professor Lupin was a werewolf too remember.’ Stated Ron ‘We will be able to help you control who you are.’

‘I thought you would hate me even more’ Lavender choked, and her eyes welled with tears.

‘Lav I never hated you; we just didn’t work out. We were kids.’ Said Ron ‘I could never hate you. I am so glad you are here with all of us.’

Lavender wiped her tears with her sleeve, Ron passed her a tissue which she gratefully took.

‘It’s good to see you Ron’ Lavender smiled at him ‘If you don’t mind, I think I need a long hot shower.’

'We need to find Hermione’ Ron stated to everyone. Lavender had gone back to bed for a little bit after her shower and everyone else had gathered in the lounge room.

‘She definitely should be back by now’ Ginny agreed. ‘What if something has happened to her?’ Ginny looked like she was going to be sick.

Ron had barely slept last night and sat up with Ginny and Luna well into the early hours of the morning hoping Hermione would show.

‘I’m going to Knockturn alley today to try and find her’ Ron stated to the group.

‘Ron mate that is the dumbest idea you have ever had’ George replied. ‘You are number one desired in the death eater world and we can’t disguise you without Polyjuice potion.’

‘Seamus, Bill and I will go,’ said George.

Ron went to argue but understood George’s point. There are posters up everyone with his and Hermione’s faces plastered all over in every town in the country. It would be too dangerous for him to go, as much as he wanted to.

‘I’m going too’ Ginny declared.

‘No f*cking way young lady’ Bill said.

‘Hermione is my best friend’ demanded Ginny ‘And if you lot don’t let me go with you, I’ll go on my own so what would you rather?’

‘Fine.’ Said George ‘But you are to stay by our side at all times understand?’

‘Well let’s get going’ said Ginny and she ran upstairs to get her coat.

Hermione had not slept last night, not a single wink and she felt awful. She had remained sitting upright all night and didn’t dare let herself drift off to sleep.

She was absolutely freezing and wished she could perform a warming charm right now. Hermione hadn’t seen Draco since yesterday when he visited her in his drunk state. Hermione wondered what today had in store for her. She knew that if she didn’t find a way to escape soon, she would be facing death sooner rather than later.

Draco was temperamental and she knew his patience with her would run out. Hermione was surprised that she hadn’t been tortured (besides these chains and being held against her will.)

She was also surprised to have not seen another death eater or Voldemort. Why was Draco keeping her here? Shouldn’t she be in the Ministry prison and chained up wherever Voldemort and the other death eaters hung out? Shouldn’t she be on her deathbed right now?

Or dead already?

‘Granger’ snapped Draco.

Hermione had jumped at Draco’s surprise visit to his study. She was so lost in her own thoughts she didn't even hear the door unlock.

‘Stand up and come with me.’ Draco demanded. Draco mumbled an incantation Hermione couldn’t hear, and her chains disappeared from her body. Hermione could immediately feel relief as she no longer had the heavy weight of the chains crushing her body. Her arms and shoulders were so sore she could barely stand up, wobbling as she found her feet again.

Draco threw Harry’s cloak over Hermione and gripped her arm.

‘Now just like in Knockturn alley’ snapped Draco ‘No funny business Granger I swear to Merlin. You walk beside me and stay silent.’

Hermione let Draco lead her out of the study and down a large set of stairs. They took a left and walked down a dark and very long corridor full of paintings of people who must be Draco’s ancestors. Most were sleeping, however a few watched Draco in a peculiar manner as they made their way down the corridor.

Draco took a sharp left turn pulling on Hermione’s arm.

‘Ouch’ muttered Hermione.

‘Shut it!’ Draco snapped.

The reached the end of another hall and Draco opened a door to a huge bedroom. This room would easily fill her house she used to live in with her parents. The very thought of her parents made her sad.

The room had three large windows looking over the estate’s gardens, a massive four post bed, large marble fireplace and wall to floor bookcases just as the study did. The chandelier on the ceiling was even larger and more extravagant that the one in the study. Looking down she saw a large antique green and silver rug covering majority of the dark hardwood floor. Hermione was grateful the fireplace was roaring and felt instantly better feeling the warmth reach her skin.

‘Now don’t expect 5-star accommodation Granger’ Draco chuckled as he released her arm and took the cloak off of her.

He went to walk out of the room. Hermione couldn’t help herself and spoke up: ‘But why am I here now?’

‘If you would prefer chains and my study, please be my guest’ Draco scoffed and stormed out.

Ginny, Seamus, Bill and George had been gone for 2 hours now.

Ron hadn’t moved from the loungeroom, too anxious about Hermione and her whereabouts. Ron was bouncing his right leg constantly trying to dispel his nervous energy. He heard someone enter the room and take a seat next to him on the lounge.

‘You ok Ron?’ asked Lavender.

Run grunted not able to open his mouth for fear of being sick.

‘I’m sure she is okay Ron’ Lavender said, ‘She is after all Hermione Granger.’

Ron stayed silent and looked out the window.

‘You two are together now I hear?’ asked Lavender. 'Ginny told me.'

Ron finally made eye contact with Lavender. ‘Uhm I dunno, yeah I guess so.’ Ron said.

Ron continued to look out the window and he heard Lavender get up from the space next to him and leave the room.

Ron sighed and closed his eyes.

Hermione will be okay thought Ron. She just has to be.

Hermione had spent the past hour attempting to find any way of escape. She tried the windows and the bedroom door several times. Each time she tried to open the door the handle disappeared. Hermione tried to open the door via the cracks in the door, but it was useless.

She tried the bathroom but there was no windows or doors in here. Hermione walked back and forth throughout the room and scanned it multiple times looking for any means of escape. She pulled back the glamourous rug and looked under the bed for any secret doors and checked the fireplace over and over. Finally, Hermione frustrated and on the verge of tears collapsed on the floor and held her head in her arms. She was stuck here, well and truly.

Hermione hear a light ‘pop’ and noticed a tray appear on the bedside table. Hermione went over to it out of curiosity and saw food. So much food and pumpkin juice and coffee and tea. Hermione’s mouth watered, and her stomach rumbled loudly. When was the last time she ate? She couldn’t remember. Hermione turned away from the food and sat back down on the floor. No way was she eating Malfoys food.

Another ‘pop’ and an elf appeared in front of her.

‘Hi Miss, my name is Boppy’ the elf declared happily ‘Master Draco has sent me on a secret mission. My secret is to look after you miss! Miss must know you are Master Draco’s secret.’

The elf grinned at Hermione, looking very proud. Hermione just stared back.

‘Please, Miss must eat!’ Boppy went to grab the silver platter.

‘Boppy?’ asked Hermione.

Boppy stopped and beamed at Hermione, ‘Yes miss?’

‘I wish to leave. Please tell Draco I wish to leave, and you can escort me out?’ Hermione said to the little elf.

‘Miss can’t leave! Miss must stay, Boppy must insist you stay in this room’ Boppy replied ‘Or Miss will get Boppy in trouble with master Draco.’

Boppy started twirling her large ears with her fingers, looking very nervous.

‘Please miss do not get Boppy in trouble.’ Boppy pleaded, her big round eyes welling with tears.

‘Well, you can tell Draco I shall not eat if he insists on keeping me here.’ Hermione snapped.

Boppy looked horrified to hear this and gathered the silver tray with food and placed it down besides Hermione.

‘Miss to eat!’ Boppy said and then she vanished with another small ‘pop!’

Ron had found the bottle of rum his older brother Bill had hidden at the back of the kitchen cabinet. Ron was now very drunk sitting outside by the memorial stone, the little bit of sun coming through the clouds above him bouncing off his face.

‘Cheers to you all’ Ron held his glass up high in the air ‘Missing you all, and Harry you would have known what to do! We need you!’

Ron swallowed the remainder of the burnt tasting brown liquid and slammed the glass down on the grass next to him. It had now been 4 days since the others went to look for Hermione and 5 days since Hermione left the safehouse. Ron had mainly kept to himself, and he liked that he had the room all to himself currently because sometimes in the middle of the night Ron would break down, silence the room and just scream.

Ron had barely eaten in 4 days and had the same clothes on but he realised but he didn’t care.

Ron felt guilt eating him alive. He should have gone with Hermione, why hadn’t they found her yet?

Ron picked up the empty glass and threw it hard. He heard it land and smash somewhere. He then drank more rum straight from the bottle.

‘Aren’t you cold?’ Ron heard a soft voice behind him which reminded him of Hermione. Hermione would also harp on about Ron being in the cold and she did the best warming charms.

Ron turned slightly to see Lavender standing there in a big, white coat and pink scarf. Her long blonde curls fluttered in the wind.

‘I’m fine Lav’ Ron slurred.

Lavender placed herself down next to Ron and reached out her hand grabbing the bottle of rum and taking a long sip. Then she passed the bottle back to Ron.

The pair sat like this for a few minutes, not saying a word, just passing the bottle back and forth.

Ron looked over at Lavender and caught her eyes. Lavender was always very pretty, not pretty like Hermione but pretty in a different way. Her blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight and Ron gave her a smile.

‘Didn’t know you drank’ Ron said.

‘Neither did I.’ Lavender giggled.

They both laughed at this, both feeling the warm rum lighting up their blood and making them both feel lighter.

‘You know Ron, I absolutely hated you when you broke up with me.’ Said Lavender. ‘I didn’t leave my bed for days.’

‘I’m sorry Lav’ Ron replied sincerely.

‘It’s all good I got you back and you didn’t even realise.’ Smiled Lavender.

‘Wait what?’ slurred Ron.

‘A few weeks after you broke up with me, I put muggle diarrhea capsules in your coffee one morning. I then noticed that you did not look very well in all classes and kept ducking out presumably to sh*t your pants.’ Lavender was now laughing loudly.

‘That was you?’ Ron asked, ‘I had to go see Madam Pomfrey and she made me drink an elixir that tasted like goblin piss to cure me.’

Lavender just laughed even harder now.

Ron couldn’t help but laugh as well. It was nice to laugh. He couldn’t remember the last time he had even smiled.

Hermione had now been locked in this room for three days. Hermione refused to sleep in the bed, instead napping when she needed on the rug on the floor. Hermione also never touched any food much to Boppy’s dismay.

‘Miss must eat!’ Boppy insisted daily.

Hermione could feel she was getting weaker and weaker, maybe Boppy was right about eating thought Hermione.

Hermione was also still in the same clothes she had left the safehouse in. Her muggle jeans, converse shoes, grey t-shirt, white scarf and zip up pink jumper. Although the scarf had lived on the floor as her pillow. She hadn’t seen Draco since he locked her in here and had asked Boppy where he was.

‘Master Draco is busy miss.’ Is all Boppy would say.

Hermione was laying on the floor staring at the ceiling when the door opened for the first time in days. Hermione sat up as Draco walked into the room, slamming the door behind him.

Hermione had never seen Draco look so, well awful. He had bloodshot eyes and even darker bags under his eyes than what he had a few days ago. His skin looked paler, his blue veins showing through, and he just looked sick.

Draco stared down at her with disgust.

‘Why won’t you eat?’ Draco spat.

Hermione didn’t expect Draco to ask this, and her mouth hung open for a second unsure of what to say.

‘Boppy says you won’t eat, wont sleep in the bed, won’t use the shower” Draco scrunched up his face again. ‘Have you seen the state of you Granger?’

Hermione once again didn’t say anything so Draco stormed into the bathroom and Hermione could hear a tap running. Draco then grabbed Hermione roughly by her arm and made her sit on the bed next to the tray of uneaten food.

‘You will eat, you will bathe, and you will sleep in this bed for Merlin’s sake Granger’ Draco spat ‘And then we will talk about Weasley.’

Draco stormed out of the room, locking the door behind him.

Hermione sat on the bed, in shock as to what had just happened and what Malfoy had commanded. She looked over at the mouthwatering looking food besides her and finally gave in.

Ron and Lavender were hanging out together almost every moment after their drinking session the previous day. Lavender made Ron forget about how dire his life is for a few minutes each day. Ron needed this, he needed a laugh and someone to drink with. Ron felt grateful that Lavender was living with them now and even more grateful that they could be friends considering they were exes.

Lavender had made lasagne for dinner the previous evening for everyone to thank them all for mending her and allowing her to stay with them.

‘I remembered your favourite food Ron’ Lavender smiled as she dished out his plate. Ron devoured the lasagna, then went for seconds it was that tasty.

Luna, Fleur, Lavender and Ron played exploding snap before bed and Bill had sent an owl advising of where they currently were and that they had heard news that Hermione may still be in the London area.

This seemed to improve the mood considerably and they all decided to have a drink of wine during their game. By 10:30pm Luna and Fleur headed off to bed leaving Lavender and Ron to finish one more round of snap. Lavender beat Ron to his surprise and she teased him greatly for it.

‘I’m tipsy Lav, that’s why you won’ teased Ron.

‘Oh, bullsh*t Ron, I am just better than you’ Lavender said.

Lavender got up from the table and pulled something out of the cupboard. She looked at Ron mischievously and held up a bottle of wine.

‘Ssssh don’t tell Fleur but let’s drink this one too” Luna giggled.

Ron and Lavender headed outside with their bottle of wine to share and sat on the old sofa on the front porch.

Ron immediately thought of the night he had out here with Hermione when she fell asleep in his arms on this very seat. Ron took a long sip of the wine.

‘Oi leave some for me Ron’ Lavender snatched the bottle and took a drink too.

Ron and Lavender chatted about everything, including how the full moon now affects Lavender and the fact that she chains herself up in order not to hurt anyone.

‘Have you hurt someone before?’ asked Ron.

“I’ve woke up after a full moon covered in blood’ said Lavender grimly ‘I assume I have killed someone or a bunch of people, but I don’t remember so now I ensure I won’t hurt anyone ever again.’

Ron was feeling extra tipsy now and wanted to make Lavender feel better, he didn't like seeing her looking sad.

‘Lav ill make sure you don’t hurt anyone every again” he boldly declared. Ron looked down at the bottle and realised it was empty now. He glanced back up at Lavender who was looking at him fondly. Lavenders curls reminded him of Hermione, and he was now very close to Lavender.

Lavender leant in and kissed Ron, deeply.

Ron leant back in surprise and Lavender went bright red, so red Ron could see her blush even in the dark.

“Sorry Ron, I uhhh” Lavender began to say.

Ron grabbed Lavender’s face and pulled her towards him kissing Lavender furiously. Ron could feel curls and his drunk mind considered this to be okay since when he kissed Hermione, he could also feel curls. Ron pulled off Lavender’s coat and shirt at the same time. Lavender responded by taking Ron’s jacket and shirt off as well.

Ron then laid Lavender down on the sofa and kissed Lavender all over, both grabbing and pulling urgently at each other. Lavender started to unbuckle Ron’s jeans when Ron sobered up for just a second and he realised the curls he was holding tightly weren’t Hermione’s. As he looked deeply into Lavenders sparkly blue eyes, he realised dark honey eyes weren’t staring back at him.

Ron jumped up off Lavender and grabbed his clothes.

‘Lav, f*ck, sorry- I um, got to go.’ Ron said in a rushed tone, and he bolted away from Lavender, running back inside the house.

Ron ran all the way upstairs to his empty room, shut and locked the door and laid down on his bed.

He ran his hands over his face as he realised just what he had done.

Chapter 9: Bleu comme un papillon


Song recommendations for this chapter:
Runaway - AURORA
Drowning - Two feet

Chapter Text

Hermione awoke to the smell of toast and coffee and looked to her right to see more mouth-watering food. She sat up and grabbed the toast and devoured it. f*ck it she thought, she had given in already and she slept in the soft bed and enjoyed a warm shower last night. Hermione figured by not looking after herself and eating she makes the chances of getting out of here less likely. She had to maintain her energy for the first chance she had to escape.

‘Good morning, Miss!’ Boppy declared appearing out of nowhere and making Hermione jump, knocking the tray with her elbow and making a piece of toast fly onto the floor.

Boppy looked at the empty plate and her eyes went misty, Hermione thought she was going to cry.

‘Oh, miss you make Boppy so happy to see miss eating, would you like more toast miss?’

Hermione nodded her head, she was starving.

‘Boppy will be right back miss!’ said Bobby and with a pop she was gone.

Hermione felt better already by eating and decided to have another warm shower. Her body still ached from the chains Draco had placed on her when she first arrived at the manor. Hermione entered the bathroom and turned the shower on. Hermione looked at herself in the mirror and saw her wild curls staring back at her. Hermione decided she will try to tame them after she enjoys her shower.

Hermione felt amazing after a second shower. Her body wasn’t aching as much anymore, and she figured the blue foamy soap in the shower had healing properties in it which Hermione was very grateful for. She walked out of the bathroom in her towel to the smell of fresh toast. Thank you Boppy she thought as she picked up a slice. Hermione also noticed that there was fresh clothing on her bed. This dress on the bed was most definitely not her clothing. It was rather fancy looking, a deep royal blue with a sweetheart neckline and stopped just above the knees. Hermione noticed panty hose, black heels and an even more fancy white coat to go with it.

As If I am wearing that thought Hermione. She went back to the bathroom to gather her clothes that she had left on the floor, only to realise they were now gone. Damn it thought Hermione, Boppy must have taken them to be washed. Or destroyed probably if Boppy had to listen to Draco’s orders.

Hermione huffed and walked back out to the clothing on her bed.

‘It’s either those or the towel Granger’ came a deep voice from the door.

Hermione realised Draco Malfoy was standing there whilst she was in just a towel. Hermione tried to pull her towel higher up on her body as she felt incredibly exposed in front of Draco.

‘MALFOY GET OUT’ Yelled Hermione. She could feel her face going bright red.

‘Oh, don’t worry sweetheart I can’t see anything’ smirked Draco as he walked closer to her.

‘MALFOY LEAVE’ Hermione yelled again.

Draco was standing in front of her now with that stupid smirk on his face. Draco slowly looked Hermione up and down taking in her entire form. This made Hermione feel self-conscious once again in front of him. She was so sick of feeling self-conscious in front of Draco Malfoy.

Hermione tried to act as though he wasn’t bothering her, and she looked down once again at the blue dress laid out on her bed.

‘Malfoy where are my clothes?’ demanded Hermione. ‘I am not wearing that’.

Hermione pointed to the items on her bed and huffed loudly, showing her irritation.

‘Those so-called clothes of yours are gone Granger and good riddance.’ Snarled Draco. ‘Now be a good girl and put your new nice clothes on and be grateful the dress isn’t green.’

Draco gave Hermione one last look, winked at her and then left her room, his laugh echoing in her mind.

Ron had barely slept. And he hadn’t left his room at all today and he knew it had to be close to lunchtime by now. Ron felt guilt eating him alive as he thought of the night before.

He was drunk, so was Lavender. It was a mistake, an accident!

Ron rubbed his hands on his face again and groaned. Not only did he feel guilty, but he also had such a bad hangover. Wine was awful. Never again thought Ron.

What made it worse was that Hermione and Ginny were the only ones who knew how to make Pepper Up and Hangover potions. So, he had to handle the hangover the old-fashioned way.

Ron rolled over and held his pillow over his face to block the sun coming in through the window.

He heard a knock on the door and froze. Please don’t be Lavender Ron thought to himself.

‘Ron, would you like some lunch?’ came Luna’s voice through the door.

‘I’ll be down soon Luna thank you’ replied Ron.

Ron made his way downstairs 5 minutes later hoping that Lavender wouldn’t be there.

There she was sitting at the kitchen table eating her lunch. Ron averted his eyes from her and focused on Luna and Fleur instead.

‘Big night Ron?’ laughed Fleur.

Ron smiled sheepishly and could feel Lavender’s eyes on him.

‘Ughh yeah’ Ron replied, ‘Too much wine I think.’

Ron tried to eat the breakfast in front of him but could only stomach a few bites and two sips of his coffee.

‘Uhm ladies I appreciate you making sure I eat but I need to go lay down, sorry’ said Ron as he cleaned up his mostly uneaten breakfast and made his way back to his room.

He had almost made it back to his room when he felt someone grab his arm. Ron turned to face Lavender. He wanted to be sick again.

‘Ron?’ called Lavender in a very soft voice ‘Are you ok? I’m sorry if I upset you last night.’

Ron did not want to talk about this right now. He didn’t even want to think about last night.

‘Lavender I really can’t talk about this right now’ replied Ron ‘Can we talk about this later?’

Lavender looked hurt and looked down at her feet.

‘Yeah, I um…okay Ron.’ Lavender whispered and made her way back downstairs.

Ron just stood there for a few seconds feeling the guilt eat him alive.

He had done what he did last night with Lavender while Hermione was still missing.

He hated himself.

More days flew by, and Hermione was losing track of how long she had now been at Malfoy Manor. Draco had been MIA again and Boppy always told her the same thing – ‘Master is busy miss.’

Hermione was also growing restless and bored. The large bookcases in her room were empty and Hermione wished they were filled with books to keep her busy. Boppy visited most days with food and was always happy to chat for 15 minutes or so with Hermione. Boppy told her how she loved her master Draco, and that master Draco was a good man, trying to be better as Boppy put it. Hermione thought poor Boppy was brainwashed.

‘Boppy likes your new dresses miss.’ The elf smiled widely as Hermione fiddled with the short hem on the pastel blue dress she was currently wearing. Each morning new dresses and accessories were placed on her bed. Hermione wished she could have her jeans and hoodie back.

‘Boppy wishes she was pretty like miss. Boppy hears Master Draco talk about how beautiful Miss is’ Boppy said happily.

‘What?’ asked Hermione in shock.

‘Oh yes miss, Master Draco drinks his special drink and spills all of his secrets to Boppy and Master Draco said we must keep Miss safe!’

Boppy must have realised what she said as her large eyes went wide ‘Oh miss please don’t tell master Draco I told Miss this. Boppy would be in much trouble.’

Poor Boppy looked panicked, so Hermione gave Boppy a sincere reassuring smile.

‘We can have secrets too Boppy’ Hermione said.

Boppy beamed and Hermione wanted to ask Boppy about what Draco meant by keeping her safe when she suddenly became very flustered and serious and jumped on the spot.

‘Miss! Boppy must go!’ exclaimed Boppy ‘Master Draco needs me urgently; Master Draco is injured.’

Poor Boppy looked horror struck and with a quick pop disappeared, leaving Hermione to wonder what the hell was going on.

Hermione couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to Draco. Boppy didn’t visit the next day, but Hermione still had her daily meals and new outfit appear. Boppy didn’t visit the following two days either. Hermione was now growing anxious and wondering what would happen to her if something happened to Draco or if he died. Only Boppy knows she is locked in here. Surely Boppy would help her leave if something happened to Draco….

Hermione was spending majority of her time trying to think of a way to get out. She missed her friends, she missed Ron. She was wondering what they were thinking. Were they looking for her? Were they worried? She knew the answer would be yes and felt exhausted knowing Malfoy Manor is probably the last place they would think of to look for her.

Hermione heard her door open and there stood Draco. Hermione gave a small gasp at the sight of him. Draco looked worse than ever if that was even possible. The bags under his eyes were black now instead of purple and his hair was not neatly placed as it normally was. Hermine thought of Harry’s messy hair and how Draco now had hair wilder than Harry’s ever was.

‘Granger’ snarled Draco as he entered the room ‘We need to talk.’

Hermione could tell Draco was not to be messed with today. She noticed his mood swings were worse now than they were when she went to school with him. She never knew which Draco she would get since being held hostage here.

Hermione stood and stared at Draco but didn’t say anything.

‘I need Weasley. Now Granger.’ Snarled Draco.

He approached Hermione and grabbed both of her arms and held his gaze on her intently.

Hermione hated the feeling of being trapped but Malfoy was strong, and she couldn’t squirm out of his tight grip.

‘I already told you Malfoy I would never give up my friends!’ Shouted Hermione.

‘Granger, you don’t understand’ spat Draco. ‘You will never be able to leave here until The Dark Lord has Weasley.’

‘Tell your Dark Lord to go to hell’ Hermione snarled.

Draco looked furious at this and turned around and smashed his hand into the wall. Hermione saw Malfoys knuckles start to bleed.

‘What the f*ck Malfoy’ screamed Hermione.

Blood dripped onto the floor, Draco ignoring his hand approached Hermione once more.

‘Granger, you don’t understand’ Draco sounded exhausted ‘It’s either you or Weasley and we are running out of f*cking time!’

Draco turned and stormed out the door, leaving Hermione alone once again.

Draco flew out of Hermione’s room and stomped down the stairs. What the f*ck didn’t she understand. Why would she be willing to sacrifice herself for that Weasley prick. The bloke must be great in bed or something. Draco scrunched his nose up in disgust at this thought. The Dark Lord was growing more and more impatient with Draco’s progress.

He should just hand Granger over, f*ck her.

Granger had no idea how good she had it right now. If Draco did hand her over to Voldemort, she would be either dead already or tortured so badly she would wish she was dead. Draco shuddered to think what Voldemort would do to Granger, and what his crazy aunt would do. Why the hell was he wanting to protect the golden girl. What the hell was wrong with him? And why was it that every time he was in her presence her scent was so overpowering, he wanted to collide into her and absorb everything about her.

Draco felt disgusted in himself. As if Granger was his apparent weakness. Draco thought back to when he was in school with Granger and how often he would tease her just to get a rise out of her and watch her cheeks glow pink. Draco loved it when she pinched her brows together and bit her lip when she was trying to work out a particularly hard question on a quiz. Draco had watched Granger’s bouncy honey curls as she would walk down the corridors with Potter and Weasley. Most of all Draco loved getting any chance he could to stare at her from across the classroom and imagine what her lips would taste like.

Of course, Draco had hidden his attraction to Granger for all these years. She was a mud blood after all. A know it all, book worm golden girl mud blood. Draco had of course dated a lot of the girls in his year and even the years above and below him at Hogwarts. Pansy being one of them, but sometimes he would imagine Granger when in bed with Pansy – he couldn’t help it.

If anything, Draco just wanted a taste of her and then he was sure his weird attraction to the girl would cease. Draco believed Granger was like a shiny toy that he wasn’t allowed, and when he had the shiny toy, it would then lose its appeal, and he would discard of it.

Yes, that was it.

Granger had a hold of him just because she was the forbidden fruit. Once he got a taste, he would discard of her. And then he would hand her over to the Dark Lord and get old Voldy off his back for good.

So why did his heart want to rip in two whenever he pictured Voldemort ripping Granger's throat out.

Hermione had finally broken down and cried for the first since being in the Malfoy Manor. Draco’s outburst before and the fact that she was still stuck here trapped in a room had made her break. She missed her friends and Ron so much. She missed her wand and her magic. She missed her own bed and the cosy comfort of the safehouse.

But most of all she was frustrated as she was stuck here unable to leave not able to help her friends with their plans to break out the prisoners in the Ministry Prison. Hermione wondered if her friends were going to go ahead with the plan in her absence. She hoped they would. As much as Hermione would love to be free from the Manor, she hoped her friends went ahead with the plan as if they did, they would ensure to build their army and hopefully take down Voldemort as planned.

Eventually Draco would have to let her go. He would have no choice.

Ron had kept to himself the past few days, only leaving his room when he needed food. He figured Fleur and Luna now knew about the Lavender incident as Fleur was acting much more passive aggressive towards him and Luna looked at him as if she felt sorry for him. Lavender maintained her distance towards Ron which he was thankful for right now.

Being in a house with only women right now who seemed to hate him was bloody hard and Ron wished he was anywhere else.

Ron would speak to Bill daily via owl. Bill didn’t have much news for him regarding Hermione besides a rumour that she was spotted in Knockturn Alley well over a week ago arguing with a death eater. Apparently, the shop keeper of ‘Dark Arts & Co’ had seen Hermione outside her shop window, the death eater cornering Hermione between the window and himself.

‘Oh, I just knew that was Hermione Granger, I could tell by the curls’ the shopkeeper had said ‘I would have captured her myself as I could have used the reward the Dark Lord was offering but did not dare interfere with the death eater in her Prescence, if that death eater got her, she’s dead now mark my words.’

Ginny apparently thought the shop keeper was barny and thought the rumour was rubbish, so did George, however this made Ron very unsettled when Bill told him. If Hermione had run into a death eater who knows where she would be right now and if she was alive?

Ron shook his head not believing this to be the truth. Hermione is smart, strong and witty. Even if she was captured, she could outsmart anyone.

Ron felt guilt rise again in his stomach when he thought about Hermione and the other night with Lavender. He also felt conflicting feelings as of recent with Lavender back in his life. Both women made him laugh and feel good but in different ways. And Ron had grieved Lavender when he thought she had died.

The fact she was not dead and back in his life made his heart flutter. He knew he shouldn’t feel confused, but he couldn’t help the butterflies in his stomach now when he thought of Lavender.

He wished Hermione was here so he could push Lavender's butterflies away.

Draco had hit another dead end. f*ck.

This was not the safehouse even though he was so bloody certain. Draco pulled his wand out and began destroying the place with several different spells.

‘AS.IF.THIS.ISNT.THE.f*ckING.PLACE’ he roared.

Theo looked just as pissed off. Draco and Theo had spent the previous day travelling all of the country, torturing a bunch of people and investigating the leads to get to another dead end. Draco was so sure this was the safehouse. That he was going to burst in and finally captured Weasley. He was so looking forward to inflicting some pain on the bloke.

‘Let’s burn this sh*thole to the ground’ Draco growled.

Theo and Draco then lit the little house on fire from top the bottom. It took less than 15 minutes for the entire place to be engulfed in flame. Draco and Theo stood out the front watching their work. Theo lit a cigarette and Draco pulled out his flask from his robes and took a scull.

‘Malfoy we are dead men.’ Theo said. ‘No news for the Dark Lord once again. I reckon he will kill us this time.’

‘He probably f*cking will Theo’ snarled Draco ‘Nice observation mate.’

Draco took another long sip from his flask and cursed out loud again. Once again, they were going to report back to Voldemort tonight with no news. They would be tortured again at Voldemort’s hands. Draco’s ribs had only just regrown after they were broken two nights ago.

Every single day he saw more damage and scars and constant blood oozing from his cursed wounds thanks to The Dark Lord’s punishments. Draco copped the worst from Voldemort, however Theo hadn’t fared great lately either. Draco looked at Theo and could see the dark purple and black bruise under his eye and the deep slash across his neck.

Draco knew Theo was also hiding further injuries under his death eater robes just as Draco was. Theo had lost his mischievous sparkle in his eyes lately. They were now black and empty, Theo’s face gaunt and pale with bags under his eyes to match Draco’s.

Draco knew he looked even worse these days and only saw a dead man staring back at him when he looked in the mirror. Draco scoffed to himself thinking of the day Theo became a death eater and took the dark mark. Oh, how happy and proud Theo was that day and look at the kid now.

Just as broken and just as f*cked up now as Draco with a severe nicotine addiction.

Draco couldn’t talk, he knew he had an alcohol problem but being drunk all the time was the only way to get through his days lately. Draco ensured he was especially drunk when he had to report to the Dark Lord. Alcohol ensured he didn’t fully feel the torture inflicted upon him when he yet again did not have any news for Voldemort.

‘Well should we go get drunk before our torture date with Voldy?’ Theo asked. He had finished his cigarette and threw it into the fire inferno in front of them.

‘Don’t let me leave until I can’t walk’ Draco replied.

‘Only if you can guarantee the same for me’ Theo winked.

Hermione was sitting crossed legged in front of the fire watching the flames in front of her flicker. She reached out her hands and embraced the warmth licking at her fingers. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She had been thinking for hours of how to get out of here deciding that she would need to suck up her pride and try to be nice to Malfoy. Trick him into letting her go. Become his friend even.

Hermione felt disgust thinking about befriending Draco Malfoy but decided this was her only option. She had also been thinking hard about what Boppy had said to her a few days ago.

‘Master says miss is beautiful’

Hermione still didn’t know if Boppy had perhaps heard Draco wrong. She was sure Draco would be saying the opposite, but she knew Boppy wouldn’t make stuff up, House elves couldn’t lie.

Did Draco really think this. Surely not. But this was the only lead she had and was going to take it and use this to her advantage. If she had to get her flirty side out to win Draco over and make him let her go, she would. Hermione frowned, cringing at the thought.

Her door suddenly flew open, and it was as if Draco knew Hermione was thinking about him as he stomped over to where she was sitting by the fire and just stared at her. Hermione gasped as she took in Malfoys appearance. He looked as if he had just come from battle. Draco had the most bloodshot eyes she had ever seen; his neck had several gashes with blood pooling down his neck and into his black death eater robes. He had blood all through his hairline and a nasty purple and black bruise shooting down his left eye. His mouth was bleeding, even his hands were bleeding and his nose looked broken and swollen.

‘Malfoy you are injured’ Hermione stated, shock radiating from her voice.

‘Wow fantastic observation’ Draco slurred.

Hermione could smell fire whiskey and noticed Draco was swaying on the spot. He was the most drunk she had ever seen him, and she couldn’t help but notice Draco would not take his eyes from her’s. The way he was intently staring at her she wasn’t sure if Draco wanted to punch her or kiss her.

‘Granger’ Draco spat. At this point Hermione had stood up from her cozy spot on the ground. ‘You are to accompany me to the safehouse where your friends are. If you successfully do so I will let you go.’

Hermione stared back at him unsure as to what to say.

Finally, she spoke ‘And what if I don’t?’

‘Well, you and I will probably be dead by the end of the week.’ Draco snarled. ‘If I am dead, you will soon follow due to the fact that I am the only one who knows you are here.’ Draco began to laugh.

