Western Morning News from Plymouth, Devon, England (2024)

1. 1 1. A 1 1 1 1 I I MORNING NEWS, SATURDAY, MONETARY NEWS Bank hate of Discount 3 pre cent. (June 13th, 1901. The previona ratra baring been 34 per cent.

mioce June 61b. 4 per cent. Februery cent. February 7th. 5 pre cent January 3al.

1901. per rot. July 19th and 3 per real. June 14-b, 1900. Settling Das: ca the Stock Exchange ore as AX A Coreols-Monday.

June 3rd. and July 3rd Cestango Dass Ticket Days Pay Days June 14, Wedneslay. June June 21, Pnday. June 21. Mooday.

15 July Wednesday. July 17. Monday. July 22 Turnlay. July 50.

July 31 Turela). August 14 August 1: Thurs August Auge Augun 25 Auguat 22 Shines Carryover Tuesday. June 25: Frolas. July 17; Frilay. July 25; Moralag, Augest 12.


LONDON. Fridas Evening. The unexpected reduction in the Bauk rate has given considerable impetus to the Stock Exchange. The increase the reserve, close on a million sterling, was not looked for. The rise is accounted for by the fact that over half trillion sterling is sewn in the coin and bullion increase.

land that the note circulation has decreased £379.000. Apart from this. however, there toast be some other cattre which inaced the directora to make the reduction of 1 per cent. within a fortnight, and the general conclusion in the: forket is that we are on the eve of prace. Supplies anoney continue as abundant as ever, and there are of bardening in loan rates, Das day money still called: to 1 per white 14 to 11 per cent.

usually asked for weekly fixtures. Loons into July can be had at 2 per cent. Discount rotes are easy. and not too mans bills are on offer. Short bank paper geortally done round about 22 NiCE white four ami months fine bills are discounted at or shade ander 140 cent.

The Silver Market continues steady at 27 7.16d. for sput, and 27 9.16al. for forwant delivery. Ropco l'aper 63; to 63g. At the Bullion Ollie: of the lank England to das the suin of £5,000 in bar gold was bought.

The steamer Foret lismarck has arrived from New York with £20,856 in specie. The National Bank of Belgian to day reduced its rate discount from 3, to 3 per cent. The Rank of the Nether. lauds today reduced its rate of discount from 3, to 3 cent. The Ty ha announce the sale of Re.15.204 in bills on Madras at 14.

3 15-161. The on gold at Buence Ayres has risen from 133.20 per cent. to 134.30 per cent. 0n the Stock Eschange to-day the market has again firm, and prizes are higher in nearly all though the best points were not maintained to the end. The settlement has been concluded without any trouble.

an! markets again benefited from the decline in the value money. Consola again halo handening tendency, bare further 1-16 to 934 to 94 for cash, aunt 93 13-10 to 94 1-15 for the account, white the New Issue 9.16 pretaum. The War Loan line inade a further advance to 981. Government Seurities leave off fairly good tone. Barnes res Water lass has advanced 11.

Argonwon and Bitto 1897. J. 1886. Brasilian 1889, pasties 4: but Hungarian Gold has pad Italian I. The better the Home Itailway Market is mainta'nel.

to case of the Heavy stocks, They were from cent. up, but below the hest. Some are better. notably Brighton P.let. 11e politic are Vet iN now believed that with the 0 fairly prolonged period of 1 after the holidays turn attent to is an admitted fact that there are large inve-tment.

An advance of 2 establishe in an cod South. Western, London North. Western. and Chotham Second 1 in ditto Deferred. Great Northern and Deferred, 14 ditto A and Great Eastern.

in Hall and Barnsley, Midland, North- Eastern, An Metropolitan, sol in ditto District South- Eastern Lteferred. American shares are generally better, althorth the latest prices are below the best. chief been in Milwaukee Unions, which bro ten bought on statements respectg arringemen: between the two companies. sell of the alsorption of Pennes har a Corion: by the Pennsylvania Rail road. In "all street there la a strong demand -an expected on for nioa and also for Denver Pref.

It the of the old tale of exchange of stock that the Shoonri Pacific has taken place. So far tia vie concerned there should ho rise in Commun Stock now that the decision of the courts been given against the Pref. shareholders' appeal. alvance of 52 has taken place 10 Union l'acific. 24 in Baltimore and Obio and Chicago wanker.

13 in Nontbern Pacific and Norfolk in Atchison Ene. 4 in ditto Pref. and Southern Common. 1 in Denver Pref. New York Central.

1 in Missouri Kansas, and A to 4 mos: others, Canadian issues have also lisplayed strength. l'acife has improved Grand Truck First Pref. advancel J. ditto Secund ditto Guaranteed d. ditto 3-16.

The Foreign section is Iterally stag. nant. Neither movement not feature of interest to beyond tho fact that there small is advance absolutely no movement quote, unless it be a in Mexican First 1'ret. There is little worth noting in the Miscellaneous section. All have fluctuated and close irregular, Deferred marking 4 riso of point, while tho Pref.

point down. There is rise of in t'nited States Steel Company, in Apollinaris, Coats New Ordinary and Johnson's Press, ani Imperial Ottoman Bank, Harrod's Order nary, and Vickers and Maxims. On the other hand Wels. tachs are decidedly easier, the Pref. being 2, and the nary 1.

Super- Aerations and Marconi Telegraph are lower, and there are fractional declines tu Linotypes, Lyons, and Machinery Trust. The application list of the Plymouth Corporation Three per Cent. Stock was closed at 2 p.m. to-day. The coupons due let pros.

on the Tenninable Debentures of the Queensland Insestment and Land Mortgage Company will be pard by the London County Banking (Limited, The Terminable Debentures, maturing at the same time, will be jayahle at the company's office. The directors of the Machinery Trust (Limited) declared an interim divileed on the Ordinary Shares the Trust at the rate of 15 per cent. per annum for quarter ending 31st March, 1901. Warranta in respect this dividend will be posted on the 29th inst. The report of the directors of J.

Lyons and Co. (Limited) for the rear ending March 31st states that the profit for rear. inclu-ling £8.721 hrought forward, amounts from which amount is to be deducted Debenture interest, £4,828: provision for depreciation, £17.595 interim divalend already paid for half gear ending Septemher 30th. 1900. at the rate of per cent.

per annum. £30.375 and the directors propose to deal with balance as follows -To balance dividend for the half ending March 31st, 1901, at the rate of 30 per cent. annum, £40.500: and to carry forward £11.098. Dividend announcements: -Indian Milland Railway. per cent.

for half- year. plus guaranteed interest: British and Foreign Marine Insurance, 8s, per share for vear Distillers' final of 128. share, making 10 per cent. for sear, carrying £13,845 forward Chicago Junction Railways and Union Stock 14 cent. on and 2 per cent.

on Common for quarter: London and Provincial Marine Insurance, 5 per cent. half. sear: East Indian Railway 16s. per cent on Deferred Annuity Capital and the Deferred Annuity Capital Class in addition to the guaranteed interest £2 per cent. Traffic receipts, -Railways-Increase for last week: Barry.

£1.637: Costa Rica, £255 Great Indian Peninsula, Rs. 2.01.655. Deercaso for last week -Tale of Wight, £123: Bengal- Nagpar. Ra. 73.669: Indian Midland, I'nited of the Havana, £608.

Suez Canal for yesterday, 110.000 francs, BOMBAY, Fridas. Cotta a steady shipments of the week. 2,000 bales Exchange on London three months' credit bills, 1s. 441. CALCUTTA, Fridas.

Jute, 1st marks, 35r. 2a. spot sellera: Goverument Securities Three-and-a-Half per 95 3-16 saltpetre, 6r. 9a. linseed, small grain.

6r. 7a, rice, Ballam, 4r. Exchange on London six months' credit bills 1s. 4jd. freights, 17s.

64. to 50a, THE CONTINENTAL BOURSES. PARIS. Friday. Rentes Three per Cent.

(for cab). Three and a Half per Cent. (for casb), 101:47 Italian Five per 97-60 Spanish Fours, 72 lu: Turkish. 25 U2: Ottoman Bank, 551: De Beera. 854 Rio Tinto, 1.432: Robinson.

243 East Rand, 197 82: Rand Mines, 1,076 Consolidated Goldfields Deferred, 199; Mars 110 Chartered, Village Alainreef, Private Discount, 2 1-16 cent. Market steady. BERLIN. Friday Austrian Gold. 100.40: Hungarian.

99.20 Italian, 96.50: Turkisb. 24.60: Russian Four per Cent. 100.0: Routes, 216.0: Egyptian United. 107.0: Mexican Loan. 97.25: German New.

88.25: Canadiau 101.0: New Chinese Loan, 94.50. Private count, 34 per ernt. Macket weak. VIENNA. Friday Austrian Gold.

118.0: Paper, 98.55. Mongarian Got. 118.09 Lombards, 105.0. Lemberg. 532.0: Ango-Aus.

Arian Bank. 279.0. Napoleons, 19.07, Parate 3 1-16 per cent. Market quiet. GOLD COAST ENTERPRISE.

We are informed there are now nearly 500 shareholders in the Jappa Gold Mine (Limited), and there has been sane rood buying of the shares at present reduced prices. Possibly the fact that, in addition to other intereste. a favourable working agreement is in course of being effeeted with a company formed to acquire one of the leasea formerly owned by the native Ebenezer Gold Mining Company may account for the buying. This Jesse is knonn as the "Winnie Eatsife," and consists of about 826 acres. The native company has opened up this perty.

and. 11 is reported. itas traced a stroug reef through the whole of its catent, averaging 5oz. to the ton. According to the report the rock met with is laterite, and is traversed by aunferous quarts veins, which strike north- west and dip 45 degrees south.

These reins rare from Aft. to 10ft. in thickness, and qrartzite schets end conglomerates will probably occur. The deposit consists of crystalline, cellular porous sachoroidal quartz. bluish where rich in disseminated gold, hard and white where poor.

The roid is in coarse grains and nuggets, a large percentage of which. it is claimed. can be extracted by assigamation in the boxes, and the mander should be caught on the plates. There is timbor, water. and labour in the district, and the gold to be derived from the quarts will.

it is expected. reach 5oz. per ton. although in some cases the samples shows a much higher value. The Jappa Company in the proposed working agreement will acquire one-balf interest on the results of the working of the mine, and active operations should commence at the termination of the rainy season about the end of August--when shareholders should receive regular fortnightly reports will from the property, and it is list hoped the company soon permanently in the of 1901.

gold Financier and Bullionist," 14th June. 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 THE WESTERN A JIODBURY SUICIDE. Mr. R. Rodd, roonty coroner.

held an inquest at Modbure veeterday on John Brown, aged 46. master baker -Dereased's wife stated that about 2 00 Welcesday left bee in the kitchen and went opstairs. About balf -past three she went and there saw him seated on the foot of the bed. His fert were 00 the toor. his heal was inclined forward.

nud a piece of string was around bis neck. Deceased bad bren doe pressed daring the week. and was under notice to quit Midsummer. He was in monetary difficulties. and had not always been a tetoperate man.

'He bad been unwell on and off during the past twelve and unde: went an operation. --Mr. W. Matthew, said be was called br the last ness 10 see the deccas d. and found that be was apparently dead -Dr.

E. M-Creade Spencer sad atound deceased's neck was narrow -lined red farrow. corersponding with the string produced Death was due to strangulation There was no dislocation of the work. The dong the pork bad broken. I prohahly due to a convulsion at the close of life.