‘Boppy knows I am here.’ Hermione said.

‘Boppy does not know the god damn password to the wards on your room.’ Draco said in a very nasty tone. ‘You will either kill yourself in here from boredom or pure insanity, it’s a shame I won’t get to see it. - ‘Draco laughed once again and wiped blood from his swollen lip.

‘Come.’ Draco commanded.

Hermione felt a shiver go down her spine. Draco looked almost dangerous right now and his eyes had grown a deep dark shade of black. Draco roughly grabbed her shoulder as he led her to the door.

‘Draco no, let me go.’ Hermione whelped ‘Plus you are severely injured Malfoy, you are in no condition to go anywhere.’ She fought his strong hold, but Draco overpowered her easily.

Malfoy scoffed and pushed Hermione against the wall; he pressed his body right up against her’s. Hermione was once again held up against a stone wall by Draco Malfoy.

Hermione could almost taste the fire whiskey coming off Draco’s breath. Draco looked wild, his eyes dilating as he stared in her eyes. He was holding her arms against the wall, ensuring she couldn’t move and still had his body pressed firmly against hers. He was so close to her that she could feel his wild hair tickling her face as he leant down to look at her.

‘Granger, you will take me to your precious safehouse whether you like it or not.’ Draco snarled in her face.

He continued to breathe heavily as he looked into her eyes. Hermione felt her stomach in her chest, Draco was now watching her lips and she realised she was biting her lips heavily. She breathed out, her anxiety taking over. Draco let go of one of her arms and rubbed his fingers very slowly over her top lip and then her bottom lip.

He then moved his fingers down to the side of her face and ran his way up along her jawline and her cheek. Draco leant in even closer to Hermione, his lips now inches from hers. Hermione could smell the fire whiskey and an overpowering smell of spearmint and sandalwood; it was intensely overpowering.

Hermione bit her lip again and realised she had bit her lip so hard she had drawn blood. She felt a tiny trickle fall from her bottom lip. Draco quickly wiped the blood away from her lip, staring intently at the blood on his fingers as he did so.

Draco went back to looking deeply into Hermione’s eyes. Hermione swore she could see Draco’s eyes flicker from deep pools of black to midnight grey, then bluer than a butterfly, just for a moment before they went black again.

Draco was breathing heavy again as he connected his forehead with Hermione’s. He sighed and his body slumped and relaxed against hers. Hermione remained as still as she could but found this connection send electric shocks through her body.

‘You will be the death of me Granger.’ Draco whispered, ‘I’ve ran out of time’.

Draco pulled himself away from Hermione and stormed out the door, sighing as he locked it behind him.

Hermione gasped and caught her breath as she pulled herself off the wall. What did Draco mean and what had just happened.

Hermione was too emotionally exhausted to even think right now. Hermione made her way across the room and crawled into bed. As she pulled the sheets up over her, she continued to replay every moment in her head that had just happened. It took hours for Hermione to fall asleep that night, due to tossing and turning.

But mainly because all she could smell on herself was fire whiskey, sandalwood and peppermint.

It had taken over her room, her thoughts, her clothes and now even her bed.

Chapter 10: Like snow


Song recommendations for this chapter
Lovely -Billie Eilish/Khalid
Mr Sandman - SYML

Chapter Text

Ron was taking in the small amount of sun they had had recently. He felt it warm his face and the breeze blow through his hair. His hair had grown quite a lot longer and he thought of Hermione and wished she was here to cut it. He looked at the skyline and took in the grassy fields that seemed to go on forever. It was beautiful out here, even if they were in the middle of nowhere.

Ron had just sent off Bill’s owl replying to Ginny’s last letter. Ginny had said that they were going to give it another two days to find Hermione, before coming back to the safehouse to discuss the next course of action. Ron really hoped they would find her, but it was as if Hermione had disappeared off the face of the earth. Ron sighed and continued to stare at the skyline. He saw in the near distance Lavendar and Luna coming back with firewood, levitating the wood behind them.

He noticed they were both discussing what looked like something serious when Lavender spotted Ron sitting outside the cottage. Ron gave the girls a small smile and Lavender gave Luna a nod and headed towards Ron.

Ron swallowed spit stuck in his thought and felt himself get nervous as Lavender approached him.

‘Hey’ Lavender said quietly.

‘Hey’ Ron replied.

It was very awkward and tense between the pair before Lavender sighed and sat down next to him on the grass.

‘I would like to talk to you Ron, you’ve been avoiding me.’ Lavender said. ‘I am sorry if I overstepped a line.’

Ron sighed again. ‘Lav, you don’t need to be sorry, it's me that needs to be sorry. I overstepped the line, not you.’

Lavender and Ron were now both now staring at the skyline, taking in the quiet around them.

‘You are properly with Hermione then?’ asked Lavender.

‘Like I said Lav I don’t know, Hermione and I have never put a label on anything. We never discussed what we were.’ Ron said quietly.

‘Were?’ Lavender asked.

‘I mean what we are’ Ron replied ‘I’m confused Lav.’

‘Have you kissed?’ asked Lavender.

Ron felt his cheeks flush for a second remembering that he had done more than just kiss Hermione but was not going to disclose this to Lavender.

‘I'll take that as a yes then.’ Lavender said as she looked down at the grass and began picking at the blades with her fingers.

A few more quiet seconds had passed before Lavender spoke again ‘Ron I still care about you. You broke my heart, and I still care about you. I’m worried I always will.’

Lavender gave Ron a sad smile and picked herself up from the grass. Ron watched her walk back inside the cottage, her long blonde hair blowing in the breeze behind her.

If Ron wasn’t confused before he most definitely was now.

Draco awoke the next morning feeling like he had been hit by twenty bludgers. He groaned as he rolled over and realised, he must have fallen asleep in his death eater robes, he hadn’t even pulled the blankets over him last night. Draco called for Boppy asking for a hangover potion and for his healer.

Draco downed the hangover potion, and a knock was heard at his bedroom door.

‘Yes’, Draco snapped. The door opened and Blaise Zabini was walking into his room ready to get to work. Anyone else would be in shock at the state of Draco but Blaise was more than used to it by now and didn’t even batter an eye. Blaise got to work healing Draco’s broken nose first and then giving Draco some more potions and dittany to help heal everything else.

Draco had to admit Zabini’s training at St Mungo’s the past few months had come in handy for him since he was needing to be healed almost every day, if not every second day.

‘How you are still alive I’ll never understand’ Blaise said quickly.

‘I don’t get a dying wish Zabini’ Draco snapped ‘I’m a death eater after all, I'm like a co*ckroach.' Draco let out a low and short laugh at his co*ckroach comment.

Blaise just gave Draco an unimpressed look as he waved his wand and Draco watched the skin on his arm close back up.

‘Your skin is getting greyer and greyer every time I see you Malfoy, you are slowly being poisoned from the inside out and you know I can’t heal crucio spells. Especially not when they are being blasted into your body almost daily.’ Blaise stated.

‘Can you write me a healer’s note please Zabini’ Draco said sarcastically ‘Get me out of being Crucio’d everyday by Voldemort, cheers Doc.’

Blaise just gave Draco an unimpressed look as he packed up his belongings.

‘Look Malfoy all I am saying it your body won’t be able to handle this for much longer.’ Blaise placed some additional potions on Draco’s bedside table and walked out of Draco’s room.

‘Make sure he drinks them Boppy’ Blaise said to the elf as he walked down the hall.

‘Boppy thanks you for looking after master Mr Zabini’ Boppy then headed into Draco’s room.

As Blaise made his way down the dark hallway, he could feel strong wards and charms vibrating from a large tapestry on the wall. Blaise smirked as he realised what was hidden behind Draco’s guarded tapestry – No, who was hidden.

Draco wasn't lying when he said he had Hermione Granger captured after all.

‘How Malfoy has allowed the Gryffindor princess to steal his dark, cold heart, I’ll never understand’ Blaise chuckled to himself and shook his head as he left the manor.

Bill, Ginny, Seamus and George had just arrived back to the safehouse. Everyone was glad to see each other however there was a sombre mood in the air since Hermione hadn’t come back with them. After embracing each other and Lavender being introduced to Bill and Fleur everyone made their way into the lounge room and sat down together.

‘We looked everywhere.' Bill said flatly, he looked run down and exhausted, with cracked dry lips and bloodshot eyes.

‘There was one lead that I swear was true’ Ginny stated, ‘Turned out that lead was as much of a dead end as the others.’

Ginny had also come back looking just as exhausted as Bill, she looked as if she hadn't slept in days and her long red hair was in tangles.

‘We did hear of some rumours about Aberforth’s whereabouts which we have relayed to the others.’ Seamus piped in.

George looked at Ron ‘I’m sorry mate, we tried everything and looked everywhere for Hermione.’

Ron glanced down at the floor trying not to show his frustration. He knew they had tried, but he didn’t think they’d tried hard enough.

Ginny began to cry ‘I can’t believe we couldn’t find her.’ Fleur gave Ginny a comforting rub on her shoulders.

‘Does this mean she’s in trouble?’ Luna asked the group with concern amidst her voice.

Bill and Ron looked at each other knowing the answer already. It seemed no one wanted to voice it out loud for fear of being right. Hermione was in trouble or injured or captured or at the very worst – dead. Everyone looked around at each other, all with concern in every pair of eyes.

Fleur was the first one to break the silence. ‘Vell sh*t, vot do we do now?’

The next morning bright and early the group decided to split and pack their things to leave the safehouse. All plans for Voldemort had decidedly been placed on hold. Finding Hermione was the main importance for everyone now. Everyone had split into two different groups, and they would search different parts of the country until Hermione was found. George, Bill, Fleur and Luna were Group one and Ron, Ginny, Seamus and Lavender were group two.

Ginny had placed an extendable charm Hermione had taught her on two backpacks for both groups. Both backpacks were filled with clothes, potions and plants for First Aid, food and water, pillows, blankets and a tent. Everyone also packed anything else they thought they might need for their journey. Ron ensured he snuck the last bottle of rum into his backpack.

‘Okay so aim is to find Hermione and get her back here to the safehouse’ Bill declared to the group. ‘Whoever finds Hermione to send a Patronus to the other group to let them know we will all meet back here. Ron don’t do anything stupid, and don’t get seen -we can’t afford to lose anybody else.’

Ron shot Bill an annoyed look and then once several goodbyes were said, Bill’s group apparated together to Scotland to start their search there. Ginny had offered the idea of Hermione maybe going back to Hogwarts to find supplies.

Ron looked around at Seamus, Ginny and Lavender. ‘Alright we ready?’ Ron asked.

Everyone nodded and linked arms and within seconds they were in a back alleyway across from Leicester Square in London.

‘I thought we were going to start further west Ron?’ Ginny asked, ‘You know we searched Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley already.’ Ginny seemed annoyed.

‘I want to look around for myself thanks’ Ron snapped back.

Ginny rolled her eyes as the four made their way across the road. Ron ensured to wear a black cap to help hide his distinct red hair, pushing most of his hair up into the cap. They made their way into the Leaky Cauldron, keeping their heads low so as not to draw and attention to themselves. The pub was crawling with Voldemort’s loyalists. This was no longer the Leaky Cauldron they once knew.

Tom the barman was nowhere to be seen, and Ron figured the poor bloke was dead as he had never had a single day off in his life, this pub was his everything. Was his everything.

Ron led the group to the back of the pub and through the brick entranceway to Diagon Alley. Ron was in shock at just how run down and deserted Diagon Alley was these days.

‘Merlin, you weren’t wrong Gin’ Ron whispered to Ginny.

‘So, what’s the plan Ron since you wanted to come here.’ Ginny asked.

Ron pointed in the direction of KnockTurn Alley. ‘We will be interviewing that shop owner once again but this time we aren’t going to be nice about it.’

Ron, Seamus, Ginny and Lavender approached the store front with caution. Luckily both Diagon Alley and Knock Turn Alley was a ghost town today, but Ron didn’t want to take any chances. Last thing he wanted to do was bump into some death eaters. The bell rung as the group entered the dusty store. There wasn’t much light in here and Ron could smell the room before his eyes had even adjusted to the low light. It smelt like a small rodent had crawled up in one of his day-old socks and died. There were some candles lit spaced around the room and Ron could see all kinds of old crusty dark looking artefacts. Some in cabinets and some placed on small tables in random spots around the store.

A small old woman who Ron swore was a hag emerged from behind a curtain. She was very short and incredible skinny. Her old matted brown robes hung off her, obviously way too big on her tiny, bony frame. She had warts all over her face and long, yellow pointed fingernails which she placed on the desk in front of her.

Her nasally voice rang out through the small store. ‘You all look too young and too sweet to be in a shop like mine. Lost, are we?’

The hag gave a low deep laugh which was almost a growl and a menacing smile showing her brown, rotted teeth. This lady was not a sweet old lady that was for sure.

‘We heard you had seen someone who we are searching for not too long ago’ Seamus spoke, addressing the hag.

The hag began to laugh manically. ‘Hermione Granger? Why yes, she was arguing with a death eater just outside that very window.’ The hag pointed outside. ‘Silly girl got herself captured. Damn shame for me, I could have been rewarded if I had got to her first.’

Ron gripped his hands together tightly making a fist. There is no way Hermione got captured, the hag was lying. It would have been in the news if Hermione Granger was being held captive by death eaters.

‘One minute she was there and then gone!’ the hag laughed ‘Like she had become invisible.’

This gave Ron hope as Hermione must of apparated away from the death eater. But this didn’t explain why she hadn’t come back to the safehouse.

‘What did the death eater look like?’ Ginny demanded and stepped forward towards the hag.

The hag laughed once again and shook her head. ‘Like a death eater dearie. Black long robes, hooded cloak and of course, his silver mask.’

‘Surely you can remember something, anything to describe the death eater.’ Asked Seamus.

‘And what will I get in return for telling you lot anything.’ Asked the Hag suddenly annoyed. ‘I had people come and ask questions about this just last week, reporters they said they were.’

The hag pointed to Seamus. ‘You were one of these supposed reporters, I remember your accent.’

The hag became incredibly angry and slammed her fist down on the desk. ‘You aren’t no reporters; you are looking for Hermione Granger as you are one of them!’

The hag spat on the floor in front of her. ‘You all deserve the same ending as the mud blood girl.’

Ginny pulled her wand out at this and released a spell that bound the hag with ropes. The hag was now even more furious and screaming at the group.


Ron threw a jinx at the hag causing circle shaped burns to spread across the hag's cheek. The hag was now so furious she was wriggling and pulling against the ropes wrapped tightly around her arms and legs.

‘Now you will shut up you old bat and tell us what we want to hear.’ Threatened Ron, as he continued to hold his wand up, prepared to send more spells the shopkeepers way.

The hag spat on the floor again and both Seamus and Ron jinxed her again, adding more burns to her face. Lavender then levitated the hag so she hung high in the air and rotated her so she was now floating upside down.

The hag continued to fight the ropes around her body and curse loudly at the group.

‘What did the death eater look like?’ Ron demanded ‘Or we will cause you pain worse than these burn jinxes.’

The hag suddenly went from furious to laughing crazily again.

Seamus shot a stinging jinx at the upside-down hag’s arms. Ginny waved her wand and created a fire under the hag on the floor.

‘Tell us what we want to hear, or I will ensure this fire continues to get higher and higher until it reaches you.’ Ginny boomed at the upside-down hag.

Lavender who was still levitating the hag brought her wand down slightly, so the hag was closer to the fire now. The hag no longer laughing began to panic. Ron could see sweat now pouring off the hag and could tell the fire was heating her quickly.

Ron decided to wave his wand and send three more burning jinxes on the hags’ legs. Ginny then yelled CRUCIO and the hag went a pale green, convulsing and thrusting in the air. The hags’ eyes bulged out of her head and when Ginny lowered her wand the hag cough and spluttered before she whispered,

‘He was tall, that’s all I know.’

Ginny cast crucio again. Lavender gasped as the hag began convulsing and spluttering again.

Ginny looked back at the group and shrugged her shoulders, her eyes now dark.

Ginny once again released the hag from the crucio curse and Lavender levitated the hag back to the ground. Still bound in tight ropes the hag collapse to the floor. Ron could see blood coming from the hag's mouth and she was breathing heavily. The hag spluttered and coughed several times before she once again spoke in almost a whisper.

‘He was tall, very tall and he had blonde hair poking out from behind his silver mask.' she continued to gasp for air, however had not moved from where she had collapse on her store's floor.

'Blonde hair, so very white -like snow.’

Chapter 11: La Vilaine est morte


Song recommendations for this chapter:
Path 3 (7676) Pt.1 - Max Richter & Grace Davidson
Daylight -David Kushner

Chapter Text

‘Nott what the hell are you doing here?’ snapped Draco. Theo had come out of Draco’s study fireplace just as Draco was about to leave the room to go check on his mother.

‘Nice to see you too mate’ Theo sarcastically replied. ‘I have news. One of the Weasleys has just been captured. The idiot was at Hogwarts of all places.’

‘Ron Weasley?’ Draco asked with hope.

‘Nah one of the twins, the one that isn’t dead.’ Theo replied. ‘Bellatrix has him at the Le’Strange Manor.’

‘f*ck’ Draco said out loud ‘I was hoping you were going to say Ron, but we can work with this.’

For the first time in a very long time Draco could feel hope.

‘Let’s visit my adorable aunt’ Draco smirked at Theo. ‘Lucky I am in the mood for some fun.’

George Weasley looked awful. Draco inspected the red head as he lay on the stone-cold floor gasping for air. He had been badly beaten probably by the death eaters who caught him, but his aunty was torturing him with everything she had right now. Draco thought George would be dead within the hour.

The blood coming out of George’s eyes and mouth was almost gushing and he laid in a pool of his own blood with an obviously broken arm since the bone was poking through skin, a split lip and he had bruising all over his face and neck.

‘Tell me where your brother and the golden girl are’ Bellatrix yelled.

George laughed. Just laid there in obvious excruciating pain but just laughed. This pissed his aunty off, and she blasted George with several lacerations to his hands with a particular nasty jinx.

Draco approached the red head on the floor. George spat at him, and Draco leant down and held his wand against George’s neck. ‘You are going to tell us where your other pathetic brother is.’ Draco snarled ‘And we will make sure this one is dead too.’

Draco kicked George in the ribs much to Bellatrix’s delight. She cackled loudly and threw some more jinxes at George. The blood on the floor was now quite a large puddle and George was looking disturbingly pale.

‘No more.’ Draco commanded to his aunt. ‘We can’t have him dead. Not yet anyway.’

Bellatrix smiled showing her rotted teeth and clapped her hands together in excitement. ‘Draco he is yours, I trust you will do a better job with your prisoners than your father ever could. Do not disappoint our Dark Lord, make this blood traitor talk.’

Draco watched his aunt leave the room cackling to herself. Theo stepped forward and kicked George in the ribs too. George curled up in pain on the floor and coughed out a lot of blood.

‘No more Nott.’ Draco commanded ‘He is to be taken downstairs. The dungeons will be his home until he joins his twin brother in death.’ Draco looked down at George and snarled.

George looked up at Draco and managed to cough out the words ‘Daddy’s little bitch.’

Theo gave George one last kick in the ribs before Draco waved his wand and chained George, locking his wrists and feet together. ‘Let’s escort this prick to his fine accommodation.’ Draco said to Theo as they dragged George down to Bellatrix’s dark dungeons.

‘f*cking Malfoy has her.’ Ron screamed furiously as the group walked back up the dark street of Knock turn Alley.

‘Lucius Malfoy?’ asked Lavender clearly in shock.

‘Draco Malfoy could never, could he?’ Seamus asked out loud.

‘Who else has platinum blonde hair and is a death eater?’ Ginny declared to the group.

‘The Malfoy’s will be dead soon, let’s make sure of it!’ Ron snarled.

The group had left the hag they interrogated lying on the floor and had locked up and silenced her shop for good measure. As they walked out Ginny had turned the sign on the shop door around, so it read ‘Sorry we missed you!’

The group headed back up the destroyed street that was once Diagon Alley.

‘Isn’t that Bill’s patronus’. Ron pointed to the glowing blue wolf floating towards them like an orb.

‘No way!’ Ginny exclaimed, ‘They found Hermione!’

The glowing wolf swirled around them until they heard Bills’ voice come through.

‘George has been captured by death eaters, he saved Fleur but sacrificed himself. We are heading to Bellatrix’s manor as we heard in Hogsmeade from snatchers that he has been taken there. Be careful.’

The wolf slowly disappeared as the group looked at each other.

‘Oh my f*cking god.’ cried Ginny, hot angry tears already streaming down her face ‘George! Let’s go!’

‘Everyone link arms’ Ron commanded and with a loud pop the group apparated out of Diagon Alley landing in dense, thick forest, with mist so thick you could barely see 100 meters in front of you.

‘Where are we’ Lavender asked as everyone took in their surroundings.

‘It's bloody freezing’ Seamus exclaimed as he pulled out his wand from his pocket and cast a warming charm on everyone.

‘The manor is just north of here; I remember Harry telling me when he was investigating the Black and Malfoy families back in our 6th year at school.’ Stated Ron. ‘Harry could pinpoint on a map where the families of the sacred 28 lived or had lived.’

‘I remember him telling me about the estates of the sacred 28’ Ginny replied, ‘Thank god for Harry and his weird obsession’s.’ Ginny smiled fondly before her eyes grew dark and she frowned at the sky.

The group headed north, fighting against the thick vegetation in this forest. Every few meters one of them would have to use magic to blast the large tree roots and vines out of their way. Everyone quickly became filthy, covered in the elements and dirt. Their shoes and bottom of their pants muddied and soaking wet. The group pushed on determined to find and save George.

Ron couldn’t help but think of the worst. What if they were too late? Ron knew he would beat Bill and the other group to George – it took longer to apparate over an entire country than just a few cities. Unless you were one of the strongest wizards in the world, but for normal wizards and witches apparating over long distances was difficult to say the least and could take hours or even days.

‘We are losing daylight’ Lavender exclaimed.

‘Not long now’ declared Ron to the group. ‘I can see finally see the sky now that the tree’s aren’t so dense.’

Hermione was indeed going stir-crazy. And she hadn’t had a visit from Boppy today either. Or Draco actually.

Hermione thought back to last night and the things Draco had said to her. Hermione also couldn’t help but remember how close Malfoy got to her, so close indeed she felt his heavy build against her chest and remembered how soft his forehead was and how his now longer hair tickled her face. Hermione felt goosebumps run down her arms at these thoughts. Why hadn’t he handed her over yet? She had been here two weeks and yes, she was held against her will but wasn’t being tortured as she thought she was going to be.

She had three meals a day, shelter and a warm fire, bathroom amenities and this lovely plush bed. If anything, she was a prisoner in luxury. Hermione frowned at this thought. It didn’t make sense. She didn’t even believe that Draco’s parents knew she was here, let alone Voldemort. Why did Draco want Ron so badly?

She thought Voldemort would be happy with either her or Ron captured, since they were both equally wanted. She should be chained in a dark, cold dungeon somewhere right now struggling to stay alive, beaten senseless and tortured. Instead, she was living the highlife at Malfoy Manor. Hermione’s thoughts then turned to Ron and her friends. She hoped they were ok and well. She was sure they were still trying to find her, but Hermione also hoped they were making progress with their original plan. The plan they all agreed on before Hermione got herself captured by a death eater. Hermione made her way over to the fireplace and embraced the warmth, closing her eyes just for a second.

‘Miss!’ Boppy had popped out of thin air much to Hermione’s surprise. ‘Miss sorry for disturbing you, I bring you these’.

Boppy looked so pleased with herself as she pulled two books out from behind her back. Hermione’s eyes lit up at the sight of the books.

‘Master Draco has allowed miss to have these’, Boppy said to Hermione ‘To keep miss company.’

Hermione reached out and took the books from Boppy’s hands. Hermione could tell these books were very old and limited editions - priceless even.

Yes, they were fiction, and Hermione had read these novels before, however, was so grateful to have something to keep her busy and books this precious in her hands. Hermione raised the books to her face, inhaling to old parchment and sighed contently.

‘Miss is happy?’ asked Boppy with a huge grin on her face.

‘Thank you Boppy’. Hermione said sincerely ‘And please thank Malfoy, I mean Draco for me.’

The large dark manor stood high in the sky surrounded by a massive dark brown stone wall which was easily 12 meters high and covered in overgrown, thick Ivy. Heavy Iron gates locked the mansion away behind the massive stone wall and there were black rose bushes clustered around the front of the manor. Bellatrix Le’Strange’s mansion had an awfully eerie feel about it and dark magic clung to the air.

‘The only way in is over the stone wall.’ Ginny stated. She waved her wand pointing it at the Le’Strange Manor.

‘Revelio’ she whispered.

Ginny’s spell sent bright light sparks out of the tip of her wand which floated through the large manor’s gate and the group gasped collectively at what was guarding the manor in the darkness. There must been at least 50-60 Inferi shuffling around, some fighting each other, others eating what looked like human flesh. The stench of death was in the air and large crows with beaks as sharp as carving knives were circling high above in the dark sky.

‘That’s some twisted sh*t right there’ Seamus exclaimed ‘You have to be pretty f*cked up to turn someone into an Inferi, and she has so many guarding her mansion!’

‘Super dark arts. Necromancy’ Lavender exhaled.

‘No wonder why the bitch doesn’t bother warding her place with spells’ Ginny said in disgust ‘She has a whole walking dead army to protect her.’

Ron began to stress about how they were going to get passed the Inferi. He certainly did not feel like becoming an undead freak of nature. ‘We are going to have to fight them, we have no choice’ Ron said out loud.

‘George doesn’t have time for us to fluff about’ Ginny said seriously ‘Lets send these f*ckers back to hell and find him.’

The group crept quietly around the left side of the manor where the ivy ran thickest on the high stone wall. Seamus climbed up the Ivy first with ease and jumped down into the manor grounds. Ginny followed behind.

Lavender grabbed Ron’s hand once Ginny had disappeared over the wall.

‘Ron I am sorry for upsetting you recently’ Lavender pulled Ron closer to her ‘I can't die without being your friend again.’

Ron felt his heart flutter at Lavender’s words. He looked deep into Lavender’s eyes and could see she was tearing up. He knew she cared deeply for him, and Ron felt mixed feeling’s right now for Lavender as he realised, he did truly care for her. He didn’t want her to die, and his protective nature kicked in.

‘Lav I promise you we are more than friends.’ Ron said sincerely cupping the side of her face. ‘It is me that needs to be sorry for being such a dick lately. I screwed up, but you will not die. Not while I am here.’

Lavender wiped her tears away and Ron climbed the ivy over the wall joining Seamus and Ginny on the other side.

‘You right Ron?’ asked Seamus. Ron nodded in the direction of Seamus however it was hard to see in the dark. Night-time had truly settled in now. Lavender had now climbed over the wall and once she had made it halfway down Ron grabbed her by the waist and lifted her safely to the ground. Ron and Lavender stood for just a second in each other’s embrace before Lavender whispered thank you and the group made their way along the vast gardens towards the front door of the Le’Strange Manor and in the direct path of the inferi.

Draco had been down in his aunt’s dungeons for a few hours now watching Theo torture George. They had not got George to talk even with Theo using crucio several times on their prisoner. Draco was getting impatient but also bored. He pulled out his silver flask from his robes and enjoyed the warm burn of fire whiskey fill his throat. George Weasley was looking rough, more than rough – he looked barely alive.

There was blood, bruising and lacerations all over his body and Draco was pretty sure he and Theo had broken the Weasley’s ribs. Yet no matter how many times they threatened him Weasley refused to talk. He had cursed Theo and Draco several times, however refused to give up Ron or anyone else who was a part of the Order.

Draco knew that George would eventually break however, it was only a matter of time, and this was his only chance at securing Ron to pass to the Dark Lord. Theo looked over at Draco obviously growing bored.

‘Nott did I tell you to stop?’ Draco spat.

Theo rolled his eyes and raised his wand again, this time George Weasley screamed, and Draco smirked, happy that they were finally making progress.

Ron, Ginny, Lavender and Seamus had crossed the vast gardens of the estate and were hiding behind a large dead black rose bush planning their next move. Once they stepped out from behind their hiding spot, they would be exposed to the Inferi and with the amount of them, they all wouldn’t stand a chance.

‘Ughh, it smells like rotting meat’ Ginny gagged.

‘That’s because they are rotting meat’ Seamus replied, ‘Walking rotting meat.’

‘How the hell are we going to get past them?’ Lavender asked with concern plastered on her face.

Ron suddenly thought of the room of requirement, and it was as if Ginny had the same idea too as they both said at the same time:


‘You both know that yes Fiendfyre will help us destroy the Inferi but the flames it will cause will ensure we capture the attention of someone else.’ Seamus declared.

‘Well let’s be prepared to fight.’ Ron said. ‘f*ck it, let's send everyone here to hell.

Theo was splattering George Weasley with more lacerations when Draco could hear yelling from upstairs. Who the hell was his aunt torturing now.

‘Nott, let’s go’ demanded Draco and the pair headed out of the dungeons and up the stairs. Draco couldn’t believe what he was seeing, the manor was alight, fire had taken over what seemed like half of the estate. He could hear Bellatrix screaming bloody murder in the near distance and as Draco and Theo made their way through the flames taking over the manor Draco couldn’t believe what he saw.

Ron f*cking Weasley was facing off with Bellatrix. Spells and FiendFyre were flying everywhere. His aunt must have called for back-up as Ginny Weasley, Seamus Finnigan and Lavender Brown were fighting the death eaters who had just arrived.

Draco and Theo sprung into action, Draco aiding Bellatrix by throwing spells at Ron. Theo made his way over to where Seamus and Lavender were, throwing a crucio which just missed Seamus. Bellatrix sent a depulso spell at Ron which sent him flying across the room, smashing into a dark brown coffee table. Draco noticed Ron groan and attempt to grab for his wand which had also gone flying.

Draco and Bellatrix continued to send laceration spells at Ron as Ron gasped on the floor still cradling his dislocated looking arm. Draco went to send a hurling hex at Ron when a loud voice yelled out:


Draco watched the life leave his aunts eyes as she fell heavily to the floor. Draco turned around to see Ginny Weasley looking murderous, blood running down the side of her face. Ginny then picked up his aunt’s pocket mirror that had obviously fell out of her dress as she hit the floor. Draco went to snatch it from Ginny.

‘EXPULSO’ Ginny yelled, and Draco felt his body fly into the stone wall behind him. He felt his head hit the wall hard and could taste blood. Draco’s vision had gone blurry, but he forced himself to get up from the floor and aimed his wand at the first person he saw.

Lavender copped the full force of Draco’s anger and slumped to the floor as blood started to gush from the large hole in her stomach. Draco smiled to himself, his vision returning, and he could now see the damage his sectumsempra spell had done to Lavender.

‘LAV!’ Ron screamed.

Ginny had already helped Ron up from the floor and Draco watched as Ron ran over to the girl bleeding out on his dead aunt’s fur rug. Ron’s arm was visibly messed up and swinging around the place, but it didn’t seem to affect him at all. He knelt to Lavender’s side and placed his hand over the gushing wound on her stomach.

Theo had now made his way over to Draco’s side, limping badly and with a split lip. Where the other death eaters had gone Draco couldn’t tell.

‘Let’s finish these f*ckers’ Draco spat to Theo ‘But keep the two Weasley’s alive.’

Theo went to take on Ginny and Draco started to storm over to Ron. That’s when Draco noticed Ron was covered in Lavender’s blood and he had her in his arms. Draco watched as Ron leant down and kissed Lavender Brown. What the f*ck thought Draco. This distracted Draco just enough that he hadn't realised Seamus and Ginny had disarmed Theo.

‘MALFOY’ Theo screamed.

Draco turned to see Theo bound tightly in thick grey ropes which kept getting tighter and tighter. Theo was starting to turn blue as the ropes tightened around his neck and he was starting to gasp for air.

Seamus and Ginny now had their wands turned on Draco.

‘WHERE IS GEORGE’ Ginny screamed.

‘In hell with the rest of your dirty family’ Draco spat.

Ginny cast a spell at Draco, but he blocked it. Seamus then joined in casting spells at Draco alongside Ginny. Draco took them both on, spells flying in every direction. Draco then noticed the smell of flames and could see the fiendfyre had made its way deeper into the manor and had set half of the room on fire.

Draco cast a bombarda spell across the room, causing a mini explosion and blasting the tall bookshelves into pieces. Ginny and Seamus ducked to avoid the debris and Draco took this opportunity to blast the ropes wrapped around Theo, freeing him.

Draco then grabbed his fellow death eater by the arm and apparated the two of them out of the burning manor.

The fiendfyre was now taking over the entire room. The large flames causing so much black smoke it was getting hard to see or breathe.

‘SEAMUS HELP ME, f*ckING HELP ME.’ Ginny cried out.

Seamus knew they needed to find George. He ran over to Ron coughing as the black smoke started to fill all their lungs.


Ron picked up a now unconscious Lavender, still in shock at the amount of blood she was losing. He made his way through the flames shielding Lavender the best he could until he felt fresh air and realised, he had made it outside. He ran a few meters until he found a stone bench out in the gardens to lay Lavender on.

Ron continued to fuss over Lavender and tried some of the healing spells on the deep wound that he had heard Ginny and Hermione use. Ron had never felt like this before, hope leaving his body. He refused to lose Lavender. He had only just got her back in his life. Did he mean to fall for her again, no but he will be damned to let her die when he promised her earlier that he would protect her.