-A verdict of "Snicide whilst of ousound mind WaS THE CHARDSTOCK TRAGEDY. BURIAL OF THE MURDERER. At nine clack on Thuralss night the final scene was enacted in cunnection with the fearful tragedy at Chant. stock, near (hard, when the holy of Thomas Graze, the murderer and suicide, was interred in an obscure curter of the village churchy ant. The corp-e was fetched br a few villagers and carried to the outste of the churchrard.

whence it was lowered over the wall into a grave. one uf the bearers raying the following words. Here WO commit the taly of Thomas to the The scene was witnersed he crowds of people, who came out from Chard and neighbouring villages, The nearest be. standers shewed their for deerased by throw. ing stones and med on the coffin.

at the same time uttering exclamations of a very forcible nature. One striking feature of chis terrible tragedy 14 the curious aroused in the village. On one hand there 19 the prothe mandered man, who was greatly respected in the neighs foun lest regret expressed at the death he of Mr. Saloer Deane. bourbool, and on the other hand a strong feeling of relief -almost of jos at the removal frotn the of a man who was a veritable terror to the YESTERDAY'S MARKETS.

BALTIe GRAIN Whral rut sore pratone 1 intana come an-1 Wollas $1 prompt drame: 2. 51 stal entate. The Eitie. A t. en Asher.

at tor pm. June an! August. ote 18. 91. ur Fatur.

41 14 offer Bar.es Argit greniler. nil sellers. 10. opt ant unor. Duper 31 176 quiet The at for the 113 303 maze 214.90 sed Amet can.

1. 011 futures 4. and 4: S- ahea: Domin-1. 30. net 51 Nor old.

first 12 17. 31 artel tul white ex quas. 40 8 on the posed American press ube. teteit LIVE quiet Thuriay Matzo Red wheat, July. to 54 St Amet con 9 15et.

3. 114 to 1A1 21 to Englib. A bitten. 101: retrigerated quarter, 24 20 41: Al. Scotch 4.

41 to 4. J. 21 2 444 to 81: Wellingto. 101 to ani R. For Mate.

1. to tamb. Engiah and Dutch seat. to 4 Bi; Engles 20 Dutch. 46 to 4.

44 per 8'5 me fair demand and Foreign cubes generally nominal: cranniato! anal pin ramer: 11. 11a marsa. June, seller. 11. Anguet.

brr 10 1. 10 Inh fleet sow put weaker: aed and Sentember, 9r Hamburg. anction ed capplies met sane Futures September done 744 Dreamber. to 28 91: bed Starch, to $1 Private market steade, STRATFORD VEGETABLE Enchih malcerop potatoes. to 55s: Crited 10 ep-to dates.

80a 1. 950 per ton! new Lisboa 3a 64 to 21: Jersey brine to St tidneve. ed to 8. Matto 6d: to 12: and 11s to 128 cut Hone 324 30s. rattle-feeding.

swedes. 158 mangoide. 128 to 14 per 3. per crate: and to to 64 per mustard 61 pre drama punnets. Bed rhubarb.

to te to 34 per dozen bandies: Ezeptian 6d per French in de: French 3a t4 Faction. to 90 2a: leeks, 1s to 14 bd: and mised herte. 3 ta per deera benches: PreP: peat. to 64 per ver. and Be to per Enzlieh tomatoes, to do sea 151 24 to de per dozen lettere.

In 3t per radishes, 3a to dozen 1.0 bunches: BRa to and 148 179 per cast: Tasmanian to 100 64 per case: 20 LONDON GAME AND fowls, 24 61 61: 24 2. 61 to Sure 61 48 61: Turkey 61 10 2. 3a 31 04 to 24 91: Irish. 28 to 24 10 61. 31 to 3.

41 Boneset 101 to 14 11: 21 ILl: Eception quail. 54 to 14: will 61 to 31: mame. to 11 each 74 to dozen: Russian fowls 21 to 1. 64. came.

14 St: ptarmigan. 1. S4: Manchurian partridges, La 24 each COTTON Spot sales. 8.000 and esport. 501 4 7.000.

middling. 4 19.321. moderate enorpt 0951 fair which feelice: 1-321 eulet. 500. un-Incel.

531 11-1 Peruvians. continued 200: 'air futures, demon! sellers Surata. There lar night's closing rates: latest July. August. 4 27-644: 4 21441.

BUTTER Firete 85e: thirte. 874: rum sine. 9ts: Bee. 859: cho'rest boser, chale. (LT Maines at Arm to prince, Present prime pice in not than 11 within 100 miles of Caine 1015 In 3 1016.

thickness of fat in any part of the hack. 21 Inches and under. 51: moder 10 sense 10 24 Inches. 34: 11 not errending 21 inches, 4t EEPTED CORN -Small attendance. and trade P.ng.

Ish shea foreign rather easier. Barter sod matte 31 cheaner Date rather Armer. and none gritet Engtleb chest S. 714: coperline flonr. to 220 10 EXETER CATTLE derate attendance.

best outalite no ragerly erught after at 17e 61 to 120 of st 10 100 64. prices. ready Sma'l rate farce surple improved wether. 741 to th: large ones. 74 to 54 14 501 Tamhe generally not of pond anal, iv.

5:1 being for prime quality animala. Several remained unrold. Caires scarce an-1 dept EXETER HIDE AND SHIN Prices laget thie week by the and Ereter Mutcher' in with the t.ondon Ratebera' Ride and 80 Co Limited. managing dresser An gd hides or men and carriage from 05-up. 5: 85 34.

95 4g 75 044 90. 85 02: 0:: 45.78 75 81. 56:54. 31. 56.74.

33: 45 on. baiter. 85.94. 48: 75:84. 42: 65.74.

48: 55-un. bolts. Deer Let, n. 34: 40: 2nd. 24: he heare.

65 cute un. weighte, light uh. 34: 21. 2nd. 22 6: 3-16.

no 9 16. 61: light. no rut. 61: cut. under 5th.

bi: 4: tip calf. 53 Horse 11a 34: Sod 98 91: Ba, Peite, 1. 84. 2 24. 51.

14 30 101 to 114 per 81 to dozen: to per comple: fowls. 5 to 61: 61 to 61 to 71 marl: beet, bid to mutton. 91 to 1M: to 9. 34 per 20 44: per grinding barter. 64: 61 1 7: maler.

51 four, 22 to 21. ditto per dozen: potstors, turnipe, 14 bancat ocions, 144 per 1b: 11 to 1:1 each: artichokes. 134: cucumbers. 31 to 1a 24 per 100 34 per quart: 104 PLYMOUTH WHOLESALE MEAT -Moderate copply Encilah eldes 520 54. per seconds.

484 to Phillel quarter. 5:4 to per 15: fore. Stel to 74 314 Mutton and fami. plentiful. tra-de quiet English wethers.

per 15: ewes. to 5jd: rama, 44 to 0 91: tamb. 74 to Til: to cheep, 291 ta 34: North Can. terhure lamb. pork 61: real.

61 to 74. 514 durse 54 ta couple: 14 chicken. for 3. 61 5a butter. 11d to is 21 per 4229.

15 Al per bag: barter. 91 10 maize. 11a 61 14 per sark: cate. 100 wont. 414 pre Ib: potatoes.

per rabbita. 00 each: beetrot. 2d: 240 quart: rhubarb. Id pe: bosch: stras berries. Aid to id per pettie: tomatora, Sd per 15: 19 per cation: 24 per Th GreeD FISH English salmon.

1a 71 to 1. 84: 1. 1. to 11: 1s 91: Irish. 1.

84 to 1s 94: trout. 91: 101 to stipe. 94 to 104: rel mullet. 1s 61: 21 pe: 15: turbot. 74 to da: britt.

74: halibut. 9a to 109: soles. be: English plaine. 70: Fatne. 61 per stone: Atenteen state.

plaire. 35e: whitine gurnant, be: hake. De: bream. 6s: lire nod. 199 to 18..

drat. per tris: cele. 164 to 204 per draft. Inbater. 200 to 408 per 234 per hamper PLYMOUTH FISH Very stark supply of trawl fish.

Twente saurk: landed from the brime groan ta catcher which made £7 Iron Their lots of moire. prime marte £1 to 24 10. Rage, its tota, 108 to 10 lemon 250: plaice. per trunk Few hake. 2 each Gurnard 18 2a 61 per maund.

of Few hook brats wh.ting. with 12 dozen of down. 1a 34 to 2.000 20 90 per marberet. 500 164 drift to mackerel. per 120.

to Lobsters, 7.000 down: book 101 to 114 MENACISSET per 15. At Macarrel. 7 500 wind north. Fishing Chine craft of sea. dean, light generally 126 13.

te. 51 13a per cot 120 Ope bout realsel per ting and cod. 1s 34 each Wind weather of the bate awl FISH fresh mackerel down. 13 54 per 120: IVES 902 mart per 120. POLPERRO FISH to 19.

per 9, to hint fab. bream, to per dozen AIL era FISH A serE 1 from IF trans 1. a from fast plaint Several. Loweser, arriend with tau catchme. 15- to 16- per 120 Fieet at Scully with about 400 per brat.

13. 61 per 1221 TE FISH -One bast with drift mackerel. 275 down. 134 120. IsLES OF STILLY FIST -Very light mackerel debing.

300 15- ter MINING SHARE LIST. FRIDAY. Messes. ABDOIT and WICKETT. Retruth, quota Basset fully paid Mines 6 3 Agar East Pool United South West Crotty Kitty 3 Cart isren de 1 W.

Grenville Tinct Levant. Wheal Kitty L.id. 2 N. Potured Natal, Dolcth 3. Condurrave plosives t.

p. pro. 15 pJ WESTCOUNTRY A Da, pret. f.p. 10 Folitho Bank 31 32 Cornish Bak.

40, Devon Cora. A wall Bank 96 97 Mesara, W. ROWE and CO. Camborne, quite: Casset Mines Dotcoach 16. 5.

Carn Brea Dolenata Month Crofty Tincraft, paid West 150 East Fool W. direnville pad. Wheal Kitty 1 1 Polbreen WEATCOUNTRY Colitho Bank 31 32 Cornish Bak. 404 414 Devon wall Bank: 95, 974 JUNE 15, 1901. NAVAL AND MILITARY.

The electrical futings of the cruiser Edgar were tested at Levonport yesterday. Maj. Talbot. G.A.. 18 garrison field officer today: rest.

Maj. Hewkins. R.G.A. The Forth, cruse: has been moved from off Saltash to 3 buoy off Dockyard. The Pembrokeebire Imperial Yeomaory wall orsemble for the annual training at Penally on Tuesday nest.

Col. G. W. Sawger, fodian Staff Corp, reaches the ego limit to-morrow, and wilt be retired on a penmon. W.

P. Dunn. 5th Middleses Regt. bas been selected Capt. for servico nub the West African Frontier Force.

The Imperial, to and wall he Warwickshirs Yeomanry completes fourteen days' training dismiserd. Collingwood. Devorport battleship, to-day. wait and 20 leave into for a Plymouth cruise Sound from to- morrow. Brigade-Surgeon J.

O'Reills. MB. retired list, late has been appointed for duty with the trope at The second distan of the crews of Changel squadships at Desoaport, went on days' leave yester. day, the fires s0a having returned. Admal Lord Charles Scott.

British will Female preside at the annual meeting of the Orphan Asvluc: at De capoet on Turstoy rest The post of dotewt engineer to the the Home District, London. wilt shortly become Waller, by R.F, espiration of his period el service of Col. S. For dsobedience of onders and striking a sioced etheer. Private Randall.

Sno) Glourestershire weeks has been senteoral by derriet court-martial to five Capt. J. A Haldane, Gordon Highlanders, who was imprisonmeot. severely wounded as Elandslaagte. has been selected for cmployment War as a in the Intelligence Branch at the C.M Admiral whose the last Hon.

Sir appomtment E. R. was as Naval ComFremantle, G.C.B, mander-in-Chief at Devonport, retires from the acure list to-lay under the age cegulation. services of Capt. Connolly R.M.L I.

hemuz Tho Lords a of the Admirably bave approved of the placed at tho disposal of the Egyptian Government for employment with the Sirdar of the Mayptian Army. The Simla, transport. 5 to arrive at Plemonti. 0-l the 30th st with mrahds from South Africa. About Sity who requre medical treatment will he dated at the Station Descaport, the remander will go to Netley and Southampton.

Lieut. -Col. A. H. Kenner.

R.E.. has been appointed president of a Boani of Officers ordered to assemble at Topsbam Barracks, Eseter. on Tunalay nest. for the purpose of reporting on the provision of accommodatiou for held batteries at that station. Mr.

W. T. Sanders, who lias for the past four years beld the post of sereetary to the retired Almoral-Superintendent at Devonport Dork gestenday under the age conditions, but will contenue his lutes a few weeks. peading the appomitment of a surressor. Col.

R. I. Carew. D.S.0.. R.A.M.C..

now serving principal medial offer at Rawul Prod, will shortly ceach the age limit of lus rack. and ho retired on pension. This scould gore promotion to Lieut. -Col. M.

D. O'Donnell. M.D. now cerving in the Punjab The Leroy, destroyer, which received injuries to her bows by collision at Devorpors a fortnight ago, and which delayed her being commissioned to relieve the Ferret as tender to the Cambridge, will be commissioned nest Friday. She will be undorked on Wednceday.

PORTSMOUTH. Friday. The Surly, destroyer, bad another preliminary oil fuel trial today, and on Monday she is to eater on a seres of trials, which will be attended by Admiralty officials, for a period of ten days. During the visit of the Lords of the Admiralty next week beir lordships will observe the working of the apparatus on the Sorly. Next Thorsday morning.

daring the inspection by the Lords of the Admiralty, there will be a combined parade of the R.SI.A. and R.M.L.I on Southsea Common. The Spanker, torpedo-gunboat. which has been tubed, hid a three hours satisfactory trial to-day The Formidable, battleshin, had her torpedo trials today. and in the afternoon went into barbour to bo brought forward for commies.on to reliere the Resolution in the Channel squadron.

At her eight hours' full-power ina! yesterdar the draught of water was 25tt. 4in. forward and 27h. 4in. aft, and she had 280lb.

of steam in ber boilers. The revolutions were 109.1 starboard and 109.6 port, and the collective horse power was 15.511. There was a mean air pressure of.18-Inch. The speed of the vessel was 18.13 knots--the mean rung over the mile--and the coal consumption was 1.81/b. per horse power per hour.

An amusing and interesting regatta by the boats of the destrover instructional dotilla was held in Stoke's Bay this afternoon. About 200 friends of the officers witnessed tho sports from the tug Magnet. NAVAL APPOINTMENTS. Commande W. R.

Hail to the Magnificent, July 5th. Lieuts. A. C. Scott to the Collingwood, undated: P.

J. Stopferd to the Pembroke, additional, for the Mal. lard. in command, June 7th. Sub- Lieut.

H. J. G. Good to the Pembroke, addi. tional.

for the Mallard, June it, and the Gleaner, June 21st. Fleet Engineer G. T. Stramons to the Pembroke, additional. the Cornwallis, June 12th.

Staff -Engineer E. Johnson to the Pembroke, additional, for the Cornwallis. June 12th. Chief Engineer W. If.

James to the Vivid, additional, for the Undaunted, June 15th. Staff-Surg. F. J. Burns, M.D., to the President, ad.

ditional, for temporary service at Deptford Yard, ondated. Surga. T. Maries- Thomas to the Mosquito: J. H.

Lightfoot to the Hearty, June 15b; C. S. Bencetts, B.A., M.B.. to the Lion, June 20th. Fleet- J.

Bramble to the Albion. June 25tk: W. C. A. J.

Robinson. to the Repulse. June 15tb. Paymaster C. E.

A. Woolley to the Sans Pareil, June 19th. Gunners F. T. Hills to the l'embroke, additional.

for the Mallard. June 7th: J. F. Chaloner to the Victory. sicitional, for the Vulture: B.

and W. S. Weeks to the Cambridge (staff): A. Selley to tbe Furous: Rail the Cambridge, temporary. all June 11th: Fox to the Pembroke, additional, for the Theus, June CES 0.

10951 RES. 204 A TH. ION, rom 16 rea. AGES one 4t Newel PLOT ORD. Cates.

and and AND STAB 1611 DING Latica -1561 UAY, Ten isitore. coot, 28114 DING 96031 oking gl thing. 18V TEL. OTEL Vlater DIES LSVE 9063 MILY three of tho aught. Good 1700m, 0054 TEL RGES 2943 0135.

ALL TO 98017 ALL and re ager, 0722 beauty. meets, sleu4 lectr More FOCUS rest. lotels. inuated lacasorietor. 12720 dy and Fire 1689 OPEN.

vugaly cubes Esca 75706 Most droos The 11611 TEL, nott. 00S. 800 MS. sager. TEL, Sonaltes Redeed stop.

Yesterday was the most important day of the Western Distriet Ride Meering at Tregantle, and the most success. tul :0 for, the weather and booting conditions being all that could be desired, except that there was some geumbling because Mark IV. ammunition had to be used. ties occasionally causing faulty markemanstup. Only two teams competed for the Revolver Challenge Cup.

the conditions for which are on all fours with the Bosley Whitebead competition, acd the Cambridge men were again successfol, the team making a very good score, while the marines were a rather poor second. A dispute arose over the winner of the chempionship through Bandmaster Hewett and Hallett tying, but the committen declared Me. Hewett to be tho sinner. Both these marketen have been high scorers throughout the meeting. Both the Fairfas Challenge Cup and the General's prize were secured by the Cambridge, though the scores were not spade known last night.

Tie shoot for the "Naval and Military Record Challenge Cup lasted until fate, and the result wall not be announced until today. The principal events of to-day's programine ate the Commissioned Officers Cup and the Maxuo gun ton, one of the covel features of the meeting. Today is The a committee day. and will be the lagies' match will be completed. At home" to their 10 the afternoon, and a band will be present.

The prizes will be distributed about fire o'clock by Lady Charica Scott. Yesterday'a results were as follows Hewett. Western District -1. Bandmaster Sth Prov. 125.

challenge cup and 20. jewel and £5: 2. P.O, Hallett, Cambridge, 125. elver medal and £3: 3, C.P.O. Cambridge.

125. bronzo inedal and £1: 4. P.O, Pickford. Cambrelge, 128. 29.

All Comers at 800 P.O. May. £1, Sergt. 27: P.O. Hailet.

Cambadge. 27. Sergi. Mantiman. 3rd Gloucester.

27: C.P.O. Glorne. Cambridge, 26: C.P.O Tucker, Cambridge, A.B. Turner. 26: 76.

64, each. Colour Sergi. James, 5th Pros, Batt. 29. C.P.O.

Lynch, Cambridge, atri Colour-Sergt. Mago, 5th Prov. 23: Capt. Pike. 51L Prov.

CoioorSorgt, Mellon. 3rd Gloucester and Private Hoder. Royal Fleet Reserve, 22 each. One score of 22 counted out. May.

Cambridge, who had the best aggregate -core in the series at 500. 600, and 800 rants. wop a pair of field glasev, presented by Mosers. Gregory. Revolver Challenge -Teams competing consisted of six of any rank from any ship or corps.

including yeomanry and volunteers. The cup was well let sear by the Cambridge, who Won it again this rear. The conditions were as for the Whitehead Cup at Biley. the competitors finng twelve shots at 20 yards and twelve at 50 yards, tRO nunutes being given for each series of sis Fired at stationary targets. --1.

Cambridge. 708 P.0. Hallett, 1 66 at 20 yards, 61 at 50 varda, total 127: P.0. P.O, Young. 64.

62-126: Lieut. Molteno, 54--125. Burch. 60. 55-118: Lieut.

Smith, 56. 54--110. P.O. Tucker. 48.

56-104: cup and £2 2. Rosal Mange Light Infantry, 519 Lieut. Lloyd. 60. 48-108.

Armourer-Sergi. Hermon. 56, French. 60-106: Jolles. 46.

47-93. Capt. 48. 29-77: Quartermaster-Sergt. Richants, 33, 57-70.

Sergt. Davies, 25. 40--65. officers' revolver mateb. -Six rounds at 20 and 50 yards, with righ: or left hand.

Scores -20 L.ent. Molteno. Cambridge, 58: 156.. Lieut. Smith.

Cambridge, 35: Dr Breton, Vend. 34. 50 entries. Revolver match for all ranks except commissioned officers. as in the previous match.

Scores 20 yards- P.O, Burch. Cambridge. 3 39: 15,. P.O, Jago, Cambridee. 35: R.M.L.L.

34: C.P.O. Tucker. Cambrulge. 33. 50 Buret, 28.

15s. C.P.O. Turker. 28: Te. 60., Quartermaster Rirharde, 27 Morris tube Stanghton.

R.M.L 27. £1 Ox. 60.. Sergt. Stepbens, I.E..

27. 14s. 61.: S.Ml. Sladden. 5th Prov.

27, 55. 104 Drummer Gordon. 3rd Glancester, 26. 2s. Private Oliver, R.M.L.L, 25.

2. 10d. Heweit. 5th Prov. 26, 7s.

Lance. Corporal Hall. R.M.L 26. 4e. S.M.

Siaddeo. 5th Prov. Batt. Drummer Gordon, 3rd Glourester, and Sergt. Hardimao, 3rd Gloucester, 25, 1e.


(From the Landen R. le Mi. Willouguby and Copt. E. Ditmaa to belong the regiment.

Reserve Regt of Riding Master and Hen Capt Kelly and Quartermaster and Hop. Lieut. Sidmouth ceast to belong to the regiment Imperial Yeomanry Battalion -Temporary 1.9007 Col Ton V. Duncomte, commandant 13th Battalion Il. W.

Ryan resigos, Coatrached -W. Laring. tate corporal Imperial Yeomanry. to be second lieutenant. with the rem porary rank of acroni Deutenans in the arms.

-Sec Lieuta R. J. Smut. ere Brett. resigned: lieutenants.

Christie- Miller. rice F. Fargohar. 16 Regimental Districts Col. C.

S. Gordon. commanding Sri ant 0313 Regimental Districts, retires on retires! pay Reval Scots (Lothian Reg: -See R. Bolo 024 H. C.

Bellingham to he Leutenante, ADMIRALTY. Commaader F. Oldham la piserd no the retired lat at hie own request, Lieut. with permission to assume the rank of captain Sub- Carment to be lieutenaot. Fleet.

Surgena F. D. Gimlette to be deputy general of and derta N.R -Sub- Lieut J. Reheets to be lieutenant WAR OFFICE. Stb Lancers -Sec Radelide.

vice 3 Fraser, promoted into the 2)at and A. Jehn stone. vice R. G. Hooper.

premoted into the ales Lancers. to be 14th Beware Lieut TE But Whiteou to be capt.in rice Brook tank See Lieut. G. R. Scott to be hie a tenant, Fire t.

promnted 19th -Capt. de Pledge be major. rice Marab, piaced en temporary pay on account health. Reserve Regt of Dragoon Guards -Maje, R. 1 Senti and Royo! West Surrey Begt and Brevet -Mal J.

King King. to he major. vice W. Tracy. Litut Bennett to be McNamara The Buds (Ent Kent) Rest Capt.

R. 8. Price resigns Superna. Copt. F.

to be captain, rice 0. de secondled. Royal Bert -See MarSenzie. 11 and C. Barnard to be ileutenante Fusiliers Lear It.

J. C. Rostro 10 be contain. rice I Leach. 11.

Devonshire Batese, Regr. promoted. -Cap: Sec. Lieut. Jacksoo A.

to Rose be 16 major. be lieu tine tenant. rice 7. Emerson. progoted L.

I W. Wimer to be Plentenant. vice A. P. Barry.

pomoted West Reg Lieute. S. Ward. r.ce (: -Bing. Hi vice Weed.

to be captaine, Lout Fisher. from 3rd Battalice, to be second- leutenant Bedtordebire -Sec L.irut. 8 Featherstophaugh to be lieutenant. Wetheredl, promoted Yorkshire -Lieuta. E.