‘Lav, I’m so sorry’ Ron was holding back tears, and his throat hurt from the smoke. ‘Please wake up, please wake up. Ginny will be able to heal you. f*ck I think I love you.’

Ron ripped off his sweater and used it to stop the blood flow. It soaked through within seconds. Out of the corner of his eye he saw long red hair sprint past him and kneel in front of a dying Lavender. Ginny waved her wand, lifted Lavender’s shirt and was able to slowly mend the gushing would.

Ron watched as the wound knit itself back together and Lavender’s pale face began to blush pink again. Ginny slumped down obviously exhausted on the wet grass. Ron watched as Lavender began to take deep breathes and suddenly shot her eyes open. Ron grabbed her face still holding back tears.

‘Lav can you hear me?’ Ron croakily whispered, ‘You are safe, it’s okay.’

Realising that Ginny had indeed saved the girl he loved and perhaps had always loved, Ron gave his sister a bear hug.

‘Thank you, Gin, you are bloody amazing!’

Ginny gave Ron a small smile before she suddenly got up and started running back towards the burning manor. Ron turned around to see Seamus helping George stumbled over to them. Ginny had already wrapped her arms around George, and she was sobbing. Seamus was now attempting to hold both George and Ginny up. Ron looked at Lavender glad to see her breathing and rushed over to greet his brother.

Seamus was coughing heavily, ‘Thank f*ck Bellatrix was so medieval it was easy to find where George was.’

Ginny was now fussing over George taking in all his injuries. Seamus and Ron helped George over to where Lavender was and helped him lay down while Ginny started to treat his injuries. Ron was wiping Lavender’s dust covered face with his sleeve and watching her as her chest rose and fell. She was resting and obviously still in pain, but she was alive, and so was George and this was all Ron cared about.

‘Ginny, do you realise how bloody amazing you are’ Ron declared ‘You murdered Bellatrix f*cking Le’Strange.’

‘She deserved worse.’ Ginny said darkly, spinning around the pocket mirror she had stolen which was once Bellatrix’s.

The five of them sat on the grass outside the Lestrange Manor as they watched it burn to the ground.

Chapter 12: Dream or Reality


Song recommendations for this chapter:
The drink of despair -Nicholas Hooper
Hurts like hell- Fleurie/Tommee Profitt

Chapter Text


This was all Draco heard as his mind was invaded by Voldemort. Draco fell to his knees as The Dark Lord searched his mind and watched the events of Bellatrix’s death. Draco hadn’t seen Voldemort this furious since Nagini had died. Draco could taste blood now, and it felt like his head was going to explode. He grunted and grit his teeth as Voldemort dove deeper into the memory of last night.

‘You let them get away.’ Voldemort yelled ‘You had them in the palms of your hands, and you let them go.’

Voldemort pulled out of Draco’s mind leaving Draco breathless and with the feeling of warm blood beginning to drip from his eyes. Draco could just see Theo still gasping on the floor beside him. He had been punished first and Draco had watched Theo cop brutally long rounds of crucio whilst he waited his turn.

Draco felt Voldemort lift him in the air and blast him across the room. His head hit a stone wall for the second time in less than 12 hours. Draco then felt the crucio curse burn through his veins and he went black for a few seconds, and then managed to gulp for air whilst still writhing on the floor.

‘Now stand’ Voldemort said, and Draco was suddenly being lifted into the air. His exhausted body hung, arms and limbs weak, blood now dripping furiously down Draco’s face.

‘You will watch.’ Voldemort’s voice dripped with venom. ‘Next time this will be your fate.’

Draco saw a blast of green light and then Theo stopped moving.

Voldemort flung Draco across the room once more and then his world went black.

Draco awoke a few hours later somehow in his bed. He checked his watch sitting on his bedside table to see it was 2:22am. Draco’s insides felt like they were on fire, he tried to sit up but electric shocks that felt like knives raced down his whole body. He frowned as he tried to remember what had happened that day. He remembered coming back to the manor with Theo after Bellatrix died, and the whole fiasco that was the Le'Strange Manor. He remembered the Dark Lord arriving soon after and then watching Theo thrash and scream on his drawing room floor.

Draco felt his face sweat and his stomach drop. Yes, Theodore Nott annoyed him sometimes and was a sarcastic twat but even Draco could admit he didn’t deserve the end that Voldemort gave him.

Draco figured he would join Theo in hell very soon anyway. Voldemort would kill him next if he made the same mistake next time of letting Ron Weasley go. He was so close, so close to having everything he wanted.

Draco grabbed the empty glass by the side of his bed and threw it across the room. It shattered against the wall and Draco roared. He was so angry and so sick of serving a sad*stic piece of sh*t and being enslaved to do his bidding. Draco sat up and it felt like he was snapping every bone in his body. Draco let out another scream in anger. He held his face in his hands absolutely exhausted in every way and when he looked up, he saw his mother had entered his room.

‘How are you feeling Draco?’ Narcissa asked in a worried tone.

‘Fine.’ Draco snapped ‘How did I get here?’

His mother looked at him with concern glazing her eyes.

‘Boppy found you on the floor’ Narcissa spoke softly ‘She called me immediately.’

‘Theo?’ asked Draco even though he knew the answer.

‘He was dead when we found you.’ Narcissa whispered. ‘I’m sorry Draco, there was nothing we could do.’

Draco said nothing, he wanted to scream again, or punch something - Hard.

'I will leave you to rest, I was only checking on you.' His mother said as she placed a fresh glass of water on his bedside table, along with more dreamless sleep

Draco watched as his mother gave him a final look of worry, before she left his bedroom, closing the door softly behind her. Draco couldn’t go back to sleep, not with the thoughts of Theo’s last moments in his head. Theo’s screams and then the flash of green light kept playing on a loop.

Instead of picking up the water his mother had left for him, he picked up the fire whiskey instead. Draco sculled the bottle in his hand looking down to see there was less than maybe two mouthfuls left. He felt lighter and the fire whiskey reached his blood stream quickly, numbing the pain he was in.

Draco sat at the edge of his bed contemplating how many days he had left alive. If he didn’t find Ron Weasley he reckoned two days tops. Draco wondered where he would be murdered, if Boppy and his mother would find his lifeless body just as they had Theo’s. Would his mother be sad? Or would she be fine knowing she still has his father.

Draco took another swig of the bottle until the liquid ran out. Who did he actually have left? The first person that came to his mind was Granger. He still had Granger, just down the hall, oblivious to what has been going on. She didn’t even realise that her beloved boyfriend had kissed someone else.

A very tipsy Draco suddenly had an idea. If he could get Granger to hate Weasley, she would have no choice but to allow his sacrifice instead of her.

Surely Granger would give up Ron if she no longer liked him.

Hermione was screaming out for help. Her large bed was swallowing her, the silky green sheets wrapping around her body until she struggled to breathe. She then watched her sheets turn into a large snake with yellow slits for eyes. She screamed as the snake opened its large mouth, flashing its venomous fangs ready to bite down and devour her whole.


She heard her name but couldn’t see who was calling her as the sheets had now wrapped around her face, she could still feel the weight of the large snake on top of her. Hermione tried to wriggle to get the sheets to come loose as she heard the voice again.


She saw the sheets pulled from her and the snake disappeared. She could breathe again and when she looked up, she saw Draco Malfoy’s eyes staring back at her, the dark room she was in coming back into focus.

Hermione felt her body shake, was this real? Where was the snake now?

Hermione felt strong hands on her arms and as she looked up, she saw Draco Malfoy now shaking her.

‘Granger, snap out of it’ Draco yelled. ‘What kind of dreams do you have, Merlin!’

Hermione let the bedroom she was in come back into focus completely and realised she had been dreaming. The room was dark and the only reason she knew Draco Malfoy was in front of her was because she could see his white hair reflecting off the moonlight coming through the window.

‘Malfoy, whaa, what are you doing?’ Hermione asked sleepily.

Draco had let go of her now and was standing beside her bed just staring at her. Hermione felt oddly exposed in just a black tee and reached for the covers to cover her further.

‘You were having a dream.’ Draco said in a matter-of-fact kind of way ‘So I woke you up.’

‘But why are you in my room?’ Hermione asked. ‘In the dark? And what time is it?’

‘I need to show you something.’ Draco replied. He proceeded to sit down on the bed next to her. Hermione noticed Draco reeked of booze and cigarettes, but as he pushed his hair back off his face Hermione caught a strong smell of peppermint again. Always that damn peppermint smell.

Draco was wearing grey sweatpants and a white shirt. Hermione couldn’t help but notice his slender and defined arms bulge out of the sleeves. Hermione glanced down and even in the darkness of the room could see the outline of the dark mark on his forearm. Draco had noticed and quickly pushed his arm to the side.

‘Aren’t you cold?’ Hermione asked.

‘Aren’t you?’ Draco replied with a smirk.

Draco’s playful demeaner turned serious and he looked Hermione dead in the eyes. Hermione once again saw them flicker from grey to black.

‘Give me your hands.’ Draco asked.

Hermione didn’t move not trusting Draco’s intentions. Obviously impatient Draco grabbed both of Hermione’s hands and held them to the side of his face, by his temples. Hermione could feel his warm skin and his hair running through her fingers. Hermione went to pull away.

‘Now, now Granger, be a good girl please.’ Draco smirked allowing his playful side to show again.

‘Malfoy what?’ Hermione began to say but Draco cut her off;

‘This may hurt just a little Granger.’

Hermione suddenly felt her body pull and a sharp sensation shoot from her toes all the way up to her head. She closed her eyes due to the sudden sharp pain and then it was over just as quick as it had happened. Hermione gasped as she realised, she was in one of Draco’s memories. Hermione noticed she was in a large dark room filled with bookcases and shelving and plush sofas and was that smoke she could smell? She saw Ron come into her vision and her heart almost stopped beating.

Was this a trick?

Ron was slumped in obvious pain on the floor and then Hermione saw Ginny wave her wand and watched Bellatrix die at Ginny’s hands. Hermione continued to gasp as she absorbed the scene around her. Spells were flying everywhere, and she watched as Draco sent his aim at Lavender Brown. Hermione was sure Malfoy was tricking her now.

This memory had to be tampered with, Lavender Brown was dead, she had seen her die with her own eyes. Hermione screamed as Draco’s spell hit Lavender and she saw the blood gush out of her deep would. Hermione continued to watch the chaos being shown to her, and then noticed Ron rushing over to Lavender looking distraught. Hermione lost all sense of what was happening around her as she watched Ron kiss Lavender. Hermione felt her heart fall out of her chest, her throat close and she couldn’t breathe. She felt her skin light up, hot angry heat radiating off her body.

She had to close her eyes to stop from crying.

Hermione felt her body being pulled out of the memory as Ron continued to kiss Lavender. The dark, half destroyed room left her view and she could no longer see her friends.

Hermione gasped as she came to, realising she was back in her bed with Draco Malfoy still sitting beside her staring at her. Hermione didn’t even realise Malfoy was there, her heart had just been sliced into a thousand pieces, and she could feel her body begin to shake. Hermione was losing her vision as tears filled her eyes. No way would Ron do that to her, there was just no way. And Lavender Brown was dead.

What game was Malfoy playing.

Hermione saw Draco return to her vision and even in the darkness of the room could see the dumb smirk on his face. He looked happy to see her upset. Happy that she had seen this.

Hermione slapped Draco so hard the sound echoed around the room. Draco didn’t move, just continued to sit on the bed staring at her, he didn't even flinch.

Hermione felt rage build inside of her and she pushed Draco out of her way as she got up out of bed. She was furious and could smash something. Hermione was leaning over Draco now, her Gryffindor rage ready to attack.

‘HOW DARE YOU MALFOY’ she screamed. Her hands shook as she shoved him in the chest. Draco once again didn’t move.

‘You are disgusting Malfoy. To tamper with a memory, show me that! Show me someone who I know to be dead!’

Draco continued to remain quiet, sitting on her bed.

‘Why are you doing this to me?’ Hermione cried ‘What sick twisted game is this to you?

Hermione felt her lungs constrict. She wanted to cry and scream and throw things, but she really wanted to hurt the man in front of her. Hermione pushed Draco once again, hard in the chest. Once again, he didn’t react.

‘You kidnap me, keep me here not telling me why, torture me with that fake memory!' Hermione was running out of breath now and could feel tears threatening to spill from her eyes. No, she would not cry again in front of Draco. Not again.

Draco finally spoke. A cold sadness in his voice.

‘You have no idea what I am doing for you Granger.’ Draco looked down at the floor and then back up at her. ‘And do you think I could tamper with a memory as disgusting as that. Physically witnessing Weasley snog someone made me want to gouge my eyes out.’

Draco made a disgusted face and stood up from her bed, running his hands through his hair.

Draco then began to laugh;

‘I’d rather Voldy crucio me all day every day instead of witness that ever again.’

Draco then left her room, leaving Hermione in shock and alone. Hermione slumped down the wall, feeling her body hit the cool floor.

There on the floor in the dark, Hermione finally allowed herself to sob.

Chapter 13: if this was hell he was never leaving.


Adult content in this chapter* ;)

Song recommendations for this chapter:
Overcome -Skott
Another love - Tom Odell
I wanna be yours - Arctic Monkeys

Chapter Text

Ron awoke before the sun had even risen.

He had dreamt that they had been too late to find George and found him dead with Bellatrix standing over him cackling. Hermione also lay dead on the floor next to George.

He rolled over, drenched in sweat and checked the bed that George was in -Thankfully his brother was now back in the safehouse with them and looking much healthier too.

Ron hadn't been able to shake the guilt that had taken over his mind and soul recently.

Hermione was still missing.

And did the Malfoy's actually have her? He shook his head, still not knowing whether or not to believe the hag from Knock Turn Alley.

Ron and Lavender had become inseparable since she almost died. Ron still felt like he could rip his own heart out just thinking about how he almost lost Lavender again. Their relationship this time around was different. It no longer felt like teenage lust. Ron loved Lavender and he had only realised this when she almost died.

Ginny was furious at him, and they had fought when Ginny realised Ron now had feelings for Lavender. They had been back at the safehouse for two days and she barely said a word to him, or Lavender actually. Bill, Fleur and Luna were happy to see George was found safely and couldn't believe it when they heard Ginny had killed Bellatrix and they burnt her manor down with Fiendfyre.

'f*cking incredible Gin!' Bill had exclaimed, eyes wide as Ginny told the story again.

‘Malfoy and Theodore Nott were at the Manor too, dressed in their death eater get up’s’ Seamus was laughing now, ‘Couldn’t defeat us though pair of bellends.’

‘They had their fun with me though’ George said bitterly, ‘Next time I get my hands on the pair of them I will kill them.’

Ron had then filled Bill and the others in on what the hag had said.

‘We have to go to Malfoy Manor, rescue her.’ Ginny had piped up. ‘And if no one wants to come I'll bloody go alone.’

There were mixed emotions in the safehouse currently. Everyone was so happy to be back together and to have George back safely. But the mood was still very sombre in the safehouse due to the fact Hermione was still missing. They all knew they needed a new plan. A better plan to find Hermione.

Everyone had agreed that they were to look for Hermione at the Malfoy Manor however with so many recent injuries decided to have one more day to recover and heal.

‘There is no point in us dying because we aren’t 100%’ George had said and no one could argue with him.

They also needed a solid plan. The Malfoy Manor was known as a death eater and snatchers hangout. There would be more people to fight, and Voldemort could be there too.

They needed a solid plan going into this or they may not find Hermione at all. If Hermione was still alive thought Ron.

The thought made him feel sick. He still cared deeply for Hermione however had come to realise he never loved her, not in that way anyway. They had crossed the line as best friends, and he would never regret it, but couldn't continue now that Lavender was back in his life.

Ron frowned as he realised, they may never be friends again now. He knew if they did find her, he would have to tell her about Lavender, and this would hurt her.

Ron was more prepared to tell Hermione their relationship had to stop, rather than never finding her ever again.

Hermione had spent the last day, and a half numb. She didn’t know what to believe and still didn’t believe the memory Malfoy had shown her was true, but her heart still had broken into a million pieces. She had only cried for an hour and then decided no one deserved her tears, not even Ron.

Her brain had shown her Ron kissing Lavender on a loop, and she had nothing to distract herself with. She tried to re-read the novels Boppy had given her but the words on the page blended all together. Hermione was angry, hurt and furious still at Malfoy. If the memory was true Ginny had killed Bellatrix and Ron must have moved on with a girl everyone thought was dead.

Hermione felt her chest start to feel heavy again as the memory once again played in her mind. Malfoy had been drunk, (again) when he visited her in the early hours of the morning. Hermione had read once that it is almost impossible to project a tampered memory when not sober.

Just like how a drunken mind speaks a sober heart – memories are very much the same.

Hermione sighed once again. Or maybe Malfoy was trying to get her to give up Ron to Voldemort. A trick to make her so mad at Ron that she would betray him. No matter how hurt or upset she was at Ron, she still would never betray him. She would prefer to endure the cruciatus curse for hours, rather than see Ron tortured or killed.

If Ron had moved on with someone else this will change their relationship forever, but she would never wish Ron dead. Never.

Hermione decided to have a shower and try to wash away her current anger. She let the bubbles soothe her skin and allowed the heat from the water to wash away her current thoughts. Hermione stepped out of the bathroom to a new dress, this time it was green. Slytherin green.

Oh, for goodness’s sake Hermione thought to herself. Hermione picked up the dress and slipped it on, the satin fabric did however feel nice against her clean skin. Hermione noticed she had green heels to match (which she flat out refused to wear) and next to the shoes was a silver necklace. Hermione had never been given jewellery to go with her outfits before, so found this strange.

She picked the necklace up and inspected it, holding it up to the light to see the necklace had a silver locket with a small snake engraved on the front. It sparkled in the sunlight. Hermione let curiosity get the better of her and she opened the locket. There was nothing inside the locket except for plain glass.

Hermione investigated the glass expecting to see her brown eyes reflecting back at her, so Hermione was got the shock of her life when she saw bright blue eyes staring back at her instead.

Ginny had been playing with the compact mirror she stole from Bellatrix out of boredom, not understanding why it had no reflection. The glass was in the compact mirror, but she could never see her reflection, and neither could Luna or Fleur when they tried to investigate it.

‘It probably cracked as Bellatrix was so ugly’ George laughed ‘That old ugly bitch probably broke it.’

This made Ginny giggle but couldn’t stop her fascination with it. The mirror had Latin inscriptions on the outside of the mirror which no one could translate for her and bright green gemstones. Ginny was sure this was more than a broken pocket mirror or why would Bellatrix have this on her person. Ginny decided to open it one more time when she got the shock of her life.

Hermione was staring back at her, and she looked just as shocked as Ginny felt.

Hermione almost threw the necklace onto the bed out of pure shock but held it closer ensuring that her eyes weren’t playing tricks. That was indeed Ginny Weasley staring back at her – but how? Ginny was trying to talk to Hermione, but Hermione couldn’t hear anything.

‘Ginny!’ Hermione’s voice was high, ‘Can you hear me? Merlin it’s you!’

Ginny was obviously talking but they couldn’t hear each other. Hermione watched as Ginny was running somewhere and held up a quill to show Hermione that she was going to write something. Ginny glanced down and then held up a piece of parchment which had the words:

‘Hermione, is it really you? Are you okay?’

Hermione nodded, tears filling her eyes. She watched as Ginny wrote something else.

‘Where are you? Why can I see you in this mirror?’

Hermione turned the mirror around to show Ginny the room she was in. When she looked back into the mirror Ginny looked confused.

‘Why are you in a bedroom?’ she wrote.

Hermione wished she could write back but had no means of doing so. Hermione took the mirror over to a Slytherin crest engraved into one of the bookshelves. She held the mirror as close as she could to the crest for Ginny to see.

‘You are at the Malfoy Manor?????’ Ginny wrote with several question marks, filling the parchment in her hand.

Hermione nodded like her life depended on it and she could see Ginny getting excited. Ginny then started running and speaking excitedly to someone. Hermione wished she could hear so bad. Ginny then suddenly turned the mirror around and Hermione could see Bill, Fleur, Luna, Seamus, Ron and Lavender staring back at her.

‘Holy f*cking sh*t Ginny,’ Ron was in shock ‘You found Hermione.’

Ginny’s last note to Hermione was ‘We are coming for you.’

Hermione could cry. She didn’t know how Ginny could see her through this locket, but Hermione was so grateful. Hermione decided to wear the necklace and never take it off, hiding it down her dress. The urge to check the locket every few seconds made her want to go crazy but at least Ginny and her friends knew where she was. They would be coming to get her.

She wouldn’t be here for much longer. Hermione laid down on her bed and smiled for the first time in weeks. She would be saved by her friends soon and she was so grateful for this glass locket right now. She sighed loudly as she looked up at the canopy of her large bed. Hermione suddenly remembered that she had seen Lavender Brown through the mirror. This meant she was alive after all.

This also meant that Draco’s memory must be real. Hermione felt her heart break again and realised Ron had moved on while she had been kidnapped and trapped here by Draco Malfoy. Hermione’s heart was going to burst, and not in a good way. She was so happy to see that Lavender was alive, but the fact that Ron had done what he had done whilst she was stuck here absolutely broke her to her very core and lit a new and very angry flame deep within her.

Her best friend had broken her heart. Hermione screamed loudly as she felt her anger release.

‘How f*cking DARE HE!’

Draco was running out of time. He would be dead soon he could feel it.

The Dark Lord was growing more and more murderous with every passing hour. Draco had received another severe crucio session earlier and felt like his body was at breaking point. Every time he looked in the mirror, he was seeing someone more broken every day. He was also hardly ever sober now, including right now.

The more he drank the more it numbed the constant pain from Voldemort’s punishments. The problem with being drunk all the time was that Draco had to fight the want to visit Granger. When she had entered his mind the other morning and saw his memory, he had her so close to him in her bed, that he had to physically keep his body still in order not to crash his lips into her.

Granger was his obsession. He had nothing else. She drove him crazy. He didn’t care about anyone or anything. Nothing mattered but her now.

Draco couldn’t control his drunk thoughts anymore.

Not when Granger had run through his mind for years.

Draco would be dead soon and he won’t be able to keep her safe as he had originally planned. No one knows she was here except for Boppy and if Boppy got killed then she would perish with no one looking after her. He could never tell his mother or father in case their minds were searched by Voldemort. His father would be the first to deliver Granger to the Dark Lord. At least Draco had excellent occlumency training from his Godfather. The only thing Snape ever did which was useful.

Draco could use his mind when he wanted and hide and protect the memories, he didn’t want people to see, people like the Dark Lord. Draco couldn’t risk telling anyone.

Draco sat down at his study and groaned. What was wrong with him? Why did Granger have him ready to die for her. She hated him and he couldn’t blame her. He was never nice to her, was nasty to her constantly at school. But bullying Granger was the only way he could hide his true feelings for her. And now he had her locked away in the spare bedroom in his wing of the manor.

Draco decided he needed to tell her. She would hate him forever, but he didn’t care as long as she remained safe.

Draco stormed out of his study and down the hallway to Granger’s room. He flew through her door to Granger’s surprise; her big brown eyes grew wide as she took Draco in. He hadn’t seen her since he showed her his memory and Granger looked defensive, crossing her arms firmly across her chest.

‘Malfoy.’ Hermione said coldly. She pursed her lips together forming a scowl.

Draco decided it was now or never. f*ck it.

‘Granger I will soon be dead.’ His words came out in a slur and Draco could feel the fire whiskey running though his veins giving him the confidence to finally tell Granger everything.

Hermione didn’t expect to hear this and she uncrossed her arms in obvious surprise.

‘So, you must know Boppy will look after you, however if something happens to Boppy you must use the necklace around your neck to find freedom and then you have to run Granger.’

Hermione continued to look at Draco with obvious surprise.

‘Do you understand Granger?’ Draco raised his voice. Hermione had opened her mouth in surprise and Draco wanted to touch her pink, soft lips before he left to his imminent death.

'So, you will run, do you hear me?' Draco demanded, 'Get as far away as you can.'

Hermione had locked eyes with him, still not saying anything. Draco blew out a soft sigh and turned to walk out of her room when Hermione softly spoke;

‘You know about this necklace?’

She had now relaxed her body and was no longer looking defensive, instead now curious.

‘Of course, I do Granger’ spat Malfoy ‘It was my mothers, and Ginny stole my aunt’s mirror. My mother and aunt used these to communicate to one another for years.’

Hermione’s eyes grew wide again.

‘You know about Ginny?’ Hermione looked pale for a moment.

‘When she killed my aunt, she stole the mirror.’ Draco replied, ‘I tried to snatch it back off the brat to give to my mother, but the little bitch blasted me across the room.’

Hermione hadn’t moved and Draco found it amusing that Hermione must have thought she was one step ahead of him.

‘Then I realised Ginny did you a favour.’ Draco continued, ‘I’ve ran out of time Granger, I’ve told you this. At least I know now that your friends will come for you when I am dead, but you can’t fight with them Granger. You must run, hide - wait this stupid war out.’

Silence filled the room once again as they continued to stare at each other.

‘Why?’ asked Hermione.

‘I don’t know Granger, maybe so you don’t get yourself killed!’ Draco was suddenly irritated. He pushed his hair back off his face as he struggled with his emotions. He was angry at himself for showing Hermione this small part of his soul, but he had no choice, and he would be dead soon anyway.

‘When your friends come for you since I will be dead the wards protecting this room will cease. Run to my study and you will find floo powder above the fireplace. Leave and hide.’

Hermione still looked confused. ‘Well let me go now Malfoy if you know my friends are coming for me.’

‘You are still MINE until I am dead.’ Draco growled.

‘What the f*ck Malfoy, I am not your property.’ Hermione growled back. Anger rising in her chest once again. She approached Draco, head held high.

‘You are MINE Granger.’ Draco had raised his voice now closing the gap between them.

‘The only time I won’t and can’t protect you is when I am dead.’ He could feel his heart banging in his chest.

Draco realised what he had said, he was breathing heavy and could feel himself sobering up slightly now. Hermione had opened her mouth again in shock but hadn’t stepped back from Draco. They remained just inches away from each other now, snarling at each other, noses almost touching.

Draco could smell her - the overpowering scent of cherries and musk. She looked so soft, her pink lips and the pink blush now spreading across her face to match her lips. Draco was getting lost in her big brown eyes and Hermione had not lost eye contact. Hermione’s breathing had increased, now as quick as Draco’s.

Draco leant down so his lips hovered over Hermione’s, both continuing to breathe heavily.

‘What are you doing Malfoy.’ Hermione whispered so quietly he barely heard her.

‘I told you Granger.’ Draco whispered back ‘You are mine.’

Draco and Hermione collided, Draco pushing his hands roughly into Hermione’s hair as her scent took over him.

Their lips met each other, and Draco felt Hermione open her mouth allowing him in. Draco melted into her mouth, finding warmth within her.

Hermione kissed Draco back, gasping as she felt his tongue dance with her own. Draco moaned and began kissing Hermione’s neck, sucking and licking as he went. Hermione let out a soft moan of her own which made Draco turn his attention back to her lips, smashing into her and picking up speed.

Hermione felt Draco’s’ tall, firm body melt into her own and Draco now had her backing up against the wall. Draco lifted her up with one hand whilst holding her neck with his other hand, still kissing her and Hermione wrapped her legs around his waist. She felt the silk of her dress ride up as Draco held her against the wall.

Draco continued to kiss Hermione and push her into the wall. Hermione moaned again and Draco latched back onto her neck. Draco sucked hard in one sensitive spot just below her ear. Hermione moaned again, louder this time and whispered a small yes into his ear. Draco felt like he was going crazy having Granger wrapped around his waist and moaning sweet nothing’s in his ear.

Had he died already? Surely, he wouldn’t have made it to heaven and if this was hell he was never leaving.

Draco grabbed Hermione around her waist and turned around from the wall throwing her on her bed. Draco could see the dark purple bruises growing on her neck and he grinned.

‘Mine’ Draco growled and crawled over the top of her latching his lips onto hers once again.

‘Granger I’ve wanted this for so long, wanted you.’ Draco whispered in her ear.

Draco watched as Hermione’s face flushed a bright pink and he bit onto her bottom lip causing her to groan again. Draco pulled her silky dress up just high enough to expose her lacey underwear. Draco was incredibly happy that he made the choice to get rid of those muggle clothes of hers. Draco kissed the hem of her underwear and dragged his tongue down her leg and inner thigh. Hermione gasped and her brown eyes grew wide. Draco could see lust filling her eyes which made him more ravenous. Draco then slid his tongue up her inner thigh and pushed her lacy underwear to the side, he looked up at her and then back down at the perfect pink wetness presented to him.

‘Open’ Draco commanded, and Hermione spread her legs wide, Draco grabbing both legs and pushing her open even wider.

‘Say please Granger.’ Draco teased.

‘Please Malfoy’, Hermione moaned.

Draco could combust right there and then. He had only ever heard Hermione say those words in his dreams. He could have never imagined how more perfect she was in real life. Draco looked down and licked his lips and slipped his tongue up her right thigh and into her fold. Hermione threw her head back and let out another loud moan. Draco kept his tongue still, resting in her folds.

‘Oh please, please Malfoy.’ Hermione cried. Her legs beginning to shake.

Draco pulled his mouth from her folds which made Hermione cry out again.

‘Tell me you are MINE Granger’ Draco demanded.

‘All yours, yours, yours, yours!’ Hermione cried.

‘Merlin, f*ck’ Draco whispered as he dove back down, spreading her wide and diving his tongue into her wetness finding her bundle of nerves. Draco licked and sucked whilst Hermione felt her body light on fire.

Hermione wanted to scream and explode into a thousand little pieces. She was sure she was moaning so loud but didn’t care. She had never felt something so good, and she knew she was going to explode soon. She could feel her pent-up energy- her anger, sadness, happiness, confusion all rushing out of her, and it felt so god damn good.

‘Come for me Granger,’ Draco almost roared ‘I need you to come for me. On my face, now!’

Hermione couldn’t hold it in any longer, Draco licked her left to right and as he sucked on her Hermione felt her org*sm explode. Draco dug himself deeper into her and Hermione felt herself ride out her org*sm on Malfoy’s face. Hermione twitched as she felt aftershocks and sighed as she looked up at the ceiling. She swore she was seeing stars.

Hermione realised that Draco hadn’t moved his face and was softly and slowly licking her still. Hermione started moaning again as she realised, she had another org*sm coming.

'Oh, my - f*ck Malfoy!' Hermione cried out.

Draco picked up the pace and Hermione started to ride his face again. She wasn’t sure where this confidence to please herself with Malfoy’s tongue had come from and she grabbed Draco’s head pushing him deeper into her. Draco moaned with delight and Hermione heard him muttered ‘Oh f*ck’ and Hermione used his tongue until her second org*sm made her lift her arms up above her head, slowly feeling her body come back down to earth from its high.

Draco looked up at her licking his lips. ‘You are a f*cking animal Granger, I love it.’

Chapter 14: say my name.


***More adult themes***

Song recommendations for this chapter:
Wildflower - Billie Eilish
Why'd you only call me when you're high - Artic Monkeys
I'm yours -Isabel LaRosa

Chapter Text

Ron awoke to Lavender in his arms. He smiled as he held her closer and played with her blonde hair. He never let Lavender out of his sight since the night they rescued George. Her wound had healed thanks to Ginny, a lot of dittany and a vial of phoenix tears. Even though Ginny still wasn’t really talking to him, the excitement of knowing where Hermione was had now brought the group closer, hope in the air once again.

‘Ron you are tickling me’ Lavender giggled, and she swatted Ron’s hand playfully. ‘Plus, you woke me!’

Ron smiled and leant down to kiss her, Lavender kissed him back passionately and snuggled closer into his chest. Ron had never felt more at peace than he did right now. Lavender was it; she was always the one. He just didn’t realise it when they were kids, when he was too immature to realise, she was his soul mate.

He would always love Hermione deeply but had come to realise that he loved Hermione dearly as a friend. He would move the stars and moon for Lavender and planned to take care of her forever. Ron closed his eyes again and decided that a few more minutes in bed with Lavender was worth everything.

The sun was peeking out from behind the clouds for the first time in days. Ginny made the most of this by going to lay down outside on the soft grass. Ginny closed her eyes and felt the sun’s rays kiss her skin. She smiled, a proper real smile for the first time in a while. They knew where Hermione was, and she was alive!

Hermione looked well and safe, which Ginny and her brothers were surprised to see, however of course very grateful for this. After seeing Hermione in the mirror, the group had talked for hours about their plan of action to save Hermione from Malfoy Manor. Ginny could see Hermione was in a bedroom by the looks of it, however as Luna pointed out Malfoy Manor had 20 plus bedroom’s so they would have to somehow figure out which exact room Hermione was in.

They decided to split once again into their original groups. Bill, Fleur, Luna and George as group one and to be the distractors. Ron, Ginny, Seamus and Lavender as group two and the ones to search the manor for Hermione whilst the distraction was in place.

‘I’ve already spoke to Charlie, and he is flying down from Romania as we speak, with his Welsh Green.’ Bill said excitedly. Everyone’s face lit up at the thought of a dragon landing outside their safehouse shortly.

‘Wicked’ Seamus exclaimed.

‘So, the plan is easy, we distract with Charlie and the dragon and ambush the Manor ensuring this leaves you lot to find Hermione without anyone knowing.’ George said to the group.

‘Easy, as soon as Charlie is here let’s get going!’ Ron announced.

Hermione was embarrassed. Thinking about her previous interaction with Malfoy made her blush so hard she thought he face would light on fire. As if she had done that with Malfoy.