H. Warmer, W. L. Alexander. and A.

Hosterd to be captaina Fastilen -1 rots. C. de 8 Waters. and 0, de Merchant, to be captains. see.

Lout A Mackenzie Deval Welsh Liest, tte C. R. Cree be adjutant. Capt. G.

Braithwatte, appointed to the stall. Scottieh Borderere -Capt A M- to he vice It. 8 Tayine. Lent. C.

E. W. Bland to be lies vice dE C.se. promoted Worcester Rez: -Copt. C.

B. Seton to captain the Royal Sors rank of Lieut. 6. Berton granted Infantry temporary dientenans whilst serving with Nouced WayS Reg Lieut. T.

to be capta 1.1 Cops 11. Buck Beene he captain. See Lieut. M. Brooke be beaten bi.

Chichester, Eves Reg. V. Winter to captain. Stifling. seeroded North Lancashire Regr Lieute Fitzpatrick.

R. and L. Helme to be Borsl Berkshire Bryt -Superne. Caps. 6.

Feerham to te capta o. forbobire r.re A Burgley Sir Fart. I. -Capt. A Hamites to br ma for.

-Liens protouted co half pat Shrep-bure Li Maraball to be captain. it to Lleot Col. and Bretet-Col. J. Speas.

A D.C.. to the cession Sing who bonds a staff appcio: meat. to be Regt Lieute, C. Doer and Rapay to captaine Capt Roe, from 3rd Wens York-bite be lieutenant. King's Lee Royal it the Core -Sec -Lieute.

F. V. Browa 1a br Sorta hestenant Kegt. -Sec. Lieut.

C. Lyca to be Durham Tarsher, L1 -Cop: A. Blake to be adjutant, tire Lent deceased Groton Best Highlanders --Copt J.R Oglity. from Reval Canadian of Intantey. to Le captain, placed on temporary on at it health vice Cameron High aniter: -Ser Duff 10 he tie the Mon merced Connaught Rangers 11.

D. Chamie: 10 be major. sine Maclean, derease! he Argyll and Sutherland Lieut. A. 1.

Clarke to adjutant. vice Capt Glaefurd. seconded toed Reet (Royal Canadians) Sec J. Rarne. is doulard the service by sentence of general enprt.

martia 1: yal Monster Worship to be vice seconded. captain. Reval Sruthern Reserve Beat -Copt. W. Clark belong to the regiment.

A MC Charcbill. retunt. 0 Coppell to be vice Stat -Brevet Col. J. 9.

Collina. from lieut colonel West Surrey Regt. to cremand a second class district Royal India. with the temporary rant brigadier -geperal on employed Capt. Cutie, RA.

10 be A C. to Geo Waite, Governor 004 Commander in Chief Gibraltar Temporary appointments are made as follow Col. the Earl Revoll to be an assistant adjutont-general, Swalne: Cant. J. P.

Shine to el comoaria. Fire afar Rajet. celited. Copt. Scott 19 be a vice Copt.

11. Walter: Capt. 6 Trotter Pools of gymaada, rice Capt. 11. Dering.

Guarde. Army Ordnance Dept -Moj. Waring. B.A.. from Ira person, to be en ordnance fourth clave Brevet D.

F. 1, Dawson. Military Artarhe. Maj. M.

G. Jaesco. Devonshire Regt. 1 de Pledge, 19th Hassare, to be lieutenant of their the in South Africa Memoranda Maj. 4u.

C. RE. retiree en bred 1. and Brevet-Cel Ward. halt par.

Cam, 2 and grated Breset-Leat the trap -Ox rarE rook arting coromandaat of the Wot African in Nothero Nigeria: Leat Col. Hanbury. Pall pay. to restored to the Private Secretary to the Secretary Maj Saugthe. rat Sc te tank of neut Sooth Africa Man, London: Capt.

E. Massey. 8 the et major whist empiegel with be miltta: major 6a and 1100 Capt. R. Simpson.

B.A.. the bop rank L. appelotmeat to Riding Establishment. BA 4th Royal Dublin the 1458 at in the army white Africa: apt Cap: 3 Wandle, 1st R. North sereng in to the temporary oath Mara The rank of captain in the army whist the tank of lieutenant are to the army W.

B. Bobinsen, Zuni R. louts Dicksco. 204 Cheshire Mazebester W. 14 Lieut.

11 Regr of G. W. I. the Tedor das embe, cat Nogal Saves be Lieu: 19 4. at of tu-bealth 3 Reg.


Brown Cod 0. and has use of De de Light Its great pleasure in 10 this country. superiority has every rate other excelience preparation of being to be well met borne with asimilated be conacha which reject the ordinary oils. and op Quarts, 94.. copsuled by all Imperial Carmaste 2a, 64: Piate.

4s. 91 la and Co. 210. Iligh Sole Coneignere, Aneer, Hartord. London 13125 Detas of dunce and drills for week ending June 2nd.

DEVOSPORT On duty. Cap: C. St. A. Hawkey.

Han. ham. Sergi. 1 Newcombe. Trumpeter Borre, Collom.

nest. Lieut. W. M. Opte, Surg-Lieut M.

Webber, M.D.. Serg. F. Miller, Trompeter R. Smith.

Gon deill. Blorkbouse. Monday. Thorsday, and Friday, at 7.30 p.m. Band and trumpet practica as usual.

PLYMOUTH AND On duty. Capt J. Willonghby. Sergt. Howard.

Trumpeter Marks: next, Lieut Norby. F. Trumpeter Stannion. Repository excrrises. Cod Battery.

Monday and Thareday. at 7.30 p.m. Squad dr.Il, brad-quarters. Friday. 7.30 pm.

GENERA. SONICE Signalling class Ambulance at B.orkhouse on Tuesday and Friday. at 7 30 tiL, class bead-quarters on day. 1st June, at 8 p.m.; non-commissioned officers ant gunners in possession of ambulance certificates shonld attrad. The first shoot for 1301 will take place at Ernese tie Range this day.

at 2 p.m. Postings- No 2625 Gurner Jarvis. 2625 Gunner J. Scott. 2627 Gun.

ner F. Ridge to 10 dated Jane 8th: 2628 Gunner Eastlake to 3 Co. dated June 11. Twelve- pounder gon dell (works of defence, at Western Kings Redoubt on Saturday. 22nd Inst falling and at 5 p.m.

uniform, undress. hands to attend, baste band at P'lymouth, Gon prac. tee will rate place at For as Bovisand on Saturday. 29th steamer and dress al! racks outst make A point of attending this practice as the inspecting oficer will be prescot 2ND (P.O.W.) V. THE VOLUNTEERS.

2ND DEVONSHIRE V.A. BATTALION ORDERS On Barlease, duty, and Lieu Bugler- Butteel. Serge, -Corporal Shorto, Lapre-Corporal Coordon: next for duty. Brown. Sergt.

V. Richards. Loom- Corporal Hick, and Bugler- Lance-Corporal Warren. The hoa will attend 11, service 31 Charles Choreh on Sunday. June 16th, bead quarter rompantes to fall an at 10 a m.

Desoapore detachinen: 31 9.45 a.m.. and mares to tho western ext of Millay Station by 10.25: church parade order. hand and buglers to attend. to wear spate. The battalion dis.uer 16 the sef.

Vice will place at the Corn Exchange on take Monday. 17th as 7 Rekets to bo obtained from colour-sergeante and errgeama cf walking.out order. The Maker Hali-Company will parade at 3 pm. proved to-day to (Saturday). at 1 be Armonry.

Mailbrook to Kingsaal: dress, drill order. Parade on Wednesday at 8p.m. Company at Mill. brook on Tuesdas and Thursday at 7.30 p.m. Parade for Co.

on Thuredas. 20th, 8 p.m.. for tone of rifle clips: pinin clothes. drill Tues. day.

Thurs lay. and Friday, at 8 p.m. Class firing tor all on Wolnesday. and for and Cos on Saturday. at 230 p.m waist belt and one poach to he taken.

rents en Welce dar. at 200 sards, of S. muetor King's squad. Meeting of not sioned elEcers of Co on Saturday. 15th at 8 for Aquadding perposes.

Tuesday. June 25th at 8 p.m meeting of Prize Shooting Committee. subject, rules, General meeting of sergeants A Malibay on Folav. at 8 p.to. Ambulance drill on Tuesday and Thursday.

at 8 p.Gl. DESOSPORT On dote. Capt Gard. Lance-Serge. S.ur ere Lance.

Corpi Knight, and Bugler Vergo. Come ne drill Grabe Barracks Thursday: fall in at -o artera at 7.30 p.m.: bugie band to attend. Recout. Monday at 8. Tuesday, and Class of instruction Wetnadas, at 8 p.m, coral bring al Erneseitle Saturdar.

22nd Lesl. quarters at 1,15 and proceed and train to SL Boleaur: band. bupiet. -n: to attend: dress. dell order, with two pourbes and DETACUNEST On detr.

Lieut. N. Spooner. Colour. Necel.

W. Menhincick. Mondas ard Thursday. reru: at 7 p.m Tuesday, CO. parade: fall in at 7 p.m.

in drill order: drill on Kelly College ground. Wednesday class bring at 2 pm. Saturday, detachment wall parade at bead -quarters in drill order at 2 p.m. and march 10 the range for musketry, 18 Co. (NEWTON ABBOT.

(BAYTOR) BATT D.R On derv. Sergt. Prouse, Corporal Beavis. Bugler Burnice. Monday, Battalion prize shooting at Totnes, at 9 a dress, undress uniform: slouch hats may be worn, waist belt and one pouch.

wath slings on nites: leave Newton Abbot by the 8.15 train. juigiog dotaore assembie practre for officers and stoned officers: on Knowles hill. on the between Main View and Elmburst. 1 p.m.: mer who are going to fire at Orchampion en Sauinlas 2th Jane on also attend. as prizes will he given at for judging datarce Thursdar, class firing for left half -recrust 500 and 620 vanis, 5.30 p.m.

Friday, company dell. fall in at the Arcioury 7.30 p.in drees. drill order Satorias, Co. wall occupy the range. I SALTASH) Co.

2so -Orders for the week coding Saturday. June 22d. 1901 -Noo-commissioned offScers for duty. Sergeant Johasion. Corporal Bugler Jobasion.

Tuesday and Friday. Band practice. Wednesday. Bugle practice The weekly company officers' parade will toke place on Thursday, at 8 p.m.. instead Monday.

A parade Saturday, 22ud. for manger the hour will be notified later. The inspection of the Co. by the canumanding officer (Colonel Childs) will take place on Mooday. June 24:6.


treasurer) presided at largely attended meeting of Deron and Exeter Horse Show Society Committee at Ester yesterday. -The prize schedule was approved. and the rules and regulations of the Society confirmed. -The Hunter Improvement Society has offered gold and silver medals for hunter brood mares and flies, and a silver medal has been offered by the Polo Pony Soctery. -It was decided that 5s.

sohserabers should be estatled to a ticket admitting on either dae to the show. to be given up at the gate. and that halt a subscribers abould be eligible to serve 0g the commuttec. Through the kindness of Col. Botel-t, an artiliery musical de.ve will take place on hoth days.

and as the two new adjutants to the North Deron Hussars and the South Deron Paterson and Capt Gur Lethbridge respectively--are on the committee. it is boped lemon and pecging corapetitions will be arranged. -The Hon. Secre. tanies said they would be glad if intending eubwribere will kindly send in their promises of subscriptions speedily as possible to Me.

Percy Whitton, 21, Gandy. strect, Eseter. A CATTEWATER CONTRACT. DAMAGES £20,000. Mr.

Justice Grantham and a special jury. in the King's Bench Division yesterday, had before them the case of the Tarnchapel Wharves and Warehouses Co. v. Pitts, Son. and King.