Hermione hadn’t seen him since and she was thankful as she wouldn’t know how to act around him. She was even more confused about everything now, confused as to who she was and what she wanted.


Draco’s voice floated constantly around her head.

Did he mean what he had said? That he had always cared for her…. wanted her.

Hermione blushed again at this thought. And the things she let him do, the very intimate things. She had never been kissed or touched in the way that Malfoy had touched her. The small marks left on her skin, all over her neck and down her breasts. Even a small purple heart shaped mark now left on her inner thigh. Reminders of last night.

Hermione thought of the urgent kisses, Draco had been acting as if he had never needed anything or anyone more.

She remembered Draco asking her to come and she did, and she had never felt anything so good in her life. Not even owning the library of her dreams could possibly feel as good as Draco Malfoy had made her feel. Hermione continued to blush as the memories replayed on a loop.

Hermione walked into the bathroom to wash her face with cold water, she needed to get the images out of her head. As she looked in the mirror, she once again saw the small purple bruises covering one side of her neck. If Hermione thought she had dreamt her encounter with Malfoy, there was the proof that she hadn’t.

Draco hated her though. Didn’t she hate him too?

She was still trapped here as his prisoner. He still hadn’t let her go and said he wouldn’t until he was dead. Hermione should have been angry however felt herself thinking of Draco constantly now, and Merlin, was she even concerned for him?

What had her life come to. Hermione left the bathroom and headed out to sit on her bed. More images of Draco’s large and firm body on top of her, kissing her popped into her head. She felt her cheeks go red again and shook her head trying to change her thoughts. Hermione had learnt two things. Draco’s fireplace in his study had floo access and if she could get out of this room she could escape. She had also learnt that Draco had given her this necklace around her neck on purpose knowing Ginny had the pocket mirror.

Draco wanted Ginny and Hermione to communicate. Draco knew he was a dead man and was preparing Hermione for when he was gone.

So why did Hermione worry if her friends did turn up to save her, she may never see Draco Malfoy again.

Draco had been prepared to be tortured again today, however the Dark Lord never showed. There were rumours flying about within the death eater community that The Dark Lord was growing weaker and weaker by the day. Draco could sense panic amongst Voldemort’s’ followers and he scoffed as he realised his fellow death eaters were finally realising that Old Voldy is just a man.

He also realised Voldemort may be too weak to continue to torture him and he smirked at this thought. The all mighty, scary He -Who-Must-Not-Be-named showing he is human after all. Bastard.

Draco’s thoughts turned to Hermione. He still couldn’t believe what had happened. After thinking about Granger for years and dreaming of how she would taste, Draco had almost exploded when he finally did taste her sweetness. Her pink, beautiful lips were even more soft than he ever imagined, her body wrapped around him, their torso’s pressed together tightly was like reaching heaven. Hearing her little moans and kissing her lips, face, neck, legs, thigh…… Draco’s mind wandered back to hearing her org*sm and he swore he had never heard a sound sweeter than that.

When he had demanded that she was his, she had cried out that she was. All his.

She was sweeter than honey and if Draco could be wrapped up in her forever he would.

Being intimate with Granger had just made his want for her even deeper. She was his now.

And he decided that no one else would ever give Granger what he could.

Draco frowned realising that Voldemort would send him to his grave soon and he would need to allow her friends to come find her. Merlin, he hoped Granger would run and hide when they did.

Draco needed her again. He could no longer smell Cherries and musk through his hair and on his skin. He had never needed, no craved something so much. Draco was obsessed and this was taking over his entire mind. Maybe he should have walked out after telling her about the mirror and the floo flames in his study.

He should of never gave in and kissed her. Now that he knew what he was missing, this made his future death sentence even more agonising for Draco as he knew he would possibly never feel so alive ever again.

Since Voldy had given Draco a day off from the torture sessions Draco decided to visit his obsession. After all he could be dead any moment now.

Once Voldemort gained some strength again it was game over for Draco Malfoy.

Draco walked down the hall to Hermione’s room. ‘f*ck it’ he thought.

Ginny sighed as she looked into the mirror, hoping to see Hermione again. She had been checking the mirror every few hours hoping to see her best friend, but the mirror remained empty.

She had no idea how Hermione was seeing her, Ginny guessed there must be another mirror but felt it didn’t work all the time. Almost as if the mirror chose when to allow communication to occur. Ginny gave one last look in the mirror, still no Hermione looking back at her. Ginny sighed once more and then placed the mirror away safely in the back of her pocket. She looked out the kitchen window, taking in the evening sky. It was dark out, but the stars out here really lit up the whole sky, they really were beautiful Ginny wondered if Hermione could see the stars where she was.

Ginny finished waving her wand when the kitchen was clean, and all dishes put away. Everyone had gone to bed already; Ginny however had stayed up and offered to tidy the safe house. She was too anxious thinking about Hermione and wanted to have some time to herself, to think.

She heard the stairs creak. Probably Seamus Ginny thought, he tended to get up during the night needing to refill his water glass. She saw familiar red hair walk into the kitchen and stand in front of her. Ron cleared his throat as he spoke:

‘Gin, can we talk, please?’ Ron’s face was already red.

‘It’s not my business Ron’ Ginny replied quickly ‘However I can’t help but be mad at you. What are you going to tell Hermione?’

Ron was looking at the floor, obviously embarrassed. ‘I didn’t plan for this to happen Gin, and I will always care for Hermione, she’s my best friend too.’

‘How do you think you are going to stay friends once she knows Ron?’ Ginny snapped feeling angry, ‘You are going to break her heart and after everything she is going through.’

Ron stayed silent, face still looking towards the floor.

‘Ron you’ve definitely f*cked up.’ Ginny said, ‘I know you can’t help your feelings or whatever but none of us can even begin to imagine what Hermione has been through and is still going through!’

Ginny crossed her arms and shook her head. ‘Goodnight Ron, I just hope you don’t lose Hermione forever over this. Lavender must be one very special person.’

Draco pushed his hair out of his face and cleared his throat, then knocked on Hermione’s door, waiting a few seconds before entering.

This felt strangely more intimate than when he would normally just barge straight in. He opened the door to see Granger sitting on the soft rug beside the fireplace. Her face blushed when she saw him, and she stood up quickly to greet him. Draco felt his throat grow tight and he struggled to speak, finally spitting out a sentence, his voice sounding higher than normal.

‘I have more books for you, if you would like?’ Draco walked slowly over to her bed and placed the three books down on her pillow. ‘I do apologise there isn’t much else to do.’

Draco did not sound like himself thought Hermione. He sounded as if he was in pain, and Hermione noticed he couldn’t look her directly in the eye. Not like Hermione could look at him for longer than a second without blushing. Draco made his way back to the door and as he was about to leave Hermione couldn’t believe what she said:


Draco’s eyes grew wide, and he finally made eye contact with her. Hermione couldn’t help but notice he didn’t look as pale and sickly looking today. The bags under his eyes were now a light grey instead of deep purple, his blonde hair was slicked back slightly however blonde hairs still managed to escape and hang over his face and he even had a slight flush to his face. A healthy-looking glow.

Hermione felt embarrassed almost immediately at what she had said, yet she had meant it. She wanted him to stay.

‘Are you sure?’ Draco asked softly.

‘Please’. Hermione spoke back just as softly. Draco watched her perfect little lips pout ever so slightly and her eyes plead with him.

Draco stopped reaching for the door and walked slowly towards Hermione instead. He stopped just in front of her, enough space between them but if he reached out his arm, he could touch her easily.

‘I need you to tell me why I am here.’ Hermione asked. ‘What did you mean by everything you said yesterday.’

Hermione felt brave again and maintained intense eye contact with Draco, trying to get him to tell her the truth. She couldn’t smell fire whiskey on him today and this concerned her as she hoped he wouldn’t lie.

Draco cleared his throat and looked up at the ceiling for a split second before gazing back down at Hermione, connecting with her intense eye contact. Draco felt his heart erupt as he drowned in her big brown eyes. He cleared his throat once again before speaking:

‘I had to put you here.’ Draco said firmly.

‘No, you didn’t Malfoy, you took me against my will!’ Hermione replied. ‘Why am I here? Tell me the truth!’

Draco was looking irritable again and scowled at her. ‘You don’t want to be safe?’ he spat the words at her.

‘I am perfectly capable of looking after myself!’ Hermione exclaimed. ‘I don’t need you.’

‘So, you just want to run around the country with your friends, pretending that your lot will win this war?’ Draco snarled.

‘My lot?’ Hermione growled back ‘At least on my side we are fighting for the right reasons.’

‘There is no right and wrong anymore Granger.’ Draco shouted ‘Voldemort won, more than half of your lot are dead! Including that half-wit, Potter!’

‘f*ck off Malfoy and don’t you dare speak ill about Harry.’ Snapped Hermione ‘At least he tried. You joined Voldemort! You are a death eater!’

Hermione was shaking now, and tears were threating to spill. Hermione swallowed the lump in her throat and continued to glare at Draco.

‘You f*cking kidnapped me when I should be helping my friends fight your lot! Hermione shouted again.

Draco was pissed now and felt stupid for coming to her room.

‘You have no idea what I have had to do against my will Granger.’ Draco’s eyes went dark. ‘What I have done to survive and to ensure my mother isn’t killed!’

Draco continued to stare at Hermione, watching her eyes flicker between anger and a softer emotion. Granger had no f*cking clue what he had had to do while she flitted about with Weasley and the chosen one.

‘So, by kidnapping me that is allowing you to survive?' Scoffed Hermione. ‘Or am I your back up plan for when you need to keep Voldemort happy? Hand me over and wipe your hands clean?’

Draco was laughing now. Hermione crossed her arms again across her chest feeling defensive.

‘Because I am obviously living in a land full of sunshine and rainbows Granger. You see what I look like half the time, who do you think tortures me? I’d take Potter’s sectumsempra again any day.’ Draco was gritting his teeth now.

Hermione opened her mouth in shock. ‘Voldemort tortures you?’

‘Well, the cruciatus curse definitely is no spa day.’ Draco scoffed. ‘If I handed you or Weasley over to Voldemort I’d probably actually get a spa day.’

Hermione’s eyes grew wide as she realised what Draco was saying. Voldemort wanted her and Ron. Yet she was still here, and Draco hadn’t handed her over.

‘Why?’ Hermione asked softly, her eyes softening as she looked at Draco. The anger in her had subsided.

Draco ran his hands through his hair and then down his face. He looked tortured on the inside too.

‘I, I don’t know what is wrong with me.’ Draco spoke quickly and closed his eyes for a quick second, blowing out a deep sigh.

‘You are all that consumes my thoughts. Day and night. For years now.’

Hermione couldn't believe what Draco had just said and froze in slight shock.

‘But.......but you hate me.’ Hermione stated bluntly.

‘I had to hate you. Do you think that I, Draco Malfoy, a death eater’s son and now death eater himself would ever be allowed to be with you Granger? A mud blood?’

Hermione ‘s face went red, and Draco noticed the obvious hurt in her features.

‘I had to hate you, Granger.’ Draco continued ‘I had no choice.’

Hermione looked down at the floor, feeling like dirt on Draco’s very fancy shoes.

‘But every single day at that school you were the first person I looked for. In class, in the corridors, at breakfast.’ Draco took a step closer to Hermione. ‘You drove me crazy Granger and you still do.'

He was now standing so close to Hermione that she could see his chest rising and falling very fast, then noticed her's was doing the same. He leant down and whispered in her ear, goosebumps instantly forming on her arms and up her neck.

‘I pictured f*cking you everywhere. In my bed, in the prefect bathrooms, outside in the quidditch stands, and especially in the library.’ Draco had now taken another step closer to Hermione and his face was inches from Hermione’s.

Hermione’s blush deepened. Draco let out a playful laugh. ‘Don’t tell me you never thought about us Granger. I saw you watching me sometimes from across the room. How many times did we lock eyes throughout the years.’

Draco had now grabbed several loose curls which had fallen around Hermione’s face and pulled them behind her ear.

‘You are and always have been Mine.’ Draco whispered.

Hermione felt more goosebumps flare up on her arms and glide down her spine. Draco had made her cry so many times in school and yes, she had had a crush on him on and off over the years. Always confused as to why he hated her so much, yet her stomach did backflips and had butterflies every time they passed one another in the hallway. She remembered how concerned she had been when Buckbeak had broken Malfoy’s arm and the fights she had with Harry insisting Draco wasn’t a death eater.

Draco had broken her heart when he had called her a mud blood in their second year of schooling, yet her butterflies never truly subsided. The butterflies had lied dormant recently, when her feelings for Ron took over a few years ago. And of course, she had flings with Krum and Cormac McLaggen, but even dating those boys her butterflies had never surfaced.

Her butterflies had never come back, not until Draco kissed her yesterday.

Now the butterflies were exploding in her stomach, back with such a force she felt she would be lifted into the air and fly away. Hermione realised then and there that Draco Malfoy was the only boy she had truly cared for. Her childhood bully turned death eater and now the one holding her captive in his house.

The only one who had ever lit her butterflies on fire.

Hermione collided with Malfoy feeling his large shoulders wrap around her, gripping her tightly and pulling at her curls as he pulled her face towards his. Hermione felt his lips dive onto her’s as she allowed her hand to grab the side of his face, holding him passionately and her other hand gripping his lower back.

She pulled on the fabric of his shirt, desperate to feel him closer to her. Draco continued to kiss Hermione as he now held the back of her neck possessively. Hermione and Draco only left each other’s lips when they needed to gasp for air before diving back into each other’s mouths desperate to taste more and more of one another. Draco ripped his shirt off, he didn’t even care that Granger could see his dark mark or scars that Potter had left on him. A year ago, Draco would have been self-conscious and would have never dared show anyone these ugly blemishes on his skin. Now however he couldn’t care, he would be dead soon anyway and he needed to feel skin on skin contact.

Hermione gasped as she took in Draco’s firm, lean and sculpted body. He had muscles rippling through his arms and down his torso. He looked like he had been sculpted by the gods themselves. With the quickest movements, Draco had ripped off Hermione’s dress. Quite literally tore it in half and he threw the fabric on the ground.

Draco growled as he took in Hermione’s perfect little body and her matching lace bra and panties. He could see her swollen nipples poking through her silky white bra and dove down onto them, sucking both nipples equally and kissing Hermione all over her chest and back up her neck. Hermione had thrown her head back and was letting small soft moans escape from her mouth. Draco pushed his body even closer into Hermione’s and Hermione felt his large length press into her lower stomach.

Hermione gasped at the feel of this, and Draco grunted enjoying the feel of his dick rubbing against Hermione’s body. Draco wriggled out of his black dress pants whilst still tending to Hermione’s perky nipples. Draco suddenly picked Hermione up wrapping her legs around his waist. Their lips met once again, their kisses growing more urgent. Draco walked Hermione over to the bed and laid her down gently and then ripped her lacey bra off with his teeth.

He spat the fabric onto the floor behind him and then took in a topless Hermione, almost naked on the bed. Hermione was blushing once again and Draco crawled over her and laid his body against her, rubbing his dick against her skin as he kissed and played with Hermione’s perfect, bouncy breasts. Hermione moaned out in pleasure at Draco’s touches, allowing their bodies to rub and thrust against each other.

‘f*ck you are perfect Granger.’ Draco growled ‘f*cking perfect.’

Draco pulled down his boxers, his dick now flush against Hermione’s skin. Hermione gasped at the size of him. Yes, she had only ever slept with Ron but Merlin, Draco Malfoy was huge.

Draco was now looking up at Hermione with hunger in his eyes. He kissed her from her neck all the way down her body until he reached her panties. He kissed her swollen cl*t through the thin fabric, teasing Hermione until she started to beg.

‘Malfoy, I need you.’ Gasped Hermione ‘Inside me. Please.’

Draco grunted, almost in an animalist kind of way and ripped of her lace panties. He slipped two fingers gently into her folds and found her opening. He slowly pumped his fingers in and out of her, Hermione’s body was now on fire. His touch was just what she needed, no craved.

‘Draco, please’ Hermione moaned softly.

Draco pulled his fingers out of Hermione, much to her dismay and he kissed her once again, hard. He then whispered in her ear'

‘You just called me Draco darling.’

Hermione’s eyes shot open as she realised, she had indeed just called Malfoy, Draco.

‘I f*cking loved it Granger, say my name again.’ Draco whispered in her ear.

Hermione let out a moan as she said his name again.


Draco slammed his dick into her, causing Hermione to yell out in absolute pleasure. Draco had filled her entirely and Hermione could feel her walls stretching as Draco pumped in and out of her.

‘Say it again Granger. Say my f*cking name’ Draco demanded as he increased his speed and wrapped Hermione’s legs around his waist.

Hermione was moaning loudly now with each of Draco’s thrusts. He felt so f*cking good. Draco began to rub her swollen cl*t as he continued to pump in and out of her.

‘Malfoy, I won’t last long.’ Hermione cried.

‘Not Malfoy – Draco!’ he moaned back and leant down to bite her lip before giving her cl*t attention again.

Hermione had never felt pleasure ripple through her body as it currently was. She felt high, even though she had never taken drugs she was sure this is what it felt like.

Draco pumped deeper into her, and Hermione could feel him hit her sweet spot. Draco continued to rub her cl*t and then Hermione felt absolute ecstasy ripple through her body.

‘Oh my god, DRACO!’ Hermione screamed out, her eyes rolling back in her head.

She continued to moan and cry, as her org*sm took over her body. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t see!

She felt Draco grab her left breast and grunt, before he shook and cried out explicitly. Draco collapsed on top of her, both hot and sweaty and trying to catch their breath. Hermione felt warm liquid enter her. Draco had come inside of her, and she didn’t even care. She felt f*cking amazing and never wanted Draco to take his dick out of her.

‘f*ck me, Granger.’ Draco panted as he pulled himself out of her and rolled over onto the bed next to her.

‘I can’t go and die now. Your puss* is f*cking mine.’

Chapter 15: The devil in my bed


Song Recommendations for this chapter:
Cherry - Lana Del Rey
Monsters (Acoustic Version) Ruelle

Chapter Text

Hermione heard crows cawing outside and squinted as she saw the sun start to rise through the large window. She rolled over into Draco’s firm body and gasped. They must have fallen asleep after last night. The memories of last night flashed through her mind, and she blushed as she looked at her former enemy in bed asleep next to her.

She also felt her butterflies threatening to escape again. Draco looked like an angel when he was asleep. Hermione had never seen him ever look so peaceful in is life, and for once he wasn’t scowling or screwing up his face in annoyance or disgust. Last night Hermione had seen a completely different Draco.

His eyes had been hungry and full of lust for…..her.

Hermione remembered Draco’s confession to her last night.

‘You are all that consumes my thoughts. Day and night. For years now.’

She reached out and softly pulled his white hair from his face as she watched his chest rise and fall as he continued to sleep. Hermione wondered if she could pull herself close to him without waking him. Very quietly and slowly Hermione laid her head on Draco’s firm chest and her butterflies roared wanting to escape again. She could hear Draco’s heartbeat, or was it her own, beating so very loud.

Draco began to stir, and Hermione felt his strong arms wrap around her, allowing her to snuggle her face further into his chest. She felt warm and safe which was a strange feeling considering she was still technically a prisoner of this bedroom, her captor now holding her in his large and warm arms.

Draco suddenly went stiff and ripped his arms from her. Hermione felt the sharp crisp cold air hit her, losing Draco’s warmth.

‘Granger’, he said quickly. His big grey eyes were sparkling with hints of blue, the hints of blue Hermione felt only she had ever been lucky enough to see.

Draco's face showed shock, and he looked like he had been caught doing something he shouldn’t.

‘This shouldn’t have happened, I’m sorry I slept in your bed.’ in said, sitting himself up and creating distance between them.

Draco swung his legs over the bed, finding his black pants on the floor and pulling them on. Hermione felt herself blush again as she realised, they had slept together completely naked, and she was in fact, still naked. She pulled the silky sheets up around her body as she watched Draco rush to pick up the rest of his clothes and walk towards the bedroom door. He looked back at her before he opened the door. Something about the way he looked at her made Hermione’s heart break and she wasn't sure why.

‘I’m sorry, but we can’t do this Granger. Never again.’

Draco left Hermione alone, stumped as to what she had done and a part of her felt stupid for allowing Draco Malfoy to sweet talk her and make his way into her bed.

And now her heart.

Hermione could no longer sit in this bed. Not when all she could smell was Draco on her sheets and pillows. So, she got up, found her black tee and threw it over her, seeing the remains of her dress on the floor. She sat down on her favourite spot by the fireplace and attempted to read one of the new books Draco had given her. She sighed as she realised, she was not absorbing any of the words since her brain could not stop thinking about him.


Hermione had suppressed her feelings for Draco for years. She had always thought it was hatred whenever Draco would tease or snarl at her at school. She fought with her feelings for years and now she was still his prisoner mentally, and physically too. But would she be able to leave him behind? Would he leave with her?

Hermione shook her head; this would never happen. He was a death eater; he had probably done awful things, and he still saw her as a mud blood. He said so himself and he said he could never be with her. Hermione reminded herself that Draco wasn't on her side – the death eater with a dark mark on his arm, forever agreeing to do Voldemort’s bidding.

He was on the other side, the side her and her friends were trying to take down. Her friends would probably kill him.

Hermione reached for the necklace around her neck and opened the locket up and stared into it hoping Ginny would be staring back. No Ginny once again.

Does this thing not work anymore? Hermione sighed again. She wished Draco would come back, however felt pangs of hurt in her chest as she remembered him rushing out of her room this morning. Silly girl had even tried to ‘cuddle’ with the perfect looking angel, no devil, in her bed.

Hermione felt mortified thinking about it and decided to put down the book she had in her hands and decided instead to stare into the golden flames of the fireplace in front of her, wondering if these confusing broken feelings in heart would ever subside.

‘Merlin Charlie, this dragon is sick!’

Seamus was in awe as he took in the massive Welsh green that was currently laying on the lawn. Charlie threw the dragon huge chunks of meat, which the dragon happily lapped up.

‘She is beautiful isn’t she’ Charlie said proudly.

Charlie and his dragon Florence had only just arrived less than 5 minutes ago. The safehouse shook as if there was an earthquake as the dragon landed and the roar Florence made was so loud one of the windows in the kitchen shattered. Fleur had waved her wand with a quick flick of her hand and the window put itself back together.

‘Tea Charlie?’ asked Luna sweetly.

‘No thanks Luna, however, Florence would love something to drink.' Charlie replied back with a large smile.

Luna smiled and whispered a spell under her breathe and what looked like a massive old claw foot tub appeared filled with ice cold water.

‘That’s impressive Luna!’ Charlie exclaimed and he turned back to his dragon.

‘Drink Flo’, Charlie commanded to his dragon ‘You’ve had a long journey, and we aren’t resting for long.’

‘Speaking off’ Bill began ‘When will your dragon be up for leaving?’

Charlie looked offended for just a second as he replied, ‘Brother, Florence will be ready within the hour, let her drink and rest just a little.’

Charlie gave one last chunk of meat to a very happy Florence and headed inside the safehouse with everyone else.

‘Thanks for helping Charlie.’ Ginny said to her brother sincerely.

‘Of course, anything I can do to help Hermione, she practically is family.’ Charlie responded.

Ron coughed and went slightly red at this comment, Ginny noticed and shot Ron a withering look.

‘How’s the war in Romania mate?’ asked George.

‘f*cked’. Charlie sounded exhausted. ‘Those bloody death eaters keep trying to steal our dragons, so we have to keep moving the sanctuary every few weeks in order for them not to find us.’

‘Bloody hell.’ Ron blew out.

Ginny and Fleur were now serving out some snacks and coffees.

‘Eat.’ Fleur demanded to everyone ‘We all ave’ a long and risky mission ahead.’

‘I just got to send an owl to mum,’ Bill took off down the hallway, now yelling ‘She wanted to know when Bill got here.’

Charlie rolled his eyes and picked up a jam biscuit. ‘Have they had any luck finding Aberforth yet?’ he asked.

‘They thought they had but turned out to be a false lead.’ Ginny replied, ‘They’re still looking.’

Bill re-entered the room a few minutes later looking eager, ‘Ok ready to go everyone?’

Everyone looked around at one another mentally preparing for the fight ahead.

‘Now we know we can’t apparate into the Malfoy Manor, however we can get as close as possible, just in this area’ Bill pointed at the large map on the table.

‘Ron, Seamus, Gin and Lavender - you are all to apparate to this spot and walk on foot to the Manor. Make sure to stay as hidden as possible, no one can see you or know you are anywhere near the manor.’ Bill looked serious. ‘The rest of us will fly in either on the dragon with Charlie….’

‘Oi her name is Florence.’ Snapped Charlie and Bill shot him an annoyed look.

‘We will be flying on Florence or brooms.’ Bill continued. ‘Once you see my patronus sneak into the manor and find Hermione as quick as you can and get her out of there.’

Everyone agreed and made their way outside, Charlie preparing Florence to fly once more.

‘Once you have Hermione send out a signal’ Charlie smirked.

‘Then Florence can ensure the Malfoy’s burn in their precious mansion.’

Draco slammed his fist into the mirror in front of him and watched the glass fall on his study floor. He had always hated this mirror anyway; it was his grandfather’s – Abraxas Malfoy and he sounded like a prick of a bloke. f*ck what had he done.

f*cking Granger was supposed to have cured him, got rid of his stupid feelings.

Yet he had bloody fallen asleep next to her.

And now he was so infatuated with Hermione Granger that he physically couldn't breathe.

Draco fought back his feelings with another glass of his vintage fire whiskey. This bottle was saved for a special occasion and Draco figured now was the best occasion for it. His heart had never hurt like this. He had slept with a handful of girls over the years, realising he had only lusted them and then once he got what he wanted discarded them and never thought of them again. He thought Granger would be like this too.

‘f*cking hell’ Draco mumbled. He downed his drink in one swallow.

Granger was f*cking incredible. Everything about her made him want more. How she tasted, how her big brown eyes looked as she came, her soft moans, her curls bundled in his hands, the softness of her breasts and body and how she said his name.

She had called him Draco. Not Malfoy, Draco.

He knew he was in trouble, was this love? f*ck no its not Draco thought to himself.

He couldn’t be in love with her, he had just wanted a taste of her all these years. That’s why she ran around his head, and he looked for her constantly in the classroom, in the hallway - in his dreams. So why was he protecting her? Why couldn’t he hand her over to the Dark Lord. He had finally had his taste of her.

Just the thought of it made him want to be sick. Voldemort would torture her to the point she lost her sanity and then he would kill her. Kill his Granger.

Draco felt a rush of guilt watching her eyes grow sad as he had bolted out of her room this morning. But he can’t fall for her, he mustn't.

Voldemort could search his mind at any moment and the further he entangled himself (sometimes quite literally) in Granger the more at risk she was.

Draco decided he had to avoid her now. At least for the next few days. This was getting too dangerous and no matter how much alcohol he drank it wasn’t numbing the fact that Granger had taken over every inch of his heart and soul.

He stared out the window as he took another sip from his glass, when it slipped from his hand smashing everywhere due to the sudden pain coming from the dark mark on his arm. He looked down, irritation flashing across his face, his Dark Lord calling him.

Draco stomped downstairs in his dark robes and silver mask. Another death eater’s meeting with Voldy in the Malfoy house and Draco would honestly rather cut his own tongue out. He pushed the large mahogany doors open to his mother’s ball room to find Voldemort standing in the middle of the room, wand drawn and already torturing one of his death eaters. Draco watched the man cry out in agony, lying in his own blood and begging Voldemort for mercy. His hands had been chopped off and to Draco’s horror Fenrir Greyback was eating them as if he had been given a treat by his master.

Draco screwed his face up in disgust and his eyes drifted across to the left of the room to see his mother standing by his father. Narcissa looked over and caught Draco’s eye and gave him a tender look. Draco looked away quickly realising he had barely seen his mother in these last couple of weeks. He kept himself hidden away in his wing of the mansion either drunk, or asleep (or recently with Granger) or he was out searching the country for Weasley or anyone else he could get his hands on that Voldemort would be satisfied with.

Draco looked behind his mother and took a quick glance at his father. Lucius Malfoy looked like death. He no longer stood tall and proud, but hunched over, long blonde hair now almost grey and matted. He was so skinny now and his face gaunt and hollow. His skin was covered in bruises and laceration marks. Draco figured his father was being tortured just as much as he was, however, his old man couldn’t seem to cope anymore. Draco smirked happy to see his asshole father finally getting something he deserved. Voldemort had seemed to have grown bored very quickly of the death eater bleeding out on the floor and with a quick ‘avada kedavra’ the death eater was dead.

‘Greyback’ Voldemort commanded ‘I don’t want to see this in front of me anymore, dispose of it.’

Greyback grabbed the dead death eater by the foot and dragged his body out of the room, leaving a heavy blood trail behind.

‘Now to the next order of business’ Voldemort sounded pissed off, no surprise there Draco thought.

Voldy probably needed to get laid. Draco immediately wished he hadn’t thought of this and shook his head to dispel the thought.

‘Lucius’ Voldemort hissed. ‘Come’.

Draco looked over once again at his father and watched as he walked very slowly over to where he was called. His mother became immediately very pale, and Draco could tell she was trying to keep composed but was picking at her nails ferociously.

Voldemort raised his wand and watched his father kneel at The Dark Lord’s feet.

‘You have continued to let me down Lucius’ Voldemort hissed. 'You bring shame to the Malfoy name.'

Draco watched his father physically shake. Pathetic, Draco thought.

Voldemort then leant down so his face was just inches from his fathers.

‘I have no need for you anymore.’ Voldemort spat in Lucius Malfoys’ face and then cast Crucio right into his chest.

His father fell to the dark floor immediately and began to squirm and his limbs flailed about while he screamed. The screams echoed throughout the room and then Draco saw blood coming out of his eyes, mouth and even ears. Draco heard his mother cry out but quickly put her hand over her mouth to silence herself.

It took less than 60 seconds for Lucius Malfoy to die, he was that weak already.

Draco watched the last few breathes his father took before his eyes went lifeless and his body limp.

Draco saw his mother crying silently out of the corner of his eye, he felt guilty for not seeing her lately and now her husband was dead. f*ck sake’s Draco thought to himself.

‘Draco’ Voldemort’s voice hissed through the room and Draco didn’t realise he was being called at first due to still watching his fathers’ lifeless body on the floor.

‘Draco Malfoy.’ Voldemort said again with deep anger resonating from his voice this time.

Draco stepped forward, over his father’s dead body and made his way to The Dark Lord.

‘You are just as useless as your father, neither one of you have lived up to the Malfoy name.’

Voldemort spat, ‘You are as weak and pathetic as your dead old man.’

Draco stood with his head held high and shoulders back and looked the ugly slimy f*cker straight in those yellow slits he called eyes. Draco felt his hand make a fist as hot anger poured through his body. He was nothing like his father.

‘You will face the same fate,’ Voldemort hissed ‘I have assigned Flint to find Potter’s friends since you aren’t up to the task.’

Draco heard someone laugh under their breath beside him and glanced up to see Marcus Flint looking smug and was obviously now one of Voldemort’s proudest new death eaters.

Draco thought of Granger, he couldn’t help it. If he was about to die, she was the only person he wanted to picture. He thought of her beautiful big brown eyes, and her pink plump lips. He thought of how she threw her head back as he kissed her neck.

Yes, he was fine to die if she was in his thoughts. Draco closed his eyes and watched the Granger in his mind instead.

‘Avada Kedavra!’ Voldemort screamed and Draco braced for his death. Instead, he felt small hands push his body out of the way and in the shock of being pushed fell to the floor. Draco opened his eyes just in time to watch his mother receive the unforgivable spell which was meant for him. His mother looked straight at him as her heart stopped and she fell to the floor.

Draco screamed out, his heart ripping in two. He couldn’t breathe. He pulled himself up and rushed to his mother’s body now lying on the floor. He grabbed her in his arms and realised she had just sacrificed herself for him. Draco placed his mother down on the floor gently and decided he didn’t care anymore.

He was f*cking angry. He should have been dead, not his mother.

He was done with being a death eater, being tortured, watching people die and most of all he wanted Voldemort dead.

‘f*ck you, you mother f*cker.’ Draco screamed at Voldemort.

He could feel his veins popping from his forehead as he gripped his wand ready to fight. He would burn this entire f*cking place down if needed. He would fight every single last person in this room until he joined his mother in death.

This is it Draco thought. Time for everyone to pay.

Voldemort laughed as he watched Draco grip his wand.

‘You dare defy me boy?’ Voldemort laughed, ‘I am your lord, you will obey me.’

‘f*ck you Tom Riddle you prick.’ Draco yelled and spat on the floor in Voldemort’s direction.

This enraged Voldemort and both Draco and Voldemort raised they wands blasting spells at each other. The other death eaters in the room also began to aim for Draco until Voldemort screamed out ‘Noo he is mine!’.

Draco felt all his anger take over his body as he cast spell after spell at Voldemort. He felt sweat dripping down his back and slipped on blood which caused one of Voldemort’s spells to hit Draco in the arm, causing a large and deep gash. Draco felt warm blood pool out on his robes.

Draco shouted out in anger and continued to shout every spell he could think of across the room when he heard Marcus Flint yell out ‘Bombarda’ and a large part of the stone wall behind him collapsed-on top of Draco.

Draco immediately felt his head throb and blood pour down his face. His vision had gone blurry, and he was trying to remove the rubble as quick as he could from around him when he heard Voldemort’s high-pitched laugh. Draco then heard Voldemort speak.

‘Stupid boy, you think you are stronger than me?’

Draco had removed most of the rubble and was now trying to stand, his vision still blurry and he was struggling now with black spots in his vision. Draco could just make out Voldemort walking over to him, wand raised ready to strike. Draco thought of Hermione again. Ready to die.

Thank Merlin she had the necklace.

Voldemort was laughing again when Draco felt the ground and walls shake. He then heard a roar that was so deafening he thought he had lost his hearing. The picture frames and ornaments were now falling off the walls and Voldemort was no longer raising his wand at Draco.

Voldemort hissed at his death eaters. ‘Find out what that is! Now!’

Everyone in the room disappeared in puffs of black smoke including The Dark Lord himself. Draco could still hear deafening roaring coming from outside and he had a feeling her knew what had just arrived at the manor.

A f*cking dragon.

Chapter 16: Nobody's Son


Song recommendations for this chapter:

Time - Hans Zimmer
The Gravel road Score - James Newton Howard
Skin and Bones - David Kushner

Chapter Text

The flickering warmth from the flames in front of her soothed her emotional thoughts.

Hermione hadn't moved from her cozy spot on the floor in front of the fireplace. She hadn't even bothered to look up when she heard her food appear on her bedside table.

She had just sat there all morning, still in just her black oversized bed tee (she had a feeling it was Draco's) wondering why her heart jumped out of her chest now when she thought of leaving the manor.

72 hours ago, she would have been over the moon to know she would be escaping this room. And now she wasn't sure if she would be able to step through that door if it was opened for her.

Hermione blew her curls out of her face, her knees now tucked up against her chest, when the ground began to shake, and she heard such a loud roar coming from outside. She shot up immediately and rushed to the window. Hermione couldn’t believe what she was seeing. A huge black and gold dragon was flying above the manor, and were people on the back of that dragon?

Hermione then saw broomsticks zoom by alongside the dragon, but they were too far away to make out who they were. Hermione hid half of her body behind the large curtains, ensuring she wouldn't be seen by anyone outside. She couldn't risk any death eaters knowing she was here.

She didn’t know the Malfoy’s had a dragon. Or was this a new addition to the manor, perhaps for Voldemort himself. Hermione noticed the dragon roar again open its large mouth, breathing fire and burning the land below. Half of the estate was on flames now and she could see death eaters appearing on the manor’s grounds aiming spells up at the huge dragon in the sky.

Hermione gasped and pulled herself out from behind the curtain, holding her hands up against the glass so she could see better.

This was no death eater dragon - this had to be her rescue!

Hermione opened the locket hanging around her neck and looked into the mirror inside. She couldn’t believe it when she saw Ginny staring back at her – finally! Ginny was holding up a piece of paper.

‘We are here, coming for you. Dragon on our side.’

Hermione beamed and smiled back at Ginny. Her friends were here, they were coming for her, she would be free soon. Hermione rushed to put shoes on and throw on a long coat. One of the beautiful emerald-green fur lined coats Draco had given her. She grabbed one of the books Draco had given her and slipped it into the deep pocket of her jacket. She felt silly but she needed something to remind her of Draco. If he wouldn't come with her, she decided she would find him after all of this, and this book would be a reminder of her time here.

Hermione suddenly felt a sense of panic hit her, was Draco ok, where was he? Was he fighting the Dragon and her friends right now? What if got injured?

Hermione stood by her door and waited. She would be free soon and she made her mind up that she would ensure Draco Malfoy would be free too.

Draco’s vision had started to come back, but he still felt like his head was on fire thanks to what must be a decent injury he had copped to his head. He had to keep wiping his face to get rid of the constant blood dripping down his temple. He took in the chaos around him, the half-destroyed room which once used to host extravagant parties, fire engulfing the far corner.

He could hear screaming outside and the roar of the dragon. Who the devil was here, and whose dragon was outside burning his bloody house down?

Draco did however want to thank the dragon for distracting Voldemort and earning him more time. He was a co*ckroach after all.

He looked over to where his mother's body was lying and he cried out, his throat going dry and tears threatening to escape. He managed to get to his feet, vision still blurry and staggered over to her. He scooped up her body, his tiny, fragile and now deceased mother easily fitting into his arms. Draco carried Narcissa through the grand ball room falling apart around him and managed to make it outside, to the front of the mansion. He ran down the long gravel pathway towards the small glass conservatory, which was in their front gardens, half hidden behind the large green hedges which were decorated throughout the grounds.

Draco ripped open the glass conservatory, and gently placed his mother down on the stone floor, surrounded by the red roses she loved. He was now fighting back tears as he took in his mother lying deathly still, her face had now lost her natural rosy glow, and her skin was ice cold.

'I promise I'll be back mother.' Draco fought back more tears, 'I will be back to lay you to rest.'

Draco looked at his mother one last time before leaving the conservatory and placing a fireproof charm over the glass building. He also ensured to lock the door, promising his mother once again that he would be back for her.

Draco could now see the damage to his home. It was currently lit up like a christmas tree, and he could still hear the roar of the dragon and the screaming and yelling coming from the other side of the manor. The sky flashed alive with colours, hundreds of spells currently being cast, a mini war happening quite literally in his backyard.

His mind quickly turned to Granger again and he felt his legs automatically run back towards the fiery manor, he needed to get her out.

He wasn’t dead yet. He had promised her that he would protect her as long as he was alive. She was his.

Draco ran back through his front door, sprinting towards his wing of the manor. He coughed and held up his arm to his face as he tried not to breathe in the thick smoke taking over the entire room. sh*t he needed to get to Granger before this whole place burnt down. Half the corridor was on fire, and it was spreading fast, eating away at the walls and floors, a huge fiery angry inferno. Draco had flashbacks to the fire at his aunt’s house remembering how he had saved Theo from the flames, only for him to be murdered by Voldemort less than 6 hours later.

Draco continued running through the manor as fast as he could, desperate to reach Granger. He pictured her room on fire and her screaming, perishing in the flames.

'f*ck!' Draco cursed out loud, still running and now gasping as he fought the thick smoke inhalation.

His mother was dead, his house burning down, Voldemort would try to kill him again.

This was it; he would take Hermione and f*cking flee.

Ron was tearing down the hallways of Malfoy Manor desperately trying every door he could. He swore he had opened 27 doors already, Hermione behind none of them.

Ginny was with him, just as frustrated that they hadn’t found her yet. Lavender and Seamus were searching the other half of the manor. They had no problem breaking into the mansion once the dragon had shown up and caused the distraction of the century. Ron punched one of the doors that he opened when Hermione wasn't in that room either, frustration taking over now.

‘Down this corridor Ron!’ Ginny yelled. They continued to run, trying every room they passed.

‘What if she’s not here?’ Ron bellowed.

‘She is Ron, I saw her in the mirror remember.’ Ginny replied frustration laced in her voice, ‘She’s here somewhere I just know it!’

They turned a corner and ran straight into Draco Malfoy. He was bleeding heavily but didn’t look shocked to see them.

‘Weasley’s!’ spat Draco, ‘I knew I’d see you both again soon.’

‘Where the f*ck is she Malfoy?’ Ginny screamed ‘We know you have her!’

Ron grabbed a large silver knife out of his pocket and dove the knife into Draco’s lower stomach and ripped the knife upwards. Draco felt his insides rip apart violently and blood began to pool out of his stomach.

‘WHAT THE f*ckK WEASLEY?’ Draco cried out and he felt himself wobble on the spot.

Ron wiped the bloodied blade on his jacket and pocketed it. Ron and Ginny then held a hunched over Draco up by his arms.

‘You are going to guide us to Hermione right now or I cut you completely in half.’ Ron snarked.

‘f*ck you.’ Draco spat at Ron, his spit hitting just under his eye.

Ron punched Draco in the ribs, very hard. Draco coughed and now spat blood on the floor.

‘That’s for George you f*cking piece of sh*t.’ Ron yelled in his face.

‘Tell us where she is Malfoy.’ Ginny screamed.

‘You’ve already walked past her door several times.’ Draco smirked.

‘The f*ck you mean?’ Ron demanded.

‘Only I can see her door.’ Draco smirked again and he then felt a punch to his face. f*cking Weasley.

‘Open her door now.’ Ginny was now holding her wand up to his neck, digging in hard.

‘Calm down darling’ Draco said back playfully. He then copped another punch in the stomach right where his knife wound was. Draco felt his body jerk forward in pain and he collapsed slightly due to the pain. Ron and Ginny continued to grip him tightly, holding him upright.

‘Malfoy.’ Ginny was right in his face, her eyes dark and serious, ‘Now.’

Draco held his arm up and pointed to a tapestry of a giant yellow serpent on the wall.

‘That snake, take me to the snake and I will open the door.’ Draco gritted through his teeth.

Ron and Ginny dragged Draco over to the tapestry, still holding him as upright as they could.

‘Now don’t be alarmed that Granger has grown attached to me.’ Draco teased.

Ron shoved his head into the tapestry and Draco felt his nose break.

‘f*ckKK.’ Draco screamed out in pain. ‘You’d make a great death eater Weasley, want me to introduce you to Voldy? I could hook up an interview?’

Draco spat at Ron, more blood and spit now across Ron’s cheek and nose.

‘If you don’t open this door, we will kill you Malfoy.’ Ron spoke darkly.

Draco didn’t care if he died, but he did care if Granger died. Hence why he had run back into his burning home.

Draco grunted out the password to the snake on the tapestry.

‘Pura Sanguine.’

The snake climbed up the tapestry and disappeared as a dark black door with a silver handle appeared. Draco pulled what strength he had from deep inside of him and ripped the door open. Standing right on the other side was Hermione and she let out a small scream of surprise when she saw her two friends and Malfoy just outside her room.

Ginny released Malfoy instantly and he crumpled to the floor. Ron no longer bothered to hold him upright either.

‘HERMIONE!’ Ginny screamed and ran into the room embracing Hermione so tight she couldn’t breathe.

Hermione couldn't help the tears pool in her eyes when she saw Ginny again. She had missed her so much.

Ron ran in after Ginny and pulled Hermione into his embrace, Hermione hugging Ron back tightly.

‘You are safe now Hermione, quick come with us and we will get you out of here.’ Ginny yelled.

Ginny grabbed Hermione’s hand and made her way to the door. Hermione noticed Ron was taking in Hermione’s room and his eyes grew small and dark when he noticed her bed. He looked Hermione up and down, taking in her appearance, noticing she only had on a short black tee and coat, her legs exposed.

‘What did he do to you?’ Ron shouted pointing to Malfoy on the floor. Ron was bright red and so furious he was shaking.

Hermione now over her initial shock of seeing Ron and Ginny scanned her eyes to Draco on the floor. He was laughing and blood was all over his face, his robes, his hands. He was covered in blood, and it was creating a small pool next to his body.

‘What did you do to him?’ Hermione yelled back.

‘Who gives a f*ck about him Hermione’ Ron argued, ‘We did what we had to for him to release you.'

Hermione released her hand from Ginny’s and rushed over to Draco’s side, kneeling on the floor and grabbed his face with her hands.

‘Ouch Granger, please be gentle.’ Draco gave her a playful look but was in obvious pain.

He could feel his strength fading, Ron had done a decent job with the knife, he felt his vision going again but forced his eyes to stay open.

‘What the f*ck Hermione’ Ginny asked genuinely confused. ‘Who cares about him, let’s go!’ She tugged at Hermione's cloak, but Hermione wasn't listening.

‘Help me get him out of here.’ Hermione was trying to pick Draco up, but he was too heavy.

Draco leant across and whispered in her ear. ‘Run Granger. Please run.’

‘She’s gone barny’ Ron said to Ginny bewilderment in his eyes.

Ginny continued to try and pull Hermione away from Draco, but Hermione refused to let him go.

‘I’m not going anywhere unless you help me with him.’ Hermione glared at her friends.

‘Seriously Hermione what the f*ck?’ Ron was so angry now his entire face and neck was bright red. ‘Leave him to die, this is what he deserves!’

Hermione was starting to panic now as she realised, she couldn’t lift Draco on her own.

‘Why can’t he walk?’ Hermione demanded. ‘Why can’t he bloody walk?’

‘Because I sliced the f*cker up’ Ron said darkly and he pulled out the blood covered knife from his pocket, holding it up like a trophy.

Hermione gasped, realising the knife was covered in Draco's blood and he was now bleeding out on the floor in front of her.

‘Well then go without me!’ Hermione refused to look at her friends, still staring down at Draco, her fear of the man in front of her dying making her want to scream.

‘f*cking hell Hermione, we don’t have time for this.’ Ron snapped and grabbed her arms. He pulled her up off the floor and Hermione fought to escape his grip. Hermione pushed Ron hard in the chest and he let go of her.

'HE DOESNT DESERVE TO DIE RONALD.' she screamed at him. Ron looked taken aback, surprise in his eyes.

‘Ron let’s just help her’ Ginny snapped. ‘Let’s help her bring Malfoy outside for now.’ She shot Ron a hard look begging him to trust her.

‘You’ve both gone barny!’ Ron yelled and he walked away from the girls, hoping they would follow him. Ginny looked at Hermione, realising that she wasn't going to leave without Malfoy. The place was literally burning down around them, they didn't have time for this, or they would all soon be dead. Ginny sighed and attempted to help Hermione lift the death eater bleeding out on the floor.

Ron had now come back, swearing loudly as he pulled Draco up from the floor roughly. Hermione held up Draco’s other arm allowing him to use her for as much support as possible and they made their way down the dark corridor, Ginny leading the way, and her wand outstretched. The group could see more than half of the Manor was now engulfed in flames and the heat and smoke was becoming too much.

‘We need to find a way out!’ Ginny exclaimed.

Draco once again used the precious little energy he had to point across the room. He managed to croak out ‘Go through that door.’

‘Hell, no well go another way.’ Ron spat, ‘You aren’t to be trusted!’

‘Just trust him, Ronald!’ Hermione screamed and pulled them in the direction that Draco had pointed. Ginny blasted the grand white and gold trimmed doors open, and Hermione gasped when she realised, they were in the Malfoy Library. It was as beautiful as she had always imagined, obviously perfectly decorated by Narcissa Malfoy. She wondered where Draco's parents were.

‘Over there!’ Ginny pointed to the large glass doors at the other end of the library which led outside. Hermione grunted as she was struggling now with holding half of Draco’s weight up and the four of them made their way as quick as they could across the large and very grand library, white bookcases in neat rows, full of books, floor to ceiling. Some of the rows of books were already on fire, Hermione frowned knowing she couldn't save them.

Ginny cast a spell at the doors, blasting them open and they all gasped as the cold air hit their faces. They had made it out, Hermione was outside for the first time in, well she couldn’t remember. She took a quick deep breath and closed her eyes taking in the breeze hitting her cheeks and flicking through her hair.

Ron and Hermione continued to drag a very weak Draco across the estate, Draco leaving a blood trail behind him and trying to clutch his stomach. Ginny covered them, ensuring no one else was around, ready to cast a spell at any death eater she saw.

‘Put him down over here.’ Hermione demanded after they made their way as far from the house as they could and into a small empty horse stable. Ron let go of Draco immediately causing Hermione to be yanked down slightly as Draco fell to the ground.

‘Can you walk at all, please try.’ Hermione begged Draco.

Draco did indeed try but his stomach was gushing blood, more than what his face or anywhere else on his body currently was. Draco could give credit when it was due, Ron had done some serious damage and had obviously sliced open a main artery or two. Draco fell back again, frustrated but he softened when he saw the concern in Granger’s eyes as she knelt beside him, tears starting to form in her eyes.

‘Go, Granger.’ Draco grabbed her face softly ‘Please go and remember to hide. Please do this for me.’

Ginny grabbed Hermione’s shoulder and quietly said ‘Hermione we do have to go, the others can’t hold them off forever.’

‘Help me fix him please.’ Hermione begged Ginny.

Ginny looked at Hermione and sighed ‘You know that this type of injury only advanced healers can heal and even an advanced healer would take days to close that type of wound. He’s losing a lot of blood too Hermione.’

Draco was starting to feel his vision go, he knew he was losing too much blood, and he could no longer feel anything from the waist down. His body had gone into shock, and he was struggling to keep his eyes open, exhausted from the blood loss and starting to black out from the pain he was in.

Hermione noticed Draco was extremely pale now and the pool of blood around him grew larger and was soaking into his robes. She reached down to his wound and covered it with her hands, trying to stop the blood flow. Hermione's hands were now blood-soaked and she felt her stress levels rise, sweat falling down her forehead as she struggled to think of how to help Draco.

‘I need your wand Ginny please.’ Demanded Hermione. ‘Please.’

Ginny reluctantly gave Hermione her wand and watched as Hermione ripped open Draco’s robes and then his shirt and proceeded to cast some small healing charms on the large wound. Ginny watched as Hermione placed a bubble charm over the wound. Smart witch she is indeed. This would ensure the blood flow would stop, containing the wound in the bubble.

‘Draco, this will stop you from losing blood for a short time. Don’t touch it’! Hermione sounded exhausted but knelt towards Draco’s face, tears still in her eyes.

‘I will be back for you, I promise.’

Ginny didn’t think that Draco had heard as he now looked very unconscious, his eyes closed. Hermione shoved Ginny’s wand back into her hands, she realised it was covered in Malfoy’s blood.

So was Hermione.

Ron had been standing with his back to them at the entrance of the stable. Hermione ran out past him, Ginny close behind her.

'He's brainwashed her Gin!' Ron exclaimed to his sister, anger in his voice.

‘Let’s just go find the others and get the hell out of here!’, Ginny snapped.

Chapter 17: End of an Era


Song Recommendations for this chapter:
Hearing - Sleeping at Last
Everybody wants to rule the world - Lorde
Fourth of July - Sufjan Stevens

Chapter Text

Hermione, Ginny and Ron sprinted across the dark manor grounds making their way back towards the huge Malfoy mansion and the chaos in front of them. The sky was being lit up by the numerous spells being cast in every direction and Florence ensured the ground glowed with fire, large angry flames taking over the entire estate now, many windows smashed due to the intense heat and half the roof collapsing.

Ginny shot her beautiful horse patronus out of her wand, sending it to go find Seamus and Lavender, then pumped her legs harder, catching up to Hermione's side.

'Hermione!' Ginny called out trying to get her attention, but she didn't slow down, Hermione's exposed legs now covered in either blood or mud.

'Hermione!' Ginny screamed louder this time and Hermione stopped dead in her tracks, turning and locking eyes with Ginny.

'Gin we can't stop to chat; we need to go help!' Hermione said urgently.

'And what are you going to fight with?' Ginny asked, 'Your bare hands?'

Hermione realised she didn't have a wand, and she was about to run into the approaching warzone defenceless.

Ron had now caught up to the girls and had heard what Ginny had said.

‘Here!’ Ron shoved a wand in Hermione’s hand ‘I stole this from a snatcher ages ago.’

He continued on running, Hermione and Ginny also running just behind him, all gasping as they turned the corner and saw then full extent of what was going on.

They could see Bill, George, Luna and Fleur on broomsticks in the air, casting spells towards the death eaters on the ground. The dragon was bloody impressive for sure and had caused some decent damage, not just on the mansion and its grounds, but also on several of the death eaters, now lying dead in random areas of the large courtyard. Some had been burnt so badly their silver masks were now melted into their faces.

The three of them had now run into the eye of the storm, joining the battle, several death eaters spotting them quickly.

Fleur fell from her broom suddenly with a sharp scream, a large hot incendio spell blasting at her torso. Even from a distance Hermione could see Fleur’s skin melting into her blouse. Fleur was screaming in pain and Bill dove down on his broom to where his wife was screaming on the floor. He jumped off his broom and checked on Fleur, casting a quick cooling spell over her injury. Now that Bill and Fleur were on the floor the death eaters took their chance to close in on the pair.

Bill was shielding Fleur with his body and fighting back against several death eaters around him. Ron, Hermione and Ginny ran over to help, casting spells in every direction that they could. More and more death eaters had now decided to join the fight.

‘Hermione and I will hold them off.' screamed Ron 'Go help Bill with Fleur!'

Ginny looked reluctant to leave the fight however with a last second glance at Hermione who nodded, ran over to Bill and Fleur.

Bill looked distraught, scared for his wife and trying to fight off three death eaters on his own. Ginny’s quick approach allowed her to crucio one of the death eaters, sending him down on the floor screaming in pain.

‘Ginny!’ Bill screamed out ‘Please take Fleur out of here, please!’

Ginny looked at Bill with concern, however Bill dismissed her.

‘I’ll be fine, please Gin.’ Bill pleaded, still aiming spells at the death eaters in front of him.

Ginny was now at Fleur's side, checking the burn on her chest, but not wanting to leave her brother to fight alone.
Bill looked behind him and shot Ginny a desperate look.

'GO! PLEASE!' He yelled.

Fleur was in shock, trying to peel her blouse from her skin.
Ginny grabbed the closest broom on the floor and helped Fleur up from the ground and onto the broom.

‘Hold onto me tight Fleur, we are getting out of here.’

The last thing Ginny saw as she took off into the sky with Fleur was Seamus and Lavender running out of the burning manor, wands drawn and determination on their faces as they ran into the battle below.

Seamus ran right to Bill who was still fighting two death eaters at once, blasting both of them out of Bill's way and into the sky.'Cheers mate' a grateful Bill said to Seamus as he wiped the sweat from his upper lip.Lavender had run over to help Luna, who was now also on the ground, her broom discarded somewhere as she launched her favourite Levicorpus spell at every death eater she could. George was still on his broom in the sky, alongside Charlie and the dragon, sending spells down into the courtyard below.

Hermione and Ron continued to battle together before they realised that they were fighting against majority of the death eaters. Ron sent an impressive expluso at one of the death eaters causing him to go flying across the courtyard, his silver mask coming off. Marcus Flint glared back at Ron and quickly got back up sending a confringo blast back in Ron’s direction. Ron dodged the red light coming his way and grabbed Hermione’s arm to get her attention.

‘We won’t be able to fight them all! Ron gasped ‘And they’re after us now, they know who we are!’

Hermione looked around as more and more death eaters were closing in around her and Ron. She was exhausted and could tell Ron and her friends were too. Ron was right, there was too many to fight off. A bright blue light suddenly shot past Hermione and she watched as six death eaters fell to the floor, an ice spell freezing them instantly. Hermione looked behind her to see Professor McGonagall, wand raised and ready to cast again.

Hermione smiled as she realised help had arrived. She glanced around the courtyard and noticed Molly and Arthur were here too, also joining the fight alongside Professor McGonagall. Hermione looked to her left and saw an older looking man with a long grey beard and long grey hair to match sending out the brightest light she may have ever seen from his wand. She watched in awe as the death eaters who were unlucky enough to be in his path were disintegrated and perished before her very eyes.

Aberforth Dumbledore was sending those death eaters back to hell. Hermione couldn’t believe what she was seeing, and her heart felt hope for the first time in a long time. They would get out of this. They had help now from some very strong witches and wizards.

McGonagall sent more of her blue freezing spells out in every direction she could as Molly, Percy and Arthur went back-to-back, stunning several death eaters as they made their way across the courtyard to then assist Luna and Lavender. Aberforth continued to melt every death eater in his way, making it look easy. Not only did he look like his brother, but he was powerful like Dumbledore too.

‘Hermione watch out!’ Ron screamed as Marcus Flint struck Hermione down, her blood and body now on fire, and she felt like she had a thousand knives piercing her skin all over. The crucio spell took a hold of Hermione’s body and she yelled out as she struggled to breathe, as her body thrashed on the stone floor below her. Bill and Seamus had made their way over in the chaos, Bill had knocked Marcus Flint to the ground and Hermione felt the pain leave her body, however she was still struggling to gulp down air. Her lungs wanted to explode in her chest.

Ron and Seamus helped Hermione to her feet, she managed to pull herself together enough to send jinxing hex’s out in front of her, hitting another death eater. She heard him grunt as he fell in the large water fountain behind him.

‘BILL NO!’ Ron screamed so loudly Hermione's ears rang, the pain coming from Ron's voice very clear.

She turned around to see Ron rushing over to Bill who was bleeding out heavily on the floor, Marcus Flint grinning down happily taking in the damage he had done. Ron was throwing spell after spell at Marcus while Seamus tried to stop the blood flow coming from Bill. Marcus Flint grinned and showed his yellow, crooked teeth and with a puff of black smoke he disappeared.


Ron was yelling so much he had sweat pouring down his face, his red hair sticking to his forehead, eyes bulging out of his head and veins popping from his temple.

He was now at Bill's side, watching as Bill lay on the floor in extreme pain, spitting out blood. Hermione cried out when she saw a silver dagger embedded in his chest. She held her hands to her face, shock now taking over. Seamus had now gone back to holding off the death eaters with McGonagall, as Ron was screaming and Hermione felt visibly sick and couldn't get her feet to work. Hermione could tell the dagger in Bills heart was killing him and not just because it had hit his heart, but because it was cursed. Cursed items caused almost instant death. They were designed to inflict the worst damage on an opponent. She knew this because she had studied cursed items when she was on the run with Ron and Harry last year.

Ron had leant down, and Hermione could see tears well in his eyes. Hermione was still frozen to the spot in shock.

‘Bill look at me.’ Ron pleaded. ‘Stay awake, we will get you out of here.’

Ron was shaking and more tears poured down his face.

‘Ron’ Bill whispered, more blood coming out of his mouth. ‘Look after Fleur and our son. You are the godfather. Please.’

‘What? What do you mean?’ Ron screamed ‘No, no, no. no!’

Bill used the last of his energy to grab Ron’s arm before he took one last gurgled breath and then Bill Weasley was dead.

Hermione hadn’t heard Ron cry out like this since Fred died. Hermione began to cry too, and her instant reaction was to hold Ron, it didn’t matter what was currently going on between them, she needed to be there for her best friend right now. Hermione hadn’t realised but with the presence of Aberforth and the damage he was doing on the death eater army, many had fled just along with Marcus Flint. The manor behind them was also collapsing, the fire eating everything in its path. Charlie and Florence had done some severe damage.

The death eaters were no match to a dragon.

The last of the death eaters were now panicking and their confidence fading quickly. Voldemort was also nowhere to be seen, much to Hermione’s surprise. They called out to one another to 'fall back' and to retreat. Almost all of the remaining death eaters were now apparating away until the last stubborn few left were either burnt alive by the dragon or killed by Aberforth and McGonagall.

‘We need to go!’ Arthur screamed out loud.Everyone else was now running from the battlefield towards Hermione, Ron and Seamus. No one had seen Bill on the floor yet.

Molly screamed an awful cry so shrill, and so heartbreaking that Hermione couldn't help but begin to cry again.

‘Bill! No, not my boy.’ Molly cried as she fell to the floor, pulling her dead son’s head into her lap. She rocked back and forth crying loudly, Arthur now sobbing whilst trying to console her.

Seamus placed a comforting hand on Ron’s shoulder. Ron was staring at Bill, no longer crying but his eyes now a deep shade of black. Percy and George were also sobbing silently on the floor next to Molly and Arthur. Luna and Lavender both gasped when they saw Bill, Lavender running over to be by Ron’s side.

The dark grounds around them were now dead silent, no longer a war zone. No more spells and curses flying in the air. Only the deathly silence, the flicker of flames, and the smell of blood in the air.

Malfoy Manor was completely destroyed.

McGonagall and Aberforth had now made their way over to the mourning group, standing quietly by Hermione, several tears slipping down McGonagall’s face.

Hermione could see out of the corner of her eye that Charlie was now running over, after landing his dragon on the soft grass. He panted and wiped sweat and dirt from his face as he made his way through the group.

‘We won; did you see them bastards flee….’ Charlie stopped mid-sentence, and he went very pale. ‘Who is that?’ he demanded, as he made his way through the group.

‘Oh Charlie!’ Molly reached out to him still sobbing. She pulled Charlie into her embrace.

Charlie pulled away from his mother and leant down by Bill’s body, realising his brother was dead.

Hermione watched as Charlie went dead silent and refused to look at anyone, or his brother’s body on the ground. He stared blankly into the burning Manor in front of him.

Everyone was quiet for a moment, only the sounds of crying could be heard. Finally, Charlie spoke.

‘Who did this?'

Charlie sounded dangerous, and he turned around quicky and asked again but this time raised his voice louder.

‘Marcus Flint,’ Ron said, deep anger also in his voice.

Charlie stormed off back in the direction of his dragon. Molly chased after him pleading with her son to come back, but Charlie brushed her off and within seconds had taken off into the sky once again, Florence roaring as they disappeared into the dark sky.

Draco woke to someone shaking him. He groaned as he felt pain radiating all over his body. Eughh he wanted to vomit.

‘Master! Boppy has found you!’ Draco could only just make out his elf’s blurry face, it hurt to keep his eyes open. He also felt deathly cold.

‘Boppy to take master to safety now.’

Draco hadn't heard the elf however, still consumed by the pain he was currently in. He also didn't realise he was now being levitated, his world slowly going black once more.

Boppy levitated her dying master out of the small stable, ensuring not to disturb the bubble charm which was currently prolonging Draco's life.

'Master will be all better soon.' Boppy spoke to herself as she made her way across the dark grounds, her big green eyes watching as the only home she had ever known burnt down, her only living master still alive, but barely. Boppy ensured the intriguing cloak she had saved from her maters study was now covering the pair of them.

'We are invisible now master.' Boppy said to the unconscious floating Draco. 'Master and Boppy will be safe now.'

The stable where she had left Draco was empty.

‘Draco?’ Hermione yelled urgently. 'DRACO?'

Hermione looked again at the empty spot where he should be, and she started to panic. What if the death eaters had found him and taken him. Hermione felt hot tears fall down her face again. It was all becoming too much. She was now free from the room where she had been prisoner. She was with her friends again; they had won the battle with the death eaters and Aberforth was a part of their army.

However, Bill was dead and Draco nowhere to be seen. Hermione cast a revellio spell hoping to discover Draco, maybe he had hidden himself.

But no, the stable was empty. Draco was indeed gone.

Hermione could hear Luna calling her name just outside the stables. She walked back out into the dark, Luna panting as she ran up to her.

‘Hermione we are all leaving now, they won’t wait any longer for you.’ Luna said apologetically.

Hermione huffed, ‘It has been one minute.’

Luna looked once again at Hermione giving her another apologetic look.

Hermione felt bad for snapping at Luna, it wasn’t her fault.

‘It's so good to see you again Luna, thank you for helping to find me.’ Hermione said sincerely.

‘I knew you would be ok,’ Luna replied. ‘You are Hermione Granger after all.'

They made their way back to everyone else. The Weasley family looked as if their hearts had been ripped out and stomped on. Hermione felt her tears threating to spill again but she blinked them away - staying strong.

Hermione was exhausted and felt hollow not knowing where Draco was. She gave one last look behind her in the distance where the stable was, where she had left Draco who was severely injured. She wished to see Draco smirking back at her.

But no tall blonde was staring back.

Chapter 18: Nobody's daughter


Song recommendations for this chapter:
Fine Line - Harry Styles
Murder Song (acoustic) - Aurora
La Valse Tragique -Yannick Lowack

Chapter Text

The sun was rising when everyone returned to the safehouse, the birds chirping loudly high in the sky.

Hermione looked up at the safehouse. She was back.


Was this still home?

She looked around at her exhausted, filthy and battle-scarred friends, releasing Luna's hand and giving her blonde friend a soft smile. Hermione was embraced by almost everybody, everyone except Ron who stood off to the side. Lavender gave Hermione a big hug, Hermione genuinely happy to see her former Hogwarts roommate again.

'Thank you everyone for finding me.' Hermione managed to whisper, her voice cracking.

Her mouth was dry, hair matted with dirt and blood, and she was still in Draco's black tee and the green coat he gave her which was now destroyed.

Hermione had barely finished embracing everyone when she heard the front door open andGinny ran over, squeezing her so hard she felt the air leave her lungs. Ginny had tears in her eyes as she looked at Hermione and gave her another squeeze.

‘I am so glad you are back with us Hermione. I am so sorry we didn’t find you sooner.’ Ginny continued to hold Hermione tightly.

Ginny then embraced everyone else as a severely burnt Fleur was now also making her way outside. Hermione couldn’t help but notice that Fleur was obviously looking for someone. Hermione’s heart broke.

‘Where iz Bill?’ Fleur asked the group softly.

Molly fell to the grass beneath her, and she began sobbing again. Ron looked down at his feet, Lavender now resting her head on his shoulders and holding his hand once again.

George softly spoke ‘He didn’t make it Fleur.’

George also began to cry again, small tears falling down his face. Hermione reached out and caught Fleur as she fell to the floor. Hermione held her as she broke down, her face soaked with tears within seconds.

‘He gave his life for us Fleur.’ George croaked ‘He’s a f*cking hero.’

Hermione looked up whilst still holding Fleur and saw Ginny’s face turn white and she stood still as a statue. It was hard to gather what she was thinking. Luna tried to console Ginny, but Ginny shrugged her off and stormed back into the house, not saying a word to anybody.

Fleur was inconsolable, and she fell into a heap on the grass, crying so loudly more birds were disturbed and took off from the nearby trees. Luna and Hermione had to physically aid the now widow back into the house. They managed to get Fleur into a bed upstairs and sat with her for an hour until Fleur asked for privacy and said she wanted to sleep.

Ginny had disappeared somewhere; Hermione now couldn't find her. Molly and George were consoling each other in the kitchen. Hermione made both Weasleys a cup of strong tea and Molly smiled at Hermione and grabbed her wrist gently, tears still in her eyes.