There is an issue of ultra vires on the pleadings. and the counsel had agreed that the question of damages should go to the jury. and the; legal points be afterwards argued before his lordship a jury. Mr. Luke, K.C..

01.1.. opening the ease, said the only question for the jury was the damages to which plaintiffs were entitled bi reason of defendants having refused to carry out a contract for the purchase of waterside property from of plaintiffs, at "Turnchapel. 00 the Cattewater. 000 the Arme of Plymouth Harbour. In 1897 the Corporation of Mymonth proposed to take powers for practicalir adding the C'attewater to the barbour accommoWhite of the town.

deepening it. and forming wharves, de. dation the project lasted it caused great commercial in the district, and people acquired sites, with the activity view to future business. There bad been old works at Admiralty, Turnchapel many 1525 sears 9:20. which belonged to the and in the plaintiff company was formed by Me.

Bulterl, of the Naval Bank, for buying tbia property, The sum of £25,000 in debentures and shares was rand for it. This WAS before the corporate -cheme Was proposed, and when in 1897 scheme was Boated, all the property in this the district was potentially more valuable. The defendant company, now in liquidation. was a very large and success. fut firm of grain merchants, having business places all over the stock West of England.

and Subsequently, they became a joint compans. came to grief. In 1897. defendants were looking out for a new place to form a large centre for their regand and communicated with plaintiffs with business, to the Turnchapel Wharves property. and in June, 1893, a bargain was completed between the forties for the the defendants acquisition of £45.000.

the entire property by for No doubt the scheme of the Corporation had in this fact, pince a little would have Liverpool become and a the great centre would of in businessgone through been cheap. Rut there was a price that in the case have Admiralty to decide all such questions paramount in relation power to the matter of national defence. and the Admiralty put its fout down, and the scheme was nut carried out. Eventually. after to the bargain P'arliament was completed, the plaintiffs went and Rot bill for certain powers which defendants wished to have, and incurred certain expenses, and in the course of 1839.

before the money due under the contract was the defendant company got into financial be their caling. in grain. their and in the spring of 1900 they refused to carry out contract. property was now worth about £25.000. so that the defendants liable to plaintitis for £45.000.

damages amounting to the difference between that and the purebase amount agreed in addition to the legal other upoa Mr. Parker, partner in the Naval Bank and chairman of espenses. the plaintiff company: Mr. Body. Mr.

Ellis. survegor. and others were esam.nod in support of plaintiffs case. His Lordship jocularly called counsel's attention to one of the experts the figures being five two's, £22.222. saying that it seetned as though the witness desired to he extremely esact.

Mr. Duke: That. my lond, is evidently "too, 100. (laughter. I Its Londship: Yes, and if an is added it would read too tree, Loud laughter.) Mr.

Athelstan called on behalf of the dants, said that if the Corporation Bill had cone through it would have ruined the property. Siber June, 1698, the property had increased in value. Hits Lord-tips in sumoning ep the evidence, shewed that the mean figure was something between £22.000 and After consulting for a few momenta the jury returned verdict for plaintitfs for £20.000. of it the was then shoubl arranged be be his that the legal argued this morning. points case CADBURY'S CUCUA catirea tree teem all foreigo subcaraco stance.

ouch cond pop. the Dot la albab used to wait, Cocoa 18 1D a perfect the co.out do deere eye) Andrew ebould of druze token whatever usele pore. CADBURY'S requiree GO and be by old and an voune. at all times end all reason: for Idea; tererage. 02 CADBURY'S.

as other Cocoas ate eaten the eke of extra prods Sold coly in Packets and Ta Greatest HAIR ROSEMARY GROWER knows. WOODS QUI. CANTHAR. and (with or without grease terred). at 0500 elope the hair from felling of.

and quire protoces fresh growth WOODS Solit in bottles. 91. 1a. 61. 3a.

61 post 31. estra. and SOS. Chemista, Plymoutb 6075 STOCK AND SHARE LIST. (BUSINESS DOSE.

FROM OFFICIAL LIST.I N.B-* denotes small bonds. exceptional amounta special prices, an call pending. Doas Today's Todays Today, 0 cluck After Flour Oticially RecordeL Omicial I'tice COTERSMEST AND FOREIGN SECURITIES. d. Account 5 la De till 1905 94.

14 Seep Las to jos Co Retrem Ca 57- per Centa red 190) Not War Account Loan ad do Arcouos Escher pols. do, 1405 Local Stuck of Kaziand of Ireland sta India d. 1.43. pe a 14 103 Te Rape I't p054-5 Canada 4 pa Ud tlope po red 5 Wales 10-1904 New Zealand, 1914 do Fd Prut of 1904 Canada, Victors, c. 1309 1904 8 Aus4 pc 60, 109 Vic 4 De it L.

la do Las of 22.54 las 106 do Argentine, Cot 1146-15 pg 1:0 100 de 5 Treas Coor do Sterling 127 do 6 pe Pundiaz. 1094 Bu Agreet souls I da da 1824 Chibas Spe do pe Egyptian United DDs, 165 du mi luv a 1004 do bale 10: Jairo Greek, 1801 a po do JEL4 6 du do Mocupoly 4 4 pe Bondursa L. Gold pe Isood pc 109) Paraguay, Peru, do Corporatiourd do Detai Portuguese 3 pesti Nic sail 674 do Beedish, 100 1 do U. Bonds do Senci do do Uruguay po Argentine St Cedis 8 A ust do Gold Renter 100 Feroch Reates pe 100 102 Co ea 25 fro 101 504 L'oited 0112 1 112 115 vagin* De 45 35 CORPORATION AND COUNTY STOCES. Free at Stamp Duty Metropl Con 3 24'103 108 110 do do London 03 do 0 po LOa ids Co a pre du pe Bels 100 co De Meta Bath Con 3 Bristol 3 SE DO do 3 34 Desoo 3 p0 54 De ronpurt Spe lied Dorset county Do Ulucenter 8 Nesport Alut Co 5 pa Peazance Corp Fo ran 14 DO 1:4 bowenet County 50 Corp Taunton Cor Jour.

1 a NOME RAILWAYS. Caledonian Ordinary 127 125 do Let Cone Ord 42 Ci; 4 5. East London Codsold Conald Ur 34 Glad, Deferred curate do Great Ccuural, do Great Great Soft 194 do da Great Western Con Ur ust, Liar sal Loo, Brigniva, 1:5 da Loa, Dover Loo add Westero 140 Leo sad 5 Vetera 101 du Put Loge spe $17 do Deferral 63 Loodoa, Cua 142 205 Ag atone ya Uni Metropolitan wisd Duffs as saints do 80 uni UD Deterred da antisa 4 o. do Cornwall 4 0 North London Urnald JU 1C1 104 101 do Deterred lad FOREION AND COLONIAL RAILWAYS. Benga Nag 4 pc 305 109 Eat Indian, Anouily 25 25 AD.

1 AL.gua 131 Eastern A 24 Canadian Grand runs, Canada do Guaranteed 4 po do lat do tal do do and da Spc Coo Lat 100 110 100 34 0.1 210 Alatoms d. A. do Ale sOnS Balt. Vuo Cuds, 04. 11S and al Chicago, Mussel Denver Uranda do pa I'ret 54 do D.

C. 4p do 2ad I'rf. C. Louisville Nash rile RaLs Tezas N. Yoralent depila 100 do Dotaria, 54.

Norfolk West. 4 pa Not Pacideltas Pennagiva ReadingCo. a Phil. bbero. Co Southern Ray.

Con. do ty Nop-Cum. 118 do do tpe. Baits Outo3 Central N. Jersey 4 150 M' sican, Natia, 81 105 162 123 W.

A 3 Pea Lt. do. 4pe CeDL. Lad do Led do Ape do Do Lies Mexican Rail. Ond.

do la: kod t'ret. Nitrate L. UNL do Pret. Cra. do Vet.

N.W. Uruguay lat Prat do 6pe Dels San Paulo 155 60. 151 Ay AL DA 101 105 Sautb TELEGRAPHS. Ann do 6 do Direct United Hates Castero, Limited 140 do 9) do Wat a l'anaais Western, MISCELLANEOUS S. Soas Ord A Co GO Distillers, Limited 880: do pa Cum Fret Plymouto Beau 1:0 Aerated Bread, Bodega, Bruuner, Limited Mond 20 1 pc Cus Bryant and May, 14 Clay.

Henry Last man 'e Harrisuo, Barbers Co. Ord 0po Milner Safe, Lad Ban Jorge Pablo Waite, A J. timori do 6 pe Cum Pet of Auca 0 Ups 139 4 puuedia PC DOO 120 125 Greminisar La 4po Lib 1.9 Torunto City 4 paste la 10: Wellingtumo pew 119 port Hudauo lsay Queens cur laur Trustes Cp Mercanido in ret do Submarine Catio 123 Bombay Gas, Limited do Sew Met Supy La 0 do De De 1st Mort Debi Debi Mort. 110 157 157 Lo Heferred Kimberley Watereks do 6 pc beta 102. 107 107 Tarapaca Watererka BUSINESS DONE IN NOT MENTIONED IN THE FOREGOING LIST.

The creing (3 o'clock) p-08 one gisra is parepthores. IRITISH FUNDS, India Stock Red. for Account (107; 108; ad) 100; Red. for Account 101 sd) 1005 India Stuck Red. 1926 (Ca) aby sd) 86; 8 CORPORATION AND STOCKS -UNITED of Stamp Duty Brighton Corp.

3j (107 103) 1003 Leicester Corp. Si 005 100) 106; Nuttingham Corp. (99 103) 100) Ham Corp. 3 pc (9156) 948 (Subject to Stamp Dats.) Bristol Corporation Deb (311 115) Bristol Corporation 24 Deb 87) AND PROVISCIAL GOVERNMEST SECURITIES New South Water. 1903-10 (101 106) 106) 108g Queensland.

1913-15 INSCRIBED STOLES 106, 4 REGISTERSD AND 4 (105 109 cd) 105 Canada c. (99 101 sd) 991 of Gond Hope Loan of 1333 (109 111) 109, Good Hope 4 pe Cons Ins. (102 (106 103) 103 1001 Cape of Good Hope 103) Cape of Hope Sp (95 95) 99) Natal 19 De (101 103) 102 Natal 3 Cans (91 83) 923 Si (103 105) 4 South Wales De 1918 (102 104) 102) New South ales pe (53 100) 99, New Zealand4 pe (112 114) 113; 13 8 4 Zealand 34 Spe (37 (107 109) 98 108 8 4 New Zealand 93) 78 Queensland Ins (103 102) 1078 (100 102) 102 0 8 South Australian (32 99 1d) 03A Vietoria Loan of 110: (107 1C9) 103: Victoria 3 cLone (01 95) 942 1920 35 1100 102) 1014 2 Western Australia 3 pc Ins. 1915-35 (91 95) 50. Bonds, Paid CORPORATION STOCKS -COL.

AND FOREIGN. 100 An-kland 6 pe 005 103) 100 140 100 Auckland Harvar (111 112) 112: 100 100 1wanedin 5 (.05 107) 105, 100 Meatco 5 100) 994 Montevideo Red. 6 pc (70 72) 714 100 mazo Barbour 6 (103 165) 105 100 100 St. Louis (303 103) 1002 STOCKS, BONDS. (Coupons Payable la By She 183: (36, 674) 85; Argentine 1:19.