‘Hermione dear, we are so happy to see you here safe. We were all so very worried about you.’

Hermione hugged Mrs Weasley once again, thanking her for her efforts in helping to find her and rescue her.

Arthur and Aberforth had now just arrived back, along with Bill's body. Molly and Fleur had decided to bury him next to the memorial stone outside.

Hermione felt not just physically exhausted, but also mentally exhausted. She took herself outside, feeling too overwhelmed currently in the house. She wanted space and felt everyone needed their own time to grieve right now anyway. Hermione sat down on the old sofa on the front porch, the one where her and Ron had fallen asleep together on.

That felt like a lifetime ago now. Hermione sighed and thought of Draco again and wondered if he was ok.

She thought of their last interaction with one another, when Draco had whispered to her to run.

Hermione sighed and pulled her legs up, so they were underneath her chin and allowed her head to rest on her knees. She closed her eyes and felt the breeze on her face and smelt the familiar scents of the safehouse. It smelt like tea and mothballs - like comfort and safety. Hermione was still in her dirty clothes from Malfoy Manor, she told everyone else to shower first, saying she could wait. But really, she just wanted to have Draco's clothes touching her skin still.

Hermione put her hands in the pockets of her coat for warmth when she felt the book she had taken from her room in the manor. One of the books Draco had given to her.

She had forgot about this, and she held it to her face, smelling the parchment and touching the leather the book was wrapped in. She opened the first page to see Draco’s handwriting. He had written his name in black ink on the inside of the front cover. Hermione traced her fingers over the ink, picturing Draco’s hands as he wrote his name.

She felt someone sit down next to her. She didn’t need to look over to know it was Ron – she could smell chocolate and coffee.

They didn’t speak for a few minutes and Hermione stared at the sky, the leather-bound book still in her hands for comfort.

‘I am going to be a godfather.’ Ron said quietly. ‘Bill was going to be a dad.’

Hermione looked over at Ron but couldn’t find any words to say, instead looking into Ron’s eyes with compassion and sadness. They fell silent again for a few moments.

‘Did Malfoy hurt you Hermione?’ Ron finally asked.

Hermione managed to croak out a single word. ‘No.’

Ron sighed and rubbed his face with his left hand. Hermione noticed he had allowed some stubble to come through on his face, he obviously hadn’t shaved in a while.

He looked a little older.

‘So, that room we found you in, you were in there the entire time?' Ron asked. 'Alone?'

Hermione blushed remembering the morning she woke up next to Draco.

‘Yes Ron’. Hermione replied, ‘Malfoy kept me in that room, but I always had food, and he never hurt me.’

Ron looked confused for a moment until he spoke again. ‘We thought we were going to find you clinging to life, badly tortured or dead.’

Hermione watched as Ron shook his head in disbelief and confusion.

‘I’m surprised too Ron.’ Hermione replied and continued to look at the sky.

'I don't understand Hermione.' Ron spoke again, 'If he took you, but didn't harm you and allowed you to eat and be comfortable...... well then why did he take you?

Hermione didn't know how to answer this at first as she still didn't fully understand herself.

'I don't know Ron.' Hermione was staring at the sky again now.

'And he never made you do anything you didn't want to do?' Ron asked in a suspicious tone, 'Like he never....forced himself on you, did he?'

Hermione blushed so hard; she knew her face was incredibly red, and she watched as Ron noticed the change of colour to her face.

'No Ron, he never..... no.' Hermione said back not able to look Ron in his eyes.

Ron was now staring at Hermione as she continued to avoid his eye contact, still staring at the sky. She wished this conversation would end; she knew Ron could read her better than she could read a book she loved.

Ron sounded uncomfortable now, ‘So..... you like Malfoy or something?’

Hermione blushed again; her cheeks now so red heat must be bouncing off them. She then however remembered Ron had moved on in her absence too.

‘So, you like Lavender or something now?’ she snapped at him. Bitterness in her voice.

Ron went red and coughed. ‘Hermione, I didn’t mean for it to happen, I mean I – we thought she was dead!’

‘Ronald you and I’ Hermione was feeling her hurt rise in her stomach, ‘You and I were intimate, I thought we were….’ She couldn’t finish her sentence.

Ron had gone quiet now and lowered his head slightly, looking sheepish.

Hermione felt her anger release, the same anger she had to confine when she was in the Malfoy Manor and couldn't confront Ron about it.

‘So, whilst I was kidnapped and locked away for weeks – you decide to move on with someone else and I am guessing you two are now intimate?’ Hermione snapped. Yes, she may have found her butterflies again with Draco, but Ron had still hurt her. She was missing, feared dead and her boyfriend or whatever he was decided to move on with someone else.

‘Hermione I am sorry’ Ron began to say before Hermione cut him off again.

‘You hurt me Ron, I was thinking about you every day I was locked in that manor. I missed you so much.’ Hermione whispered.

Ron looked down at his feet again, his now red face clashing against his fiery red hair.

Hermione huffed and blew her curls out of her face. Ron went to get up but seemed to change his mind and looked over at Hermione instead.

‘Why did you make us take Draco out of the house when we saved you?' Ron asked, curiosity lacing his voice. ‘You seemed so concerned about him in the stables.’

Hermione looked at Ron uncomfortably, she didn’t want to speak to Ron or anyone about this.

‘I just didn’t believe he deserved death Ron.’ Hermione said quietly.

‘He is a bloody death eater Hermione who kidnapped you and kept you locked away. We thought you were dead at one point Hermione!’ Ron was slightly shouting now. ‘He doesn’t deserve sh*t. He deserves to rot with the rest of the death eaters!' Ron was now standing in front of Hermione, looking incredibly angry and confused.

Hermione bit her lip and it was now her turn to look down at her feet. She didn't know what to say, her brain wasn't working because all she could think about was Draco. She was so worried about him she could no longer hide it on her face.

Ron gasped and turned to Hermione once again ‘Don’t tell me you actually like the bloke Hermione, because that is crazy.’

Hermione felt defensive. ‘No!’ she spat but her voice came out squeaky and high. Hermione looked into Ron’s eyes and could see that he knew she was lying.

Ron’s eyes glanced to her neck, and he yanked her coat down exposing her very purple love bites Draco had left on her skin. Hermione shoved Ron’s hand away from her coat and covered her neck back up again, but it was too late, he had seen. Ron was so angry now Hermione thought he may explode.

‘HE DID THAT TO YOU?’ Ron roared.

Hermione didn't reply, still tugging at her coat, ensuring her blemishes were covered once more, desperately trying to think of a lie as to why she had love bites all down her neck.

‘f*cking hell Hermione, you do like Malfoy!’ Ron was yelling again which made Hermione worry if anyone else could hear them.

‘Please shut up Ron.’ Hermione begged.

‘Merlin Hermione, you’ve slept with that death eater, haven’t you?’ Ron was demanding an answer. ‘He’s left marks all over your skin!’ Ron looked disgusted.


Hermione felt speechless and her chest tightened with anxiety, she couldn't look at Ron.

‘What I wasn’t a good enough root, so you had to try a death eater out?' Ron was furious.

Hermione yelled back, feeling angrier than she had ever been.

‘I obviously wasn’t good enough for you either Ron since Lavender is now sleeping in your bed!’

Ron’s eyes shot open with surprise but of course she knew this since none of Lavender’s belongings were in the girl’s bedroom. She could put two and two together.

‘It’s none of your business anymore Hermione.’ Ron spat still furious.

‘And it’s none of your business either anymore Ronald.’ Hermione yelled this time.

'I can't f*cking believe this.' Ron was yelling again. 'Hermione Granger is f*cking Draco Malfoy.'

Ron stomped away, slamming the door as he went back inside. Hermione remained on the sofa, fighting back hot angry tears, still gripping Draco's book in her hand so tightly her knuckles began to hurt.

She also decided she never wanted to speak to Ronald Weasley ever again.

They buried Bill the next day.

Everyone wore Gryffindor red, Bill’s favourite colour and his flower wreath had red roses decorated all through it. Hermione thought it looked beautiful and Ginny had done a wonderful job of it. Fleur held her barely-there baby bump for the entire service, silently sobbing next to George and Molly. Arthur held Molly’s hand as she gave a short speech, however she struggled to finish her words too visibly upset so George stood up and gave his own speech instead.

‘Our big brother Bill.’ George said softly ‘f*cking tell Fred he’s a dick for leaving me to run this business of ours alone and that he still owes me 400 Galleons.’

George shot the sky a small smile.

‘Look after each other up their brother’s.’ George held his wand in the air and released red and gold doves, which flew up high above the clouds.

Fleur spoke very shortly, announcing their son’s name – William Bill Weasley, named after his father.

Hermione was standing by a very quiet Ginny. She still hadn’t spoken since she had greeted Hermione yesterday and didn’t move from her bed. Hermione rubbed Ginny’s back and felt Ginny relax a little, her eyes starting to glisten. Hermione looked over at Ron, Lavender once again wrapped in his arms. Hermione scoffed to herself, she should be consoling him, not the other way around.

Charlie was still nowhere to be seen since he took off in the sky with his dragon. Hermione could tell Molly was worried, but everyone tried to convince her that he has his dragon, and no one would dare come near Charlie while he has Florence by his side.

‘That dragon would defend Charlie over her own life’, George had stated, Arthur nodding in agreeance.

Molly still insisted they look for Charlie, so Professor McGonagall, Aberforth, Arthur, Percy and George all insisted on leaving after Bill’s service, promising to find Charlie.

Once many goodbyes were said and promises of safe returns promised to Molly, Hermione watched as Ginny took off without a word back inside to retreat to the bedroom once more. Still not having said a word since yesterday.

Hermione really needed to talk to Ginny about wanting to go find Draco by herself. She knew she was being selfish, however her heart ached since she didn't know if Draco was ok or not. She figured she would need to go disturb her grieving friend; she couldn’t wait any longer. She also knew that Ginny was the only one she could talk to about this.

Hermione left Molly, Fleur, Luna and a very cosy Lavender and Ron outside, all standing by Bill’s grave and made her way back inside, determined to discuss her plans to Ginny. Hermione made her way up the stairs, watching out for the loose step halfway up, and knocked on their bedroom door. Hermione only went into their room now to sleep wanting to allow Ginny all the space she needed as of late.

‘Ginny, can I come in?’ Hermione asked softly as she knocked on the door.

Hermione heard an even softer yes and opened the door to see her best friend slumped on her bed, eye’s wet with tears and swollen from crying.

‘Can I get you anything?’ asked Hermione, ‘Warm cup of tea?’

Ginny shook her head as more tears streamed down her face.

‘Wonder which Weasley will be next.’ Ginny said flatly. ‘We are dropping like flies.’

Hermione gasped at Ginny’s statement, going over to her friend and sitting next to her on the bed. She put her arm around Ginny and allowed her friend to rest her head on her shoulder and continue to cry.

‘That isn’t true Ginny.’ Hermione whispered and held her friend closer.

Hermione sat consoling Ginny for a little while until Ginny spoke again.

‘Ron told me.’ Ginny said, ‘About you and Malfoy.’

Hermione looked down at the floor, not sure of how to respond.

‘You’re here to tell me that you are going to go find him.’ Ginny asked, now turning towards Hermione and looking her in the eyes.

Hermione looked back at Ginny, still unsure as to how to approach this topic. But she knew she needed to say something.

‘I know you are probably angry at me and don’t understand either, but I must do this Gin. I can’t explain my feelings, I still don’t even fully understand myself, but I do know I care for him.’ Hermione replied.

‘He’s changed.’

‘I’m not angry Hermione.’ Ginny said back, ‘Ron’s furious, I’ve never seen him like this, but we fought while you were gone- over him and Lavender. I didn’t agree.’

Ginny looked out the window, anger showing slightly on her face. She spoke again.

‘But yes, I don’t understand Hermione. Malfoy captured you and held you prisoner! Plus, he is a death eater and was always an ass in school!’

Hermione could tell Ginny was upset but then watched her friends face softened as they looked at each other.

‘However, I saw the way you looked at him. You have never looked at Ron that way.’ Ginny whispered.

Hermione fiddled with a loose thread on her pink jumper relieved to hear that Ginny wasn’t mad at her like Ron was.

‘Please don’t go looking for him Hermione. No one will go with you to help you find Draco Malfoy.’ Ginny said sounding very serious. ‘He is a death eater Hermione. He isn’t one of us’

Hermione was now staring out the window. She knew he was a death eater. But he was different. Draco never handed her over to Voldemort. He could of, at any time. He told her he was protecting her but if she told Ginny this, she didn’t feel she would believe her. Everyone in this safehouse probably thought Hermione had been brainwashed or gone crazy.

‘Please, it’s too dangerous to go looking for a death eater.’ Ginny pleaded ‘And we only just got you back Hermione.’

Chapter 19: In Memoriam


TW: Death and decaying corpse mentioned in this chapter.


Sea Spray -Nova Ritual
Can't Pretend - Tom Odell
Heleah Dancing -Keaton Henson, Ren Ford.

Chapter Text

Draco woke to the sounds of waves and the smell of salt air outside. A window must be open as he could hear seabirds singing too loudly, much to his annoyance.

Draco groaned and rolled over to pull his pillow over his ears and attempt to muffle the noise but as he reached his arms up in order to do so he cried out in pain and looked down quickly at his stomach. He had bandages wrapped around his entire torso, blood now seeping through and the pain shooting down his body. Only then did he remember being butchered by Weasley.

'Mother f*cker.' he said out loud and took a sharp breath in to stop the pain.

As he took in his surroundings, he realised he was in his bedroom of his parents Mykonos beach villa in Greece. Draco remembered being a little boy spending his summer vacations here at this grand villa, only allowed to do magic inside as they were in a muggle town. He laughed thinking back to how badly his father looked down on muggles, but still purchased a holiday villa in one of the most muggle known hotspots in the world.

Draco took in the crisp white walls of his room and mosaic tiles on the floor. He looked across his huge room to see the blue balcony doors wide open, a warm breeze floating in and the sun high in the sky. The sounds of the ocean lapping below. Draco then remembered his mother was dead. So was his father, but who cared about that pathetic excuse of a Malfoy. He closed his eyes trying to forget the painful memory of the last time he saw his mother. When she flung herself in front of the curse that was supposed to hit Draco. He felt anger shoot through his body, and he punched the bedside table besides him, cursing himself when he felt more pain radiate now from his hand.

This was his villa now. He was the only Malfoy left.

Boppy burst through the door looking overwhelmingly happy. Of course, the elf survived Draco thought to himself.

‘Master is awake! Master is finally awake!’ Boppy was making her way over to Draco’s bed with a large pitcher of water and what looked like eggs on toast and hash browns.

‘Boppy was so worried about master!.’ she poured Draco a glass of water, which Draco took gratefully, emptying his glass in one gulp. Boppy refilled the glass, a big smile still on her face.

‘What happened Boppy? Draco asked. 'Why am I here? And how?'

'Boppy is sorry to say that Malfoy Manor is burnt to the ground.’

The little elf held her hands behind her back and looked like she was about to cry, her big eyes brimming with tears.

‘But Boppy brought you here and master is now safe.’ Boppy was beaming once again, tears quickly disappearing. 'Then Boppy called for Mr Zabini.'

Draco heard footsteps by the door and turned to see Blaise Zabini standing in his doorway, dressed in his finest deep black suit, black tie and midnight blue very expensive looking shoes.

‘Didn’t think you would make it at one point Malfoy, you lost a lot of blood.’ He said in a nonchalant tone. ‘Who f*cked you up that good?’

Draco scowled before he replied. 'Weasley.'

Blaise laughed which made Draco scowl even harder.

'f*ck off Zabini.' Draco said coldly.

Draco ran his hand through his blonde hair and blew out a long sigh. His thoughts then turned to Granger. He hoped she had run like he asked. He hoped she was safe.

Anger scorched his brain realising that she was back with Weasley. Draco's anger quickly turned to panic and dread as he thought of the worst. She wasn't dead.... was she?

The last thing he remembered was being in his mother's stables, lying in pain on the dirty floor, Granger's beautiful brown eyes looking down at him. His head throbbed, his heart ached, and he really wished he had a drink in his hand right now.

‘She’s not dead.’ Blaise said.

‘What? Who?’ Draco asked trying to keep calm.

Blaise can read minds now?

‘Hermione Granger.’ Blaise calmly said. ‘I mean I already knew she was at your manor from when you told me at Nott’s. And Boppy just filled in some of the other pieces.’

Draco for once was speechless and couldn't even think of a smart-ass comment to snap back with. His heart continued to beat fast in his chest as he thought of Granger, grateful to hear that she was still alive.

Blaise sighed and continued. ‘And the way you used to look at her in school, I put two and two together.’

‘I did not mean to spill masters’ secrets to Mr Zabini.’ Boppy yelled obviously embarrassed, her cheeks flushing pink. ‘Boppy will punish herself. Boppy is so sorry!’

Draco shot his elf an annoyed look, Boppy looking stressed now and fiddling nervously with her large ears.

‘Boppy please let Blaise and I speak in private.’ Draco said sternly. Boppy left Blaise and Draco alone, Blaise clearing his throat as he spoke again.

‘She isn’t dead Malfoy.’ Blaise confirmed. ‘Voldemort however thinks you perished in the flames of your house, you will want to keep it that way or he will hunt you down if he finds out you are alive.’

‘But Granger is alive?’ Draco asked trying to keep his voice as calm as Blaise.

‘Yes, rumours are Hermione, and her friends killed a sh*t tonne of your death eaters at your estate. They had a dragon and Aberforth Dumbledore has come out of hiding and is helping them’ Blaise had now walked over closer to Draco.

‘Voldemort is furious, he has taken his anger out on several muggle towns, killing hundreds and destroying their towns.’ Blaise eyes sparked quickly with anger.

Draco cleared his voice before speaking once more, 'And the whereabouts of Granger?'

'No idea Malfoy, no one knows.' Blaise replied. ‘I need to go Malfoy, there are only so many white lies I can tell St Mungo’s as to why I have left my post these past few days.’

Blaise shook Malfoy’s hand and then pointed to a bunch of vials on the bedside table.

‘Make sure you take these daily and if you do see Granger again, thank her for the bubble charm that saved your life. I assume that was her doing’

Bill’s service was 3 days ago and the mood in the safehouse was still incredibly sombre.

Hermione was grateful for the women around her. Molly and Ginny continued to fuss over her and ensure she was settling back in after her ‘kidnapping’ as they called it. Luna liked to distract Hermione by going for walks to collect firewood and talk about the nargles that were apparently on the property. Ron had not spoken to Hermione once since their last conversation and he flat out refused to look at her at all. Hermione didn’t want to talk to Ron anyway. Lavender was keeping her distance from Hermione also, and Hermione was honestly grateful for this. She didn’t want to talk to either of them and was tired of witnessing their constant PDA. Seamus and Luna played wizards chest or exploding snap most days and often invited Hermione to join which she appreciated. However, what she wanted most since she arrived back at the safehouse to her surprise was time to herself.

Professor McGonagall, Arthur, Aberforth, George and Percy were still away trying to find Charlie. They hadn't had any leads yet, however kept Molly and everyone informed with their daily owls.

Hermione had tried her very best to settle back in to how her life was before she lived at the Malfoy Manor but found she felt empty, and she was fighting her feelings for Draco daily. She replayed her memories of her time she was locked away in that grand bedroom and blushed several times a day when she thought of some of her moments with Draco. She missed him, and although she never said this out loud it was breaking her to pieces. She spent most of her time outside sitting on the old sofa either reading Draco’s book or just holding it as this was the only piece of Draco she had left now. Her only comfort.

Hermione decided that even if her friends hated her forever, she needed to leave and find Draco. She couldn't live with herself not knowing if he was ok - or worse....

She would wait for everyone to go to bed tonight and then slip out of the safehouse under the cover of darkness. Saying goodbye would be too hard and she didn't want to fight, especially with Ginny. Hermione decided to write Ginny a note saying goodbye and most of all, that she was sorry, and she would be back.

Draco stood in front of his home. The charred remains of it anyway.

Boppy had insisted that he wasn't strong enough to apparate, his knife wound still not completely healed. She stomped her little feet and tried to pull her master back into bed, but Draco easily overpowered the elf, and he dressed and left the villa, much to Boppy's dismay.

Boppy had told him that his manor was burnt to the ground, but Draco had to see it for himself. He had also promised his mother that he would be back for her.

He expected to be shocked but did not expect the intense emotions to also come with seeing the charred remains of the only home he had ever known. The entire mansion had been burnt to the ground. Black twisted metal and some bricks were all that remained. Draco walked through the black soot and felt glass and remnants of his home crunch under his heavy black boots. He walked over to where his mother’s ballroom once stood, now just ash and black dust. Draco swallowed back hot tears that threatened to escape as he realised, he had nothing left now, not even a keepsake of his mothers to hold onto.

Draco walked over to the little greenhouse where he knew his mother's body was. Where he had left her before he went to find Granger that day. He was grateful that he had cast charms over the little greenhouse as the gardens around it had also burnt to the ground, there really was nothing left now. Draco cast a spell to unlock the hidden door and breathed in deeply, trying to prepare himself mentally for what he was about to see. He ripped the door open, so forcefully that the entire hinges came off, and he threw the door behind him, hearing it smash as he gasped and held his hand up to his mouth, his eyes bulging in shock.

Narcissa Malfoy was indeed still lying on the dirty floor where Draco had left her. However, she was now decomposing, her skin grey and sunken, fluids leaking from her eyes and mouth and worst of all, maggots had started to make themselves at home on her corpse. And the smell, the smell was overwhelming.

Draco tried not to gag, and he physically could not move, frozen in shock horror for a few seconds as he took in the corpse of his mother. He held his head in his hands, closing his eyes as he tried to forget the scene in front of him, the stench now so overpowering he felt bile rise quickly from his stomach as he ran outside, expelling the contents of his stomach onto the charred grass below him.

He heaved, continuing to vomit until he felt lightheaded, and his stomach hurt and his eyes watered, mostly from crying.

Draco could no longer hold in his emotions and cried out, roaring at the sky, still on his knees. He felt his whole-body shudder and more tears fall down his face. He then punched the ground repeatedly, smashing his knuckles into the debris around him, smashed glass and rocks ripping apart his skin until they bled. He continued until he watched the skin fall apart on his hands. He didn’t care.

He knew his mother was dead but should have prepared himself for her decomposing corpse. He didn't think his beautiful, classy and always well put together mother would ever decay, even in death.

Draco stood slowly, watching the blood still pour from his fresh wounds and took another deep breath. He knew he couldn't leave her in there with no final resting place. He removed his sense of smell with a basic charm and slowly walked back into the greenhouse. He decided to take his mother's body to the far back of the estate, where a large lake sat, and huge oak trees decorated the water's edge. This lake was on the very south side of the large estate, he normally would ride a horse or fly on his broomstick to get there quicker, but today he levitated Narcissa Malfoy gently, guiding her body out of the greenhouse and charming her body to follow Draco as he walked to the very spot, he had in mind to bury her.

He could no longer smell the charred remains of his manor or feel glass and debris under his boots the further south he walked. Instead, he could now feel soft, long grass and smell the fresh lake air. He thought fondly of his childhood out here. His mother would take him ice skating when the lake froze over or allow him to practice on his broomstick as she watched him proudly flying through the air, diving so low over the lake he would skim his fingers through the water's surface, and she would cheer from the shoreline.

His most fond and earliest memories was when she would take a then four-year-old Draco out to enjoy a summers afternoon, under the largest oak tree and would read him his favourite children's book series. He frowned as he realised these books were also now gone, destroyed in the fire. The last person to have them in their possession was Granger.

He reached the edge of the lake and gazed upon it, realising he now only had memories remaining. Of his house, of his possessions, of his mother.

He sighed loudly, trying not to scream again, wanting to keep this a quiet and sacred place. A perfect resting place.

Draco spotted the large oak tree he would play under and be read to as a child. The tree didn't seem as large anymore. He waved his wand and the earth below the oak tree opened up; a deep empty grave now ready to be filled. With another wave of his wand his mother's body levitated over to the grave and gently glided down until she lay flush with the damp earth. Draco walked over to his mother's grave, and he sat on the grass - cross legged as he would have as a child.

He drew in a deep breath and glanced down into her grave, his mother's corpse still as daunting as ever. He noticed her neck and fingers sparkle in the sunlight.

'Accio rings.' Draco said clearly.

He caught his mother's wedding rings and looked at them fondly in his hands. He knew his mother would want him to have them, keep them as a memory and eventually pass them on to his future wife. She had told him this in the past. Draco's thoughts immediately flashed to Granger, and he pictured her wearing the beautiful emerald, green diamonds on her finger.

Draco cleared his throat, trying not to cry again, pushing his emotions away, wanting to be brave.

'I am so sorry mother.' Draco managed to croak out, a single tear now slipping down his face. 'It should be me in this grave. Not you.'

Draco sat for a few more moments, taking in the sounds of the lake and the creak of the tree branches above him. The breeze blowing his hair, and swirls of leaves wrapping around his body.

'I love you mum.' Draco whispered. He could feel his body wanting to collapse internally again so he decided to stand, his shaky legs almost giving way. He placed his mother's rings in the pockets of his robes, patting them to ensure they were safe.

Draco cast his wand at the grave and his mother's body was now buried beneath dirt, the deep grave filled.

'Orchideous.' Draco said and he watched his spell work, as her grave suddenly bloomed roses in beautiful shades of red, pink and white cover the fresh dirt below. Draco then cast a spell to ensure the flowers would never wilt and they would stay on her grave forever. He then carved her initials into the oak tree she was buried under along with her date of birth and her date of death.

'You are at peace now.' was Draco's final words to his mother as he turned and walked back towards his destroyed manor. He had one final thing he wanted to check.

Draco stomped through the remains of his childhood home, his feet taking him to where Granger’s bedroom once stood. Draco was surprised to see the claw foot porcelain tub was still standing, however had cracked completely down the middle and part of the fireplace hadn’t perished completely either. Draco stood in front of the half-destroyed fireplace and thought of the times he had walked into her room, finding Granger warming her body and staring into the fire. Her big brown eyes lighting up as she watched the flames dance in front of her. He thought about her soft skin and her perfect brown curls, her soft little moans she made as Draco declared she was his.

Hermione Granger was his. She belonged to him, and she was all he cared about now. She was all he had to live for now.

Draco decided he would find her again and next time, never let her go. He would burn his house to the ground several times over if it meant Hermione Granger was safe.

Chapter 20: Forgive me, for I have sinned.


*Short chapter apologies, life's been hectic recently.
Much love to you all who have expressed their enjoyment of my fic. Means so much <3

Song recommendations for this chapter:
Hurts like hell - Fleurie, Tommee Profitt
Under the influence - Joel Sunny (Violin Version)

Chapter Text

Hermione had made her way quietly out of the safehouse just after midnight, the darkness of the night and the crescent shape moon above her, her only company.

She looked back one last time to ensure no one had followed her outside before closing her eyes and with a sharp POP she then re-opened her eyes and found herself standing outside what remained of Malfoy Manor. She wasn’t sure what made her go here first, it was the first place she thought of. She drew her wand, and quickly glanced around checking her surroundings before she realised, she was indeed alone.

Hermione shook her head when she realised Draco, or his parents wouldn’t be here. Why would he be when there was nothing left but charred remains of a once huge mansion.

She released she was holding her breathe and blew out quickly as she took in the destruction around her. There really was nothing left. The entire estate had burnt down except for a small glass greenhouse she saw in the front garden. How this survived she had no idea. Hermione frowned, her thoughts now turning to Boppy and hoping the little elf was also ok and had escaped the fire, and the death eaters.

‘Lumo’s’ Hermione whispered, and her wand lit up projecting a bright white light so she could see where she was walking. Hermione had found herself satisfied with how well this wand that Ron had given her had responded to her, she had won it over.
She pointed the light in the direction of the small greenhouse and walked quickly towards it, pulling her jacket tighter around her, the crisp cold night making her skin goosebump. As she approached the small dwelling, she noticed the door had come off its hinges and was now shattered on the floor. Strange she thought to herself.

She stepped through the glass and walked inside, seeing nothing out of the ordinary, besides some blood on the floor. She assumed it was blood anyway. Hermione noticed a small bed of pink roses in the corner, still perfect in every way - the fire and carnage of that day not having affected the flowers at all. She smiled and picked the largest rose, placing it securely in her hair, then casting a charm to ensure it would never wilt.

Hermione knew this was a sign that Draco was ok. He had survived just as these roses had.

Resistant to everything the world threw at them.

‘What do you mean she is gone?’ demanded Ron, throwing his glass down hard on the wooden table beneath him.
‘She left this’, Ginny held a small handwritten letter up, Ron snatched it out of her hand and began to read it, his face growing a deep beetroot red as he carefully read each sentence.

‘Bill f*cking died saving her, and this is how she f*cking thanks him, by running off to find a death eater?’ Ron threw the letter on the ground, disgust plastered on his face.

No one said anything and you could hear a pin drop in the kitchen it was that silent.
After clearing her throat Luna spoke, her voice just above a whisper.

‘Has she been perhaps threatened by Draco?’

Ron frowned, realising Luna could only ever see the good in people. Ginny looked frazzled and was staring out the window, watching the sunrise reach higher in the sky.
‘I’m not happy either.’ Ginny said glumly, ‘However she is a grown woman and can do as she pleases.’

Ginny opened Bellatrix’s hand mirror for what felt like the hundredth time since finding Hermione’s goodbye note. Still no brown eyes staring back at her.
‘She’s lost her marbles Gin.’ Ron snapped back.
‘I’ve never seen Hermione like this Ron.’ Ginny raised her chin, confused and upset by her best friend leaving, however wanting to protect Hermione.

‘She is the brightest witch of our age as we all know. We need to trust her.’
Ginny watched Ron stomp out of the room, slamming the door behind him as he left.

‘What if she never comes back?’ asked Luna.
‘She will.’ Ginny said confidently, ‘Hermione is planning something big I can tell.’

Draco was drunk. So very drunk he almost felt merry.

So drunk all the lights from the London Eye were blurring together and he had to hold onto the cold metal railing as he felt the muggle cars and buses fly past him. He turned around and looked up at the Big Ben clock, another muggle ‘landmark’ as they called it. Draco laughed to himself as he thought how easily it would be to bring ‘Ben’ down with a few basic charms.
He decided to cross the large bridge, taking in the dark, deep river beneath him. He wasn’t sure why he was here, or even how he got he.

He remembered stealing a bottle of rum from a muggle grocery store using Potter’s invisibility cloak he now carried with him everywhere (thanks Boppy) and sitting in a park, watching the sun go down as he necked the entire bottle. He already had to obliviate a policeman as he tried to give Draco a fine due to being ‘drunk and disorderly’ or whatever the prick had said.
Draco continued to walk across the bridge, pulling his large coat tighter against him, trying to keep the sharp, cold breeze away from his skin. He passed two muggles speaking quickly,

‘The Prime Minister say’s terrorism Timothy, however, I just know this is a cover up for something else!’

Draco snigg*red again. If only these poor muggles knew the full extent of what was currently going on in the country and beyond. They have no idea the power Voldemort has and the destruction he has caused. Draco had reached the other side of the large bridge and turned left in the direction of the London Eye, still a blur of colours. Draco realised he liked the freedom of being in the muggle world. Not having to wear his death eater robes and mask, not having to hide currently since he was a wanted man in the wizarding world. He took a deep breath, and his drunk mind turned to Hermione again. He swore he could still smell her sweet scent on his robes. He wished she was by his side, staring into the river and the skyline with him right now.

Merlin how he missed her.

Draco decided then and there to apparate directly outside 12 Grimmauld place. Luckily no one saw as it was very early in the morning, 2:47am to be exact and there were next to no muggles around, just the last few fellow drunks, making their way back home or to the after party somewhere.

Draco landed so hard on his feet he lost his balance and nearly fell over; he shook his head as he could feel a headache coming on. He should not have apparated in his current drunken condition. Draco rubbed his temples and watched as the dark black door of number 12 showed itself to him. He walked up the short steps and blasted open the door with a quick bombarda. Draco stormed into the abandoned and already trashed house. sh*t was everywhere, furniture turned over, books ripped apart, cupboards and doors ripped open, contents spilled everywhere. Draco knew this place had already been searched several times over by the Dark Lord and his death eaters, Draco had been a part of the first raid almost a year ago.

Draco knew they must have missed something. Anything.Draco searched the front sitting room, the large kitchen and the drawing room. He then climbed the stairs to search the first lot of bedrooms. Still nothing. Frustrated Draco picked up a deep black cushioned armchair and threw it across the room, watching it smash into the large mirror on the wall. He stomped up another flight of stairs finding the large study with a deep green tapestry that took over the entire wall. Draco held up his wand.


He had heard his mother talk of this famous ‘Black’ Family tapestry but hadn't had the chance to see it for himself the last time he was here on Voldemort's orders. He ran his hands over the soft, silk tapestry quickly finding his father, a skull showing where his face should have been. His mother, ‘Narcissa Malfoy’ now also showing a skull. Draco frowned and hovered his hand on the spot where his mother was. Looking up the wall he saw his name and face - ‘Draco Lucius Malfoy.’

‘Only Malfoy left now’ Draco said out loud. He realised he had sobered up considerably and his headache was now thumping. He glanced again at his mother’s name on the wall once more and went to walk out when he noticed a small purple crocheted bag on the small decorative table by the far window. He knew instantly this bag was Hermione’s; he could never forget Granger carrying the ugly accessory around the school in their final years before the war. She definitely needed fashion advice, must be a muggle thing to not have taste, yet she always had grace and elegance, just in a different and more natural way. Something that had always drawn him to her.He picked up the small bag and shook it upside down, it contents spilled onto the floor. Several empty vials, two heavy books, a pale green jumper, several quills and a folded paper map of the UK, a muggle map.

Draco picked up the map and studied it, the map looked like a tourist map with large symbols all over it, showing where the main attractions in the country were. Draco looked even closer and could see two small ink drawn circles on the map, in very random spots. Draco’s eyes grew wide when he realised the safehouse he and Theo had searched by the sea was exactly where one of the circles were.

‘f*cking yes!’ Draco exclaimed out loud and quickly scanned the map to see where the other circle was. Draco pocketed the map and with a sharp pop, he apparated once again.

Hermione had come to Knock turn Alley again with hopes of bumping into a certain blonde death eater.

She thought back to the day that she had left here with Draco, a soon to be prisoner of Malfoy Manor. Who knew she would now be free and searching for her captor. If he had come here before, surely, he may come here again thought Hermione. She decided she would hang around here for as long as possible, hiding in the shadows and pulling her hood over her face when anyone walked by. Luckily it was deserted here in Knockturn Alley, more than the last time she was here. She wasn't sure what time it was but figured it must be very early in the morning by now, the sun beginning to peak through the horizon.

A large man who must be part troll was walking towards Hermione and she pulled on her hood, so it covered more of her face, not wanting to make eye contact. She heard the troll grunt and stop right in front of her.

'f*cks sake' Hermione thought to herself. 'Please don't talk to me.'

The troll laughed, his deep voice booming down the dark alleyway. Hermione could smell his breath and wanted to vomit. A mix between dead fish and onions.

'Little girlie shouldn't be in this part of town all alone-some.' the troll cackled, and he looked down at her, reaching out his arm attempting to pull her hood down.

Hermione whipped her wand out, shoving it harshly into the trolls' neck, 'Back the f*ck up or I will remove those things you call hands.' she hissed.

Her hood had now fallen, her face exposed and the troll seemed to recognise her but backed up at the sight of her wand. Her threat had seemed to have done the job, and she ran as fast as her legs could carry her, sprinting down KnockTurn Alley and continuing to run through a derelict Diagon Alley. She reached the Leaky Cauldron within minutes, taking a few moments to stop and catch her breath, pulling her hood back over her face.

Hermione pushed open the creaky back door of the pub and made her way inside, glad to see the large fireplace was lit, embracing the warmth that greeted her. The only person inside was the bartender, a skinny boy maybe 14 at the most. He shot her a small smile before he went back to polishing the glasses in front of him. Hermione ordered a butterbeer and a water and made her way to the darkest corner of the pub and took a seat. She decided she would hide out here for a little bit, see if Draco did turn up and, in the meantime, organise Plan B if he didn't show. She took a long sip of her butterbeer, grateful for the sweetness as it calmed her nerves slightly. She also pulled out the rose from Malfoy manor (which she now kept safely in her pocket), and Draco Malfoys book she still had on her person.

As she continued to drink her butterbeer she held both possessions as if they were her safety blanket. She opened the book and began to read a short story about a dragon and a grand castle - a children's story. This comforted Hermione some more, and she allowed herself to disappear mentally from the world for just a few short moments.

Four, nearly five hours passed quickly, and a deflated Hermione was finding herself uncomfortable with the amount of people now filling the small pub. The young boy behind the counter was now working non-stop refilling demanding patrons' drinks and handing out food to tables. Even though Hermione had her hood still covering her face she now felt extremely exposed and knew her time at the pub was up. Draco had never shown.

Where else could he be Hermione thought to herself.

She placed the children's book and rose safely back into her pockets and made her way out of the now busy pub. She walked down the street, her mind racing as to where she should go next. She kept her head down low and stayed hidden in the shadows the best she could even though the sun was now high in the sky.

A death eater appeared suddenly, sprinting from around the corner into the deserted alleyway that Hermione currently occupied. Hermione’s heart pounded and she kept her head low, looking at the ground and picking up her pace hoping the death eater hadn’t noticed her. Hermione tried to keep her hood hiding her face. The wind picked up, creating a wind tunnel down the alleyway and she felt her curls escape from her hood, flying in her face.

The death eater suddenly appeared right in front of Hermione in a plume of black smoke. A gravelly voice and the stench of alcohol greeted her,

‘Why who is this mystery person wandering these empty streets alone?’ the death eater asked, a sinister grin on his face.

He reached out to grab her curls, Hermione pulled away quickly and tried to turn around and walk the other way, trying to keep her calm, hoping he would leave her alone.

‘Not so fast girlie, you aren’t safe out here, it dangerous y’know.’ He teased as he pulled Hermione roughly back by her shoulder. ‘I can look after you lovely.’

Hermione pulled herself away from the death eater and reached for her wand in her back pocket. As she did the drunk death eater also went for his wand, but Hermione was quicker.
‘Avada Kedavra’ Hermione cried out.

She watched as the deadly green spell shot from her wand, hitting the death eater in his chest. He instantly fell to the floor, his body hitting the stone street below, hard.
Hermione had never killed someone before, but now this death eater lay dead in front of her. Hermione was breathing very fast and stared at the corpse for a few seconds before she worryingly looked around, relieved to see no one else was there or had seen them.

Hermione crouched down and with a shaky hand took off the silver death eater mask. Amycus Carrow’s blank stare was staring back at her, even in death his face showed shock.

She recognised the ugly death eater from the department of ministries a few years ago. Hermione quickly levitated the body and placed it in the alleyway behind them, hidden behind a large dumpster. Hermione looked down one last time at the now deceased death eater, his silver mask still in her hand and an idea sprung into her mind. Hermione took the dark death eater robes Amycus was wearing and slipped into them, then placed the mask on her face. She felt the cold metal of the mask quickly grow warm as it fit perfectly to her face. She thought of Draco and the first time she saw his grey and blue eyes look at her from beneath his mask.

With a new determination and the adrenaline from what had just happened, Hermione Granger stormed down the streets, a new fire in her belly, wand outstretched.

'I'm coming for you Draco Malfoy.' Hermione whispered to herself. 'Now it's my turn.'

Chapter 21: Emprisonnés


Song recommendations for this chapter:
An Amalgamation Waltz 1839 - Joep Beving, Grace Davidson & Quartet.
Wildflower - Billie Eilish
Fire - Fabrizio Paterlini

Chapter Text

Draco landed with a thud on the soft grass below him. It was a full moon, and he could see in the near distance an old brick cottage with a porch out the front and smiled. He had done it, he was here. The other safehouse was right in front of him; after searching all that time with Theo, he had finally found it. He could go inside right now and kill everyone in their sleep, and he would probably return from the 'dead' a hero and re-join Voldemort’s ranks.

Draco decided to slip Potter’s cloak on and made his way across the wet grass towards the safehouse. He wondered who he would find inside and hoped it was Weasley so he could pay him back for the day at his manor. Draco had almost made his way to the porch when he heard wailing and howling from behind the house. He pulled out his wand and made his way towards the noise, still hidden under the cloak. The screams were getting louder and whatever animal was behind the house sounded like it was in pain. As Draco made his way around the corner, he saw the flash of orange which was the back of Ron’s head and to his shock saw what looked like a werewolf tied up in metal chains to a thick and very tall tree. The sandy blonde werewolf was obviously not happy being tied up and was trying desperately to free itself, snarling and shrieking as it showed its very sharp teeth.

‘It’s okay Lav, tonight will be over soon’ Draco heard an exhausted sounding Ron say to the werewolf. What the hell was going on here Draco thought to himself. He crept over closer to Ron, still covered in the cloak to get a better look. He wanted to know what he possibly may be up against if it came to it. Ron was still soothing the werewolf, Draco wanted to stun the prick but decided to make his way through the door he could see behind him that led into the safehouse. He must find Hermione first he decided. And jinx the prick later.

Draco found himself in what looked like a living room with an old lumpy looking couch and empty cups of tea on the small living room table. He looked to his left and saw a set of stairs and decided to climb them. Surely Hermione was in a bedroom upstairs. Draco kept the cloak on in case anyone showed their face, however Draco noticed the house was quiet and dark. Everyone must be asleep except for Ron and his pet werewolf who were still outside.

Draco saw several doors in the hallway he was now standing in and hoped the first one on his left was where Hermione was currently sleeping. He opened the door as slowly as he could, trying to make as little noise as possible, however the door squeaked, and Draco held his breathe as he listened for anyone stirring. Satisfied with the fact that he couldn’t hear anyone, he opened the door fully to see three single beds in the room. He made his way into the room, ensuring that he stayed as quiet as possible. He could see long red hair, obviously a Weasley – must be Ginny. Then he noticed the other two people asleep in the other beds had blonde hair. He couldn't make out their faces though, but guessed one of them must be Loony Lovegood.

Draco muttered angrily under his breath as he left the room, closing the door silently behind him. Surely Granger would be asleep in that room with the other girls. Draco grew slightly flustered thinking of Hermione asleep in Ron’s bed. Surely not he thought, she wouldn’t go back to him, would she? He made his way to the next room and once again slowly opened the door. Nope, no Granger in this room either, only some bloke with dark hair and other empty beds.

Draco checked the final two rooms in the hallway – a bathroom and empty room. Frustrated Draco blew out another deep breath and made his way back down the stairs hoping there must be other rooms where he would find Granger sleeping. Draco walked through the living room, into the kitchen and noticed a staircase in the corner which must lead to a basem*nt. Maybe she was down there thought Draco, and with hope in his heart he rushed down the stairs. It was especially dark down here, so Draco cast a Lumos with his wand and his hope quickly turned to despair as he realised there was no one down here either. She wasn’t here, her stupid friends were in this safehouse - but not Granger.

Where the hell was she, Draco frustratingly thought to himself. He wanted to burn this house down with everyone in it, stupid pricks didn’t even realise he had found their safehouse and he, a death eater was currently standing here, thinking about killing them all while most of them slept.


Of course, deep down Draco knew he couldn't harm Granger's friends, he made an exception for Ron, however. Also, Granger would probably never forgive him if he murdered Ron, as fun as it would be. Draco decided to make his way back up the stairs and back outside to the one person who was awake. He would make Ron Weasley tell him where Granger was.

This was going to be fun – Draco smirked to himself. He just had to ensure he didn’t get in the werewolf’s way; he didn’t need to be bitten by one of those things tonight. Making sure the cloak was still over him Draco made his way back up the stairs and crept back outside. Ron was now sitting on the grass, leaning against the brick wall of the house. He looked stressed and extremely tired. Draco smiled again - happy to see the Weasley miserable.

The werewolf hadn’t given up on attempting to free itself from its chains as it continued snarling and lashing out, leaving deep imprints in the grass beneath its paws, as it struggled against its constraints. It wasn’t as loud as it was before but continued to howl and hiss. A still invisible Draco quietly made his way over to where Ron was sitting and decided to surprise the Weasley by jabbing his wand into his neck, stunning him. Draco then smashed his fist into the side of Ron’s cheek, causing Ron to fall over to his side on the grass. This caused Draco to burst out laughing, evil glee in his voice.

Ron was in shock, not knowing what had just happened or who had hit him. He tried to move but was still feeling the effects of being stunned, his body didn’t want to co-operate. Ron felt blunt force to his ribs, as if someone was kicking him as hard as they could in his side. Pain radiated through his body, and he gasped for air.

‘Where the f*ck is Granger?’ a snarling voice asked, and Ron felt another blow to his ribs.

‘Who the f*ck, what the f*ck?’ Ron gasped out, fighting back the pain. Another stunning jinx hit him in the back of his head, he felt his whole skull vibrate with pain and couldn’t move once again, the pain now shooting down his spine.

Ron then realised he recognised the voice and through gritted teeth screamed out:

‘f*ck OFF MALFOY!’

Draco ripped the cloak from him and allowed it to fall to his feet on the grass. Ron looked up at the blonde death eater smirking down at him and watched Draco’s large black boot kick him in the face, more pain radiating down his cheek and lower jaw. Ron assumed his nose was now bleeding, probably broken.

Draco then knelt as close as he could to Ron and asked calmly, ‘Where is she Weasley?’

Draco had almost forgot about the werewolf until it started yowling very loudly, causing him to jump and point his wand at the beast.

‘Get that thing to shut the f*ck up’ Draco snapped angrily.

Seconds later Draco watched the door to the house swing open and Ginny, Fleur, Luna and Seamus were all racing out towards Ron, in their pyjamas, wands raised at Draco.

‘She isn’t here Malfoy’ Ginny snapped. ‘She went looking for you.’

Draco was in shock at hearing this ‘What do you mean she went looking for me?’ he demanded; wand also raised at the group advancing closer towards him.

‘Exactly what I said. She left. To find you.’ Ginny said coldly. ‘Leave my brother alone, he doesn’t know where she is, none of us do.’

‘You lot let her go?’ Draco snapped ‘On her own?’

‘She left us.’ Ron managed to speak through pained gasps ‘She’s a f*cking traitor, going to look for a death eater like you.’

Draco kicked Ron once again in the ribs, especially hard this time.

‘Flipendo’ Ginny screamed, and Draco felt his body fly through the air, and he landed on the grass with a loud thud. Draco quickly scrambled to his feet, and he stomped back over towards the group. Fleur and Luna were now helping Ron to his feet as Ginny and Seamus stood in front of their friends, wands still drawn at Draco.

‘Why don’t we just kill him?’ Seamus snapped. ‘Or should we release Lavender onto him whilst it’s still the full moon?’ This idea made Seamus grin devilishly.

Draco pointed to the still snarling werewolf, his face now amused.

‘That’s one of your order members?’ Draco laughed as he realised one of them had been dumb enough to be bitten by a werewolf. ‘Suppose you lot did need to replace the dead werewolf you once had.’

Ron was now standing although Draco could tell he was in a lot of pain, gasping heavily. Draco snarled again in Weasleys direction.

‘Shut the f*ck up Malfoy.’ Ron said with such anger in his voice he was shaking ‘One of your lot did this to her, you f*ckin prick.’

‘Her?’ Draco laughed ‘Oh merlin don’t tell me you are dating that Weasley? Can’t you get a human girlfriend?’

Ron shot a spell at Draco but missed due to still being unsteady on his feet. Draco laughed again but felt his laughter cut short as black ropes shot from Ginny’s wand and wrapped around his body, tightly binding him so his arms were now constricted. He gripped his wand and tried to cast back at Ginny, but his arms were stuck by his sides so tightly he felt he was going to topple over. Draco concentrated on his balance to ensure he stayed upright.

‘The hell Weasley?’ Draco snarled ‘Let me go!’

‘Good job Gin, let’s torture the prick.’ Seamus rubbed his hands together. Ron looked like he agreed with Seamus, however Ginny shot the pair of them a severe look and then looked back at Draco.

‘You are lucky I am not physically hurting you right now.’ Ginny snapped. ‘I am only doing this for Hermione, but if you continue to be a prick I will murder you myself Malfoy. I killed your aunt; you would be even easier to destroy.’

Hermione looked at her reflection in the dirty gas station mirror. Long blonde curly locks of hair and grey eyes stared back at her. She knew why she had picked this as her disguise, it reminded her of Draco and ensured she shouldn’t be recognised as Hermione Granger - not by anyone. She looked completely different; her hair now almost as white as Draco’s. She brushed some dirt from her new death eater robes and once satisfied with her new look, placed the silver mask back on her face.

After murdering the death eater and stealing his clothing Hermione had run as fast as her legs could carry her back towards muggle London and decided she must disguise herself straight away with a strong glamour charm. She could still see her facial features staring back at her but felt like a whole new person with her new eye and hair colour.

Hermione pulled her black hood over her head, tucking her now long blonde hair behind her ears and left the dirty bathroom, breathing in the sharp cold air ready to go find her death eater. Hermione felt powerful in this outfit and a sense of excitement knowing that she looked completely different. She could be anyone she wanted to be, and she knew she no longer wanted to play by any rules.

She made her way back towards The Leaky Cauldron, deciding to get herself something to eat and hopefully be able to sit in the pub and eavesdrop on the other patrons. She pushed open the heavy door and made her way inside, the smell of fire whiskey and a burning fireplace greeting her. Hermione looked around the pub to see a small group of people at a long table, and two very drunk dark wizards asleep at the bar. She scanned the dark bar and decided to sit herself down on a stool at the end of the bar and ordered a butterbeer, realising the new bartender on shift did not look nearly as friendly as the other younger one. She realised her voice came out squeaky and the bartender looked suspicious as Hermione realised, she needed to act and sound more like the death eater she was now portraying. She wasn’t in Hogsmeade with her school friends, she was a big scary death eater.

Hermione coughed and spoke once more, with a slightly deeper tone to her voice this time, ‘Actually no not the butterbeer, a large fire whiskey.’

The bartender looked over her once more before turning around to go fetch her drink. Hermione felt her heart pound a little and she worried if she was doing the right thing. She needed to remember to act like a death eater. If she could pretend to be Bellatrix Lestrange as she had done so successfully not too long ago, she could act like a death eater. The bartender returned within seconds with her fire whiskey and Hermione took a long sip, trying to hide the fact that it burnt her throat.

‘Haven’t seen you round here,’ The bartender asked, suspicion still on his face.

Hermione felt her cheeks flush and was glad her face was hidden by her silver mask. She took her time to answer and when she did, made sure to sound annoyed.

‘Been called in to sort a large mess for The Dark Lord.’ Hermione spat out. ‘I don’t normally visit this part of town.’

The bartender seemed to lose his suspicion and nodded in reply and walked away to go and collect empty glasses. Hermione breathed out thankful that the bartender hadn’t pressed any further and that she had seemed convincing. Hermione reached for her drink and took another large sip. She decided she would need this for courage if she wanted to continue being in this pub. She thought fondly of when she would meet the Weasley’s and Harry here before shopping for their school things in Diagon Alley. Back when the Leaky Cauldron wasn’t a hot spot for death eaters and dark wizards, back when everything was normal, and Voldemort hadn’t taken over the country.

Back when her best friend Harry was alive.

Hermione sighed and decided to take one more sip of her fire whiskey, wondering how people drank this as their preferred drink. No wonder why Draco was always so intoxicated when he reeked of this booze. It was strong and didn’t take long for Hermione to feel a little tipsy. No more she decided, this was enough to keep her courage up and she didn’t want to find herself drunk in a dark pub full of death eaters. The grumpy lookingbartender was coming back to the bar and Hermione decided she didn’t want him questioning her any further, so she left the bar stool she was sitting on and made her way over to a small table by the fireplace, where she sat down and pretended to look bored like everyone else in the pub.

Hermione took a quick glance around the dingy pub and spotted two death eaters sitting in a booth across from her. They seemed to be talking very rapidly and closely together. Hermione couldn’t hear them so decided to change seats and sat in the booth directly behind them. She acted drunk and spilt her drink on the way over to her new seat, ensuring that when the two death eaters looked up in her direction, they only saw a drunk ally. She wasn’t to be seen as a threat.

Hermione felt proud that she had successfully acted drunk and ensured she got comfortable in the booth. She took a pretend sip and then pretended to fall asleep on the table in front of her. Then Hermione waited. The death eaters behind her continued to talk quietly, Hermione straining to hear them.

‘He’s dead. The whole family is.’ One of the death eaters laughed as he said this. ‘The Malfoy’s were pathetic. Abraxas Malfoy and his father were true Malfoy’s, the rest were spineless puss*’s.’

The death eaters behind her continued to laugh and Hermione felt her heart beat so hard, she swore she could feel her heart banging into the wooden table beneath her. Draco wasn’t dead, surely, he wasn’t.

He just couldn’t be.

‘Keep your voice down mate, who's behind you?’ one of the death eaters snapped in almost a whisper.

‘They can't hear us - look.’ Hermione assumed one of them was pointing in her direction.

‘These new Death Eater recruits are pathetic, can’t even handle their booze- how will they serve our Dark Lord?’ Hermione heard more laughs booming from behind her.

‘Speaking of new recruits, you hear our Dark Lord has placed Marcus Flint in charge of finding Potter’s friends?’ the death eater asked in an annoyed tone. ‘You watch this boy fail just as quickly as the Malfoy boy.’ More laughter boomed behind Hermione.

The death eaters then spoke so quietly Hermione had to strain her ears even harder to ensure she heard every word.

‘Rumour is The Dark Lord is wanting to replace his horcruxes with Potter’s friends.’

Hermione had to stop herself from gasping out loud and remained as still as she could.

‘He wants to make an example of them.’ The death eater snigg*red, ‘And I personally can’t wait to see.’

Hermione felt sweat fall down the back of her neck, she knew she was still disguised but had become nervous sitting so close to this death eaters as they talked about her and her friends becoming Voldemort’s next horcruxes.

‘Mate I gotta go, see you tomorrow night.’ One of the death eaters said as Hermione heard him stand up behind her.

‘Where are we assembling again? The other death eater asked.

‘Balmoral castle’ the main death eater stated. ‘Don’t be late, our Dark Lord has a surprise for us apparently.’


Draco banged on the door as hard as he could, he then tried to kick it with his heavy boots, but the female Weasley and Fleur had placed solid charms on his new prison to ensure he couldn’t get out. He looked around again in the dark basem*nt he was currently confined in. Two tiny windows on the ceiling, the first rays of the morning sun creeping into the small, stuffy room. There was a small double bed with a mattress that had obvious springs coming through. Lumpy pillows and the ugliest floral blankets covered the bed. There was old smelly carpet coving the floors, a small very dusty bookshelf and dresser and a rectangle mirror hung on the wall. A small door held the smallest bathroom he had ever seen, with just a shower head hanging out the wall, sink behind the shower head and toilet besides the sink. He had to duck down since he was so tall just to access the bathroom. Living in this space surely would be illegal Draco thought to himself, his face full of disgust.

If only he had his wand, he would transform this sh*tty little room in a heartbeat. No, he would blast open the door and beat the lot of them for putting him in here. But Loony Luna had snatched his wand from him when he was tied up in those black ropes. At least the thick black ropes the Weasley had constricted him with had been removed, Draco rubbed his wrists where the robes once were, small burn marks now on his wrists due to how tight they had been on his skin.

Draco searched the small space once again to see if he could escape. The tiny windows were sealed shut with magic as he tried to smash the glass with his fist, but the glass would not budge. Draco ran back up the basem*nt stairs to the only door that could lead him out of here, banging and kicking the door once again demanding to be let free.


Draco continued to kick and screamed for the following hour. He hadn’t been this angry since Voldemort killed his mother. He should have killed them all when he walked into this sh*tty little safehouse. Draco pushed his hair back in frustration and finally sat down on the top step, his back slumped against the door. He stared out the small windows, the sun had now risen completely, the room no longer as dark as when he first stepped foot in here.

Draco began to laugh at the irony of his situation. He had after all locked Granger in a room and now her friends had locked him in a room. Granger’s room was bloody nice though, he would have never put Granger in a room as disgusting as this one. Draco screwed his face up in disgust before he began to laugh again. Maybe he was going crazy already, he wasn’t sure.

Draco decided to continue to watch the sun in the sky, hoping Granger would come back very soon and save him from his new prison.

‘What do you mean Draco Malfoy is in the basem*nt?’ Lavender asked, genuinely shocked.

Ron was wrapping Lavender in blankets as she rested on the lounge, her wounds being tended to by Fleur, Luna and Ginny. Lavender had been trying to free herself from her chains so severely last night when she transformed that her neck and wrists both had deep cuts, and she was bleeding quite badly.

‘You tried to eat him; at one point we were going to let you.’ Seamus laughed.

Lavender’s face went slightly white, and she looked down at the cup of tea in her hands.

‘How are you feeling Ron?’ Luna asked as everyone watched him collapse into the armchair opposite Lavender.

‘I'd like to go down there and beat the sh*t out of Malfoy.’ Ron replied with a serious look on his face. 'Beat him up so badly and then leave him to die slowly.'

Ginny shot Ron a look and finished off bandaging one of Lavender’s wrists. ‘We aren’t doing anything with him. He can stay down there until Hermione comes back. Having Malfoy here will ensure she does come back.’

‘Then what?’ snapped Ron, refusing to look at Ginny.

Ginny frowned before she addressed the group. ‘Then we allow her to decide what to do with him, he did hold her hostage for a long time. It's only fair she gets to decide.’

Ron and Seamus both huffed at the same time, showing their obvious disdain for Ginny’s plan.

‘I agree with Ginny. I do not want that disgusting Malfoy boy to leave his confinement’s, are we clear?’ Fleur spoke, ‘My baby and I are not to be put in harm's way.’

'Where is mum Gin?' Ron asked his sister.

'She went to help the others find Charlie.' Ginny said flatly, 'She left last night whilst you were with Lavender, told me to tell you goodbye.'

Ron frowned and grew annoyed that he wasn't asked to go too, he could also help. He wasn't useless.

No one spoke for a few moments as Lavender was finished being bandaged up. Luna finally stood and made her way to the kitchen.

‘Well, he needs to eat.’ She said as she happily went to prepare everyone – including Malfoy, breakfast.

Chapter 22: Miss Malfoy


Song Recommendations for this chapter:
The light she brings -Joep Beving
Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman to have -Lana Del Rey
Death Waltz- Adam S Hurst

Chapter Text

Hermione had apparated to Scotland by mid- morning. It was raining so hard, her dark robes and hair were instantly drenched as she made her way down the cobblestone streets, attempting to find shelter. Most of the town was boarded up or looted, glass and rubbish lining the streets. Voldemort had now taken over most of Europe, capturing or killing anyone who wasn't pure blood including muggles. Terrorism still being the cover up by Muggle media. Hermione thought of her parents and was grateful that she had sent them away to Australia, this side of the world was no longer safe, and she shuddered to think what could have happened to them if she hadn't ensured they were safe.

Hermione found a very run down, small hotel which was still open and made her way inside, out of the pouring rain. She grabbed her soaked hair and tied it up to keep it out of her face and then cast her wand over herself and felt her warming charm quickly aid in stopping her teeth from chattering.
Hermione glanced at the front desk; this was obviously a muggle hotel that was somehow still in business. The person at the desk looked petrified and backed away as Hermione approached the counter. Hermione remembered that she still had the death eater robes and silver mask on. She took her mask off to show the desk person that she wasn’t a threat when she heard a deep voice to the left of her:

‘You here for the Dark Lord’s announcement tonight lovely?’

Hermione stood up straight and cleared her voice. ‘Uhm yes I am indeed.’

She ensured she spoke in lower tone than normal and tried to sound extra posh. She was also hoping her glamour charm was holding up, aware of her face being very exposed now.

‘Have we met before?’ the death eater asked. 'You do look familiar.'

Hermione panicked for a second, hoping the death eater wouldn't recognise her as Hermione Granger.

'No, I do not believe we have met.' Hermione said as confidently as she could. 'I have travelled far to be here for tonight.'

'I suppose not, or I would have remembered such a beautiful face as yours.' he replied with a cheeky smile.

Hermione ignored this comment, instead changing the topic swiftly, ‘It’s an honour to serve the Dark Lord.’ she said, now holding her hands neatly in front of her.

'I couldn’t agree more.’ The death eater replied and took his mask off. Hermione could now see this was Marcus Flint, a Slytherin who was four years above her when they went to Hogwarts.

Hermione felt her face flush with anger remembering Bill’s final moments back at Malfoy Manor.
Flint held out his hand, which Hermione reluctantly took and shook.

'I am Marcus, Marcus Flint.' he proudly stated, puffing out his chest. Marcus continued to look at her, obviously trying to figure out who she was.

‘And you are?’ asked Flint.
Hermione felt her mind go blank and she begged her brain to think of a name, any name.

‘Ophelia Malfoy.’ Hermione replied, instantly regretting saying Malfoy.

Flint’s face lit up with slight confusion and he held her hand longer than Hermione liked.

‘Malfoy?’ Flint asked, ‘That explains your hair colour, but I didn’t know there were more of you?’

Hermione once again begged her brain to think of a great lie. ‘My side of the family do not associate with the Malfoy’s in England; they are an embarrassment to our name.’

Flint raised his eyebrows in obvious surprise as Hermione continued, ‘My family and I disowned those Malfoy’s a long time ago. I am Draco Malfoy’s cousin on his father’s side.’

‘Lucius had siblings?’ asked Flint, interest sparking in his eyes.

‘Yes, my father.’ Replied Hermione quickly. ‘A great man my father, however he always despised his brother and therefore rarely spoke of him once my parents moved me to Paris as a young girl.'

‘Well, bonjour Miss Malfoy and welcome to Scotland.’ Flint grabbed Hermione’s hand once more and landed a wet kiss on her knuckles. Hermione pretended to be flattered, hiding the fact that she wanted to be sick on the inside.

'You must stay in one of the top penthouses, I will ensure this is sorted for you.’ Flint assured Hermione and marched up to the desk, his shoulders wide and winking at Hermione as he did.
Hermione watched as Flint yelled at the poor person behind the desk, before ripping a set of keys out of their hand. Flint approached Hermione once more.

‘Bloody muggles, useless at even the basics.’ Flint scoffed. Hermione felt her face grow red and was glad she still had the mask on.

‘This muggle is only alive still so they can run this hotel for us.’ Flint laughed, ‘You should be honoured muggle.’ Flint yelled over at the counter.

Hermione wanted so badly to turn around and leave and find somewhere else to hide until she could go spy at Balmoral Castle this evening but realised this would be suspicious, she would have to play along now that Flint had seen her.

‘Follow me, Ophelia.’ Flint held out his arm and Hermione reluctantly took it, allowing Flint to walk her to the elevators and guide her to her room. Once in the elevator Flint spoke once again, his arm still linked to Hermione’s.

‘You do know your Malfoy family are dead.’ Flint said with a huge sly grin on his face.

‘Yes, my father and I heard the good news from afar, hence why I am here now to repair the Malfoy name.’ Hermione replied, ensuring she sounded disgusted. ‘Is Draco Malfoy dead also? I heard rumours he was just injured.’

Flint laughed again before replying ‘Draco Malfoy is dead indeed, he perished in the flames of his manor.’

Hermione tried to hide the emotions threatening to spill on her face, instead forcing her eyes to show disgust.

‘Good, I am glad to hear this news.’ Hermione replied, keeping her voice as steady as she could manage.

The elevator ding’d and Flint led Hermione out and walked her up the hallway to a door which read, ‘Room 101’. Flint handed Hermione her key, before grabbing her hand once more and leaving another wet kiss on her skin.

‘Honour to meet you, Ophelia Malfoy.’ Flint said, looking deeply into Hermione’s disguised grey eyes. ‘May I escort you to Balmoral castle tonight?’

Hermione froze for a second seeing no way out of this. Hermione decided to flutter her eyelashes before replying,

‘I would love that Mr Flint.’

Draco realised he had been staring out the tiny windows for what felt like hours now, watching the sun rise higher and higher in the sky and the clouds take over the horizon. He still hadn’t moved from the step by the door. He sighed and shook his head, trying to move his hair out of his eyes. His hair had grown quite a lot recently and he hadn’t bothered to keep it trim and neat as usual. He didn’t actually care anymore. He heard a knock on the door behind him which made him jump out of his trance.

‘Malfoy, Luna has food for you.’ He heard Ginny’s demanding voice. ‘This door will open; you will stay in that room, or I will hex the living daylights out of you.’

‘f*ck off, I don’t want your food.’ Draco bellowed back.

‘You will need food Draco.’ Luna piped up in her too cheery voice. ‘I made this myself.’

Draco rolled his eyes. Great, now they were torturing him with Loony’s probably poisonous food. The door behind him swung open and Draco quickly turned around and sprung to his feet. He saw Ginny holding up her wand, Seamus and Ron behind her, wands also raised. Luna stood in front of him with a tray of food. Draco could see pancakes with cream, jam and what looked like chocolate sauce. He heard his stomach growl loudly and hoped no one else had heard it. The food actually looked amazing; however, Draco most definitely ensured his face showed otherwise and scowled.

‘I don’t need your peasant food.’ Draco snapped and turned his back to the group.

‘I heard your stomach rumble Draco, don’t be silly.’ Luna said and popped the tray of food on the floor and slid it onto the top of the stairs.

The door then shut quickly in Draco’s face, once again leaving him alone with only the amazing smelling food to look at. Draco stomped down the stairs refusing to look at the food and sat on the lumpy bed. He crossed his arms across his chest in defiance. He would not eat their food.
Draco allowed his gaze to quickly look at the food at the top of the stairs. It did smell bloody good, and he loved pancakes. Did Loony Lovegood know this was his favourite? Draco heard his stomach grumble loudly again and felt the pangs of hunger hit his stomach. He groaned, before standing from the bed, huffing as he stomped his way up the stairs to the food. He grabbed the tray as quietly as he could and stomped back downstairs and devoured the whole lot.

It was bloody delicious.

Hermione had collapsed on the bed of her penthouse hotel room as soon as she was away from Marcus Flint and her door was shut and locked. She was breathing so fast and felt she couldn’t calm herself down. This hotel was full of death eaters she was sure of it, all here for the meeting tonight with Voldemort at Balmoral Castle. Her hands were shaking, and she replayed what Flint had said about Draco perishing in the fire over and over again in her mind.

The last time she had seen Draco she had left him in the small stable at the far end of the manor grounds. Surely Draco hadn’t walked back into the burning manor, not in the state he was in when she left him. But he wasn’t there when she had checked after Bill died.