183 3, (00 61) 50) Argentine Bi. Apres Water (914 923) 91, 24 15 2, 8 Arventine 4 pc Guar Revision (72 75) 724 Arzentine 4 Butada 18.0 (00 71) 204 a Argentine 4 pc lusts (70 71) 70) 4 Argentine 4 pe lands 1200 (20 71) 70) Argentine 4 told Bonds of 1930 (70 71) 701 818 4 8 1850 (72 73) Brazilian 4. pre 1898 (72 19) 73, Brazilian 4 pc 1420 (69 10) 691 4 Brazilian 5 jr West of 31 161 821 314 Bolzarian 84) 33, Chilian (35 87; 05 Chilian 1206 5 pc (90 92: 911 De toll (105 106) 1059 5 pc Loan (35 95) 96) be (21 25184, (24; 25. 251 Fay plian ins 1800 50 100) 95; 4 73) 77, 8 San (34 90) 50, 5 1680 (38 93) 9 Transvaal 5 pre Loan (102 105) 102, ruguay 5 pc (92; 634) 631 ps Payable Abroad) German Imperial (87 83) 672 German Imperial 3 pc 89) 83, Prussian Console 3 pc Ate (85 83) 87 Share, Paid. RAILWAYS ORDINARY SHARES AND STOCKS.

Hock 100 Caledonian Prefd Ond (31, 851) 85 5to. 100 Great Northern Cons. (37 39) 38 Stock 100 South- Eastero Pref. Ord 145) 3 BAILWAYS-DEDESTURE STOCKS. Stock 100 Caledonian 4 pre (132 135) 1331 stock Great Central 5 (145 150) 146 100 Great Central (134 137) 156 5 2 Stork: 100 Great Western 4 Deb 135) 1344 Stuck 100 Great Western 145) 110 Stock 100 Western (1:9 152) Stock Great 5 (165 163) 100 Great Western 23 pc 87) Muck 100 Lane.

and Yorkshire 5 pc 08 101 ad) 100 Stock 100 Brighton, 45 pc (147 150) 1484 Stork: 100 Landon. Cadtham, Arbitn. (135 140: 1374 stock London and N. (102 1C5) 103, Stork 100 London and 3pe (101 104) Stack 100 Landon and W. Spe (101 104) Stuck 100 Metropolitan 3 (1.5 110) 1093 stock 100 Milland 24 (23 85) 85, 42 1 4 SUNk 101 N.

Isritiala 3 (9) 101) 991 Stock 10) N. Eastern 3p (99 102 a4) 1011 RAILWAYS-OCARANTSED SHARES AND STOCKS. Stork 100 direst Northern 4 pa (120 132) 151 Stock 110 4 rat Western 5 Coar (161 154) 165; 24 4 18 Stock 100 Miklland Coos, pe (80 83) 80, 1, a Stock North Lied (7 100, tel 100 North- 4 pe Deb (129 132) 3.31 RAN. SHARES AND STOCKS, With dividends contingent on the pruit of each separate year. 100 Caledonian 4 Pref.

No. 2.... (126 123) 1274. 10) Munoss 4 pe Pref. (11: 016 1d) 112 100 Great Crutral 4 Pref (97 10) 984 100 Great Centra: 5 1172...

(13 103 100 Great Central 5 1871 (25 10) 100 Great Central 5 1875 (75 78 stock 10) Great Central 1879 (63 70) 67 Stock 100 Great Central 4 1359.. (13 43) 48 Stock 100 Great Eastern d. E. Pref. (123 126) 129) Stark 100 treat Eastern R.

4 (122 175) 122 treat 3, De (167 110) 107 100 Great Western 5 (160 163) 1002 1j 100 Lancashice and 3 (30 99) 97, stork 100 London. Brighton. Con Pt. (157 160) 1584 Stock 100 London, Chattam, Dover Arb (102 105) 104 1.0 London, 4 hat band Dover Prf. (20 79) 71, 3 Stock 100 London and (130 1314 Starts 100 London and W.

Rail. 4 (12 132) 130) Fock 100 London and A Perp. 4 130) Stock 100 a W. 8: Pref. (110 113) 100 4 pe Fern (114 115) 100 Metropolitan Distilet 5 pc (65 75) 20 Stock 100 Milland Con.

24 Perjo, Pref. (79 82) 704 Stors 100 Softh British Pret. 1875 (133 138) 135 Stock 100 North- Eastern 4 (128 151) 130 Stock 100 South Eastern 3 pre (20 95) 92 Stock 100 Suuth Lastern Cons. 4 (80 85) 82, 13 INDIAN BAILWAYS. Stock 100 Bengal and North Western Rl.

(123 123 sd) 125, stock 1:0 Rewcal and N. W. 33 Cent. pc. 19199 cd) 97 65 Stock 170 India (19) 195) 192 Stack 100 East Indian 5 :61 Ann.

Faster Inlian Bengal Rly. (27 2 20) Aon. Great Peatnsala A (21 21, 22) ArR Great Indian Peninsula (21 25) 22j 5-16 4 SUkk 100 Indian Peninsula Sp 00) 97; Stuck 100 Madras Hall. 5 pc Cap (152 15764) 135, 5 5 Aun Punjaab, and Delhi (22 21) 23 100 southern Illy 4 (102 107 s5) 4, Stock 100 Nizam' Gun. State (123 128) 125 RAILWAYS -BRITISH! POSSESSIONS Stock 100 Canadian Pacific 4 pe Non-Cm (103 106) 101 Stock 100 C'anadian Pacille 4 Perje (1.6 11030) 1084 4 1 9 Stock 100 Grand Trunk By.

(11) 115) 11 13-16 1 13-16 stock 100 Grand Trank 4 (3: 95) 94: 4 4 stock Grand Trunk 5 1st Pref (25; 90 1 Stock 100 Grand Trunk 5 82 82 Stock 100 Grand Trunk 4 3rd (Sol 374) 374 Stock: 100 Grand Trunk 4 Perp Cons (105 105; Stock 100 Ontario and Quebec 5 (130 135) 1.364 AMERICAS RAILROAD STOCKS AND SHARES. 8100 Atehison, Topka, and 4 Santa Fo 5 (105 107) 105 Baltimure W. and Ohio DC (37 99) 98 7: $100 4. Common (23, 219) 9100 Chicago 4 pc D. (48 52) 52 $100 Norfolks and Western Common (55; 5550 554 E64 8 58 810) Northern Pacite Com.

(120 160) 850 Reading Co. 2nd Pref (27, 23 4) 23 8100 Inion Pacino 4 (35 50) 94, 2 CURRENCY BONUS, Mestean Central 2nd (20 26) 25 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 GoLD BoNus Atehison, Topeka, and R. Me Gold Rde 1905 (99 101) 100 Denver and itto Grande 1st Cons. 4 pc (102 104 34) 102; Erte Rid. Gen.

Lien 4 (89 9) ad) 90 Central 4 Gold Bonds (206 103) Mesican Central 4 (87 90) 57, Mexican Central 3 ((34 36) 354 2 STERLISO Bosos. Mexican National (72 74) 74 33 2 Stare Paid. FOREIGS BAILWAYS. Stock 100 Antofa*gasta Cap. (312114) 124 Stock Antofa*gasta 4 Perp.

Deb. 09 101) Stock 100 Argentine G. W. Ord (39 101) 101 Stock 100 K. Ayres Pac.

5 Cm. Pref. (100 102) 100; Stock 100 B. As rea and Rosario Ord (66 69) 67. 7 10 10 B.

Agres Hutchales 04 142) 148 Stock 100 B. Agres 4 Dele (101 103 ed) 102, 2 10 10 R. W. It. Ord (10 10;) 10 3-16 A 10 R.

Ayres W. Del (9; 109) 10. Stock 100 F. Agres R. 4 (105 105) 1054 Stock Central Bahai 6 190 92) 90; 50 100 Cordoba Central Rig 5 1st (.9 91) 90' Stock 100 Cordota Central Income Deb (01 43) 424 100 Costa Rica 6 1st 1103110) 100) Steck 100 Great W.

of Brazil Esto. 6 (21 93) 91 Stock 100 Lempoldina Rig. 4 pc Deb (38 87) 864 100 Manila Rly Spe ist (101 103 1023 Stock 100 Midland Uruguay RI. Deb 4 pe (50 52) 20 20 Minas Nitrate and Ilya Rio 5 lat 61.5, 14, 158 103 100 pc (5 98) Stock 100 Recite and Sa0 Francisco Ry. (20 82) 81; 4 BANKS.

15 5 Bank Anglo- of Eayntian Africa Rank (8 014 8,) 119) 11 11-16 GO of Australasia (74, 80) 78 20 Bank of N. H. Wales. (42, 434) 43 1tank of Taranaca 51) 30 Capital and Counties (52) :9,) 50 8 Lairds (32 35) 523 20 London and Counts Ranking Co (106; 1054) 1051 61 10 5 Loud an and Provinctal Francisco (21 22) 21, 10 London and San x4) 91-16 20 London and Wetminster Midland Bank 67) 663 85 4 8 11 8 12; London City and (39, 501) 3 2y National lank of New Zealand (3, SP) 75 10; National Prov, Bk, of England (55 54) 53 14 Satiatial Pros, 8k. of England (615 024) 014 20 20 North- Eastern Banking (165 173) 17 1-15 17 100 25 standard Rank of Africa (74 75) 6 18 Stock 100 nion Bank of Australia (100 102) 1014 100 154 Caion Bank of Lonion (38, 394) 39; BREWERIES AND DISTILLERIES.

100 Alisopp and Sons Def. Ord (22 25) 21 Stock Allsopp and Sons 94 pe (108 111) 110 6 6 Beckert's Brew. pre (33 4) 3 13-15 10 10 Ind, Coope. Ca 44 pc Pref (7, 8) 7) 10 10 Manchester Brew. (9 10) 9) Stock 100 Ohion's Cape Brew.

(107 109) 109 10 10 Parker's Burlem Brew. 9 pc. (11; 12;) 12) 1-16 1 1 South African Brew, Ord (24 5) 24 15-16 10 10 United States Brew. Ord (35 10)4 CANALS AND DOCKS Stock 100 London and India Pref. Ord.

(76 73) Stock 100 London and India Def. Ord (21, Stock 100 London and India A Pref. (101 103 Stock 100 London and India (95 97) Stock 100 London and Tedia A Deb 95) Stock 100 India 5 (35 80) Stock 100 London and India 3 pe 07 73) 1.5001.500 Sucz Canal Original Shares (147 151) COMMERCIAL. INDUSTRIAL. Ze.

Stock 100 Artirane', Gen. Dwell. (119 123) 123 1 2 Stock 10) Bovrt! 44 (102 101) 102, 3 5 Rocknali and Sons (54 6) 5, 15-16 1 1 1 1 1 Calico Association. 69 Stock 110 Ital 2ety and Co. 4 (104 105) 106 100 100 European Petroleuna 6 (93 93) 10 10 Gordon Ord (17 18) 178 5 Hope Bros.

De (5, 59) 51 Home Colmial Stores 6 161 7 1 1-16 lilinole Cat Equip, 4 G. 15. (93 43) 43 International Tea 6 (6 61) 6 5-16 5 Jay Spe 6 11.16 1 Kodak 6 Cam. Pref. (1 1-16 1 3-16 ad) 14 5 Lagunas Nitrate (2, 21) 24 Lazenas Fyndieate (3, 4,) 5 Lautaro Nitrate Co (5, 50) 5 916 1 Leyland Birmingham Itubber (1 1) 15-16 5 Webige Estrart of Meat pe.

(6 61) Linotype Co. Pret. Ord (41 5j ad) 1-16 5 Linotype Co. Def. Ord.

50) 5, 44 5 Lipton (1, 18) 1 9-16 Lovell and Christmas Or. (9 91) 9A 7-16 1 Lrons and Co (5; 62 6 11-15 1 Machinery Trust. Shares 2, sd) 2 1-16 Maple to. ord. (cA 21) 20.

Stock 100 Marshall and Spell rove (109 111) 109: 10; 5 Mason and Mason Ca. Ond (1 (4 1) 7-16 2 7.16 Maza wattee 7.3 Ord 1 9-16) 1 9-16 10 10 Notel Dynamite 1973 (15 16 ad) 15 11-16 100 100 Rio de Janeiro City Impet. (25 93) 97; Stock 100 Salmon A Mucksteln pC. (105 108) 107 5 5 Santa Rita Nitrate (4; 5 ad) 42 1 sh*t Petroleum Ord. 1 5 15 1 Awcetmeat Automatic Delivery (5; 39) 5-16 Stock 100 Weisbach lorandescent Ord (16 20, 18 19 165 1 1 Welstach Incandescent (1-16 315) Stock: 100 Welshach locandescent 5 (12 37) 35 8 24 5 5 Wieks Rotary -Casting Share Paid MISCELLANEOUS.

stock 100 Australian 4 00: 105, Stock 100 Debenture Curporation 4 (101 106) 106 100 100 Exyptian Govt. Irrigation (103; 105;) 105; Stock 100 House Property. ord (78 84) 81 77; 8 25 National Discount Co. 9,) 38 3-15 Stock 100 Peruvian Corp. 4 pe (132 191) 10; 8 1 United states Del Corp On Stock 10) States lich Invest Corp 45 Def don 111) 107 Stock 100 Foreign Colon.

(106 100) 107 10 10 Globe Telegraph and Trust (99 10 Stock 100 Industrial and Gen. Trust 35 pc (32 95) 99; 21 Stock 100 Central 4 4 4 4 De A (31 96) 94 Stock 100 Mexican Central 4 De 16) 4 100 100 Mexican Centrat4 pc Deb (75 Stock 100 and Acerican invat. Def (25 30) 26 10 10 city of (2; 99) 10 10 London Flee, 6 pc 02: 13 3 Stack 100 City of London 5 po (122 126) stork 100 City of London Elec. Elec. Lt.

(101 103) 10 10 County of Landon Co. (3; 95) 9 1-16 Stock 110 Edmundson's Elec. CorD. 4, 1071 1064 Stock 10) Gas Light and co*ke Ont (35 95) 90 51 1 4 61 stuck 100 Imp. Continental tias (203 21) 2032 10 10 10 2 Rav.

London Plate Gas Guarantee Ord. Accident 01 (102 115)10 111 15-16 Co 12) 6g North British and (35 57) 36. Phonis Assurance Co (36 37) 3 I'nion Rhymney Marine Iron Co Insurance Co (9, (13 10 81) 16 88 100 100 Russian Collieries 6 pc (200 103) 108 8100 Minited States Steel Corp. Com. (51 52) 518 a 8100 Cnited States Steel Corp.

7 (4, (101 43) 102) 1014 12 1 Vickers. Sons Maxim Ord 42 100 Itio Tinto 4 (100 102) 1002 10 10 General -team Navigat on pe (89)8 19 100 10 40 Loyal General Mall steam Steam Navizatico 1677 84 Stock 100 4 pc (1.3 105) 103; Stoa 100 Natioual Tele 3: pe. (88 91) 89 Stork Taw 4 (93 100 3d) 100 40 40 Entel Courabia Elec. By 4, pc (100 102 pc) 101 stock 100 British Elee. Traction Spe (120 123) 1212 5.

3 tat) of Agres Trams. oxi (6) 7) 6 9-16 11-16 Stock 100 Lootin Gea. Ca. (150 160) 155j 6 6 land a Bad Car Company. (0, 72) 74.

10 10 Provinctal Tramways 6 (9) 104) 10, THE AMERICAN MARKETS. A REACTION ON HEAVY REALISING. TELEGRAM NEW YORK. Friday Evening. Stocks opened strong.

The buoyancy in Chicago. Milwaukee. and Union P'acifie on cutouts of closer relations between them, pulled up prices, but heavy realising later, condurted under cover, relapaed Union Pacific, and caused a sharp reaction all round. The announcement that 500.000 dollars 16. gold have been engaged for to-morrow and firmer mones.

induced eelhng. and the market closed heavy. ment Bonds ware easier, and Ratroad Bonds irregular. Atchieon Preferred and ilhnos Central dranced Atchison Adjustment, Kansas Seconds, and New York Central 1: North- Western Ordinary. 23 Preferred 14.

Milwaukee Common 44. Milwaukee Preferred 1. and Read ng First Preferred Baltimore Shares declined Dearer Preferred and Missonn and Norfolk Preferred. Penneyiran: Sharee, Southern Shares, Union Money Pacife firmer. Common, Sterling and Exchange Baltimore firm.

Preferred Silver liars unchanged. Cotton declined on realising. and closed easy: dull and unchanged. Cotton oil Arm: crude 30. Fellow Petroleum, refined, a dull market.

Lard, enab, easy and demand unchanged. and Wheat declined on a deappoint: ing export closed weak: spot easy. closed dull. Corn firm and advancing to covering of focal chorta: epot firm. Sugar steady at former values.

Coffee declined under wenker foreign news, and closed barete steady: spot quiet and unaltered. Tie weak, but quotably unchanged. Iron easy. Copper quiet. Juno 12 Jane 15 Jans 14 Four pe.

Ponded Tosa Hee. Ba Western Unino Telegraph Topeka, Santa Fe Shra Do. Nee 4 pr. Gen. Mort.

Bis Do Fret. Do. 4 pe. Adjust Baltimore and Do. Pret 95 Canadian Central of New Jersey 15) 160 Chicago Nor b- Western Ordinary 195 Da 2:9 Chicago, Milwaukee St.

Da Pref. 163 Dearer Rio Crand Pret. Erie Hailroad Shares Da. let Da General Lea Boo Illinois Central Louis ille aed Nash Michigan Central Missouri, Sansas, and Teras Do. Mort 4 Gid is Mimonri Pacito New York Cent, and Hudson 1:65 New York, Ontario, and Western.

bother Pacite Counson Da Pref. Norfolk and Western Common Da Pret. Patradetphis Pennsyirania and Shares. Reading De lat Da. 4 po Mortgage Bonds Soutbera Mai way Do.

Prate Southern Pacito Union Pacino Do. Wabash, Louts, sad Com. Da Giver Commercial Bars Cotton, Day' a iteccious Attao ports 2,000 Da. Do. do Greas Cult 1.00) Exporta to Britain 2,000 Dit Do.

do. Continent 2.00) Matures, (Jaly dell 8.25 Do do. (sept debt Uplaada N. V. La do, at New Unteaas Petroleum Redoed, in cases 7.90 Do.

Stan. Waite as N. 69) 6.90 Do da Do. Credit 1.95 Torpentint, Spirits of Land, Western sites 8.25 Tallos, Prime Cis Sugar, Pine Do. Centrifugal Corn, New Western Da Jals July Do.

da No Sept Sept Wheat, spring Do Red Winter, Esp. Da Da July July Jaly Sept Coffee, Rio, No. 1. Do So 1 Low $.10 5.05 Da. do (54 pt 6,23 Flour, Sprine, Wheat Clears 2.65 2.83 Iron No.

2. Northern, Foundry Tin Straits Copper apos Freel Rails Freight tr Grain Steamer to Da to Leaden per batshel Do. for Cotton to Literpool Chicago Do. Wheat July July Corn July Jals Be rannab Tarpantino. EXCHANGE Call Money, on London days Cable Transfers Exchango ca Paris, do days 5.17% Va Bertas 95 RATES OF The following are tho latest the principal foreigu centres Parts, short.

Do. cheques Brussels, chef 25.254 Berlin, eight days Do eight Hamburg, three months Frankfort, short Be. P'etersbra, Vicons, sight Amsterdam, Rome, Madrid, 45.09 listen, sight Antwerp. abort EXCHANGE. rates of exchange quoted at on Geno1, 3 Constantinople, 110.07% Barcelona, sight 34,95 Rio Jamena .0 Valparaisa, 90 day Buenas Aster pp 20.551 60 dago New York, Calcutta transfers Bombay 2452 Hongkons, four Shan cast transtera 245.


MARTIS, EXETER. Last die. Last die. Shares Paid NAME pc. Preseas snout Inca 49 Bristol Brewery, Company, Georges an 1 14 Lad.

Do, Untieary Capital Commercial and Vein Coolies Ca, Deteature. 101 (Cornish Bank, Limited Cornish Ilotei Co. Limited Deven and Coro wall tai Devon Esstar, Ilotel Lad Fret. 1 10 da Gas Cr Ortipare Guarao: da Unbaary 10 Exeter Arcade Company Stock Exeter Corporatino, 19 Later Gas Co. Fret.

do. si 10 da Block Exeter Market. Bonds block Great Western and Co. Lid, De stock Kennaway 10 do do Lloyd fiords and Bank, Yorala, Lad, Limited Preta. do.

OnL Stock London and W. Btock Pref. Cone, Ont. block do Def. da.

MiDbay Soap Company, Nauonal I'rovincial Bask, do. 100 Fismouth Breweries 10 da do Ordinary Bwck 10 Pyoth, Pomouta Corporation d. W. Jas. OF.

100 Glock Plymouth Gas do Ad 10 da New Shares Act, Plymouth Cemetery Company Stock Redruth Brewery Detenture do. Onlisary 10 da 10 Rylanda, Sons, do. Spiller Bakers 1 de Ont. St. Well Brew.

106 do. Pref. da Ord. Stock Starkey, da Knight, and Ford Debe Stock Debs do. Pref.

10 do. Ord. 10 Torquay Hotel Fret. On Stock Dad. de.

Pret. 10 end Dorset Baat Lad DUMAS MILK VERSUS MILK. -The heat food for children is. of course, that provided by Nature, but it pot atwage obtainable. in the of the mother.

miL seems another provision nude almost with a SIPE to the chi14 well as te the call Tuberculosis, 00d chemical adulteration, bowerer. do much to unfit for mother sbout4 never expose her to en combine! sumption. and it is 100 strong to say that the ODE dangers. HORICE'S MALTED MILK and its cow's fresh milk. absolutetr pros dosed under supervision.

purity guaranteed. It is concerted with abeat and barley. the stares In which te all prefigested requires Do cooking and 09 ad let milk 2a 64. 11s tree sample ant Hortira our new metical will be on be and Co. 34.

Farringdonroad. Londea. E.C 12472 TRY THE DEVOSSHIRE JELLIES. PRESERVING FRUIT FLAVOURED TABLE Madame -(Ade.) 55048 IMPORTANT COSSETS TO (Bart. LADIES 250 Mar be WORTH'S obtained Celebrate! GUISEA RADFORD, from ber Agette, Senses 1 and Corsetierre, Plymouth 13det S303 CLARKE'S WORLD- FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE the moss evereb-ng blood cleaneer ever ducovered, cause sod it wilt tree the sTatem from ell Eczema.

imputi: Bad troma Skin hetever arising, For Scrotala. Sores of all Lego, its and Blood Soid ore tearvellous Thousande el Beware of Testimonials sortbiesa imitations every wbere and of 24. 91. per bottle. 30750 The Board of Trade elite! be the Comatettial Department of the Board of Trade -Chief contente tor the week are Openings for British Trade The State Foreign Trate Mar.

1901 Patent The Laws Trate of Northern Central Mureces 10 ado in Spain Fort at to Rosario Merchants, Tarid Changes and Trade de Importance Erre and Sappers. l'eb wrekle. price and 14.. may by and Spottie fart eeller, Harding street, be obtained through any 12908 THE BEST SUMMER DRINE, HORNIMAN'S PURE TEA BURNIMAN'S TEA, seined from the Spring Growths OD F. Sold by Stephens, street: Wholesale Agents, Palace.

street Daniel Sloggett, and Co. Drake- 5, King etreet Tout East: and Cole, 101. street: Didham, 10. Notre strert ten and -street: Totbill-place; Hoper, Nott. King-street: 36, King Dyer.

53. Ebring: -Morrish. State Grocery Stores, street. port Kiligrew-road: Hoskins, Grocer. Cooperative Grocer Society.

port- Mushing- Stake's Crocker. Drug Stores. Torrington Deron: Bookseller. Chemist. Grocer.