Hermione’s heart continued to pound in her chest, she felt like screaming, or crying, or both.
If he was still alive, he would be in hiding, or would he be stupid enough to attend tonight, hidden behind his mask and dark robes. Hermione half hoped she could find him tonight. She also hoped she would gain valuable information about Voldemort and his possible weaknesses tonight which she could take back to her friends.
Hermione decided to get out of her wet robes and walked into the bathroom, scaring herself slightly as she saw her silver blonde hair and grey eyes reflect in the mirror in front of her. She must get used to looking like this, at least for a little while.

Hermione had to keep up appearances as Ophelia Malfoy, Draco Malfoy’s estranged cousin.
Hermione turned the taps on of the shower and watched the bathroom fog up as she embraced the warm water like an old friend. She decided to allow herself this small amount of time to pull herself together before Marcus Flint would escort her to a death eater party tonight.

Marcus Flint was exactly on time as he had promised. Hermione took one last glance in the mirror to ensure she saw Ophelia Malfoy staring back at her. Blonde hair, grey eyes – perfect.
Hermione had on her death eater robes once again, completely dry now and silver mask in hand, she placed her mask on and answered the door to see Marcus Flint also with his clean dark death eater robes and mask on too. Flint flashed his crooked yellow teeth and held out his arm again. Hermione took his arm and allowed Flint to once again escort her down the corridor and into the elevator once more.

‘I see you had time to clean up, and you look lovely if I must say so.’ Flint suggestively said. Hermione felt uncomfortable but decided to reply as confidently as she could, remembering she was now Ophelia Malfoy for the evening.

‘Thank you, Marcus, I ensured I pampered myself this afternoon, the room is pleasant enough.’ Hermione responded, sounding very posh again indeed.

'You are a vision, Miss Malfoy.' Flint was leering at Hermione just a little too much for comfort.

‘I am sure you have heard already Ophelia,’ Marcus stated, ‘That our Dark Lord chose me to take over the mission that Draco Malfoy couldn’t complete.’

Flint looked extremely proud, and Hermione felt him flex his muscles in his arms. She wanted to punch the obnoxious prick in his face but remained calm.
‘Well, that is certainly an honour.’ Hermione replied trying to sound sincerely impressed. Flint looked even prouder and held Hermione’s arm a little closer.

He escorted Hermione out of the elevator and Hermione had to hold back a gasp at the amount of silver masks in the lobby. She was right, this hotel was full of death eaters.

‘Ahh Flint there you are, we were about to leave.’ A death eater shook Flint’s hand before his eyes glazed over Hermione. ‘And who is this?’

‘This is Ophelia Malfoy.’ Flint said confidently ‘Related to the Malfoy's yes.’

Hermione opened her mouth as the death eater in front of her looked confused.

‘I absolutely have always despised my family; I am here to clean up the mess they left when they died. Good riddance.' She spat.

Hermione shook her head in what she hoped portrayed disgust and saw the death eater shake his head in agreeance.

‘Embarrassment of a family really, I feel for you having to carry that name.’ he said back.

Hermione could feel herself getting angry, wanting to defend Draco however decided to snap back in the most Ophelia Malfoy way as possible.

‘I do hope you can understand I am a different type of Malfoy; I am here to bring back our reputation.’ she snarled.

‘Perhaps you can help Flint with what your family couldn’t complete?’ the death eater asked and looked at Flint who laughed.

‘A lady this beautiful should never have to get her hands dirty.’ Flint once again winked at Hermione, and she had to ensure she wasn’t about to vomit.
Flint then dismissed the death eater in front of them, obviously holding some sort of power over most of the death eaters due to his recent promotion from Voldemort. As Hermione made her way through the crowd in the lobby, Flint still holding her arm, she felt several eyes staring at her and heard whispers.

Who is she?

‘There are other Malfoy’s?’

'Why has she never been around before?’

The other death eaters in the lobby were looking at Hermione with either curiosity or hateful stares. Hermione ensured her head remained high and she tried to give off the aura of a very wealthy and classy woman. Flint was stopped every few steps they took, making conversation and introducing Ophelia Malfoy to just about everyone in the room.

‘The floo network is open at the castle, we will depart shortly via the fireplace in this lobby, is this ok with you Miss Malfoy?’ Flint asked Hermione.

‘Please call me Ophelia’ Hermione fluttered her eyelashes again causing Flint to blush just slightly. ‘Yes, this is perfectly fine, I am ready when you are.’

Flint introduced Ophelia Malfoy to a few more people, before he escorted her to the fireplace, green flames engulfed them as Hermione heard him say ‘Balmoral Castle.’

The room was very dark again and Draco had realised he had now been stuck down here for a whole day. The door at the top of the stairs hadn’t opened again since Luna slid his tray of food into the room earlier that day. He had watched the clouds move in the sky out the tiny windows all afternoon until it he watched the sun go down and the sky go dark. He sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing his face, wishing Granger would come save him already. He couldn’t bare another day down here, tomorrow he would try harder to escape, but right now he felt exhausted.

Draco found himself struggling to keep his eyes open, his body hurt, and he had a headache. Draco laid down on the lumpy bed, on top of the covers, still fully clothed, heavy black boots hanging over the edge of the bed due to his long legs. Draco closed his eyes and allowed his mind to drift to the memories of the last time he saw Granger. He still didn’t remember much of when he was dragged out of his burning manor, into the stables but the memory that did replay in his brain was Granger’s hands holding his face and her beautiful brown eyes staring at him, worry all over her face.

He could still smell her if he concentrated hard enough, her sweet scent of cherries and musk is all he would like to smell forever.
His thoughts quickly turned to their nights in her bed at his house together. Her soft lips kissing him back, his hands tangled in her brown curls, her soft body against his as he held her tight, and the way she felt as he entered her.

Granger was perfect – is perfect. He longed to have her in his arms again, longed to kiss her all over and whisper in her ear, hear her soft moans.
Draco quickly snapped out of his memories of Hermione and quickly grew angry again. If they let him out, he could go find her, make sure she was safe. The fact that her friends allowed her to leave on her own and haven’t attempted to find her made Draco want to punch something. How could her friends allow her to be out there alone, in potential danger.

At least when he had her at his manor, she was safe. The people in this house were idiots. They sure seemed to be acting that way, letting their golden girl fend for herself.
Draco no longer felt tired, he sat up quickly, eyes adjusting to the darkness and decided to start making as much noise as possible. He would bang on every wall, every door and yell and scream all night. He didn't care how long it took; he would be so irritating that someone would open that damn door.

Hermione allowed Marcus Flint to help her brush some of the soot from her robes as she took in the large room in front of her.

This castle was so grand and absolutely breath taking. She knew Queen Elizabeth considered this her favourite residence, and often stayed here during her holidays, and practiced magic far away from the muggles who admired her. Of course, the wizarding world knew the Royal Family in the UK were wizards and witches, but they kept this hidden of course from the muggle world. The Royal family must be in hiding now, somewhere far away.

Hermione frowned as she thought the Queen would be mortified knowing Voldemort had now taken ownership of her favourite castle.
Hermione took in the beautiful marble floors and grand staircase curving up the floor. Gold leaf wallpaper and grand red and gold curtains framed the massive windows that looked outside to the magnificent front courtyard. Candles filled the room, most of them floating above her head and she could hear faint classical music playing in the background somewhere.

To Hermione’s horror she noticed people with heavy gold chains around their ankles and hands, struggling to make their way around the room offering the death eaters glasses of champagne and fancy looking food. One girl looked no older than fourteen and she had been so severely beaten the veins in her left eye had burst, causing her eye to swell shut. Hermione had to compose herself as Flint escorted her around the room, introducing her to more people. Hermione pretended to listen and nodded her head along to Flint bragging about his latest accomplishments but was secretly counting in her head how many people were here chained as slaves.

There must be at least twenty chained and beaten people in this room. Hermione didn’t recognise any of them, probably captured muggles from the local towns. These poor people looked absolutely petrified.

‘Malfoy ey?’ a rough voice rang in Hermione’s ear, and she realised a large, burly looking death eater was addressing her. ‘Brave of you to show your face considering yer' family were such an embarrassment love.’

Hermione looked at the stupid smug look on the death eaters face and decided to put this brute in his place.

‘At least I have even more money now darling, I have inherited everything. It was a fantastic thing that the lesser Malfoy’s are now no more.’ Hermione ensured she pouted her lips and held her nose in the air to show her current disdain.

Marcus Flint laughed, ‘Told ya she’s a firecracker, definitely an actual Malfoy that lives up to the name.’

The death eater gave Hermione a filthy look obviously not happy that Hermione had spoken back to him.

‘Hmm well see Flint.’ And he walked away, muttering angrily under his breath and now in the direction of the bar.

‘Let me introduce you to some better company.’ Flint didn’t let Hermione reply instead half dragged her by her arm up the grand marble staircase and into an even grander room.

It looked like a ballroom with 8 chandeliers on the ceiling, even more candles everywhere and round tables and chairs decorating the floor. Gigantic floral arrangements filled every table, and most were filled with people seated already, chatting, drinking their wine and laughing as if this they were here to see Elton John, not Lord Voldemort.
Flint was guiding Hermione to the far end of the room and Hermione could now see where the classical music was coming from. A large band were playing ‘Clare de lune’.

Hermione watched in awe as the main violinist played two instruments, one with her wand and one with her hands. She let her mind wander for just long enough to forget where she was walking and bumped straight into a person carrying a tray of drinks. One of the glasses toppled over on the tray and spilt all down Hermione’s robes. A very startled and scared pair of eyes met her own.

‘I am sorry Miss, please accept my eternal forgiveness, can I get you anything.’

Hermione’s mouth opened in absolute shock; she was looking at Padma Patil. Padma looked so sick and so skinny Hermione could see her bones sticking out through her very dirty and worn clothes. She had a dark black eye and a large cut on her face which looked as if it was getting infected. Hermione couldn’t breathe for a second and then remembered that she was Ophelia Malfoy and Padma wouldn’t recognise her.

‘How dare you spill a drink on our guest you disgusting bitch.’ Flint spat at Padma’s feet.

Then he slapped Padma – hard. Hermione stood there in shock and wanted to be sick knowing she couldn’t do anything for Padma, or she would blow her cover.
Padma was now cowering and the remaining drinks she was holding were shaking in her hands. Hermione couldn’t bare to put Padma through this anymore and decided to speak up.

‘Be gone you embarrassment!’ Hermione yelled at Padma and pointed into the other room, ‘Make yourself scarce!’

Padma bowed to both Hermione and Flint and scurried away, still whispering her apologies. Hermione could feel another set of eyes on her and looked to her left to see Padma’s sister Pavarti also in chains, looking just as beaten up as her sister, but instead of scared she looked incredibly angry.
Hermione allowed Pavarti to give her a dirty look and then swiftly turned back to Flint who was telling Hermione she should have ordered the ‘slave’ (his words) to be punished.

Hermione dismissed Flint, ‘I believe your slap was very efficient Marcus, she shouldn’t do that anytime again soon, you were very intimidating.’ Hermione fluttered her eyes again hoping Marcus would forget about the incident and he quickly did, puffing out his chest and trying to look as important as Hermione had made him feel. Hermione wanted to roll her eyes. She also wished she could check on poor Padma.

‘Ophelia Malfoy.’ A smooth voice came from across the room and Hermione came face to face with Antonin Dolohov. Hermione had to keep her cool as the dark, disgusting death eater approached her. She had duelled him in the department of mysteries, obliviated him after Fleur and Bill’s Wedding and watched him kill Lupin before her very eyes. Hermione felt hot anger radiate throughout her body. Antonin Dolohov was one of the very worst death eaters there was.

‘It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Malfoy.’ Dolohov grabbed Hermione’s hand and gently pecked it as he looked up into her eyes. Hermione couldn’t help but snatch her hand away.
Dolohov looked shocked for a second at Hermione’s reaction before he regained his smooth composure.

‘Marcus here tells me that you have joined our cause.’ He asked, suspicion laced throughout his voice.

Hermione had to take a deep breath as she felt her grip tighten on her wand. She tried to sound unimpressed and disinterested as she replied calmly.

‘Marcus has not told me about you, are you rather important amongst the Dark Lord’s army?’

Hermione watched Flint’s eyes bulge out of his head for a second and he coughed as his drink had gone down the wrong way.
‘I am here out of mere curiosity Mr Dolohov.’ Hermione spat her words out like venom.

Hermione could feel her grip on her wand loosen slightly and Flint laughed nervously next to her. ‘Ophelia is here on family business Dolohov.’ Flint pulled at his collar and grabbed Hermione’s arm again, ‘Come Ophelia, let’s take our seats, you will be excited to see what’s in store for tonight.’

As Flint escorted Hermione to their table, she could see Dolohov continue to stare at her with his black beady eyes. Hermione thought she probably should have been nicer to one of Voldemort’s deadliest death eaters, but her hatred for Dolohov ran so deep she didn’t think she could even pretend to be nice.
As Hermione took her seat next to Flint, he offered her a drink and Hermione accepted but pretended to drink it. There was no way she was going to have even a drop of alcohol in her system tonight, she had to stay on guard and in control. Several more frightened muggles came around to serve some canapes and Hermione noticed that more people in chains had now arrived with large gold ice buckets full of expensive looking champagne. A badly bruised and slightly limping person placed one of the ice buckets down next to Flint and Hermione realised with the same horror as before that she also recognised this person.

It was Susan Bones, also in her year at Hogwarts. Another large ice bucket full of champagne was placed on the other side of the table by Penelope Clearwater, she dated Percy a few years back and was a school prefect at Hogwarts. Hermione felt vomit rise in her chest, and she closed her eyes for just a moment to ensure she did not throw up. How had her school peers ended up working for these death eaters and they all looked so badly beaten and broken. Hermione couldn’t bare to look.

She wanted to grab the girls and blast everyone in here with spells and run them out to safety. But she knew she couldn’t, she had to keep playing Ophelia Malfoy and hope tonight gave her the insight into Voldemort’s army and hopefully a way to end his rein and kill the f*cker. Hermione promised herself that she would come back and save her school friends and the muggles who were forced to be slaves here. She couldn’t do it on her own though, she would need a lot of help.

Hermione felt the room grow cold, not cold like on a chilly winter’s day, but so cold as if all the hope and happiness had been sucked out of the air. All the floating candles suddenly extinguished and the chandeliers above them flickered and dimmed, the room becoming much darker than before. Flint suddenly sat up straight and Hermione watched everyone place their silver masks on their face and stand. Hermione also ensured her mask was on and stood alongside Flint. She almost gasped as she watched Voldemort enter the room, two large dementors gliding along beside him. Voldemort held his arms up and gestured for everyone to sit once again. Anton Dolohov walked over to join his Dark Lord’s side, along with fellow death eaters Igor Karkaroff and Fenrir Greyback. Hermione shivered slightly in her chair, but ensured she maintained her confident posture.
Voldemort finally spoke, his dark hiss of a voice filling the grand room.

‘My loyal followers, I am honoured to have you all here with me at this elegant castle which is now ours to enjoy.’ He gestured his long, bony hands around the room. Hermione heard applause follow throughout the room.
‘I have some great news; recent developments have allowed me to capture or kill the many mud bloods that plagued our country, and I will deploy some of you very soon to the outer areas of Europe to continue our purge of the wrong kind of blood that should never had been given rights in the first place.’ Voldemort held his hands together as more applause continued.
Voldemort allowed the applause to die down again before continuing his speech.

‘I do have a surprise tonight, hence why I called you all before me to celebrate.’ Voldemort sounded especially evil, his eyes forming yellow slits as he laughed and with a wave of his wand, four metal square cages appeared hanging from the ceiling, each filled with a person, all of whom had red hair.
Hermione had to cover her mouth as a scream threatened to come out. Luckily no one had seen her reaction to the cages as everyone in the room were on their feet once more, clapping and cheering and throwing hexes at the people in the cages.

Hermione looked up, holding back tears as she could see Molly, Arthur, George and Charlie all in separate cages, currently having all kinds of spells thrown at them and each were bleeding or bruised. George looked as if his nose had been broken, he had dried blood caked down his face. The room erupted in cheers and heckling, more spells being aimed at the cages, some successfully hitting the targets.

Flint leant into Hermione’s ear as he proudly told her, ‘I found Charlie Weasley, the idiot tried to give up his life for a dragon.’
Hermione couldn’t breathe for real now and she had to steady herself on the table, Flint grabbed her and helped her stand back up, Hermione fighting back tears the entire time.
‘Woah too much excitement for ya?’ Flint winked at Hermione.
‘I may have had too much drink.’ Hermione played her near panic attack off as too much alcohol and she could see Flint believed her and he continued cheering and bragging to anyone who would listen as to how he helped capture Charlie Weasley. Voldemort once again held his hands up for silence, the room fell quiet instantly. Hermione could now hear Arthur gasping for air, and she refused to look up at the cages again for fear of bursting into tears.

‘We almost have the whole collection!’ Voldemort laughed and the death eaters in the room all laughed along with him. ‘What a waste of pure blood the Weasley family turned out to be.’

Dolohov spat on the floor in front of him and Voldemort raised his wand at George, ‘Crucio’ he calmly said as if he was casting a cleaning spell, not an unforgiveable.
Hermione heard George cry out as he was tortured by Voldemort. Molly screamed out and was hit with a slicing spell across her cheek by Dolohov.
The crowd fell into loud applause again as Voldemort finished torturing George Weasley, Hermione was trying not to allow her panic attack to show, gripping tightly onto the chair in front of her.

Voldemort once again addressed his guests, ‘These four disgraceful pure bloods will aid in making my new horcruxes.’

Voldemort grinned widely, baring his yellow, rotting teeth and then raised his hands, encouraging further cheering from the guests.
The noise from the applause was deafening, everyone was cheering and yelling out insults at the Weasleys suspended from the ceiling. Hermione once again had to breathe out deeply to prevent her anxiety attack from causing her to collapse.


He was going to make more. No, this couldn’t be happening Hermione thought to herself, sweat now starting to build on her forehead. Not when Harry had worked so hard to ensure his original horcruxes were destroyed. Hermione looked around the room at the celebrating death eaters, now all cheering with drinks in their hands. Voldemort announced that tomorrow night would be the ceremony of his horcrux rebirth, and all his loyal followers were to attend.
Hermione looked up one last time at her ‘family’ hanging in the cages from the ceiling. Her heart broke, she needed to get out of there, even though the room she was in was incredibly large, she suddenly felt claustrophobic. Hermione slipped away, Flint not noticing as he was too busy downing his seventh or eighth drink. She managed to get out of the grand room without anyone noticing and ran down the marble stairs, grabbed a fistful of floo powder, ran into the green flames and screamed for the first place she thought of.

‘Flourish and Blotts’.

Chapter 23: Peppermint


Song recommendations for this chapter:
November - Two Lanes
Heathens -Twenty One Pilots
Me and the Devil - Soap&Skin

Chapter Text

‘Luna, he doesn’t need a f*cking cup of tea.’ Seamus snapped at the blonde-haired girl currently making tea for Draco Malfoy in the kitchen.

‘He snuck me several cups of peppermint tea when I was in his dungeon last year.’ Luna stated as she waved her wand, the hot tea now on the dresser in the basem*nt for Draco.

‘This isn’t a battle of who can be a better host when having each other locked up.’ Fleur snapped and Seamus couldn’t help but laugh at this comment.

‘Being pregnant has made you funny Fleur’, Seamus said, still laughing.

Fleur narrowed her eyes at Seamus, ‘I ‘ave always been funny.’

Luna was now drinking her tea, sitting at the table and knitting a very pink scarf, not fazed by her friends' comments in the slightest. Seamus shook his head and laughed again, then announced he was off to bed.

‘He didn’t dezerve that Luna.’ Fleur sounded as if she was telling Luna off. Her mother instincts truly kicking in since becoming pregnant.

‘Everyone deserves some warmth on a cold night, it keeps away the nargles.’ Luna replied, quickly finishing her tea and then packing up her knitting and nodded goodnight as she also took off upstairs. Fleur shook her head and also decided to call it a night, it was late, and she was exhausted, this baby drained her energy quick these days and she found she needed to rest more than usual. Or perhaps it was the grief still of being a widow, all she knew was that she was exhausted constantly.

‘Goodnight Ron, Lavender.’ Fleur called out sleepily to the couple on the couch. Ron gave Fleur a gentle wave and continued to play with Lavender’s long blonde hair as he held her in his arms.

‘You are awfully quiet tonight, Ron.’ Lavender asked concerned. She looked up at him, her piercing blue eyes full of concern.

Ron sighed and grabbed Lavender’s hand squeezing it gently.

‘Sorry Lav, just tired.’ He replied, ‘And Ginny and I haven’t got an owl lately from the rest of the family, mum normally writes every day or every second day.’

Lavender squeezed Ron’s hand back and leant in and kissed him gently.

‘I am sure they are just busy Ron, bet you anything an owl will arrive in the morning.’

Ron sighed again but knew Lavender was probably right. Ginny was stressing him out telling him she felt like something was wrong, but she tended to stress over things too easily. Ron decided to relax and grabbed a giggly Lavender in his arms, getting comfortable again on the comfy couch, trying to push away the awful feeling he had in his stomach.


Hermione felt her feet land with a thud on the hard stone beneath her. The room was dark, she could barely see, and she coughed realising she had inhaled some of the floo powder in her rush to get away from what she had just witnessed. She still felt in shock and couldn't stop her body from collapsing, letting her emotions take over. She was so angry that she felt hot tears begin to fall down her face. She needed to get to the safehouse asap to get help. They needed to go and save the Weasley’s and the other poor soul’s currently serving Voldemort.Hermione finally stood and tried to compose herself, she had forgot where she was for a moment and as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she saw the ruins of her favourite store in Diagon Alley. Flourish and Blott’s bookshop had always been the highlight of her trip to Diagon Alley every year before school would start again. The smell of the books, the glossy limited-edition prints, and dragon hide covers. The way that every inch of the store had rows and rows of books, some even tried to bite you or were enchanted with dark magic. Hermione thought fondly of the time’s her parents had helped her go shopping and how her father’s face had lit up when he stepped inside of the shop. He also loved reading, just as Hermione did.

Flourish and Blott’s had now been boarded up for well over two years, the wonderful man who owned this store for generations forced to go into hiding and the store had been firebombed and torn to shreds by death eaters and snatchers. Books were shredded and pages lay all over the hardwood floors. Hermione felt a cool breeze coming in through one of the smashed front windows.

Hermione went to walk out of the shop, shocked to see her reflection in the broken window. She forgot that she was still disguised, still Ophelia Malfoy. Hermione heard a whoosh of the fireplace and suddenly Dolohov was standing there pushing his hair back out of his face after his travel in the Floo flames.

Hermione froze not realising someone had followed her. Not realising Antonin Dolohov had followed her.She quickly tried to look calm and like as if she was supposed to be here.

‘This is a rather odd place to run off to.’ Dolohov spoke, venom in his voice.‘Miss Malfoy, is it? You left before the celebrations even began.’

Hermione was at a loss for words. How did she explain why she had rushed off and was now standing in a destroyed bookshop in Diagon Alley. Hermione stepped forward, her shoulders back and head held high.

‘I received urgent news; my father is needing me.’ Hermione replied with confidence.

‘Your father needed you to rush off to this…… place?’ Dolohov scoffed and looked around the room.

‘Not to be rude but it is none of your business Mr Dolohov.’ Hermione replied, sounding annoyed. ‘Now I must be going, or my father will worry.’

Hermione began to walk towards the door when she saw out of the corner of her eye Dolohov grab his wand and take aim, Hermione pulled out her wand and yelled protego, shielding herself from the knockback jinx Dolohov had sent her way.

Hermione knew he was onto her, she needed to convince him that she was who she said she was.

‘Excuse me Mr Dolohov but what is the meaning of this?’ Hermione bellowed, trying to sound as unimpressed as she could.

‘You are NOT who you say you are.’ Dolohov replied sinisterly. His dark eyes narrowed, and he held his wand high above his head ready to strike again.

'Excuse me?' Hermione snapped back, stomping her foot in protest.

Dolohov was now walking across the paper and dirt filled floor, coming right up to Hermione. She held her ground, keeping her chin held high and her wand still gripped tightly in her hand.

'I said, you are most definitely not a Malfoy.' Dolohov said in almost a whisper, his face now incredibly close to Hermione's. She could smell the booze and soot on his clothing.

'In fact.' He spoke now in a higher tone. 'I could never forget that face, yes your eyes and hair may be different Hermione Granger, but I could never forget your face.'

Hermione gasped, not expecting Dolohov to say her name, and stepped backwards trying to create space between her and the death eater inches from her face.

'You see The Dark Lord was not happy when I let your golden trio escape my clutches that night at that cafe near Tottenham Court Tube Station.' he snarled, leaning back towards Hermione's face.
Hermione remembered this night clearly, her mind flashing back to escaping Bill and Fleur's wedding and apparating herself, Ron and Harry to the first place she thought of.
She physically couldn't move now as fear took over her body, she knew she would need to escape Dolohov, or she would be dead before sunrise.

Dolohov continued, anger now in his voice. 'The Dark Lord punished me severely for my mistakes that evening and reinstated my memories, the ones you obliviated. So, you see dear Miss Granger, I could never forget your face since.'

Hermione decided to run, there was no use trying to convince him she was Ophelia Malfoy, she could tell by his dark black, vengeful eyes.

She had made a mistake by rushing out of the castle, and an even bigger mistake by coming to this deserted shop. Her emotions had got the best of her. Hermione cast Diffindo as she ran out the store, hearing Dolohov scream out -

You little bitch!’

Hermione ran as fast as she could down the cobblestone street of Diagon Alley. She could hear Dolohov was right behind her now blasting spells in her direction. She dodged his curses as she continued to run. Hermione looked behind her for just a quick moment pointing her wand at Dolohov, sending blue fire in his direction which stopped him in his tracks, but only for a few seconds.

Hermione knew it was now or never to get out of here, she turned down an alleyway and caught her breathe as quickly as she could, her heart felt as if it would leap from her chest. Hermione concentrated as she apparated. To Hermione’s shock Dolohov grabbed her arm as she apparated and before she knew what was happening, they both landed on the grass outside the safehouse. Hermione couldn’t believe what she had just done. She had put everyone in danger now by bringing Dolohov to their safehouse.Hermione was in so much shock that she realised she no longer had her wand in her hand, she must have dropped it. Hermione looked down at the grass in a panic, hoping her wand was there and she hadn’t dropped it in the alleyway.

Dolohov looked confused, unsure as to where they were before he fired at Hermione, hitting her on her collarbone. Hermione felt her skin light up with pain and warm blood trickle onto her dark, death eater robes. Hermione finally saw her wand a few meters away from her, hidden in the long grass. The moonlight her only source of light as of current. She dove for her wand just as Dolohov hit her with another slicing spell which split Hermione’s temple open instantly. The pain was instant, and Hermione screamed out, blood now trickling down her face and on her silver mask.

Dolohov was laughing now, realising he had the upper hand, and Hermione still didn’t have her wand.

‘I knew you were suss bitch and then you opened your mud blood mouth, and I f*cking knew it was you.’ Dolohov continued to laugh, and he rubbed his hands together.‘Can’t wait to watch you die at the Dark Lord's hand, I will ensure of this.’

Hermione went to dive for her wand when she felt her entire body light up in the most excruciating pain she had ever felt. She fell to the floor instantly, screaming out in pain and writhing about on the ground, pulling at grass in her hands as she tried to grab onto her wand now just inches in front of her. The Crucio curse that Dolohov was currently inflicting on her however was strong, he was concentrating on ensuring the spell was penetrating all of Hermione’s nerves, and she thought her back was going to snap in half. Hermione continued to scream in pain, all she could see through her blurry vision was her own blood and tears and the moon above her in the dark sky.She realised this was how she was going to die, and she couldn’t save the Weasley’s, her school friends, or avenge Harry.She thought of Draco, hoping he was alive still, hoping he hadn’t met his death just as Hermione was about to.

Draco’s voice was now hoarse from screaming and his feet and hands hurt from banging on the door so much. His tea long gone cold on the dresser table.He figured they would soundproof this room but was hoping he was loud enough anyway that one of the pathetic people in this house would try to come and shut him up and he could escape. He had finally given up after five or six hours of this, grumpily sitting down at the top of the stairs, his back slumped against the door once more. He figured it must now be early in the morning, sometime after midnight. He knew this by looking out the tiny windows and the positioning of the moon in the dark night sky, something his mother had taught him.

Draco rubbed his face with his hands and pushed his hair back off his face. Then he heard it. He heard her.Draco stood up faster than he ever had, the screams coming from outside were so painful and Draco just knew. Those screams were Granger’s. He had heard her scream like that once before at the hands of his Aunt Bellatrix.Draco started banging on the door again, desperate to get out. He started screaming hoping someone would come and get him so he could help Hermione.

‘LET ME OUT!’ Draco screamed repeatedly as he starting to bang on the door so hard, he thought he would break his hand. He didn’t care. The screams outside were becoming louder. Draco felt his heart rip in two, he began to sweat and swore loudly. He went to bang on the door again when it swung open suddenly and Draco came face to face with Ginny Weasley, in her pyjamas once again.

‘You need to help Malfoy.’ She yelled, stress all over her face. She shoved Draco’s wand in his hand and ran through the kitchen towards the sounds of the screams. Draco bolted out of the basem*nt, wand drawn and followed Ginny as they both ran out to the front of the house. Ron, Lavender and Seamus were already out-front, everyone in shock at the scene presented to them. Two death eaters dressed in their formal black robes and silver masks were on their property.And one was cursing the other.

‘What the flying f*ck?’ Seamus bellowed.

Draco recognised Dolohov straight away, even with his silver mask on, he just knew.Draco raised his wand at the death eater, however Dolohov was still inflicting pain on the girl bleeding out on the grass. She had long blonde curly hair from what Draco could see. Dolohov hadnt even realised that he had an audience behind him, so concentrated on inflicting pain on the girl screaming on the ground.Draco squinted his eyes, managing to get a better look at the girl and he just knew it was Granger.He had watched Granger for years, he knew exactly what she looked like, the shape of her face, her pink heart shaped lips, her small frame.But what hurt Draco most of all is he knew what her screams sounded like. Her screams had been engraved into his brain, haunting his dreams several times over.

Draco felt anger flare up inside of him as he swiftly yelled out ‘Avada Kedavra.’

Green light lit up the grassy field and Antonin Dolohov fell in a crumpled heap.He was dead.

Draco ran instantly over to Hermione, grabbing her bleeding face and holding her in his lap. Hermione was almost unconscious, the pain still radiating throughout her body. Was she still being tortured or was she dead now. She must be dead because Draco Malfoy was holding her face, looking down at her, light an angel in the night sky.

The others had now run over, Seamus kicking Dolohov making sure he was indeed dead.

Draco was still holding a now unconscious Hermione, blood all over his hands. He shook her gently, begging her to wake up but her eyes remained close. He pushed her blonde hair from her face and removed the silver mask. Draco was so confused as to why Granger was wearing death eater robes and where she had even got these from, but also didn’t really care. She was in his arms, and he would be able to keep her safe once again. He would never allow anyone else to hurt her.Ever.

‘How in merlins name did Malfoy get out?’ Ron demanded ‘And who the f*ck is this?’

‘I think we can all collectively ask what the f*ck just happened?’ Seamus asked.

‘How did they get here.’ Luna asked.

Ginny was breathing hard as she took in the scene in front of her. Draco was fussing over this girl on the floor. Ginny knew who she was instantly, no one else knew where their safehouse was.

Ron and Seamus were still bellowing, ‘We need to kill this death eater too.’ Ron snapped as he drew his wand. Draco finally acknowledged the group behind him, placing Hermione gently on the grass and standing up also drawing his wand.

‘Move aside Malfoy, or we will kill you too.’ Ron snarled.

‘If you touch her, I will kill you quicker than I did Dolohov.’ Draco snapped back ‘And you are a bloody f*cking moron if you hurt her, or are you just plain stupid’

Ron went to push past Draco, receiving a punch to the side of his cheek. Ron punched Draco back before Ginny stepped between the two, pushing Ron in his chest.

‘It’s Hermione you f*cking idiot.’ Ginny bellowed now up in Ron’s face. ‘Who else would it be? Can’t you bloody tell’

Ginny ran to Hermione’s side and inspected her friend. Draco gave Ron a dirty look and went to Hermione's' side also, both now fussing over her injuries.

Ron’s mouth was open in shock. Luna looked concerned, Lavender was inspecting the foreign looking Hermione with a puzzled look on her face and Seamus made a remark with a lot of swearing.

‘Since when is Hermione Granger a blonde death eater?’ Seamus asked.

Ron had now walked over to the blonde unconscious girl laying in Draco’s arms. Now that the silver mask was off Ron could see the death eaters face, and he clasped his hands in shock. That was Hermione, no doubt about it.

‘What in merlin’s name.’ muttered Ron to himself.

Draco proceeded to pick Hermione up and he carried her back into the house not saying a word to anyone.

‘Gin, we can’t just let Malfoy take her’ Ron began to tell Ginny but she ignored him and followed Draco as he carried Hermione into the house.

Everyone else stood in shock for a few minutes outside under the sky and stars. Seamus pointed to Dolohov’s body.‘Well, what are we going to do with that?’ he asked.

‘We burn it’ Luna responded matter of factly and she cast incendio at the dead death eater's corpse, Antonin Dolohov's body now alight with flames.

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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Name: Mr. See Jast

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.