Serquay-The Drug Stores Cutclife, THE MINING MARKET. SOUTH AFRICANS CLOSE EASIER. (SPECIAL PORT -BY PRIVATE WIRE1 LONDON, Friday Evening. The South African Market was influenced by the u.cht made last night by Mr. Balfour regarding the Government's ignorance of any peaco negotiations, but even if Mira.

Botha is using her influence to bring hostilities to a close, is is scarcely likels that our Government would recognise her in any negotiations Therefore probably the prospects of peace are unaffected by the statement. Again the large houses professed to he dissatisfied with Sir D. Barbour's report, but considering that in dynamite alone the industry will beneft to the extent of £600,000, while the 10 per cent. tax 03 pet profits is not estimated to realise more than £450.000, it would certainly seem that this should be regarded as a bull' point. it is, however, to the interests of the Kaffir magnates to belittle every advantage which the industry Es likely to reap from our outpouring of treasure and blood.

Consequently little importance aced he attached to to-day's slight relapse, Rand Minds lost and Moders 3-16, Jumpers chewing a similar decline. Fast Rands, with De several others, are down Goldfields 1-16, and many more lost Beers relapsed and Deferred, South African Gold Trusta, and Transvaal Lands shed 3-32. Rhodesians were stagnant, and the oply change is fall of 1-16 in Matabele Reefs. In the West African market the Tarbutt group was quiet, but several of the Maple-Gondon block were strong under the lead of Gold Coast and Ashanti Explorers, which have been carried up another Ashanti Goldfeld: recovered the dividend taken off, and Adeles Syndicate rose 14 on the announcement at today's meeting that the hoard had declared a dividend of £3 share, This represents about 900 per the shares being only 7e, 6d. paid up.

The capital balance of the company, bowerer, is only £5,000, and the on £1 per share is likely to be callod up immediately. This company, in conjunction with the Prab Gold Mines, was responsible for the flotation of the Atomo and Clintons Gold Conceasions. The shares of the former company, in which there has been somewhat of a bear" account, close lower. Akinasses gained 1, Sefwis and Londen Ashanti Syndicate are! better. Akroponge bnt and Ashanti and Gold Coast Pioneers both: rose 1, Mansus are as much worse, and Alara Sendicates abed B.

The West Australian Market is still affected by the Whitaker- Wright fiasco and today Prices being settling day. Very little business was transacted. were inclined to droop, and Lake Views shed closing at 8 15-16. Ivanhoes were offered at 84. Great Fingalls were easier nt 9 5-16 after changing bands at 9 5-32.

Associated fell to 2 9-16. Northern Block were offered at 2 31-32, and Great Boulder Perseverance at 81. A small demand sprang up for Ivanhoe South Extended, which closo 14 buyers, it being asserted by the Kaufmann crowd that this property contains the Horseshoe lode. New Zealands shew unimportant changes in either direction, Consolidated Goldfields and Talisman being 1-16 down, and Hauraki 31., whereas Kauri Freehold Estate and Woodstock put on 61. Indians were rather better and in demand.

Mysore having rise of 4. Kadur Mysore, Mysore West, and ditto Wynaad being all 6d. higher. Coregura however were an exception, and gave way 1-16. Copper shares ruled generally closed easier, though Rio Tinter were at one time better, but unchanged.

Mount declined Anacondas, bowever, shewed some firmbees and closed that much to the good. In the Miscellaneous section changes were few. Le Rol were in demand and improved and ditto No. 2. 1, whilst Alaska Gold5elds were a trifle easier, The following are the closing prices, with the changes on the AFRICAN.

Prices Closta: Knight's Clontas Prices. 4 Deep Angelo Doep Gold 1 A Desp Aurora W. Bani jes 100 an. 1 Lunanza Maia Best loora Palay Cus sol Central Nigel and Cart. Cr all Da Molder, d'ur Chicles lapla, and a.

Ci. Deep Con Da Levels Deep Paarl Central iteal is Cresas, New Ran Da. Rand Do Deep, Da. Cen, Dory F. omith at ceo Deep Proch Kaad Gould Prop Palim.

4 aL va. 644. UtA Farm Lg4ea Goid. Goct, New Iron to op, VS Van Asa Sours Violet 1 Vogels ais emmer. Jun pot a West kaad Jupiter Ont twaszarand Kaigut's Central LAND, FINANCE, AND EXPLORATION.

Alexandra 10 5 11.6 Water 1 Anglo Fr Espior. Lydate Ear ozambique Lalais 4, 90 pl 29 Maruato Cons. Coal. Cons Cons la Delds Und Potchetstroom 0D0 I'net. Estate bio Ml.

Void W. koa Tr. EA Crass Lad Con Teas Dr. Jenasure Welgedaca RECDESIANS. Anglo Dee, Gold Brathca Matabele d.

Lechuassian. cunao. Tradiag Mata Mira 45g. abares Ual4 Nelly Pioneer Eni. 6.

African Us Kaplar, Gods Ord (barter Rhadas G. E. 18. Chia. Calks Claras and Colen brander Rice Con.

Beluzwa Gold. La. Tati Gold United ithodes. Eagle Vaitura. V.

V. Wanders Oman tad Gold Ithodesia West Goid. Pacuit Cans Matalind Sag Granda Cons WEST AFRICANS. 1 1 Panti Orgs A Adana compel Spa. 10 Gold Cat Ag Da, African Eat.

Do Do. Asht A Da Sped. lar. 4 krokerri, Da Prop. A Cd.

W. A AND Fds 4 14 Coca 1- pil Himan Kumasi udUs ture Lirpl. Gold. A. Do Lands pJ N.

Mango Castle C. 8a063 Opbunssi 10. Ola Attati pJ A shin Set and Bekpodi and Val. Bokita did pl and A LA Coast Ca G. C.

Minis; Bs. W. Attica Ward Vassau Cd Claude's Aahti 10 EA W.4. W.A 13 AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND. Financial 29 35 Nd Do.

Aalcaro A. BAD. icy a U. 54. 63.

Loca, 104 al 69 Dundee 15 17 Vies Coas View Sons So. les ani via Uka. W. Lin. W.

SjaL Da Den. London Try 100 sa Bros Menzies Live Mitts D. D. al Liday Me Malcolm W. Coatera, 6U Boulder 119 W.

A Dawn Munch, pi Li. Pariage, St. Progress N.4 Das 8 Golden Link Con of Bide 31 10 -J Standard f'ers Tartapa Eat 140 Talisman Cass Git Guilder Vaisa Waiti Grand A W. A alinio; 2. 83 4t.

W. A NIL a Fiagad La ah Da. stevd 13 0a Ivanhoe 5. Ett. AMERICAN AND MISCELLANEOUS.

tam 2 at. tall 4 10 Mt. A Lou Copper chat al gaore, Dre Amer. Corp Mya Lies. A.m al aaro 1009 Caledonian Copper Copper ale AL, 10 49 Corp DO ago.

Nias Duncan to tve Cats, Ros4 Block It elod 4 W. Cen. Mince: San Jons Albiao Miami pl 54 1 Ina Bal bale Corps, Noteday a stoo. Bo 4. Do.

No Vas carve Watewater 4248 mi: Goid WA Pi The Companies marked with an asterisk in the above list are didend payers. Bethanga Goldfelda (1901) -Cablegram of To valued May at 25th, 613 tons of are treated yielding £374. gold, working expenses £2,664. Expenditure on of capital acconet -There much improve- £2,451, being a net prodt C215. Leightons is ment will not materially affect the returns antil July.

Average assaye for last week were "Boatswain J. W. Harris te the Benbow, June 13tb. CAVALRY RECRUITS. The statement that a large decreaso in the number of cavalry recruits presenting themseires for enlistment is being esperienced has not come as a surprise to many who bare watched the recent create.

The majority of the men who joined the Yeomanry and South African stabulary for service at the front came from the eises from which we obtain our mounted forces. These men. however, receive pay at the rate of per day, whilst tho regular cavalryman receives 1s. 24. It may therefore be assumed that the canse of the decrease is prac.

tically a matter of e. d. REGULATIONS FOR MILITIAMEN. Militiamea who improperly enlist into another tent will be required to repay (in audition to any punishDent awarded) any re-enlistment or re engagement bounty they may have received, and aleo any non training bounty drawn under their previous engagement since their last attendance at training, together with the sum of 108. as compensation for the expenses of the improper altment.

Militiamen who in future apply to be Jus. charged by purchase will be required to refund any nontraining bounty received sinco their last attendance at training. THE NEW FLEET AND DOCKYARD RESERVES. Several changes have been made at Devonport as result of the recent rearrangement of tho Fleet and Dockyard Reserves. Under the new conditions the reserves will be constituted as follows Fleet Folus, Andromacho.

Apollo. Forte, Flora, Barrosa, Spartan. Rambow, Retribotion, Thames and Temeraire, gunboat Hazard, destroyers Decoy. Osprey. Fervent, and cum.

and torpedo-bones Nos. 45, 54. 55, and 86. Gorgon and Agamemoon. cruisers Bellerophon, Edgar, and Calypso, and torpedo-hosts Nos.

52. 53. 57, and 58. Die Doris and Hermes, and gunboat Ringdore. able.

rard Bulwark, Reserve and -D Montagn, Division- -defense -Battleships Implac. coast ship Herate. crusers Blonde. Curacoa, Pearl. and Undaunted.

boats Pheasant. Halryon. and Spider. destroyers Seat. Thrasher.

Vigilant. Thorn. Zephyr, Tiger. and Falcon, and torpedo boats Nos. 34.

51. and 87, Division -Cruisers Comes, Hyacinth. and Heroine. sloops Wild Swan and Rapid, aud torpedo-boat No. 24.

MILITARY COURTS-MARTIAL AT DEVONPORT. Maj. Mostyn-Owen, 3rd Royal Welch Fustiers, was president of a detriet court -martial at Raglan Barracks. Deronport, yesterday. at which Lance Barnes, without a pleaded guilte officer to leaving his guel orders from bis cupencr at tte Stanebouse Barracks on the 7th inst.

No; and Staff Officer A. Vincent prosecuted. While corporal of the guard persocer pot on a blue tunic and vent into the canteen. bere he was afterwards fond, Private John Henry Monk. 2nd Gloucester pleaded guilty to giving a fate answer in ha attrata.

bon paper when be enlisted. in September. 1809: 10 de. setting Aidershot on 22ad Norember. 1899.

until appre. beaded. on 24th and to losing by neglect his equine cent. Capt. and Adit R.

J. Kees proscested. When EZ. prisoner repited in the nozative to the quiet. Have von ever served in the army?" whereas be bad serval in the 20th Hussars.

Sentences will be in the asual course. ADMIRALTY OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. Gi.bra tar -Pegaess arrived 12th June. Shangha. Koteha arrived 11th June.

Mediterranron. Liter fro.n Commarder-in-Chief. dated 10.b June, Renown flag of Commander-n-Chef. Emilies of 11ood. Cesar.

Canopus. The st. Rial Oak. Royal Soreroga. Victorious.

Deva. station. Andromeda, Gladiator, Vulcan. Diona. Vied.

Poneer. Hartia. Paramo, Tyne, Dryad, Salamalder. Speedy, Orwell. Coquette, Banshee.

Dragon. Bruiser, Earnest. Boxer. Cranet. Ardent.

Grad fernet. Foam. and Conti.ct at Polleuza Bar, crosing w.th Chief per programme. Eopress of India at Malta midnight 8th to join fleet at Pol'enza Bay. and Skate at Malta.

Surprue leaves Sades fo- Napice 220-t. Cramer at Palermo, craming wath cogl.bo hond Torpedo-bont No. 91 at Gibraltar. Melita. co*ckatt and Imozene on at Danube.

Constantinople. on Salina, stationaire, Rupert at Port Saul. contor offices.

Western Morning News from Plymouth, Devon, England (2024)
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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

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Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

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